Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Yeah, I'm not a massive fan of sleeving cards either but if a game involves loads of shuffling and/or the cards might be difficult/expensive to replace I'll often sleeve them.
Just picked up Escape (thanks Rodders) and Zombies for a bargainous £43 due to the nice sales lady in Waterstone's letting us use a voucher we weren't technically entitled to yet*.

Can't wait to play them. Escape can even be played single player which seems a novelty but these two will mark some of the few two player games we own so I hope they make fairly regular appearances if they prove entertaining.

*Collect 10 stamps and get a tenner off even though we hadn't collected all the stamps until after we spent the current transaction but with the discount we didn't qualify any more so I don't know basically a tenner for free.
My game collection has grown by three :D

Netrunner, Pandemic and A Game Of Thrones the board game. Yay!
sdg wrote:
My game collection has grown by three :D

Netrunner, Pandemic and A Game Of Thrones the board game. Yay!

*books train*
Net runner!

*uh oh*
Curiositree wrote:
Net runner!

*uh oh*

Ok, so Escape is excellent. Can't wait to play again.
Mr Russell Sprouts wrote:
Ok, so Escape is excellent. Can't wait to play again.

Oh, that's awesome. I'm really pleased you like it!

I got the second expansion for it for Chrimbo, along with the Summoner Wars starter set that I didn't already have and Jamaica, which is a light pirate-y racing game with gorgeous components and the best box insert I've ever seen.

I am apparently the sort of person who's got a mental rank of box inserts. This fact surprised exactly none of my family or friends.
sdg wrote:
My game collection has grown by three :D

Netrunner, Pandemic and A Game Of Thrones the board game. Yay!

Woo! I used to play Netrunner back when it was themed off the old Cyberpunk 2020 RPG. Still got loads of the old cards hanging around the house. It was excellent but I really don't need any more 2-player games so I've not got into the new reprint.

I'd be super interested to hear what you make of Pandemic. Is it your first co-op game?
Yeah, first coop game we've played. I was really looking forward to it and my girlfriend thought it would be rubbish because she's competitive but we both really enjoyed it, as did the various members of our families who also played over the ten or so games I played during the holidays. I really like how even when you lose you still have fun but can see why some people might dislike it if you have one loud member of the group. When we went to my family for Christmas part two I tried to stay in the background of games I played so I wasn't dictating to new players. Was already beginning to think about expansions by that point then I opened my Christmas present from my wee sister and it was Pandemic:On the brink :) not played that yet but looking forward to it!
Have had one 3-player game of game of thrones so far, it was excellent. Need to get another game soon, hopefully with at least four players.
sdg wrote:
Yeah, first coop game we've played. I was really looking forward to it and my girlfriend thought it would be rubbish because she's competitive but we both really enjoyed it, as did the various members of our families who also played over the ten or so games I played during the holidays. I really like how even when you lose you still have fun but can see why some people might dislike it if you have one loud member of the group. When we went to my family for Christmas part two I tried to stay in the background of games I played so I wasn't dictating to new players. Was already beginning to think about expansions by that point then I opened my Christmas present from my wee sister and it was Pandemic:On the brink :) not played that yet but looking forward to it!

On The Brink is great. It's worth the entrance fee just for the petri dishes. :D

Yeah, I have to make a conscious effort not to get all Alpha Gamer when I'm playing a co-op I know well, especially since I'm the sort of person who thinks aloud. When we were playing on New Year's Eve (mmmm, encroaching middle aaaaaaage) my son's girlfriend, who'd never played the game before, spotted a strategy the rest of us had totally missed that got us the win with one turn to spare. I love stuff like that.
Got given more birthday presents today! Zombicide, A Touch Of Evil and Twilight Struggle. I think I'm going to sit down with a gin and open the boxes and look at all the lovely bits.
I picked up the Firefly board game recently. It will be coming to the cottage.
Is the cottage in Derby or Scotchland this year?

Malc wrote:
Is the cottage in Derby or Scotchland this year?


I suspect Curio's crippling laziness will ensure it's in Derby again.
Cool, only having to travel half the country is cheaper and easier than travelling the whole length...

However, I aint been to the country of my forefathers for at least 17 years! Fuck!

Malc wrote:
Cool, only having to travel half the country is cheaper and easier than travelling the whole length...

However, I aint been to the country of my forefathers for at least 17 years! Fuck!


If you teabag me again I will kill you in your sleep.
British Nervoso wrote:
Malc wrote:
Cool, only having to travel half the country is cheaper and easier than travelling the whole length...

However, I aint been to the country of my forefathers for at least 17 years! Fuck!


If you teabag me again I will kill you in your sleep.

OMG I had forgotten I did that to you...


I would also like to enquire about reports of me showing off more than is respectable.

I have heard I did, however, my recollection is that I didn't and for once I was well behaved for all 3 nights (for once).

Is that not right?

