Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
I have an account on Card Hunter, but not being able to play on my phone is going to limit my participation.
Yeah, it is flash based, which is a bit crappy.
I also have my Beta key as of this morning.

I'll play tonight, I reckon.
I had a good go on it last night, but I don't think it's the game for me.
I played it the other night too.

It's fun but seemed a little easy. Is there more depth to it as you progress through levels?
Aye, the first few dungeons are easy, once you get to L8 dungeons it starts to get tricky.
Campaign completed! Now onto the quests...
We have people coming over for dinner, so Conquest of Planet Earth has been packed away for the first time since we got it just under a month ago.

It's still really good.
I bought netrunner. Looks well tricky. Will play it in a bit and report back.
Grim... wrote:
We have people coming over for dinner, so Conquest of Planet Earth has been packed away for the first time since we got it just under a month ago.

It's still really good.

Are you bringing this to the cottage?
Fuck yeah. I've read about Netrunner, I think - is that the one where you are one of three factions?
Grim... wrote:
Fuck yeah. I've read about Netrunner, I think - is that the one where you are one of three factions?

From reading the rules, yes. It is a two player game. One player is a corporation and the other is a runner who has to steal data. There are three corporations and three runner factions. We were meant to be playing it for the afternoon but I snapped at the state of the house so went on an organise and tidy spree. Hopefully tonight I can get a game if mrsa is willing. It looks good but VERY geeky and very neuromancer ( which, incidentally I am reading at present). I aim to be able to know how to play by the time the cottage comes around and play some peoples there.
Net runner a bit complex, possibly. Mrsa got bored after two turns as she gad not read instructions and I was trying to explain it as I was reading tjem. Which was a shame.

Considering joining a gaming group as it is cheaper than new wife.
I've got Netrunner and never got round to playing it properly.

Would love too as it seems a mix of MtG, Poker and non-evil business models.

We should play.
Grim... wrote:


2013-10-06 18.19.41.jpg

This game was frickin' mental. All the cards on the right are in play and affect pretty much everything either of us do.

The Grimlet is going through his cards rather frantically because I've just won ;)

Arkham Horror mocks the lack of cards on the table.

(Conquest does look rather splendid though).
I'm about to buy this, and then buy a load of 3D printed ships off Shapeways. And then make one of these
Cottage was last weekend, dude.
MaliA wrote:
Cottage was last weekend, dude.

You're not special enough to play with my little spaceships.
We were playing with little spaceships. And GazChap was playing with a fucking big cube.
And I almost won.
I'm pretty certain I didn't win, but it was so complex i'm still not sure.
I still maintain it's not that complex. Once you get your head around how to work out who goes first and what to spend your two (count 'em) different kinds of "spending points" on you're all good.
Grim... wrote:
I still maintain it's not that complex. Once you get your head around how to work out who goes first and what to spend your two (count 'em) different kinds of "spending points" on you're all good.


Just backed Two Rooms and a boom. It sounds amazing. Think Resistance plus suicide bombers.

Everyone is given a card putting them on the red or blue team. This info is secret but can be shared.

Everyone is seperated into two rooms at random (so both B&R people are in each room).

One of the Blue team is secretly the President. One of the Red is secretly the bomber.

At the end of each round the two rooms make hostage exchanges (swap n players).

At the end of the game the suicide bomber explodes. If he kills the President the Red Team win.

Love it. They have a free print and play version too.
The Xwing Miniatures Game is brilliant. Both the kidlets love it. The mechanics are simple yet elegant: if one were to imagine the perfect way of making a board game of the old Xwing and Tie Fighter PC games, this would be it.
Dr Lave wrote:

Just backed Two Rooms and a boom. It sounds amazing. Think Resistance plus suicide bombers.

Everyone is given a card putting them on the red or blue team. This info is secret but can be shared.

Everyone is seperated into two rooms at random (so both B&R people are in each room).

One of the Blue team is secretly the President. One of the Red is secretly the bomber.

At the end of each round the two rooms make hostage exchanges (swap n players).

At the end of the game the suicide bomber explodes. If he kills the President the Red Team win.

Love it. They have a free print and play version too.

Thanks for posting that, I've just backed it as well.
Dr Lave wrote:

Just backed Two Rooms and a boom. It sounds amazing. Think Resistance plus suicide bombers.

Everyone is given a card putting them on the red or blue team. This info is secret but can be shared.

Everyone is seperated into two rooms at random (so both B&R people are in each room).

One of the Blue team is secretly the President. One of the Red is secretly the bomber.

At the end of each round the two rooms make hostage exchanges (swap n players).

At the end of the game the suicide bomber explodes. If he kills the President the Red Team win.

Love it. They have a free print and play version too.

