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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:32 
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Blimey! Bradley very much looks the part!

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:34 
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Bradley is indeed remarkably close in appearance to William Hartnell.


 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:37 
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DerekFME wrote:
Bradley is indeed remarkably close in appearance to Arnold Ridley


 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:52 
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David Bradley looks amazing.

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 16:26 
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Is that the guy who played the incomprehensible farmer in Hot Fuzz? And the incomprehensible crazy man in The World's End?

Amazing resemblance to Hartnell.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 16:31 
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It's Walder Frey from Game of Thrones.

Or alternatively, Argus Filch from Harry Potter.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 22:35 
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Trailer (wonder if its the one from ComicCon from months ago or if its new)

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:12 
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People must have been really small in the old days.

Otherwise McGann in particular was about 18 feet tall or a bobblehead.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 13:51 
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Some 'behind the scenes' pictures from the trailer - body doubles for the various doctors (at least the first few) with I presume some CG to make them look more like the real things ... the-scenes

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:43 
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Tom Baker on Doctor Who: 'It was so much better than real life'
By Tim Masters Entertainment and arts correspondent, BBC News

As Doctor Who nears its 50th anniversary, Tom Baker reflects on his seven years as the fourth Doctor. "It was so much better than real life," he says.

Tom Baker is planning to break the habit of a lifetime on 23 November.

The actor says he's never been interested in watching Doctor Who - including his own stories - but he plans to sit down in front of this month's special episode that will mark the show's 50th anniversary.

"I hope it's going to be terrific," he says. "It's such a landmark. It'll be a big, emotional thing, but I don't know what they'll do - I'll make an exception and watch that."

With his long scarf and love of jelly babies, Baker's fourth Doctor remains one of the most instantly recognisable incarnations of the Time Lord. He is also the show's longest-serving star, having played the role from 1974 to 1981.

"I can't explain the show's longevity any more than I can explain my own," booms the 79-year-old actor when we meet in a private members' club in London's Covent Garden. "It's just a happy accident."

Baker admits he "wasn't at all happy" just before he was cast to replace Jon Pertwee in what is arguably British TV's most well-known role.

After joining Olivier's National Theatre company in the late 1960s, Baker moved into films. He was Rasputin in Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) and had roles in Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Canterbury Tales (1972) and The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973).

But he was working as a labourer when he was cast in Doctor Who.

"I was going through a bad time of feeling rejected, even though I'd had a flirtation with movies. I was on a building site, having no skill there except to make the tea and use a drill," Baker recalls.

"So when the opportunity came to play Doctor Who, it was a jackpot."

Baker's co-workers on the building site found out the news by reading it in the Evening Standard.

"I went to work next morning - famous! They were so thrilled for me. I legged it down to Barclays Bank and got an advance and gave them a party. It was like being reborn."

Baker admits he had no idea how he was going to tackle his role as the new star of Doctor Who.

"How could I? I didn't watch it. I didn't watch it when I was in it and I haven't watched it since. So when it came, and these scripts were given to me, one of the problems was they were being written for Jon Pertwee - so I had to wrench it my way."

Without doubt, Baker made the part his own. Viewing figures went up and many of his stories - The Ark in Space, Genesis of the Daleks, The Brain of Morbius, The Deadly Assassin and The Robots of Death - are regarded as classics.

How did he find being the Doctor?

Baker beams. "It was a great experience. Actors want a big audience, and to be admired and to get applause is one thing, but to be adored is something I recommend."

He reminisces about visiting schools and hospitals, doing charity work and being flown round in helicopters.

"Everywhere I went I was waving like royalty and dishing out 50 pence pieces," he says.

"It was so much better than real life. I stayed so long because real life at the time wasn't so terrific.

"Being Doctor Who, I used to look at the clock and know at half past four we were going to stop rehearsing - and that was a sad moment for me because I wanted to stay in this beautiful, unreal world."

Asked if he has kept any Doctor Who props, Baker responds: "I had lots of bits and pieces but they've all been begged off me by the charities. It's all gone now."

"I have some interesting letters from fans who saw me as a messianic figure and thought I could do miracles."

