Non-Genre Specific Music Thread
The Last of Us is easy.
Your mum is easy.
You are such a muppet!
Bamba wrote:
SilentElk wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Who did that?


Are you misreading "the shit" as "shit"?

Indeed. Just want to make clear that I didn't called any band shit in the last 24 hours, which is kinda rare because that's what half of my discussions with my wife are about.
RuySan wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I think the new QotSA album is the best they've done since Songs for the Deaf.

Fave song being 'If I had a tail'.

There are songs I skip on all their albums, but overall I think they're fucking great.

I also agree this is the best since songs for the deaf, and even though it doesn't have classics like go with the flow or no one knows, it's overall excellent and I don't have to skip any songs like it's usual with their albums. I appear missing is beautiful.

Saw them live last summer and it was awesome.

I prefer 'I Sat By The Ocean' to 'Go With the Flow' and 'No-one Knows'. But I was disappointed by Songs for the Deaf anyway.

Saw them live in summer 2000 and it was awesome.
My mate recommended The Algorithm and I picked up his album Polymorphic Code the other day. It's a bizarre mix of dubstep techno, thrash metal and prog rock and comes very highly recommended; specifically I thought it might be up myp's alley ( :hat: ). I'm sure there are bits of it on YouTube and the full album can allegedly be streamed from here as well.
Bamba wrote:
My mate recommended The Algorithm and I picked up his album Polymorphic Code the other day. It's a bizarre mix of dubstep techno, thrash metal and prog rock and comes very highly recommended; specifically I thought it might be up myp's alley ( :hat: ). I'm sure there are bits of it on YouTube and the full album can allegedly be streamed from here as well.

It does worryingly sound like something I'd like.
SilentNight wrote:
Bamba wrote:
My mate recommended The Algorithm and I picked up his album Polymorphic Code the other day. It's a bizarre mix of dubstep techno, thrash metal and prog rock and comes very highly recommended; specifically I thought it might be up myp's alley ( :hat: ). I'm sure there are bits of it on YouTube and the full album can allegedly be streamed from here as well.

It does worryingly sound like something I'd like.

You're worried by the idea that music you might like exists? Your life must be a constant churn of fear and anxiety. Which would explain a few things.
Bamba wrote:
SilentNight wrote:
Bamba wrote:
My mate recommended The Algorithm and I picked up his album Polymorphic Code the other day. It's a bizarre mix of dubstep techno, thrash metal and prog rock and comes very highly recommended; specifically I thought it might be up myp's alley ( :hat: ). I'm sure there are bits of it on YouTube and the full album can allegedly be streamed from here as well.

It does worryingly sound like something I'd like.

You're worried by the idea that music you might like exists? Your life must be a constant churn of fear and anxiety. Which would explain a few things.

It's more worrying that you would know what I like, Mr Stalker.
SilentNight wrote:
It's more worrying that you would know what I like, Mr Stalker.

How do you know his real name? Hmmm
SilentNight wrote:
Bamba wrote:
SilentNight wrote:
Bamba wrote:
My mate recommended The Algorithm and I picked up his album Polymorphic Code the other day. It's a bizarre mix of dubstep techno, thrash metal and prog rock and comes very highly recommended; specifically I thought it might be up myp's alley ( :hat: ). I'm sure there are bits of it on YouTube and the full album can allegedly be streamed from here as well.

It does worryingly sound like something I'd like.

You're worried by the idea that music you might like exists? Your life must be a constant churn of fear and anxiety. Which would explain a few things.

It's more worrying that you would know what I like, Mr Stalker.

It turns out that if you write things on the internet sometimes people will read and remember them. Who knew?
Bamba wrote:
SilentNight wrote:
Bamba wrote:
SilentNight wrote:
Bamba wrote:
My mate recommended The Algorithm and I picked up his album Polymorphic Code the other day. It's a bizarre mix of dubstep techno, thrash metal and prog rock and comes very highly recommended; specifically I thought it might be up myp's alley ( :hat: ). I'm sure there are bits of it on YouTube and the full album can allegedly be streamed from here as well.