That looks interesting, with mod support to swap hostages into rooms, we could totally do that online.
Is there more to the game than the rules as stated?

If so, why does it even need any money?

Yeah, I know, I'm not reading one kick starter page
OMFG: Twilight Struggle (the deserved number 1 game on Boardgamegeek) is £28 on Amazon

It's a daunting looking (but surprisingly simple) 2 player game that takes about 3 hours to play and demands two people who will play against each other consistently. But it is superb.

Suuuuperb. Nothing at all like it.

RE: Two Rooms and a Boom. Yes theres more to the game (extra characters etc), but it's totally playable without (they've even got a free print and play version).
Netrunner: which cards can be used as remote servers? Any?
MaliA wrote:
Netrunner: which cards can be used as remote servers? Any?

Ah, Agendas and assets.

now I just need someone to play it with :(
Played my first game of Carcassonne the other night. Then my second, third, fourth, fifth... Really like it, much fun. Might take it to my sisters tonight and play more. There was a bit of confusion about the river tiles in our first game but I googled it and found out they were meant to be played first!
For those fans of Small World - there is a steam version of it out now

20% off so £9.59 for the next week
sdg wrote:
Played my first game of Carcassonne the other night. Then my second, third, fourth, fifth... Really like it, much fun. Might take it to my sisters tonight and play more. There was a bit of confusion about the river tiles in our first game but I googled it and found out they were meant to be played first!

I love Carcassonne so much. Way more than anyone else in my regular gaming group loves Carcassonne, annoyingly. But the joke's on them because they knocked a couple of quid off the iOS version the other week (leaving it a still quite eye-watering-on-iOS five quid) and I picked it up and have been playing the hell out of it on the iPad and it's fantastic. Mmmmm, tiles.

In other tile-related-iOS-game-news, there's an iPad version of Galaxy Trucker due in the new year and it looks AMAHZING. Can't wait.

What have we been playing? Um... we've been playing Skull and Roses, which is pretty much poker without the maths. Admittedly I like the maths in poker but y'know. Everyone's got a hand of four cards, three with roses and one with a skull. To start a round, everyone puts one card face-down in front of them then the start player either puts down a second card on his stack or bids a number of cards that they can flip over to reveal only roses. If he puts down a card, play passes to his left and that player can either put a card down or make a bid, and so on. Once a bid is made you can either make a higher bid or pass, and once everyone has passed whoever's left has to flip cards one at a time starting, crucially, with their own cards. If you manage to flip the number of cards you bid and find only roses you get to turn over your playmat, if you manage to do it twice you win the game. If, however, you turn over a skull you lose one of your cards at random (with the other players not getting to see whether you lost a rose or your skull) and a new round starts. If you lose all your cards you're out of the game. It's a beautiful beautiful thing, and there's a reprint with new art on its way fairly soon.

Talking of things that pack an awful lot of game into a very small package, my wife and I played Love Letter for like 4 hours straight while we were in the maternity ward waiting for them to decide if they were going to induce her or not and it made the time fly by. It's incredibly simple - you have a one-card hand, each turn you draw a card and play a card and at the end of each round whoever's got the highest-numbered card wins, first to X many rounds wins the game. The game's all in the card abilities - so, playing a Guard lets you try and guess what's in another player's hand. Get it right, and they're out of the round. That's tough if it's a shot in the dark, but it's considerably easier if you played a Priest the previous round that lets you look at your opponent's hand. Aha, but obviously they knew that you knew they were Baron, so on their turn they played it allowing them to compare their hand with yours and knock out whoever had the lower value card AND SO ON. It's a lovely little bluffing and deduction game, it's less than £8, you can literally fit it in your pocket and we easily managed to play it on a 12-by-18 inch NHS rolly bed-table thing. It's great.

Something a bit more out of left field - have I mentioned Escape! The Curse Of The Temple before? It's one of my favourite games in the world. It's a co-op where you're all explorers trying to find your way out of a collapsing temple. Each of you has a handful of dice with symbols that let you move about and gather magic gems which make it easier to get out of the temple once you actually find the exit. THE TWIST! The game is played in real time. There's a ten-minute soundtrack CD, at the end of which is the sound of the temple collapsing. If you're not all out of the temple by that point, you lose. THE FURTHER TWIST! It's not turn-based. Everyone gets to roll and re-roll their dice as quickly as their feeble monkey brains will allow, EXCEPT! One of the faces on each die is a cursed mask. If you roll a cursed mask, that die locks until you or another player in the same room as you manages to roll a gold mask to unlock it, meaning that it's entirely possible that you'll find yourself trapped with all of your dice locked desperately pleading with someone to PLEASE COME AND HELP OH MY GOD THE HUMANITY. This. Is. Amazing. Escape! is simultaneously incredibly tense and utterly hilarious and is the second shoutiest game in the history of cardboard. My only reservations are that it might be a touch too easy out of the box and that the expansions which add in some much-needed difficulty are really fucking expensive for what they are. Still. I love it with every fibre of my stupid heart.