He flashes one of his Doctor-like grins: "They were quite mistaken, but I didn't disabuse them."

After leaving Doctor Who in 1981, Baker's career embraced TV, stage and film.

In 1982 he was Sherlock Holmes in BBC TV's The Hound of the Baskervilles, and his stage roles included Hedda Gabler, Educating Rita (RSC) and She Stoops to Conquer (NT).

More recent TV roles include Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased), Monarch of the Glen (2004-5) and the narrator of Little Britain.

Despite his assertion that he's not watched his own stories, Baker has, of course, sat through some of them for DVD commentaries and at conventions.

In recent years he has reprised the role of the Doctor for a number of Big Finish audio adventures.

"I'm back now in the groove," Baker says. "The fans want to go back in time and I don't disappoint them because I haven't advanced at all from Doctor Who."

All these years on, the actor notes, Doctor Who fans can still be in awe of him.

"Anyone who's on television gets a reaction when playing a heroic part like the Doctor. And it still happens now with much older people.

"But some of them are telling me lies," he adds, with a glint in his eye. "I met an old lady, aged about 85, the other day, who said: 'When I was a little girl I used to hide behind the sofa when I saw you!'"

Many of those who watched the show in the 1960s and '70s have helped bring on the next generation of fans.

"People introduce me to their grandchildren or to their children," Baker says. "It's very sweet that it's passed on affectionately by parents, showing my old stuff.

"Small children sometimes approach me and ask 'is it true you used to be Doctor Who?'"

The Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, will be shown on BBC One on 23 November.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 20:12 
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Peter Davison at the TV choice awards show last night :

Confirmation that "An Adventure in Space and Time" will be show on the 21st ... e-and-Time

An Adventure in Space and Time premieres on BBC Two on Thursday, 21 November at 9pm. It’s a brilliant one-off exploring the origins of Doctor Who, written by Mark Gatiss who recently shared his thoughts about the drama, the people involved, and what he thinks the audience will make of it…

Question: What can viewers expect from this drama?
Mark Gatiss: Principally, it's the story of how Doctor Who was created, so we concentrate on the very beginnings and the first few episodes. There are lots of treats for the fans but it's also the story of William Hartnell, the first Doctor and how the part transformed his life.

Q: Why did you want to tell this story?
MG: I'm a life-long Doctor Who fan and the origins of this beloved show have always fascinated me. But, above all, I wanted it to strike a chord on a human level. These were brilliant, complex, talented people making something revolutionary. And, in William Hartnell, we have the very affecting story of a man redeemed by the role of a lifetime who then, sadly, had to let it go. I think we can all relate to something like that in our lives.

Q: What was the casting process like? Did you set out to find such good lookalikes?
MG: I'd had David Bradley in mind for some years but it wasn't simply a question of a good likeness! David is such a fine and delicate actor, I knew he'd find something wonderful in the part. With everyone else, I stressed that we must first and foremost get the right people for the job. But it turned out the right people also bear the most amazing resemblances to the originals! Costume and make up, of course, played a huge part in that.

Q: Could you explain a little bit about the research process?
MG: Doctor Who is probably unique in terms of TV shows in that its history has been exhaustively researched for years. Happily, this means that there are lots of interviews existing with people who are no longer with us. I'd wanted to tell the story for years – I sort of grew up with it. How no-one wanted the Daleks. About the first episode going out just after JFK was shot. But I wanted to get deeper than just the details of production and find the human story. I conducted new interviews with a lot of the original cast and crew. They were all hugely enthusiastic and very helpful.

Q: Did you uncover any facts or information that you didn’t previously know as a Doctor Who fan?
MG: A few bits and bobs but, as I say, most of it is very well documented now! It was very touching, though, to talk to people about a part of their loves that was often very happy and to discuss people long gone.

Q: There were so many people involved in the show’s beginnings, why did you decide to focus on the four central characters of Hartnell, Newman and Lambert and Hussein?
MG: I had to focus it down. Simple as that. This is a drama not a documentary and though it's extremely painful to have to leave out some people who played a huge part, it makes dramatic sense. You simply can't do everyone justice in 90mins. For instance, the story of how Terry Nation and Ray Cusick created the Daleks is almost a film all on its own! Jeff Rawle plays Mervyn Pinfield, who was the Associate Producer, and his character sort of absorbs several others including Donald Wilson and the brilliant David Whitaker – the first script editor - whose contribution was immeasurable.

