Beex, Yo.
That's... bad.
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Something's happened. Somehow, it's already daytime - you're sure that can't be right. However, that's the least of your worries - Sunnydale is
fucked up. Buildings have collapsed, there are fires everywhere - and bodies... So many bodies - most of them without skin, but some of them are just torn apart, like some incredibly powerful thing got hold of them.
None of them belong to people you know, though. Huh.
In other news - lots of smooching and feeling of boobies (over the shirt, of course) went on in the night, but at the end of it all it turns out
Xander and
Anya are now a couple! Seems kind of not so important.
Let's check the notes...
The masteR is Out there sOmewhere. Proof is all you nEed. sunnydale heRo.
I now know who Spike is! Do you want me to share that information?
I'm still watching you, all of you.
I have an investigator role and checked SilentElk on the first night. He is a baddie.
Cras is right, Drusilla walks among us. Be careful. - A friend
Cras is good - Giles
Wooooooh!!!! I'm a scary vampire! - Curio
With 14 players alive, 7 votes are required for a lynch, and 7 nolynch votes are required to not lynch anybody.
The day ends Monday 11th at 11am. Go!
I'm seriously worried that there's a faction building unseen somewhere.
Interesting messages. Three messages implicating people. Can any of them be trusted?
Also, like, who's the old lady? Kovacs, you look too old to be a student. Are you one of those paediatricians?
Two good-aligned investigators seems a little unlikely.
Also, like, Xander is a playa.
Hmmm, it's a bit strange no one is dead. Again. Curio's right, there's a cult afoot.
Okay, erm, what's with all the flames and shit, it is like the mouth of hell around here ... Wait a minute!
Also, Cras, any reason you ignored 3(!!) of the 5(!!!!) investigative roles claiming (to have knowledge to) help the town?
Wait, three investigative roles. I've been tagged as good, elk as bad, and Trooper as the master.
So, Trooper - comments?
Oh shit, yeah, ignored the other two as well! I assume 'I'm still watching you' is a Watcher reference.
And spike knowledge and drusilla knowledge - assuming that it wasn't those two, or a angry vampire which gave this information = 5 investigative roles. I am not sure we can really take too much from these, as it seems an incy wee bit unlikely that there are five town based investigative roles.
So what did we learn from yesterday:
Curiosity, nickachu, Trooper, SilentElk, Bobby
Voted for Kov.
And who voted on Day 1:
Cras, Trooper, SilentElk, Bobby, Malc, DavPaz, Curio and me.
It may be safe to suggest that the baddies would vote for Russ as he was unaffiliated. If we assume that Kov is a good (seriously, would he make that character up!?) then someone or ones bad from yesterday's vote is also a baddie.
Curio, Trooper, SilentElk and Bobby appear on both lists so I'd suggest at least one is bad. Maybe more. Unless Kov is a genius and created the worst character ever as a brilliant lie.
Trooper are you the master? If not, why would someone say you were?
Do we want "the watcher" to reveal who they think Spike is? Is Spike a goodie or a baddie?
SilentElk are you a baddie? If not, why would someone say you were?
How does "a friend" know Drusilla walks among us?
Cras are you good? Why would someone ("Giles") say you were?
Curio are you a scary vampiew? If not, why would someone say you were?
And presumably the hell mouth opening is not good, I can't remember what caused it to open on the show?
Cras wrote:
Wait, three investigative roles. I've been tagged as good, elk as bad, and Trooper as the master.
So, Trooper - comments?
Down the pub at the moment, so can't comment in full. Suffice to say it is bullshit and I know 100% for certain that gazchap is not on the side of the town. I can explain later when I'm out the pub.
Like, all the bodies and stuff. Somehow I think there will be no more nights without kills.
Also, can't anyone write the notes? They could all be lies or all be true.
I think we'd be foolish not to pay attention to the notes. They're the key to winning surely.
Obviously not every player has a note writing ability so whereas some will be garbage, one or more will be pertinent.
I'm inclined to believe the one about SilentElk. There's no bullshit in that statement; no dressing it up with something stupid. It sounds very matter of fact, explaining their role and the result.
Saturnalian wrote:
I think we'd be foolish not to pay attention to the notes. They're the key to winning surely.
Obviously not every player has a note writing ability so whereas some will be garbage, one or more will be pertinent.
Err, I am sure the rules say otherwise.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
I think we'd be foolish not to pay attention to the notes. They're the key to winning surely.
Obviously not every player has a note writing ability so whereas some will be garbage, one or more will be pertinent.
Err, I am sure the rules say otherwise.
6 notes yesterday and 6 notes today suggests otherwise.
Not sure why you are making such an issue of this. Have you got something to hide, or are you desperate to get someone lynched:
the rules wrote:
Because you're at school, you can hand notes around. At the end of each day, everyone can PM me with something they'd like to write on a note. Other people will see this note the next day, but they won't know who it is from. You can sign your name on the note, but who knows if you are telling the truth?
Malc wrote:
SilentElk are you a baddie? If not, why would someone say you were?
Nope. There seems to be a lot of misinformation going around in these notes though. I bet the bad guys are loving it.
I, like, think that at least one is likely to be true.
We shouldn't rush to make a decision though, you guys. Not with the weekend here. I think we need to hear from Trooper and GazChap... Unless they're just working out a vile plan together.
Saturnalian wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
I think we'd be foolish not to pay attention to the notes. They're the key to winning surely.
Obviously not every player has a note writing ability so whereas some will be garbage, one or more will be pertinent.
Err, I am sure the rules say otherwise.
6 notes yesterday and 6 notes today suggests otherwise.
I wrote a note night one, but not night two.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Not sure why you are making such an issue of this. Have you got something to hide, or are you desperate to get someone lynched:
the rules wrote:
Because you're at school, you can hand notes around. At the end of each day, everyone can PM me with something they'd like to write on a note. Other people will see this note the next day, but they won't know who it is from. You can sign your name on the note, but who knows if you are telling the truth?
Must be a coincidence then. Ah well, never mind me, carry on.
You seem more chatty today Bobby, did something happen to you overnight that you want to get involved?
Cras wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
I think we'd be foolish not to pay attention to the notes. They're the key to winning surely.
Obviously not every player has a note writing ability so whereas some will be garbage, one or more will be pertinent.
Err, I am sure the rules say otherwise.
6 notes yesterday and 6 notes today suggests otherwise.
I wrote a note night one, but not night two.
Any reason why?
On the first night I wanted to be rude about Xander and draw a willy, on the second night I had nothing useful to contribute.
If Miss Espensen is here, does that mean her friend Mr Weedon is around too? Isn't he a reality warper?
Heh, Weed-on