It does worryingly sound like something I'd like.

You're worried by the idea that music you might like exists? Your life must be a constant churn of fear and anxiety. Which would explain a few things.

It's more worrying that you would know what I like, Mr Stalker.

It turns out that if you write things on the internet sometimes people will read and remember them. Who knew?

*Leaves internet*
I basically love anything djenty.
God Rest Ye Merry, Djentlemen.
Don't you hate it when you hear a cracking tune from a band you've never come across and it turns out the rest of their stuff is shite? Sail by AWOLNATION is utter genius, but the whole rest of the album is juvenile pish.

On a (hopefully) unrelated tip, I've just stumbled across a band called Royal Blood who make an excellent noise that sounds like there's much more of them than just the two guys who make up the band. They've only got two tunes out at the moment but they're both excellent.

<hipster>I liked Sail way before it was in the charts</hipster>

However, I can't figure why I would have heard it.

[edit]It was on an advert though, wasn't it? O2, maybe?
Grim... wrote:
<hipster>I liked Sail way before it was in the charts</hipster>

However, I can't figure why I would have heard it.

[edit]It was on an advert though, wasn't it? O2, maybe?

It was ages ago I heard it as well as we've got our alarm clock set to wake us up to Kerrang radio but I was reminded of it, and the accompanying disappointment of the album, when it popped up on YouTube tonight. Although looking into it now I didn't realise it was actually 2011 it came out.

I don't know about adverts myself as I never really see them but a bit of Googling says it was used in a BMW ad and over the trailer for the film Cowboys and Aliens if that helps at all?
Grim... wrote:
However, I can't figure why I would have heard it.

Probably because of this:
Grim... wrote:
However, I can't figure why I would have heard it.
Ooh, quite possibly.

In other music news, Skrillex has a new album out.

It's rather disappointing so far.
Grim... wrote:
Skrillex has a new album out.

I read somewhere that it was his debut album, but he's been around ages, so it confused me.
He did Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites in 2010 (maybe 2011).

It was way better than this is so far.
Oh, that was an EP, apparently. He should stick to doing them.
He's only actually got a couple of decent tunes and, although those good tunes are very good, the rest of his own output is pretty meh. That new album follows the same pattern.
Relatedly, have you heard the Korn album Path of Totality he produced a few tracks on? It's an interesting experiment of fusing that brostep sound to their usual style and and took me a while to get into but I really liked it. I suspect you'll either really like it or really hate it to be honest.
Bamba wrote:
Relatedly, have you heard the Korn album Path of Totality he produced a few tracks on? It's an interesting experiment of fusing that brostep sound to their usual style and and took me a while to get into but I really liked it. I suspect you'll either really like it or really hate it to be honest.

I haven't listened to it, mainly because I went right off Korn after Head left and they started sounding like Linkin Park. Plus the concept just sounds terrible.

However, I saw them at Download and they were amazing (Head is back), so I bought the new album and it's really good. So I might give it a shot. There's a massive gap in between Untouchables and the latest album where I haven't listened to their stuff at all.

On a sort-of-related note, I couldn't believe how incredible Limp Bizkit were at Download either with Wes Borland back, despite having gone off them last century (I think Significant Other was the last album I owned). However I bought their new album and it wasn't all that great.
I haven't really listened to much Korn stuff for a long time so I couldn't tell you how it stacks up with their other recent albums, I was really just attracted to it by the concept and hearing the lead single played on Kerrang a few times. I strongly suspect you'll hate it; I spent a few listens genuinely unsure whether it was fucking awful or solid fried gold.