Q: Set in the 1960s the drama brings to life that era through the costumes, hair and make-up and the sets, including the first ever TARDIS console. What was it like being on set?
MG: It was extraordinary. To see the original TARDIS recreated genuinely took my breath away and everyone who came to the set had the same reaction. It was frequently quite uncanny. We used some of the original Marconi cameras and, on the black and white monitors, seeing David, Jemma, Jamie and Claudia was like looking back through Time. Spooky and very moving.

Q: Finally, what do you hope audiences take away from ‘Space and Time’?
MG: This is my love-letter to Doctor Who! In this 50th anniversary year, I hope fans will enjoy and be thrilled by it and all the kisses to the past it's laden with. But my greatest wish is that it appeals to people who know very little or nothing about Doctor Who and see the struggle of talented people (almost) accidentally creating a legend!

And the Cybermen crash an award ceremony with Fern Cotton ... k#p01ktqb7

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 17:47 
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12 second clip : and they have confirmed that the episode will start at 19:50 on the 23rd (so 2 weeks and a day to go)

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 18:02 
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Anyone going to their local picture house to see it in 3D? By the time I got round to checking, the closest cinema to me had all but sold out. And I'm busy that day so will have to avoid the Internet until I've caught up.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:09 

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 15:21 
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Another (new) very short clip :

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:50 
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And a slightly extended version of the trailer

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I like the 'you've redecorated - I don't like it' line

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 18:27 
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Write up of the BFI Premier of "Adventures in Space and Time" ... me-at.html

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 13:34 
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Night of the Doctor mini-episode available on iPlayer now. I haven't watched it yet, but it's definitely worth it if you're a fan in general. I won't say why!

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 13:49 
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And on the BBC's YouTube channel:

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:02 
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SilentElk wrote:
Night of the Doctor mini-episode available on iPlayer now. I haven't watched it yet, but it's definitely worth it if you're a fan in general. I won't say why!

30 seconds in: SQUEEEEE!

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:08 
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Well, that explains a lot!

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:13 
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Turns out i'm getting married on new Dr Who night :D

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:16 
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DavPaz wrote:
Well, that explains a lot!

Wow, so we were right...

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Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:17 
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Trooper wrote:
Turns out i'm getting married on new Dr Who night :D

Yes, yes you are.... Will every one disappear for an hour :)

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:35 
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Hopefully, we'll be doing the first dance at that point I expect, so the smallest audience possible would be ideal...

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 14:56 
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Trooper wrote:
Turns out i'm getting married on new Dr Who night :D

You fucking dick.

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 15:17 
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Trooper wrote:
Turns out i'm getting married on new Dr Who night :D

God fucking damn it.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 15:19 
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This Wedding will have the only geeks fans not watching it on Sat Night

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 15:45 
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ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

They've done an "aged" costume from the TV movie which is a really nice touch.


Dunno why I am spoilering this, it's been trending on Twitter for the past 3 hours.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 15:49 
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chinnyhill10 wrote:
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They've done an "aged" costume from the TV movie which is a really nice touch.


Dunno why I am spoilering this, it's been trending on Twitter for the past 3 hours.

Shame you didn't use spoiler tags for your tweets to me!

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 15:50 
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SilentElk wrote:
Night of the Doctor mini-episode available on iPlayer now. I haven't watched it yet, but it's definitely worth it if you're a fan in general. I won't say why!

F*CK !

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 15:55 
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SilentElk wrote:
Shame you didn't use spoiler tags for your tweets to me!

That's because I have no respect for you.*

* Every other person on Twitter was talking about it. It was trending from about 10 mins after the ep went up!

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 17:45 
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zaphod79 wrote:
SilentElk wrote:
Night of the Doctor mini-episode available on iPlayer now. I haven't watched it yet, but it's definitely worth it if you're a fan in general. I won't say why!

F*CK !

Quite. Shame it's a mini episode, that would have been so much better as a full episode.