ANYWAY. I didn't actually want to talk about Escape!, I was just laying the groundwork to tell you about the actual shoutiest game in the history of cardboard: Space Cadets Dice Duel. SC:DD takes the real-time, roll-your-dice-as-fast-as-humanly-possible aspect of Escape! and translates it to a team game where each side is manning a starship trying to blow each other out of space. Each team has an engineering officer who's rolling a bunch of d6's and who is able to pass those dice to different stations on the ship depending on what is rolled (1's might be Helm, 2's Shields, 3's Weapons and so forth). Once those dice are passed to a station whoever's controlling that station gets to roll that many dice trying to, for instance, get the front shields up or whatever. As soon as they've got a result they want and put that die on the station display, they get to pass the energy die back to engineering who can re-roll and re-assign it. So! The game's largely about cycling energy as fast as you can whilst also maintaining some sort of situational awareness about where you are and what the hell the enemy is up to. And it. Is. Bonkers. We played with the full 8 player complement, meaning that we got to play with Captains who don't have any responsibility for rolling dice and are just there to keep an eye on the big picture and bring everyone together into a cohesive whole. Or in our case, to fuck up movement orders, misread firing arcs and to spunk torpedoes into the ether and seemingly random intervals, one of the two. Anyway! I liked it and there really aren't enough team experiences in board-gaming but it's very very firmly Not Going To Be Everyone's Cup Of Tea. I'm a little bit concerned that it's not totally intuitive so you need a few games to get to grips with the rules, but that by grokking the rules the chaos that makes the game so funny will abate somewhat. Don't want to sound too negative though, because it's really good and for some people it'll be the greatest bloody game in the world, I'm just not sure I'm one of those people.

Jesus. I'm going to stop talking for a while now.
I want to play Escape. Bring it to the cottage.
I still love Carcassone, I have played loads of games of it including millions of two player games between my gf and I. It was only on Sunday night that she beat me for the first time ever. We bought the inns and cathedrals expansions recently and I really like the way that changes your tactics. Now I need to work on my Dominion skills because I still haven't managed to beat her at that over about 10 or more games :( you got any expansions?

I've had Skull and Roses sitting in my amazon basket for about two months but it's out of stock right now annoyingly. If it wasn't, I'd have gotten a few copies to put in with people's Christmas presents, it sounds great.

Escape sounds good, I'll need to check it out. I had heard about the spaceship dice game on the shut up and sit down podcast but I was unsure about how good it would be with fewer players?
I watched a couple of episodes of tabletop the other night when I was home alone (because my nerdery knows no bounds) and I thought 'betrayal at house on the hill' looked cool, but apparently it costs about a gazillion pounds :(

I've asked my parents for board games for my Christmas, keeping my fingers crossed for Pandemic. Bought myself The Resistance as an early Christmas present and got my first game planned for tomorrow night, can't wait!
sdg wrote:
I still love Carcassone, I have played loads of games of it including millions of two player games between my gf and I. It was only on Sunday night that she beat me for the first time ever. We bought the inns and cathedrals expansions recently and I really like the way that changes your tactics. Now I need to work on my Dominion skills because I still haven't managed to beat her at that over about 10 or more games :( you got any expansions?

I've had Skull and Roses sitting in my amazon basket for about two months but it's out of stock right now annoyingly. If it wasn't, I'd have gotten a few copies to put in with people's Christmas presents, it sounds great.

Escape sounds good, I'll need to check it out. I had heard about the spaceship dice game on the shut up and sit down podcast but I was unsure about how good it would be with fewer players?
I watched a couple of episodes of tabletop the other night when I was home alone (because my nerdery knows no bounds) and I thought 'betrayal at house on the hill' looked cool, but apparently it costs about a gazillion pounds :(

I've asked my parents for board games for my Christmas, keeping my fingers crossed for Pandemic. Bought myself The Resistance as an early Christmas present and got my first game planned for tomorrow night, can't wait!

The AI players in the iOS app are right bastards if you're playing Carc with Inns And Cathedrals. The sods love dumping cathedrals into my cities in ways that stop me from being able to finish them. I hate/love it.

I've got, er, all the expansions for Dominion apart from Alchemy, all stored in a box roughly the size and weight of a fucking coffin. :D The problem I've got is that there are two members of my usual board-gaming group who LOVE Dominion, one who doesn't mind it and one who hates it. So it's difficult to get to the table. Seaside and Prosperity would be my recommendations, Dark Ages and Guilds would be the ones to hold off on.

