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Blind and Dead and Spooky
Dead thread
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zaphod79 wrote:
TheFireFaerie wrote:
I'm also assuming that the same has happened to DavPaz, so he'll probably show up in here tomorrow once he's 'sort of revovered', too.

Morte was the person who vanished on day1 , and Davpaz on day2 - Malia has not been 'missing' but presumably turned on the first night ?

(although the cheerleading and his recent playing of Lollipop Chainsaw makes me think he knew this from the start which doesnt quite add up with his claims)

I was shot to death last night, but then resurrected by the necromancer. Who, yes I suspect is grim...
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Amusingly, I was shot through the heart, someone clearly not having done their research on my vulnerabilities.
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Grim... is certainly dodgy as fuck, I think. He has been throwing out random conflicting theories without any following up, which isn't like him at all.
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Trooper wrote:
Grim... is certainly dodgy as fuck, I think. He has been throwing out random conflicting theories without any following up, which isn't like him at all.

He's not playing the game like Grim... which is reason enough to vote for him
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It's a shame the physic got offed though, my last 3 words would have been "Craster is a..."

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Trooper wrote:
It's a shame the physic got offed though, my last 3 words would have been "Craster is a..."


or " ...the serial killer"
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MaliA wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
TheFireFaerie wrote:
I'm also assuming that the same has happened to DavPaz, so he'll probably show up in here tomorrow once he's 'sort of revovered', too.

Morte was the person who vanished on day1 , and Davpaz on day2 - Malia has not been 'missing' but presumably turned on the first night ?

(although the cheerleading and his recent playing of Lollipop Chainsaw makes me think he knew this from the start which doesnt quite add up with his claims)

I was shot to death last night, but then resurrected by the necromancer. Who, yes I suspect is grim...

I'm assuming the necromancer can only resurrect if they get lucky and choose someone who gets killed, otherwise there would be more zombies in here and less dead people. I also assume his win condition is him and zombies only being the last ones alive.

In that case, why would he try and out Malia like that if it was Grim...?

I think Malia is probably still working for the town.

(and I like the fact that we can still play the game from here, after a fashion :D)
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Did Mali disappear day 1?

Pehaps it takes a day to make a Zombie?
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However, if I was a zombie, and a bad guy. I wouldn't say that I could see this forum, I would just watch, and wait...
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I suspect it was luck. but I have clearly rattle a cage for someone to want to shoot me (looks at Jazzy).

I also suspect that the necromancer will win if he gets a zombie horde.
I am not sure what will happen if the necromancer dies/gets discovered.
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Trooper wrote:
However, if I was a zombie, and a bad guy. I wouldn't say that I could see this forum, I would just watch, and wait...

If i were good, I'd ask what the cop and the psyic found out.
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MaliA wrote:
I am not sure what will happen if the necromancer dies/gets discovered.

Your skin will melt off, a hole will open in the ground and you'll be sucked down to hell.

Sucks to be you.
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being able to talk to the dead and the observers is a good thing. A good power.

However, it won't be good if it isn't enough to save me from a bandwaggoinging lynch, as I won't be able to say "X is good, the cop investigated!" if the goodies move to kill me to save me if I don't know that information.
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Way too much digging for info for my liking, Mali...

If it looks like my good-un is going to get lynched, I'll speak up, otherwise, tough doo-dahs!
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Same here if my lover is up for the chop.
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No, really, i would be.
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MaliA wrote:
Oh, yes I am. I was murderised and shot by a man with a gun, but I sort of got better. Now I straddle the worlds like a cheap hooker on rent day. TFF, what was the result of your investigation?

But but but, you're not one od the peopkle wgo have disappeared from the active list, you've always been there.
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Dead Thread > Live Thread
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Curiosity wrote:
Dead Thread > Live Thread

Thats generally the case in any Mafia game :-)
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Fuck it, just for the shits and giggles and to give MaliA some info as it is more fun for us if he is alive :) SG is a townie.
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Trooper wrote:
Fuck it, just for the shits and giggles and to give MaliA some info as it is more fun for us if he is alive :) SG is a townie.

Thank you.
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Not that it did you much good - you try and back SG up, he votes for you!

Who needs enemies when you've got friends... ;)
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Might have to give out some info to save Malia TFF, if you want to that is. He is 3 votes away from a lynch and has just made himself a huge voting target :D
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Me telling him another townie isn't going to help save him!
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Not now he has fully blown it :D
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Heh. Oh, my. There we go. Omlette and eggs. Another townie under the bus with me. Malc74 is scum.
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Pick the bones from that one, eh ?
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Can a zombie be killed overnight?
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Trooper wrote:
Can a zombie be killed overnight?

