Hardtack & Coffee
Mostly re-enacting stuff
NervousPete wrote:
Thinking about this colour style and grit for the latest battlefield shots, what think you Kern?

Great shot. I think I agree with Craster though - unless it's smoke the white on the corners is a bit distracting.
myp wrote:
While I was at the cinema yesterday I saw a poster for Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Oh dear.

I'm quite tempted to see it, just because I know it's going to be cringe-worthingly awful.
Apparently, the National Geographic Channel in the US broadcast a documentary the other day called 'Extreme Civil War Re-enactors'. If it ever gets shown over here, could someone let me know as I don't have satellite? Parts of it were filmed at last year's Gettysburg with the group I was with, and I'd really rather like to spot myself my friends on the telly.
Kern wrote:
myp wrote:
While I was at the cinema yesterday I saw a poster for Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Oh dear.

I'm quite tempted to see it, just because I know it's going to be cringe-worthingly awful.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is in it, so I have pretty much bought my ticket already.
Just idly collating the ACW pics into this thread:


I'm slowly drifting towards a style but I won't be sure for a long whiles yet. This one involved heavy vignetting and darkened greens. I'll be getting the new Lightroom 4 this month, so we'll see how that makes a difference.

I'll keep my peepers peeled for the Nat Geo doc, Kern. Oh, new book in the library, "The American Civil War: A House Divided", it's all about public, social, spiritual and political life during the period. Might be interesting.
Tried as she might, she couldn't get that stain out the linen.
For those in the area and looking for something to do on Sunday, I'm taking part in the Potter's Bar Carnival (sparse details here). We're taking part in the parade and then performing a small skirmish in the arena around 3ish I think. Not a big event (although after 150th Shiloh nothing is!) but it was a fun day out the last time we took part in it.
Pound, please.
The carnival was good fun. Few things are as pleasingly surreal as parading through an English town in full 19th Century US uniform under arms, although as I know from two years' back marching on tarmac in brogans is quite hard on the feet.

Despite the small turnout (no more than 30 US and CS altogether) and the small arena, the public enjoyed our skirmish and as ever it was fun talking to them and showing the rifles etc. I might have inadvertently convinced a four-year old before the battle that we would be live firing (oops!). Better work on fitting my patter to the audience, I think :)

Next event is 7/8 July at RAF Hendon, if anyone's around.
I'll be at RAF Hendon (link above) this weekend, if the anachronistic appeal of musketry and flying machines is your idea of a fun day out.
My pards are, I'm not. Feeling crap so in the invalid corps dosing on medicinal whiskey. Meh.
Kern wrote:
My pards are, I'm not. Feeling crap so in the invalid corps dosing on medicinal whiskey. Meh.

Boo. Hope you're feeling better soon and haven't got typhoid or dysentry through over-zealous camp-life reenacting! :hug:
And, with that sense of inevitability that's been hanging over the hobby since the start of the 150th cycle of commemorative re-enactments began, it was announced today that there will be two large-scale Gettysburg events next year, albeit one neighbouring weekends. The choice was easier for 150th Shiloh, of course, as the other event was generally considered a farby rebfest with added mullets. This time, it's between the group that organises the annual event, and those who did Shiloh and one or two other ones.

I think I'm going to get some popcorn, watch the arguments, and see where the US groups I'm involved with are heading. Probably possible to make both in the time I'll have, but at the cost of foregoing a lot of other stuff. And by the end of it, given the expected heat my uniform would be authentically rancid.
Got back from an evening stroll and decided to put on a CD. Flicking on the stereo, which as always starts in radio mode, I heard ACW music followed by a Southern accent reading a soldier's letter. Turns out Radio 3 are repeating their excellent series on the American Civil War today, tomorrow, and on Thursday after each day's Prom. Details and listen again linky here. Highly recommended.
Universal rules of re-enacting - part 136 in the ongoing series:

Whenever a re-enactor is called upon to give a firing demonstration in front of a crowd, the first shot will always, without fail, misfire

Of course, the subsequent double charge is always that much more impressive...
For those after a fun day out over the August bank holiday, I'll be with my pards at the huge multi-period event at the Kent County Showground, Detling, Kent.

All being well, at least one other Beexer will be there too, so come along for the closest you'll get to time travel in southern England. Phonebox optional.
The history carnival continues this weekend at the Broadlands Estate, Romsey, Hampshire, for the annual (if slightly unfortunately titled) 'You're History' multi-period event. Details here, and they've even included a timetable of the attractions (here).

My troop, the 18th Missouri, always do a Missouri guerrilla war display with our friends in the hardcore American Eagles Society at this event, to show just how nasty the war out in the west was. Also if you visit the Wyoming Wild Bunch always put on a good show.

