Beex, Yo.
Blind and Dead and Spooky
Dead thread
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MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Point me to some lies, Mali. Ones that I've made, I mean, as opposed to all yours.

I am fairly fucking sure that i would be aware that i had eaten someone!

But I didn't make that up, did I? I just said what Zaphod said.

Keep trying.
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Zaphod said that, and i must have missed it as i did not reply to it. Not that matters now as it is too far down that particular road. Why zaphod said it, i dunno, he has not said.
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Thinks i tirned on day one, lollipop chainsaw.

I am vanilla townie turned zombie on night two.
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Oh. My. God.

This is totally hillarious.

Multitudinal belming!!!

Here's my theory:

Mali (despite my better judgement) is probably good - he's fucked up so many times that it's a miracle he's survived the lynch. If he is a bad guy, then I don't care, he deserves to win for pulling it off like this.

Grim... I think you're full of it. If you really were trying to help the town (as someone pointed out that's possibly the best way for you to 'survive') then you would have piped up sooner given how belmy everyone else was being. Mali has already told us there's a protect / reviver role, and even if he's talking bollocks, it's still likely there's a role of that vague description, so they would have more than likely covered your ass post-role claim because as a goody you would have been massively valuable. Also. We know that Craster is a baddie, and he was waaaaay too quick to back you up.

Either way, I reckon one of you is bad news, and I'm keeping totally schtum on my goody so you can't attack them.
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This is car crash stuff !

Grim... i'm very suspicous of Malia and I really dont like that he 'makes up facts' and then follows them as if they are the truth handed to him from on high.

Yes (at some point in the thread) I pointed out he was acting like a cheerleader and is then a zombie which makes me think he was from the start (since he's recently been playing Lolliop chainsaw which is a game about a cheerleader zombie hunter) - that strikes me as a little too much co-incidence but its possible that its just that

I only got last words when I was alive so I got TFF and Kovac's final words - no-one elses (since i'm dead).

I do not know that the missing people are being eaten however that was a hypothosis at the start when Malia turned up all rotten zombie like - and its as good a guess as anything else out there but it is just a guess i have no knowledge of that - I quoted myself as i didnt think that you'd seen this early suspicion of Malia which is also why we were being more cagey about giving him info since I really dont trust him (in the same way i dont 100% trust you - but at least your not batshit crazy yet).
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TheFireFaerie wrote:
Also. We know that Craster is a baddie, and he was waaaaay too quick to back you up.

Pshht. What nonsense.
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I am loving this so far....
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Surely it'd be unfair if two baddies were allowed to flick between the two worlds? One of 'em has got to be a goodie. I'm minded to think that's MaliA.
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Saturnalian wrote:
Surely it'd be unfair if two baddies were allowed to flick between the two worlds? One of 'em has got to be a goodie. I'm minded to think that's MaliA.

Grim... isn't a baddy as such, he just isn't a goody. He isn't on the side of either the town of the mafia (or the cult), he just has to survive, and he'll do whatever he can to do that, until he allies himself with a side. However he doesn't know which side he will be allied with if he takes that route.
He is a self serving neutral.

Malia was turned, it could have been anyone.

Fairness doesn't come into it, as far as I can see.
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Turned into a zombie, but win condition is still town. Unlike MR WINCONDITIONNOTTOWN grim... :)

But, yeah, what Trooper said. it has been fun so far.
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So, no lynch again then? Oh, what a shame. Sucks to be you guys.
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Tomorrow Malia should come clean.

He can't see the dead thread, SG being named as the lover was a lucky guess that set this all in motion, Grim... and Malia have actually been on the same side all this time and talking to each other outside of the game to make this seem just convincing enough to stop them being voted for, but cause enough confusion to keep the townies unsure and focused on the wrong thing. He isn't a zombie, they just picked up the mention of a smell and went with it, the smell thing is actually most likely to do with the disappearing people.
Why is he coming clean now? He has had his win condition swapped to town by a mysterious figure overnight.
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Trooper wrote:
Tomorrow Malia should come clean.

He can't see the dead thread, SG being named as the lover was a lucky guess that set this all in motion, Grim... and Malia have actually been on the same side all this time and talking to each other outside of the game to make this seem just convincing enough to stop them being voted for, but cause enough confusion to keep the townies unsure and focused on the wrong thing. He isn't a zombie, they just picked up the mention of a smell and went with it, the smell thing is actually most likely to do with the disappearing people.
Why is he coming clean now? He has had his win condition swapped to town by a mysterious figure overnight.

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We should totally do that, Mali.
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I think at some point, every single member of the town has voted to lynch me, you know.
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And I'm fairly sure you've voted to lynch everyone ;)
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Grim... wrote:
And I'm fairly sure you've voted to lynch everyone ;)

I HAVE A LIST AND A SYSTEM! Most of them I suspect are v. bad.
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MaliA wrote:
I HAVE A LIST AND A SYSTEM! Most of them I suspect are v. bad.

Most of your lists are v.bad or most of your systems are v.bad ?
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zaphod79 wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I HAVE A LIST AND A SYSTEM! Most of them I suspect are v. bad.

Most of your lists are v.bad or most of your systems are v.bad ?

I'm going to start casting that plaque now.
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It's exciting, isn't it?

It looks like you're safe, Mali!
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Grim... wrote:
It's exciting, isn't it?

It looks like you're safe, Mali!

F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

Until night time. I don't have the luxury of being safe.
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Curio had better be punctual.
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I'll lock the doors when the time comes.

I don't think anyone is going to die.
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If it's Mali I will wee with happy.
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I'm going to be lonely tomorrow, then.
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<and breathe>
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You can all say sorry now.
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Oh my, what shock news is this?
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My next game is going to involve time travel.

Good luck people.
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Well that was unexpected*

*bloody well expected :'(
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Morte wrote:
Well that was unexpected*

*bloody well expected :'(


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Not your fault Curio...or is it? 8)
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What the hell just happened?!

There's some weird sexual killer out there?????

So, the disappearances are kidnapping.

But do the others have a chance of escape? Pr is it guaranteed dead once they've been taken??

Dear lord this is a weird game....
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Gee, I wonder who wrote:
I don't think the missing people are being eaten, I think they are being kidnapped. That's why they are not in the dead thread, that's why they can't talk to us.

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Did anyone actually think they were getting eaten? I thought that was just entertainingly winding you up, frankly.
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Craster wrote:
Did anyone actually think they were getting eaten? I thought that was just entertainingly winding you up, frankly.

I think the town think they are getting eaten.
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I never thought they were being eaten, I just thought they were floating in between worlds - something to do with Grim... or the Necormancer or something.

Would someone tell the town to STOP BEING IDIOTS.
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TheFireFaerie wrote:
I never thought they were being eaten, I just thought they were floating in between worlds - something to do with Grim... or the Necormancer or something.

Would someone tell the town to STOP BEING IDIOTS.

I've been trying, peaches, I've been trying.
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MaliA wrote:
TheFireFaerie wrote:

Would someone tell the town to STOP BEING IDIOTS.

I've been trying, peaches, I've been trying.

Would someone with a bit of credibility tell the town to STOP BEING IDIOTS

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
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nah, only kidding. jesus. Madness. Most fun I've had for a while, though. twice bear the chop, eh?
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MaliA wrote:

You'd starve if you were going to live off those left in the town
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Well, that's a bit of a revelation. I'd put it in the revelation box for this game, but it's full up.

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