Bits & Bobs 39
Putting out the bins
Because we're all out to get him, of course.
Achievable goals were mostly missed today. oops. Apart form the 'play nicely' one. Which I find tedious and dull.
Arranging a mortgage with lender A is still ongoing. One phone call for an product run down a few weeks back, then a 90 minute call today which led to the first call being hopelessly inaccurate. Lender B's attitude was "Cool! We'll send you all the stuff and all you have to do is sign! We can do the chat over the phone, it takes about 15 minutes". So, MrsA feels the need to call Lender A back because I don't fucking know either.
TheVision wrote:
Does anyone know what a tracking device would look like and where they normally put them?

So you've never wondered about that strange lump behind your ear?

Anonymous X wrote:
Because we're all out to get him, of course.

That's it.. You've made the list.
It's a long list.
It's a list of people out to get him.
Bobbyaro wrote:
It's a list of people out to get him.

And games. Lots of games
I'm dictating this tweet not a tweet delete delete zoom in hove enhancecomputer stop program full stop end of message jump
TheVision wrote:
I have a lease car through my work so it doesn't belong to the company.

I have a question.. If there was a tracking device fitted to it, would they have to tell me about it?

Probably. Look for a Dallas Key (circular sensor) under the dash somewhere it can be reached by the driver to turn it off and on.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
TheVision wrote:
I have a lease car through my work so it doesn't belong to the company.

I have a question.. If there was a tracking device fitted to it, would they have to tell me about it?

Probably. Look for a Dallas Key

It'll be hidden in the air bags.

Joystick ball-tops with graphics and objects inside. Gorgeous:
1st day back to work after 3 days leave... Inbox has over 200 emails and 4 urgent requests for my time..

Should I just go back to bed?
Emo hate crime

As usual with the Guardian, the reporting's not very good. It's not clear if this is just a recording matter or whether it's being prosecuted as a "hate crime" (although it' snot clear what that would mean). The bit at the end about the 2008 case seemed to suggest that there was a "hate crime" crime where the victim is a goth. Someone with more time on their hands could look into this. Mali?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:

Thought that was going to be a picture of the time I gaffer taped Myp to a chair.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Emo hate crime

As usual with the Guardian, the reporting's not very good. It's not clear if this is just a recording matter or whether it's being prosecuted as a "hate crime" (although it' snot clear what that would mean). The bit at the end about the 2008 case seemed to suggest that there was a "hate crime" crime where the victim is a goth. Someone with more time on their hands could look into this. Mali?

Didn't we already do this? Or is it a new one?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Emo hate crime

As usual with the Guardian, the reporting's not very good. It's not clear if this is just a recording matter or whether it's being prosecuted as a "hate crime" (although it' snot clear what that would mean). The bit at the end about the 2008 case seemed to suggest that there was a "hate crime" crime where the victim is a goth. Someone with more time on their hands could look into this. Mali?

It is being recorded and investigated as a 'hate crime' as the police seem to think they should influence which way legislation goes. Hopefully, after a bit, they will drop the idea after the Foundation is satisfied that something has been done.

By the by, it's encouraging to see in Manchester father and son can find activities to do together.

Also, today looks to be busy as I've got lots of stuff to do. And still have to "play nicely".
Today UKMail decided to deliver my package, despite nothing having changed at the delivery address.

Yesterday they refused to deliver because I wasn't there in person (someone else was), today they decided it didn't matter. Marvellous eh chums?
Oh the irony! Thatcher exposes the problem of dumping TV Centre. Alot of the footage of her is on old tape formats that they can't play at New Broadcasting House. Oh deary me!
it goes! Everything is tight! Stopping however might be tricky working on that. pretty good for 120 pounds and 12 pounds in stuff to clean it with. And £6 tape.
I love the design but this is why stopping is a problem:
Have you started cleaning it up yet?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Have you started cleaning it up yet?

Not the bits you need a toothbrush for, no. The main frame, yes, I've been over it with soapy water and furniture polish....