It's a fun multi-period if you fancy coming along.
Oh dear, I'm tempted again. Does everyone have to intone 'You're History' in an Arnie manner? Will you be there?

I've still got my mate's tent so if there ain't one available I can use that.

Oh, and proper Lincoln movie!

God, I hope it's got the same lightness of touch and lyrical quality that the source material, Mary Godwin's masterful 'Team of Rivals', has. Please don't be TOO Oscar baiting!
Kern wrote:
The history carnival continues this weekend at the Broadlands Estate, Romsey, Hampshire, for the annual (if slightly unfortunately titled) 'You're History' multi-period event. Details here, and they've even included a timetable of the attractions (here).

My troop, the 18th Missouri, always do a Missouri guerrilla war display with our friends in the hardcore American Eagles Society at this event, to show just how nasty the war out in the west was. Also if you visit the Wyoming Wild Bunch always put on a good show.

It's a fun multi-period if you fancy coming along.

In a bizarre case of serendipity, we shall be visiting the Beaulieu museum this weekend. If I can convince my parents, we'll try to pop along.
NervousPete wrote:
Oh dear, I'm tempted again. Does everyone have to intone 'You're History' in an Arnie manner? Will you be there?

I've still got my mate's tent so if there ain't one available I can use that.

Yep, I can pack the A-frame for you if you decide to come.


God, I hope it's got the same lightness of touch and lyrical quality that the source material, Mary Godwin's masterful 'Team of Rivals', has. Please don't be TOO Oscar baiting!

'Team of Rivals' is essential reading for anyone interested in political leadership and statecraft. It really draws out the great man's exceptional skills at managing his cabinet, other politicos, and public opinion at large. A truly fantastic work.

As for the film, Day-Lewis certainly looks the part - I'm quietly looking forward to it.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
In a bizarre case of serendipity, we shall be visiting the Beaulieu museum this weekend. If I can convince my parents, we'll try to pop along.

Kern wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
Oh dear, I'm tempted again. Does everyone have to intone 'You're History' in an Arnie manner? Will you be there?

I've still got my mate's tent so if there ain't one available I can use that.

Yep, I can pack the A-frame for you if you decide to come.

Corking, reckon I'll be there, then. I'll bring whiskey. Cheers!

Though it does mean having to stomach another pre-battle commentary from that woman. :facepalm:
NervousPete wrote:
Oh, and proper Lincoln movie!

What are you talking about? There's already been two!


NervousPete wrote:
Though it does mean having to stomach another pre-battle commentary from that woman. :facepalm:

In the past the event organiser himself has given an excellent and informed commentary, free of Lost Cause bullshit. I'm hoping he does it again this year.
We'll be coming down on the Sunday. Hope to see you there!
I'll save some hardtack for you. The Union camps should be easy to find.

It'd be great to finally have an event with no rain this season. There was even a downpour at 150th ('Pea Ridge' - ed. ).
I keep reading this thread title as Hardcastle and McCormick.

That is all.
BBC: UK American Civil War tribute hope

Yes, that would be awesome. I've been in ACWRT for over five years now - they're an excellent and very informed bunch.

As for memorials, I still get a thrill when I go to London and see the giant statue of Lincoln towering over Parliament Square (and guarding our Supreme Court).
Yesterday was the 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. I posted some stuff on sinister Facebook but forgot to point them out here.

'The Emancipation of Abe Lincoln' looks at the development of Lincoln's thoughts and actions, whilst 'The Grove of Gladness' is a moving tale about people immediately affected by it. Both are worth reading, even if you're not really into the period.

Finally, on the ever-excellent 'CW Memory', there's a handy map debunking the tedious myth that it freed no slaves.
For those who like that sort of thing, photos from the Civil War Talk forum's annual photo competition are all up on a Pintrest page as well as the forum itself. Some are by NervousPete, and I entered a few too.
Ralph Lauren have launched a 'Les Tuniques Bleues' inspired clothing range.
Oh boy
Yeah, all looks familiar:

The (real) 18th Mo. were at Resaca, incidentally.
So, I was pulling together some gear for a small living history display I'm doing this weekend ( at a country fair at Woburn Abbey, near Milton Keynes), and I decided to open up the rather full-looking backpack I'd bought off someone who was selling up and getting rid of all his stuff a while back.

Inside was not just the farby cushion to give the illusion of weight that I'd been told it contained, but also a very fine looking Union shell jacket in very good condition. Even better, not only did it fit me perfectly but I looked dam good in it. Of course, now I'm suffering moral qualms as I can't decide whether I contact the seller and make an offer for it, or not worry as the backpack was sold 'as seen' and he was more interested in making space in his cupboard.

