Beex, Yo.
Next gen not very next gen
1080@60? Not really......
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Grim... wrote:
To go back to the original point of it not "feeling" as special as last time, I certainly agree.
I remember when I first saw Project Gotham running on a 360 and being pretty blown away. There were cool new things like playing your own MP3s in the games and cheevos were a mark of genius.

This time, the technical jump seems pretty poor comparatively - I understand that it's harder and harder to make graphical leaps like the current/last gen did, but there don't seem to be any cool new features this time.

It does feel almost a little like diminishing returns, not really all that exciting despite all the big numbers and record sales. But then I also feel that way about the new iPhone, or telly, or computer - almost everything now is pretty damn competent and the new stuff is more of the same but a little bit better.

It's been a while since I was really 'wowed' by anything. Perhaps I'm a little jaded, or perhaps there hasn't been anything that felt like a big, new, innovative leap recently.
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Grim... wrote:
Craster speaks the truth.
When's the last time you had a phone contract expire before you upgraded, Cras?

They expire?
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My house sale goes through this month and I will have a fair few quid left over the only console I have any interest in picking up is a Wii-U whereas previously I would probably have picked up both of the new shiny shinies if I had that much spare cash.

To be fair I am very old now and can't work these modern electronic devices so that's probably it.

Is it time for my toilet yet nurse?
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Cras wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Most tellingly, I've not bought one yet, and I fucking love shiny new consoles.


I spend money on anything, so if I've not bought one yet, it can't be a very compelling story.

Double :this:
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My PS4 only gets used for Battlefield 4.
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I luv my PS4. It's ace.

Although I wouldn't have bought it except that my 360 was slowly dying.
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Oh, the (lack of) special feels thing for sure, I wouldn't have been interested in this generation even without ms' shenanigans. Maybe if I hadn't lost interest in games altogether last gen I'd feel different.

And I do concur with the thread title.
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There were some glorious games last gen - Left 4 Dead, Shadow Complex, Geometry Wars, The Last Of Us, the Batmans.

What put you off?
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