Limp Bizkit I haven't heard a single thing from since Significant Other because it was around that time the world was realising just how much of a twat Fred Durst was. I couldn't even tell how many, if any, albums they've released since then. I do still now and again chuck on that one they did with Method Man, N 2 Gether Now, though as it's an absolute corker of a tune.
Absolute tune this, only just discovered it those its quite old

Coco Rosie - All those Beauitful Boyz
As there was a bit of Skrillex chat here, anyone looking for some similar brostep could do worse than check out Zomboy. I've only got a couple of his EPs as his first album isn't due out until July but it's good stuff and a lot more consistent than Skrillex i.e. he's got more than two good tunes.
Bangarang, First of the Year, Levels and Scary Monsters are four good ones off the top of my head (his joint remix of Monsta's "Holdin' On", with Nero is one of my favorite songs ever, although I suppose that doesn't really count) . Do like me some Zomboy, though. Vancouver Beatdown is my favorite one of his.
Grim... wrote:
Bangarang, First of the Year, Levels and Scary Monsters are four good ones off the top of my head (his joint remix of Monsta's "Holdin' On", with Nero is one of my favorite songs ever, although I suppose that doesn't really count) . Do like me some Zomboy, though. Vancouver Beatdown is my favorite one of his.

I've got the Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites and Bangarang EPs and the only tune I actually rate is Bangarang itself. Indeed the only other of his I've heard and enjoy is the much maligned one from Far Cry 3 (Make It Bun Dem). Both of these are crackers to be fair, but it just points to how inconsistent his output is in my opinion.
I quite agree he's inconsistent - I didn't like anything off his new album, sadly.

Give the Monsta remix a go, though:
Mrs Gaywood showed me this:

Incredible scenes.

It's a band called Future Islands, and their lead singer is just something to behold. The dancing, the emotion, the pounding himself so hard on the chest that it picks up on his mic, and best of all, the voice that occasionally drops into Death Metal.

I am now heartily tempted to see them live, though I worry he might walk into the crowd and eat our souls.
Crazy performance but the songs still meh.
You don't mean:

You actually mean:

Zardoz wrote:
Crazy performance but the songs still meh.


The backing actually made coldplay sound like the most exciting band ever in comparison.
I quite like the backing. Very 80s. I just love the singer. It's about a millimetre away from being absolutely awful, but manages to cling on to awesome. He has such conviction!

Also, I'm not sure what the difference was in Bamba's two videos.
Curiosity wrote:
Also, I'm not sure what the difference was in Bamba's two videos.

Your YouTube tags were wrong basically, the second one is the right way to have it display properly inline. You don't put the whole url in, just the last part.
Bamba wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Also, I'm not sure what the difference was in Bamba's two videos.

Your YouTube tags were wrong basically, the second one is the right way to have it display properly inline. You don't put the whole url in, just the last part.

Ah, I see.

Thanks. Will edit the original post to make us look weird :)
Curiosity wrote:
Will edit the original post to make us look weird :)

Excellent. :)
Anyone who really likes good pop music couldn't do much better than checking out the latest Ke$ha and Katy Perry albums. Both are excellent.
I mentioned this on Facebook and I think I got it from here, but if not have some death metal J-pop.

I can't stop listening to it.
British Nervoso wrote:
Anyone who really likes good pop music couldn't do much better than checking out the latest Ke$ha and Katy Perry albums. Both are excellent.

It's Kesha, now.
Saturnalian wrote:
British Nervoso wrote:
Anyone who really likes good pop music couldn't do much better than checking out the latest Ke$ha and Katy Perry albums. Both are excellent.

It's Kesha, now.

Tsk, cutbacks, eh?
Saturnalian wrote:
British Nervoso wrote:
Anyone who really likes good pop music couldn't do much better than checking out the latest Ke$ha and Katy Perry albums. Both are excellent.

It's Kesha, now.

Or K£sha here. K€sha in Europe.
I was reminded how fucking awesome the Algorithim album it is by listening to it this morning on the way to work. Did anyone (i.e. myp or Grim) ever actually go and check it out after I mentioned it on the last page of this thread?
Bamba wrote:
I was reminded how fucking awesome the Algorithim album it is by listening to it this morning on the way to work. Did anyone (i.e. myp or Grim) ever actually go and check it out after I mentioned it on the last page of this thread?

Yes, I bought it. It's pretty good from the two listens I gave it, but I need to give it some more airtime.
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