Either way, I've got a fantastic new jacket, perfect if ever I get over to the US for another 150th anniversary event.
A WW1-reenacting buddy just sent me a request on sinister Facebook asking me to 'like' 1914-18. Can't honestly say I do, all things considered.
Kern wrote:
A WW1-reenacting buddy just sent me a request on sinister Facebook asking me to 'like' 1914-18. Can't honestly say I do, all things considered.

Ypres, that's Somme big ask.
It's Verdun on bad taste, that's for sure. Cambrai ask how he could be so insensitive?
Charmingly, a couple of re-enacting pards I know in the US decided to visit Hooters today in full kit. Judging by the pics they're posting on sinister Facebook, I think they're quite the a hit with the staff.

I've never been to Hooters when I've been over, even in normal clothes.
Kern wrote:
Charmingly, a couple of re-enacting pards I know in the US decided to visit Hooters today in full kit. Judging by the pics they're posting on sinister Facebook, I think they're quite the a hit with the staff.

I've never been to Hooters when I've been over, even in normal clothes.

Come to Nottingham!
Nottingham Hooters, yesterday.

Nottingham Hooters, last year.


Yes, there are some nice ladies there.
I hope your pards started a Hooters brawl to honky-tonk music, resulting in the inevitable Westerns trope of head being bust through wall to see Hooter's changing room.

I've been playing more Gettysburg on my PC. I fought Devil's Den where I held command of Brigadier General John Henry Hobart Ward's brigade of six regiments, a few parrot cannon and two sharpshooter companies. With this small force I had to hold off an attack four times greater in size. The only good news was my defensive position, a boulder strewn little rise with a woodland to its right and a creek to its left.

The battle lasted a little over an hour and was a real nail biter. The 124th New York truly 'died hard' that day. Other companies buckled under intense pressure, broke and ran only to reform down the hill and enter the fray again. But the 124th stood and took everything until only a third of its original size. As the Confederate attack pushed on my right through the woodlands as the parrot artillery played merry hell on the Confederate lead elements pushing back my sharpshooter skirmish screen, I began to discern the true nature of their attack. Increasingly frustrated by the shot whipping down through the wooded slopes from my regiments firing from behind fences, the front of their attack gradually narrowed and swung down to a direct assault on the bouldered little peak itself. Here an interesting little detail played into effect as the Confederates managed to actually scramble very slowly up the boulders, taking enfilading fire from a sharpshooter regiment, and gained the top, now firing down onto the 124th. Housed in roughly equal cover the 124th still held on, though all the artillerymen around them were cut down.

It was then that the broken 86th New York, stung by the sight of their brothers falling, rallied for one last weary charge up the hill to scramble through the boulders and push the confederates back down. Colours flying, they took another mauling but managed to prise the rebs from their positions and regain the summit. Though another two Confederate companies appeared ready to make another attempt - one I surely couldn't resist - at this point the game decided that I'd done enough in holding the rise and awarded me a minor victory.

Man, this is a hell of a game. Locked into your saddle you only have as much visual information as your real life counterpart had. Though you can opt for an easier 'Total War' experience. I held a little way between the two, allowing for a little freedom of movement up to 100 yards from my position, but locking the fog of war so that Confederate units still alarmingly appeared out of nowhere. For AI, it utterly trouces Total War, as it does for nailbiting tension. You feel utterly spent after a battle!

And multiplayer, especially 4 vs 4, is just the best. Really.
I need to fire up the demo of that again. I was very impressed by what I saw when I gave it a go.

Speaking of G'burg, have you read 'Gettysburg: the last invasion' by Allen C Guelzo? Really readable account of the battle.
Second Schleswig War news now!

I've missed out on the recent trend for Scandinavian TV, though am finally catching up with the 'Bridge' but will keep an eye out for '1864'.

Ok, it's about Denmark rather than the US, but reminds us that there were other things going on during my period ( see here)

The first trailer (in Danish) is out. Looks like the BBC have picked up the series and will be showing it at some point.

Yeah, I'm excited :)
Essential link for anyone planning a trip to DC: an interactive map of its key sights, including the bawdy houses!

Was looking forward to doing a living history show this weekend (ie, manning a stand and talking to the public, rather than drill and shooting), but my enthusiasm has been dampened somewhat by the crap weather. Still, will go anyway and make the most of it. Probably will farb out and not sleep in the dog tent though - it's not a campaigner event after all (and I have new one-man hike tent to test).

Will be at the 'Grand Historical and Vintage Bazaar', Rufford Abbey, Notts. Event details: http://www.eventplan.co.uk/page260a.html
What was it like in the end?

We nearly called in on the way past, but similarly we're put off by the massive amounts of rain on Friday probably making the ground all muddy.
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