You lowered your bekilted balls onto Myp. I;m sure he saw more than was respectable.
Malc, you were like a wild animal from the moment you arrived until the second we could get you away.
Played some of my new games this weekend. First up was Zombicide, which I don't think I'd have bought for myself at £60 but which I was delighted to receive.
I think it may have been a kick starter game and it shows, the box, artwork, and pieces are all lovely. You get six survivor mini figures in different bright colours so as you can see them easily on the board, then a load of grey zombie figures in three different types-walkers, runners and fatties, then one additional abomination. Each zombie can move in a certain way and give or receive different levels of damage.
The game board is modular, with each section being a square that is probably about the size of the long edge of an iPad. Each section has parts of streets and inside buildings depicted on it and the other sections extend these areas.
The manual has a section at the end with scenarios. These scenarios use different pieces of the board to build a city block or a street with spawn points in varying places. There are also objective markers and doors into buildings which represented by cardboard chits. Once you've opened a door, you flip the chit over to show a smashed door. The scenarios range from easy, medium and hard and there are more online to choose from.
We played the tutorial one, which only used two pieces of board and takes about fifteen minutes and is a great tutorial to get into the game as introduces all the mechanics. I think it might be the best manual/tutorial I've seen.
Then we went straight into scenario 1, which used 9 sections of board. Just after starting we realised it was a hard difficulty level and then in the space of two turns three of our six survivors got wiped out.
We struggled on and amazingly managed to obtain two of the objective markers but then our remaining characters went down in blazes of glory.
When you take a turn, you can do four actions; move, fight, search or swap an item with another survivor next to you. To fight, you need a weapon and the fighting conditions differ depending on the weapon, so for example you have to be in the same space as a zombie to try and hit it with a pan but can be a space away to shoot it with a pistol. The success of your attacks are determined by rolling dice any more powerful weapons let you roll more dice to increase your chances of landing hits. If you successfully kill a zombie, your skill increases by one which you track with a wee board and slider. The problem with this is, if you skill increases enough to take you up an experience level, every zombie that spawns from now on will spawn according to the highest ranked players experience level, so they will be much harder.
The point of the game differs according to scenario. In some it might be to travel over the map collecting all the objective markers, in another it might be to reach the top experience level and in another it might be to find particular supplies during searches then reach the exit marker with one survivor alive.

We both had a great time playing this game. When we bet up the full blown objective that handed our asses to use, we had to set it up on the living room floor because we didn't have a table big up. It felt a bit like being a kid again and playing with Lego, moving all these wee pieces around on a map. It's cooperative so you discuss what you should do each turn but you still feel responsible if you do well or poorly, perhaps because you have to roll the die yourself. It makes you feel scared when a few zombies spawn near you and you realise that you won't be able to get away because they're blocking your exit but you also feel amazing when you run another survivor round the corner and take out all three with a brilliant shot from dual wielded shotguns.
The game is for 1-6 players and I thought that was a bit odd but it actually looks like it still would be decent when played solo. I think that would take away a lot of the fun of sharing the experience though. When you play with less than four players, each person controls multiple survivors and that didn't detract from the game at all for me.

I would highly recommend this game, it was great fun and despite it being huge and totally impractical I wouldn't be surprised if we played it again tonight.

The zebra crossing represents the edge of a zone, so this survivor is in the same zone as one walker and one zone away from another. The red tile represents a spawn point. Zombies spawn at the end of each turn, once every survivor has played. All the zombies on the board attack if in range, then move, then a card is drawn to see what spawns. The amount and type is determined by the card and the highest ranked survivors skill level.

This is an overview of the board. The black tile with a red cross represents an objective. The yellow triangle tile out in the street represents noise. If a zombie can't see a survivor,it heads for noise. You make noise by attacking with noisy weapons, or smashing open a door with a fire axe instead of a crowbar. You also make noise just by surviving so if all six survivors are together, the zombies will head for you even if they can't see you.
Looks a bit like Zombies!!!
Originally I wanted Zombies! but this had more bits and a higher ranking on bgg so I went for this one and I'm glad I did. It's ace.
I've been offered The Game of Thrones board game for £20, which seemed barmy to turn down. So I shall be bringing that to the cottage this year.
It appears I forgot to mention I got the Firefly board game a couple of weeks ago. I'll be bringing that.
Grim... wrote:
Shotgun Simon!

Sure thing, if you can. I haven't actually played it yet.
Grim... wrote:
Shotgun Simon!

Damnit, I was going to say that. I assume the first round starts, you say "Hi Kaylee, let's bang", then you win Firefly.
Cras wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Shotgun Simon!

Damnit, I was going to say that. I assume the first round starts, you say "Hi Kaylee, let's bang", then you win Firefly.

Shotgun Mal.