If work was so rewarding the rich would have bought it all.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 18:57 
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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 18:59 
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Trailer for "An Adventure in Space and Time"

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 19:40 
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Interview with Moffat - i'll put spoilers around it but if you have not seen it yet you need to go watch the minisode NOW! ... The-Doctor

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Steven Moffat on The Night Of The Doctor

Thursday 14 November 2013, 17:08

The Eighth Doctor The Night Of The Doctor is the new mini episode featuring the return of the Eighth Doctor… You can watch the adventure here! We caught up with its writer, Steven Moffat, and asked him about the Time War, the Sisterhood of Karn and of course, the return of Paul McGann! Contains spoilers…

Question: How did The Night of the Doctor come about?

Steven Moffat: Well, we had our new ‘hidden mystery’ Doctor and I was thinking, what else can we do for our anniversary year… I thought… Why don’t we get Paul McGann in and regenerate him into John Hurt? I’d like to see that! I’d love to see that! And we had this possibility that we could do it as a surprise, so we got in touch with Paul who was dead keen and I’m delighted to say he was so happy to join in with the idea of keeping it secret. He was childishly excited about it!

Paul came along and shot it - it was the last two days of the shoot for the fiftieth, actually. He did a wonderful job. It was great! We designed a new costume for him based on his old one. Howard Burden did a fantastic job with that.

Q: It was a well-kept secret! How important was that for you, and what measures did you go to, to ensure this regeneration was kept under wraps?

SM: We were phenomenally secret with the making of it! And I’m sure some people are a bit cross that we were so secretive but the fact is, there is only one way to ensure you keep a secret, and that’s to keep it! So, we kept it very tight and we hope it all came as great surprise to everyone.

Q: For those that don’t know him, could you describe the Eighth Doctor?

SM: The Eighth Doctor is perhaps the first of the sexy, romantic Doctors. I don’t mean he’s the first sexy Doctor – he’s not. But he’s the first one who kisses a lady, for example. He’s obviously dashing, terribly handsome and quite romantic. I always found it hard to imagine him fighting in the Time War. I’d always imagined the ‘Time War Doctor’ would be more grizzled, somehow, you know?

Paul only played the Doctor onscreen once before, in the TV Movie. He gives a wonderful performance in it. It’s a terrifically exuberant performance and it anticipates the later performances, particularly of Matt and David. He’s a dashing, romantic, very funny and very affecting Doctor! Of course, Paul is not only known for the telemovie but for all his wonderful audio adventures. I'm always telling the Doctors and companions, as they come through the show, that they'll never be quite done with it - Big Finish is expecting them.

Q: It’s an interesting spin on the Time War – the Time Lords becoming this hated race, as bad as the Daleks in some people’s eyes. Will we see that play out with John Hurt’s Doctor and so on?

SM: We will see some of that play out. We’ve already seen some of it play out on the show, in The End of Time, where the Doctor reveals the Time Lords got as bad as the Daleks towards the end, and he was as worried by them as anything else. And we know the Doctor wiped out his own people. He wouldn’t do so unless things had got pretty bad. Genocide is a big decision for anyone!

Q: People seemed delighted when they heard the Sisterhood of Karn was returning. Did that surprise you?

SM: A little bit! I was terribly excited about having the Sisterhood of Karn coming back which is why I did it! But I should probably learn to have a little more faith in the fact that what gets me excited as a sad, old fan will get other people excited as well! And okay, the Sisterhood are unknown to the kids, but I was a kid when I first saw the Sisterhood and I thought they were great! So I’m hoping other people will like them!

Q: And the character the Doctor encounters in the mini episode… Is that supposed to be Ohica, from The Brain of Morbius?

SM: No! If you look at the credits you’ll see I called her Ohila so it suggests she’s in some way connected to Ohica. Instead of having that confusion in having it the same person, I thought we’d just imply they were connected.

Q: Finally, running a show like Doctor Who is always going to be hard work… But how much fun was it? Bringing back the Eighth Doctor?

