Funny pictures
Best adopted owl name ever:
Maximilian is a pretty cool name, I agree.
We should sponsor a Beex zoo animal. One of the fucked-up looking ones.
Grim... wrote:
We should sponsor a Beex zoo animal. One of the fucked-up looking ones.

I couldn't find any comically fucked up looking ones but I'm amused by this smug gorilla making a suitably suspect arm gesture.

YOG wrote:

Gay Soviet planespotting headgear.

Bobbyaro wrote:
Image :DD

This made me giggle for yonks.
Those dogs look like they should belong to Gene Simmons.
TheVision wrote:
Those dogs look like they should belong to Gene Simmons.

I was thinking exactly that, particularly the one on the right.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Image :DD
Those are some fat huskies. We decided we're not allowed because of the "holy shit HOW much running?!" thing.
Grim... wrote:

That one nearly killed me.
Awesome T-Shirts



a mighty overlord


and my next internet purchase

I've got the "ask me about my X-ray machine" T-shirt.
I love that. So much.
TheVision wrote:
What's a Darlek?

it is my inability to spell today!
KovacsC wrote:
TheVision wrote:
What's a Darlek?

it is my inability to spell today!

TheVision wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
TheVision wrote:
What's a Darlek?

it is my inability to spell today!


or spell in general... You would not believe I am degree educated!
That's the best use of a paint roller I've ever seen (outside of painting).
:D clearly not too large as it made it through a gap in the hedge!
That's just brilliant! :D
Number of items is making me giggle way more than it should.
Probably been done before:
One bottle a day? Uh-huh.
They are whisky, tbf.
Joans only bought one bottle of wine for the evening. It's like he doesn't even know me. :( :shrug:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Probably been done before:

A few of them are from the 'Mars' company, so that is a incorrect headline.
How to tell if your dog was involved in a sex scandal:

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