I think Kovacs character being Jane Espenson is ridiculous, and almost like somebody googling for a name attached to Buffy, not wanting to pick an obvious one since another person probably has that role already so would see the lie, so picking an obscure name and not realising who it is. I mean, a non fan wouldn't know who she was, would they? They could assume she is a minor character, because she does appear in an episode.
It's not in keeping with the rest of us and I think it's a lie, told by someone who is a baddy and so had to invent a good role for themself. [vote:KovacS]
[vote:KovacsC] I think that's right this time...
I didn't realise she was a producer/writer and not a character, that's a bit odd then.
Right people, i'm back from the pub, so apologies if thsi makes little sense, as i am incredibly pissed

I know 100% that gazchap is bad. why? well the whole world turning to shit is probably down to me, so sorry about that!
I'm Dawn. I'm the Key. I was attacked by Gazchap last night and becuase i'm the key he coudn't kill me, but he turned into what was described to me as a "thing" while attacking me, and ran off into the night.
[vote:gaz chap]
Like, someone said you were The Master? If Dawn's around she should tell us (would be worth it, right you guys?). If not then maybe you're cool after all.
Gaz? Anything to add?
Gazchap is totally a bad "thing". If i'm wrong, I will vote for myself tomorrow.
I'll be willing to vote on that if Gazchap has no defence
I too will be happy to vote for Gazchap in the abscence of any other lead. Despite Trooper being pissed, it sounds plausible.
Well I tried to snag a boyfriend last night and failed again.
So I am suspicious of both of them.
I want to hear what Gazchap has to say I think, and Kovacs about him being a producer!
Well, Trooper seems plausible, so I will vote for gazchap, but I have to say, I agree with sdg about KovacsC's "character".
Malc wrote:
I want to hear what Gazchap has to say I think, and Kovacs about him being a producer!
I am just going off what I was given. ( I watched Buffy Years ago but can;t remember much)
Like, Gaz, say something.
Uh, well, again I don't really know what's going on. As said yesterday, I'm a "pretty cool" schoolboy, who is called Daniel "Oz" Osbourne. I don't know if that's good or bad though, being unfamiliar with this universe.
I tried to get with someone last night, who I've been told was Willow, but I was interrupted by someone who fucked it all up and then ran off into the night before I could see who he was.
So, uh, yeah - I don't know whether that constitutes a valid defence or not, other than that what I was told overnight doesn't match up with what Trooper says happened.
So you're a (good) werewolf?
I don't know, is Daniel a werewolf or something?
Wikipedia article says he's a werewolf, so assuming that the roles all follow the actual show's characters (which would seem to be a bit silly, surely it'd be more like the Spectrum "Alien" game where the identity of the android is randomised each time etc.) then yes, I'm a werewolf.
I don't know what that means though, I don't have any night action other than to send a note to Grim... and to request a hook up.
I'm, like, totally not buying how innocent Gaz is trying to appear.
But Trooper's story sounds kinda bogus too.
Curiosity wrote:
I'm, like, totally not buying how innocent Gaz is trying to appear.
But Trooper's story sounds kinda bogus too.
He's, like, a queen short of a straight.

Trooper does sound incredibly suspect. Nothing he seems to be saying adds up at all.
SilentElk wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I'm, like, totally not buying how innocent Gaz is trying to appear.
But Trooper's story sounds kinda bogus too.
He's, like, a queen short of a straight.

Trooper does sound incredibly suspect. Nothing he seems to be saying adds up at all.
He's totally GazChap innocent
I'm not buying him apparently being a werewolf and not having a night action.
Either he is a werewolf and has a night action (and as he's trying to hide it, it's not good)
Or he isn't a werewolf, he just guessed at a name from the show and accidentally hit upon someone who was a werewolf!
Either way I think he must be lying!
My head hurts.
In the cold light of day, it was probably a bit early to reveal my role like that

don't drink and mafiascum people...
Anyway, let's make sure we are all clear about this.
I was attacked last night by gazchap.
Gazchap has just role claimed as a fucking werewolf.
Now if my experience of werewolves is anything to go by, and considering the town I live in that is actually not inconsiderable, people who are werewolves generally don't know what they are doing after they change. Gazchap didn't even know he was a werewolf until after he role claimed and it was pointed out to him.
I think voting to the lynch the FUCKING WEREWOLF is a reasonable thing to do today, don't you?

Like I said, if I'm wrong about this I'll be the first to vote for myself tomorrow.
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