I've half heartedly wiped it down and attacked the cranks and chainring bits with chemicals and a rag, but not had an all out assault on it. If it seems things work properly and all is well and good, then I will strip all the components off it, and completely redo the frame and bits, however I don't want to do that if stuff does not work.
And douse the thing in Ku-rust or something.
Then set fire to it.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
And douse the thing in Ku-rust or something.

Pretty much, yeah. MrsA is aware that there will soon be a garage free and I currently have in possession a set of imperial tools, so all she needs to do is leave me in there on a Saturday morning with them, tins of beer, shedtons of wet and dry sand paper, priming paint and whatever colors she decides and it'll be done by Sunday afternoon and ready to be painted. Otherwise I'll take everything off it, and it'll cost c£250 at the frame builders...
Bobbyaro wrote:
Then set fire to it.

Or sell it on. Not decided yet. I am beginning to love it.

Fucking HATE the road bike, though. Chinzy little bitch, she is. Fucking HATE it. I banished it to the shed a couple of days back.
And then nuke if from orbit.
It's a very good quality steel frame.
The bits of it that are still steel, yes.
Trust me. I have the technology. Although I just fell off it riding out of the kitchen as the drum brake seems to be on all the time. Laugh a minute around here.
Try sandblasting it.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Try sandblasting it.

I like this idea. To ebay!
Actually I could just sandblast the whole thing.
What? Ebay? That could take a while.. it's quite big.
Sandblast the tyres, it makes them extra grippy.
Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Emo hate crime

As usual with the Guardian, the reporting's not very good. It's not clear if this is just a recording matter or whether it's being prosecuted as a "hate crime" (although it' snot clear what that would mean). The bit at the end about the 2008 case seemed to suggest that there was a "hate crime" crime where the victim is a goth. Someone with more time on their hands could look into this. Mali?

Didn't we already do this? Or is it a new one?

We did the discussion of it as a new category. This is the first incident to fall under the category.
You know what's annoying? People doing 'reviews' on youtube of stuff without saying anything. They make like a frigging dolly bird on Sale Of The Century and show you everything, but fail to speak.

So - ordered £70 of tshirts from Redbubble, with £10 or so postage. I'm now being told by Royal Mail I have to pay £19 duty/tax on it before they'll deliver it. WTF?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
So - ordered £70 of tshirts from Redbubble, with £10 or so postage. I'm now being told by Royal Mail I have to pay £19 duty/tax on it before they'll deliver it. WTF?

DavPaz wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
So - ordered £70 of tshirts from Redbubble, with £10 or so postage. I'm now being told by Royal Mail I have to pay £19 duty/tax on it before they'll deliver it. WTF?


yes, he wants us to explain why he has to pay import duty.
Import duty of 29%, at that. WTF is that on the basis of?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Import duty of 29%, at that. WTF is that on the basis of?

There are around 14,000 different classifications. it is a bit of a fucker. I ask some companies to write "GIFT" on the box to avoid this, and split orders up. Or it oculd be import VAT and a handling fee.
Looks like it's import VAT of £14 plus a handling fee of a fiver. FUXACHE.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Looks like it's import VAT of £14 plus a handling fee of a fiver. FUXACHE.

A fiver is not bad - my girlfriend ordered something from the US and it arrived last week
Total cost was something like $20

Royal mail stopped it , and we had to pay - the excess VAT charge was around £3.80 something
The handling fee for them to deal with it was over £8 (so total of nearly £12)
DavPaz wrote:
You know what's annoying? People doing 'reviews' on youtube of stuff without saying anything. They make like a frigging dolly bird on Sale Of The Century and show you everything, but fail to speak.


Mr Russell does good reviews.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:

Had the same thing when I ordered some t-shirts the other week from the colonies. I don't mind paying the VAT or the import tax. I just didn't understand why it cost Royal Mail £8 to hold it in the same depot where all my other parcels end up anyway.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:

Isn't it the case that if you buy it from a US site for delivery to the UK, you're generally not paying any sales tax at source?
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