The boss said yes.
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Malc is gunning for you.
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So you're potentially up for the chop from the bad guys even if you survive the lynch.

Unless, of course, you're on their side now anyway, in which case they'll let you live.

See, although you've saved your own ass, you've painted a nice big target over SGs had as he's had to confirm role claim, so whether it's tonight or not, is a gonner.

Not so helpful for the town...

Another reason why I'm not telling you my goodun!
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Cold math and self interest presented the situation that better sg dead and me alive rather than the other way around. I thought about it for a bit but could see no better way out if it.
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MaliA wrote:
Cold math and self interest presented the situation that better sg dead and me alive rather than the other way around. I thought about it for a bit but could see no better way out if it.

Yes but the question as to you being town or not is unclear - you've thrown SG under the bus a little in your own self interest which is not something good for the town
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zaphod79 wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Cold math and self interest presented the situation that better sg dead and me alive rather than the other way around. I thought about it for a bit but could see no better way out if it.

Yes but the question as to you being town or not is unclear - you've thrown SG under the bus a little in your own self interest which is not something good for the town

No, but had I not offered up the proof he asked for I would have been lynched, and this role is slightly more useful than a vanilla townie's, so omlette, eggs. It looks like, amusingly, that i will be lynched anyway, but there we go.
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Assuming you are telling the truth about being town, then you have an incredibly powerful role for the town. I assume there is a doc, if they protect you overnight and you don't get lynched, then if there is a townie left with an investigative role they can pass on all their info even if they die, and all us other townies are effectively still in the game to help work things out without fear of being lynched by speaking up.

The people who are pushing for the lynch are the axis of evil.
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Trooper wrote:
The people who are pushing for the lynch are the axis of evil.

Theres definitely a bit of that - however Malia's role claim has not been as clear and clean as it could have been and if I was a townie still in the game I'm not sure I'd believe him.

He would have done just enough though for me to switch to a.n other person to vote for today but if he did not come up with something special then he would be voted out in the next day or so

(BTW Trooper I think the only reason he's still here is you giving him that info on SG)
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Oh , and probably a question more for Curio but can Malia cut n paste directly from the dead thread (yes i know its possible would it be frowned on?)

One of us could write a long post explaining some of the inaccuracies and he could post in into the thread - I'm thinking Trooper VS Grim... levels of story and wonder what the current players would think of that.

Or a few of us write a post and he cut n pastes it into the thread for giggles n stuff.
User avatar
zaphod79 wrote:
Trooper wrote:
The people who are pushing for the lynch are the axis of evil.

Theres definitely a bit of that - however Malia's role claim has not been as clear and clean as it could have been and if I was a townie still in the game I'm not sure I'd believe him.

He would have done just enough though for me to switch to a.n other person to vote for today but if he did not come up with something special then he would be voted out in the next day or so

(BTW Trooper I think the only reason he's still here is you giving him that info on SG)

We have been given a blunt tool to work with, that's for sure ;)
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Could have been worse, it could have been me..
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KovacsC wrote:
Could have been worse, it could have been me..

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Trooper wrote:
We have been given a blunt tool to work with, that's for sure ;)

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MaliA wrote:
Trooper wrote:
We have been given a blunt tool to work with, that's for sure ;)


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I would be unhappy with direct C&Ping from the thread, but I don't think that is Mali's style anyway
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Curiosity wrote:
I would be unhappy with direct C&Ping from the thread, but I don't think that is Mali's style anyway

Just to be clear I was not saying him randomly cut n pasting but for example me saying - Malia paste this into the thread

>---- cut here >---

Grimm... is acting very odd and the way he picked up on the smell thing makes me wonder if he is the person who zombiefied Malia

>---- cut here >---

BTW Malia - in here do you want to elaborate on your new win conditions - you say your still town but now need to find the zombie master - what happens if you do ?
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It's a secondary win condition. I thought Grim... as he was the first to mention the smell, and the word zombie. but it was odd that he then voted for me. malc's reasoning is stupid to get rid of me, so I'm fairly sure he is scum.
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Egotistical! Bloody cheek.

That's it, it's over.
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Bobby raises a good point, does the smell mean there is another zombie kicking around and keeping quiet?
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Trooper wrote:
Bobby raises a good point, does the smell mean there is another zombie kicking around and keeping quiet?

I just looked at day 2, and there was no mention of smell, there.
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MaliA wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Bobby raises a good point, does the smell mean there is another zombie kicking around and keeping quiet?

I just looked at day 2, and there was no mention of smell, there.

So did I. Weird, I could have sworn it was mentioned before at some point.
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Oh, my. With two hours to go, let us have a long and thusiastic debate where we make things up. mafia timewasting, or stupidity?
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