Beex, Yo.
Are you sure this is a good idea?
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Oh joy of joys! Riley is dead! Fucking Riley.
Still, you don't want to be next! Time to fire up that mob fury and get killin'!
Make sure you read the rules![playerlist]
Mr Russell
Day 1 will end at 1pm on Tuesday, 5th November.
With 15 players alive, 8 votes are required for a lynch, and 8 nolynch votes are required to not lynch anybody.
Oh noes! Not Riley!
Fucking Riley.
Poor Riley

Rachel Riley?

OMG you guys!
Riles is dead!
Best. Day. Ever!
Bobbyaro wrote:
Rachel Riley?

That brings a whole new dimension to "Fucking Riley".
Like, these classes are boring.
I'm looking at the class yearbook, and there's no details in there of what our chums do in their spare time, which is unusual - guess we have to just work it out as we go along!
I'm assuming Riley didn't die of natural causes?
I hope there is a hot chick in this school who will protect us room whatever is out there!
DavPaz wrote:
Hot Chicks? Where?
nickachu wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Hot Chicks? Where?
nickachu wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Hot Chicks? Where?
Hey baby.
But, as we all know from watching films like Bad Girls, HOT CHICKS ARE ALWAYS EVIL. Finger of Fudge. Or suspicion. Whichever is chocolatier.
But most vampires are boys.
And boys smell.
Apart from the lovely, dreamy, handsome ones.
Curiosity wrote:
But most vampires are boys.
And boys smell.
Apart from the lovely, dreamy, handsome ones.
*stumbles over*
*goofy smile*
Gosh, it's almost like people are desperate to tell everyone else who they are. This isn't a prom, folks.
Cras wrote:
Gosh, it's almost like people are desperate to tell everyone else who they are. This isn't a prom, folks.
Nobody will remember in the next episode anyway.
You are, like, such a downer.
Curiosity wrote:
You are, like, such a downer.
Gosh, and it's like someone else was happy to carry on letting people let everyone know who they are!
If it was a prom, it'd be the worst prom ever. Where the fuck is everyone?
FOS @ anyone only posting at night
FOS anyone who's name begins with C.
FOS at fat chicks. AMIRITE, dudes?
Hi everyone! You all look very pretty today. What happened to Riley?!
sdg wrote:
Hi everyone! You all look very pretty today. What happened to Riley?!
Are you some sort of loser, saying everyone is pretty. What sort of High School do you think this is!
Well, this is thoroughly exciting! In the spirit of getting things moving.
So let's recap what we know so far:
Nik is The Hot Girl.
DavPaz is The Dreamy Vampire.
Cras has The Yearbook which contains some info on us. Maybe an investigation role.
No info will be revealed today on whether these are GOOD or EVIL roles, I suspect, but I know this:
Vampires, generally, aren't great to a town of non-vamps. Also Hot Girls are, generally, not very nice to ugo's.
Hang on, this is gonna be based on Buffy, init, and on that basis DavPaz probably has to go.
Slightly confused, what is the issue with people revealing their roles and providing information? Generally the bad guys know who each other are, so the town talking and lettiing people know stuff is generally good. I can't see why you wouldn't want that to happen. unless you are bad, that is.
I still can't get over that Riles is dead.
Can I copy someone's maths test answers?
Mr Russell wrote:
I still can't get over that Riles is dead.
Can I copy someone's maths test answers?
With this crowd, I wouldn't bother. I checked and all of them have got 2+2=5...
It's all right, this is the question:
What is 16 - 3 reversed (ie. reverse the digits)?
Bobbyaro wrote:
It's all right, this is the question:
What is 16 - 3 reversed (ie. reverse the digits)?
Pretty sure I have the wrong answer to that, too.
Are we killing off Spike/DavPaz then or what? Spike was always totally gay anyway.
Buffy would have never have gone with him anyway. Why eat milky lollipop when you could have cake. Angel Cake. Beef Cake.
Woah! Dude! What is up with these vampire allegations?
Also, if we're all in class then this is early Buffy when Spike was bad before he turned into an emo. Y'know, before the shit episodes...
DavPaz wrote:
Woah! Dude! What is up with these vampire allegations?
Erm... the earlier post. You deny being a vampire? Or male?
No! Not Riley!
I quite liked Riley
I don't like the idea of nasty people running around, so I'll just be hiding under my desk.
Saturnalian wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Woah! Dude! What is up with these vampire allegations?
Erm... the earlier post. You deny being a vampire? Or male?
I admit, I am dreamy and handsome. Vampire? Nah.
Sorry I'm late to class. That's my third tardy slip this semester.
nickachu wrote:
sdg wrote:
Hi everyone! You all look very pretty today. What happened to Riley?!
Are you some sort of loser, saying everyone is pretty. What sort of High School do you think this is!
I was just just being nice. Should we try and figure out what happened to Riley? I hope there is someone here who can help us find bad people.
Who cares what happened to Riley, he was a loser anyway.
SilentElk wrote:
Sorry I'm late to class. That's my third tardy slip this semester.
OMG! You guys, he is such a tard.
Saturnalian wrote:
Cras has The Yearbook which contains some info on us. Maybe an investigation role.
Nooo - it was a comment on the fact that the roles have not been put up. So we're flying a little blind.
okay people, people on my suss-o-meter, Saturnalian for calling cras out as being an investigator. and Cras for stopping people talking.
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