Beex, Yo.
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KovacsC is gone! He ended the game with... £0!
He was a townie.
Individual player league table:
1. saturnalian £600
2. Grim… £325
3. nickachu £300
4. sdg £150
5. GazChap £125
6. Slightly Green £100
7. Cras £50
8. KovacsC £0
british nervoso
Mr Russell
Player Totals:
DavPaz £200
Curiosity £625
bobbyaro £750
british nervoso £475
Mr Russell £475
Zeppo £175
There was 1 player who did not use their night action. 6 players alive, 4 votes are required for a lynch
Day 6 ends Wednesday at 7pm, or sooner if there is a majority vote.
Right, it seems unlikely we will win, but I am going to [vote:british nervoso] for his killing of Cras with his "flawless plan", which even managed to fool Cras.
Well, fuck.
Cras looked well dodgy.
Russ and Bobby are obviously scum after their pile on yesterday. So I stole from Russ.
We need to be very careful how we vote today. I'd be happy with either of them. Not sure who the third is.
British Nervoso wrote:
Russ and Bobby are obviously scum after their pile on yesterday. So I stole from Russ.
We need to be very careful how we vote today. I'd be happy with either of them. Not sure who the third is.
If there is a third then we're likely fucked anyways.
British Nervoso wrote:
Russ and Bobby are obviously scum after their pile on yesterday. So I stole from Russ.
We need to be very careful how we vote today. I'd be happy with either of them. Not sure who the third is.
What, you were the one who said it was safe for me to pile on.
Bobbyaro wrote:
British Nervoso wrote:
Russ and Bobby are obviously scum after their pile on yesterday. So I stole from Russ.
We need to be very careful how we vote today. I'd be happy with either of them. Not sure who the third is.
What, you were the one who said it was safe for me to pile on.
I didn't. I said if Cras was correct. It turns out he wasn't.
So you are admitting to being mafia then?
No, I thought I was safe, you as mafia knew he wasn't, so you voted then floated this carrot out. You even managed to fool Cras into agreeing with you, which was very nicely done, btw.
Bobbyaro wrote:
No, I thought I was safe, you as mafia knew he wasn't, so you voted then floated this carrot out. You even managed to fool Cras into agreeing with you, which was very nicely done, btw.
You of all people should ought to know that I'm not clever or devious enough to be able to do that.

It's unlikely you're both Mafia, at any rate.
We have to be careful here, though I suspect we're actually doomed either way with a 3/3 split.
I'm calling Mafia as Russ, Zeppo and one of Bobby/Myp.
Curiosity wrote:
It's unlikely you're both Mafia, at any rate.
We have to be careful here, though I suspect we're actually doomed either way with a 3/3 split.
I'm calling Mafia as Russ, Zeppo and one of Bobby/Myp.
It's definitely Russ and Bobby. Like I said, I have no idea who the third is - could be you.

This is where we should all make a list of who we think could be dodgy.
Currently FoSSing on everyone except DavPaz, however.
It is almost certainly DavPaz, DavPaz and DavPaz then.
You're right.
Oh noes! My strategy

Ok, I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Today may go very quickly if I'm wrong!
[vote: Mr Russell]
Curiosity wrote:
We have to be careful here, though I suspect we're actually doomed either way with a 3/3 split.

why are you fossing at me, Curiosity? I ain't dun nuthin. Trying to sort out the night actions... Looks like Curiosity, Bobbyaro, British Nervoso stole? Possibly Mr Russell stole or donated too. Any action claims from anyone?
Furthermore, would I be right in saying you stole from me Curiosity?
Zeppo wrote:
Looks like British Nervoso stole?
Well yes, because I've already said so in the thread. Because Russ is mafia. Starting to think you're the third.
Because Russ hasn't been jumped on yet, I'm assuming I'm correct. What happens if I [vote:Bobbyaro]?
I am a belm and once again, did nothing with my night action.
Worst. Capitalist. Ever.
British Nervoso wrote:
Zeppo wrote:
Looks like British Nervoso stole?
Well yes, because I've already said so in the thread. Because Russ is mafia. Starting to think you're the third.
I know you did, I was summarising (for my own reference as much as others!)
This day is going to time out unless one of the turkeys decides to vote for Christmas. We've lost.
I'd be happy to [vote:bobbyaro]
Of course you would, to obfuscate things.
I will vote with the next person to vote
DavPaz wrote:
I will vote with the next person to vote
[vote:davpaz] ?
DavPaz wrote:
[vote:Mr Russell]
I lied
This isn't going to work. Even if I [vote:Mr Russell] and the other townie does, one of them will have to. They won't, obviously. This is assuming there are three of them, which I think is true.
So what's the plan, plan man?
You've not been around that much, to the point of not using your night action. I don't think your mafia buddies would let you miss out each time, unless it was a ridiculously long bluff.
Fuck it. [vote: Bobbyaro]
Zeppo wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
We have to be careful here, though I suspect we're actually doomed either way with a 3/3 split.

why are you fossing at me, Curiosity? I ain't dun nuthin. Trying to sort out the night actions... Looks like Curiosity, Bobbyaro, British Nervoso stole? Possibly Mr Russell stole or donated too. Any action claims from anyone?
I stole from you, yep.
You jumped on the Cras wagon quite easily. While I obviously started that, it likely needed three Mafia votes. If Russ is one and Bobby or BN is a second, that leaves you as the third.
British Nervoso wrote:
Zeppo wrote:
Looks like British Nervoso stole?
Well yes, because I've already said so in the thread. Because Russ is mafia. Starting to think you're the third.
Because Russ hasn't been jumped on yet, I'm assuming I'm correct. What happens if I [vote:Bobbyaro]?
Did you just Fos Mr Russ for not voting for himself?
Zeppo wrote:
Fuck it. [vote: Bobbyaro]
We can try that I guess. If I'm wrong about Bobby then at least we won't die wondering.
[vote: Bobbyaro]
Come on then Russ, vote for Bobby again.

Woo! We got's a train goin'!
[vote: Bobbyaro]
Oh look, Russ has gone quiet.
So, the Mafia show themselves. You guys are just taking the piss now, knowing we can't beat you.
Nope not me. Am I being misled?
Bobbyaro wrote:
So, the Mafia show themselves. You guys are just taking the piss now, knowing we can't beat you.
Puh-lease. You can't lose unless one of your mates votes for you, so give up the pretence. There is no reason not to out yourselves now.
Of course you are being mis-led. By the person who led the vote on Cras.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Of course you are being mis-led. By the person who led the vote on Cras.
So you agree I'm not mafia?
Bobbyaro wrote:
Of course you are being mis-led. By the person who led the vote on Cras.
By Curio? It's possible, but unlikely at this point. The fact that we can't get a fourth vote for you at this point proves you are mafia.
or they are suspicious of you being mafia, (or at lunch).
Bobbyaro wrote:
or they are suspicious of you being mafia, (or at lunch).
But a timeout means we (the town) lose. If I were mafia I'd just keep quiet and let that happen. I'd have nothing to gain from putting my head above the parapet as I am doing now.
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