Now, Inara and Mrs Reynolds, please come to my quarters...
Great, I'm stuck with Shepherd Book in my own fucking game.
You can keep telling Curio he's going to the special Hell.
Trooper wrote:
I've been offered The Game of Thrones board game for £20, which seemed barmy to turn down. So I shall be bringing that to the cottage this year.

I've got that, it's great!
sdg wrote:
Played some of my new games this weekend. First up was Zombicide, which I don't think I'd have bought for myself at £60 but which I was delighted to receive.

That looks terrific. I did consider backing the Kickstarter but balked because even though you got a lot for your money it was a LOT of money. Also: I've already got one* sprawling, high-production-values quasi-miniatures game on the shelf and probably don't have physical room for another. :D

* - Um. Two if you count Memoir 44 and its million expansions.
Boardgamey types! Would you be interested in a magazine covering board games / card games / roleplaying and wargames? A chum of mine in the traditional magazine business is thinking about setting one up - a proper, all-the-market mag covering tabletop stuff. Any ideas or comments? Would you cough up a fiver for an issue?
If I were interested in physical magazines, then sure. But i'm not, of any kind, anymore.
So YOU'RE responsible for the death of printed media! You monster!
Rodafowa wrote:
sdg wrote:
Played some of my new games this weekend. First up was Zombicide, which I don't think I'd have bought for myself at £60 but which I was delighted to receive.

That looks terrific. I did consider backing the Kickstarter but balked because even though you got a lot for your money it was a LOT of money. Also: I've already got one* sprawling, high-production-values quasi-miniatures game on the shelf and probably don't have physical room for another. :D

* - Um. Two if you count Memoir 44 and its million expansions.

If I hadn't been told in no uncertain terms that I'm banned from buying board games until we have a bigger house, I'd be buying Memoir 44.
Squirt wrote:
Boardgamey types! Would you be interested in a magazine covering board games / card games / roleplaying and wargames? A chum of mine in the traditional magazine business is thinking about setting one up - a proper, all-the-market mag covering tabletop stuff. Any ideas or comments? Would you cough up a fiver for an issue?

I'd probably give it a try. The Internet's not short of good writing/podcasts/videos about tabletop games, though. So a mag would need to either have rrrrrrrreally good writing or some other hook.
sdg wrote:
Rodafowa wrote:
sdg wrote:
Played some of my new games this weekend. First up was Zombicide, which I don't think I'd have bought for myself at £60 but which I was delighted to receive.

That looks terrific. I did consider backing the Kickstarter but balked because even though you got a lot for your money it was a LOT of money. Also: I've already got one* sprawling, high-production-values quasi-miniatures game on the shelf and probably don't have physical room for another. :D

* - Um. Two if you count Memoir 44 and its million expansions.

If I hadn't been told in no uncertain terms that I'm banned from buying board games until we have a bigger house, I'd be buying Memoir 44.

Curse you shelf space, my old nemesis! We meet again!
sdg wrote:
Rodafowa wrote:
sdg wrote:
Played some of my new games this weekend. First up was Zombicide, which I don't think I'd have bought for myself at £60 but which I was delighted to receive.

That looks terrific. I did consider backing the Kickstarter but balked because even though you got a lot for your money it was a LOT of money. Also: I've already got one* sprawling, high-production-values quasi-miniatures game on the shelf and probably don't have physical room for another. :D

* - Um. Two if you count Memoir 44 and its million expansions.

If I hadn't been told in no uncertain terms that I'm banned from buying board games until we have a bigger house, I'd be buying Memoir 44.

Given how sold-out all of the best and most tempting expansions are: Have fun!
Trooper wrote:
If I were interested in physical magazines, then sure. But i'm not, of any kind, anymore.

:this: if it were available on Apple's Newsstand then yeah.
We've been looking at houses recently and I dismiss houses immediately if they don't have a room sure I can store games and space for a big dining table.
sdg wrote:
We've been looking at houses recently and I dismiss houses immediately if they don't have a room sure I can store games and space for a big dining table.

This makes much more sense if you don't misread houses as horses.
Does anyone here have Memoir 44 and play Overlord stuff?

Is it better to buy a second base game or buy the Operation Overlord expansion to get the 'best' Overlord experience (especially with all of the Overlord orientated maps).
Pod wrote:
Does anyone here have Memoir 44 and play Overlord stuff?

Is it better to buy a second base game or buy the Operation Overlord expansion to get the 'best' Overlord experience (especially with all of the Overlord orientated maps).

I've got all the stuff for Overlord but haven't managed to get it to the table yet so take this with a pinch of salt. The problem is that you want the Overlord expansion in order to get the re-jigged cards that stop people having to mentally translate the original cards at the table. On the other hand, you obviously need a second board in order to play. So the way to go would seem to be the Overlord expansion plus something like Sword Of Stalingrad. But for that much money you could have bought a second base set. But if you bought a second base set you've not got the Overlord decks.

In summary: it's a bugger.
Portal game in development - WANT!
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