They're reprinting Skull And Roses as "Skull": so I'd imagine it'll be more easily available in the not-too-distant future. I might have to pick it up again just because the new cards look utterly gorgeous.

Yeah, I think you need a crowd for SC: Dice Duel for sure. Which personally is a feature not a bug because I've very rarely got fewer than 5 people looking to play. There's a good SU&SD video review of Escape! as well that's worth looking up if you've not seen it.
Rodafowa wrote:
sdg wrote:
I still love Carcassone, I have played loads of games of it including millions of two player games between my gf and I. It was only on Sunday night that she beat me for the first time ever. We bought the inns and cathedrals expansions recently and I really like the way that changes your tactics. Now I need to work on my Dominion skills because I still haven't managed to beat her at that over about 10 or more games :( you got any expansions?

I've had Skull and Roses sitting in my amazon basket for about two months but it's out of stock right now annoyingly. If it wasn't, I'd have gotten a few copies to put in with people's Christmas presents, it sounds great.

Escape sounds good, I'll need to check it out. I had heard about the spaceship dice game on the shut up and sit down podcast but I was unsure about how good it would be with fewer players?
I watched a couple of episodes of tabletop the other night when I was home alone (because my nerdery knows no bounds) and I thought 'betrayal at house on the hill' looked cool, but apparently it costs about a gazillion pounds :(

I've asked my parents for board games for my Christmas, keeping my fingers crossed for Pandemic. Bought myself The Resistance as an early Christmas present and got my first game planned for tomorrow night, can't wait!

The AI players in the iOS app are right bastards if you're playing Carc with Inns And Cathedrals. The sods love dumping cathedrals into my cities in ways that stop me from being able to finish them. I hate/love it.

I've got, er, all the expansions for Dominion apart from Alchemy, all stored in a box roughly the size and weight of a fucking coffin. :D The problem I've got is that there are two members of my usual board-gaming group who LOVE Dominion, one who doesn't mind it and one who hates it. So it's difficult to get to the table. Seaside and Prosperity would be my recommendations, Dark Ages and Guilds would be the ones to hold off on.

They're reprinting Skull And Roses as "Skull": so I'd imagine it'll be more easily available in the not-too-distant future. I might have to pick it up again just because the new cards look utterly gorgeous.

Yeah, I think you need a crowd for SC: Dice Duel for sure. Which personally is a feature not a bug because I've very rarely got fewer than 5 people looking to play. There's a good SU&SD video review of Escape! as well that's worth looking up if you've not seen it.

We played carcassonne last night and we got to a few tiles left and still hadn't seen the big cathedral tile. I was waiting and hoping I got it then my gf drew it and screwed me over :) I don't think she'd even realised it was still to come.

I was looking at dominion expansions the day we bought inns and cathedrals but we were in an actual shop so I didn't want to stand for ages searching the internet for which ones are best, I think I'll add the ones you've mentioned to my amazon wish list so thanks.

Will defo be watching for the reprint of skulls and roses as well, if you see it on sale try and give me a wee prod to remind me if possible!

I don't have a board gaming group, just my poor family and friends who I have been subjecting to board games at every opportunity. I've taught my two sisters dominion but not had a chance yet to play more than a two player game, so hopefully at some point I'll have taught enough people that I have more than one of them in the area at the same time! Got a wee night tomo with both sisters, my brother in law, friend, my gf and my nephew so hopefully The Resistance will be a hit. I've already introduced carcassonne and small worlds to most of them. Hopefully once I start my new job and have weekends off again I can inflict board games on even more friends and increase my options ;)
Have you sleeved your dominion cards?
I haven't. It's a game that's crying out for sleeves because OH MY GOD SO MUCH SHUFFLING but I've got about three-bloody-thousand Dominion cards and life's sort of too short, you know?

I'll definitely let you know if I see Skull go on sale. Released at Essen apparently, so should be over here before too long.
There is a firefly boardgame!
MaliA wrote:
There is a firefly boardgame!

Yes. But it doesn't star any of the cast, and it wasn't written by Joss and his chums.
I sleeved the Dominion cards but my gf hates the sleeves and says she'd rather see them getting worn over time so I might have to unsleeve them all again. It's going to take ages :'(
I hate sleeves. I sleeved some other dominion-like game and I don't really like it. The cards now slide everywhere.

I've played a majillion games of Dominion and I'm pretty rough with the cards. So all of the base cards are very fluffy. So I just bought that small yellow box containing nothing but base cards with nice pictures on, and everything is ok again.

I don't think you need to sleeve them unless you a) really love sleeves and b) are going to play many, many, many games
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