SM: Oh, it was a complete treat! It was always frustrating that we never got to see more of him! The completist in me… the ‘box set man’ in me wants every box ticked and I wanted every regeneration scene! And we get to see the Paul McGann Doctor regenerate into the John Hurt Doctor! I love regeneration episodes – there’s nothing more exciting! And in the anniversary year we get to see two regenerations… That’s pretty cool!

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 20:08 
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Shame we won't see:
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The War Doctor regenerate into the Ninth Doctor.

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 20:33 
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SilentElk wrote:
Shame we won't see:
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The War Doctor regenerate into the Ninth Doctor.


MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 21:02 
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What's even more brilliant is that
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I did not know they were putting on a miniepisode today, so when I saw you guys talking about it on and on sinister Facebook I immediately loaded it. And then I wasn't expecting McGann to appear!
Being doubly surprised has really made my evening.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 21:39 
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SilentElk wrote:
Shame we won't see:
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The War Doctor regenerate into the Ninth Doctor.

With what's happened today, the denials of anything can no longer be taken seriously. Wait and see.

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 22:51 
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Did he take on the name Warrior? Is that why Ecclescakes is still 9?

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 23:24 
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DavPaz wrote:
Did he take on the name Warrior? Is that why Ecclescakes is still 9?

There are four non-numbered Doctors: Valeyard, Dream Lord, Watcher and now the War Doctor.

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 23:28 
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Poor Wardoc :(

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 23:34 
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Give me loads of money for something my Dad contributed to when he was a BBC staff writer.

As everyone knows, Doctor Who was essentially designed by committee and all by BBC staff. Copyright laws at the time automatically assigned copyright to the company that employed the person.

It all seems rather opportunistic and money grabbing. Why now? The writer died in 1977 and was a BBC staffer when he contributed his scripts. He no more has a claim than Ray Cusick had over the design of the Daleks. Simply a staffer doing their job.

He's also upset about the Gatiss drama calling it "The Gatiss Insult".

I suspect he doesn't realise that Who is remarkably well documented for a show of its age. Key players may now be dead but pretty much everything is known about who contributed what.

In short his Dad almost certainly never had any claim and he can't just waltz in 50 years later and announce he wants some cash. It comes across as money grabbing and attention seeking.

This "essay" he put on Wikipedia is rather enlightening. -

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 23:54 
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That was super fabcakes, and
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was great.

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:12 
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SilentElk wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Did he take on the name Warrior? Is that why Ecclescakes is still 9?

There are four non-numbered Doctors: Valeyard, Dream Lord, Watcher and now the War Doctor.

Sorry, I meant to elaborate on this, but got distracted. Essentially the numbering system has been odd for a long time (although some of these Doctors may not have/will not have happened/happen). Essentially, Eccleston will still be 9, yes.

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:00 
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SilentElk wrote:
(although some of these Doctors may not have/will not have happened/happen). Essentially, Eccleston will still be 9, yes.

Since the Warrior Doctor does not deserve the name.

Lots of other rumors that the drink given to kick start that regeneration may be a convenient excuse to either get rid of or extend the number of regenerations (reset it back so Hurt becomes the first regeneration or insert whatever else you want to here).

*If* the doctor then has other regenerations and the fact there is still an unaccounted gap before Christopher Eccleston may mean there could still be other unknown doctors out there

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:07 
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Could you imagine the shock if at the end of the Special, Hurt regenerates into someone else entirely?

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 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:13 
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Curiosity wrote:
Could you imagine the shock if at the end of the Special, Hurt regenerates into someone else entirely?

Or into Capaldi ? :-)

I dont think they will show the Hurt regen , they've closed down one side of the 'unknown' by the minisode yesterday I think they will leave the other open (at least for a while)

 Post subject: Re: Doctor Who
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:17 
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zaphod79 wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Could you imagine the shock if at the end of the Special, Hurt regenerates into someone else entirely?

Or into Capaldi ? :-)

I dont think they will show the Hurt regen , they've closed down one side of the 'unknown' by the minisode yesterday I think they will leave the other open (at least for a while)

Unless there's another surprise in store and Eccleston does actually appear. They kept McGann quiet, so why not that?

I admit it's unlikely, but I'm clutching at straws. I want to see Eccleston again. :(

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