Beex, Yo.
Blind and Dead and Spooky
Dead thread
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Can anyone who is playing Mafia tell me if they can see this thread? Ta!
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I can see it
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I can also see a delete button on both mine and your post ?
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Me too!
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Oooh! Mod Powah!
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Yip - I can see a moderator control panel button , i was going to move the previous dead thread into the right place but thought best not to play with the toys.
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Oops. Added you all as Mafia Mods rather than players!
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Curiosity wrote:
Oops. Added you all as Mafia Mods rather than players!

So now we just unmod you , change the rules for the game , and everyone has won ?
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How about now?
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At least one person can see this who is in the game.

Please do not tell that to anyone on your side once you are dead.
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My it is quiet in here
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KovacsC wrote:
My it is quiet in here

I am very upset you got lynched.
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So am I. My fault say something silly on day one and game over.
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Your problem was that your first post revealed you weren't a townie with a power role, and therefore at worst expendable, with poor odds of that.
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Yes, I realised I had not typed what I meant.
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Yip - sorry Kovs but with those comments I had to push for you to go.

I really thought you were going to turn out to be a vanilla townie but given everything else i'd rather get rid of one of those than leave you to be recruited :-) (or at it turns out do the recruiting)

Its also a pity I went since despite TFF dying I know who she investigated and what the result was.
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Bastards :(
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Ah FFS, so not even my dying words to let the town know the result of my investigate was any sodding use!!

*grumble grumble grumble*
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Now the question is... knowing someone still in the game can read this, do I reveal my investigate?

Maybe at a later date... *keeps reading*
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TheFireFaerie wrote:
Now the question is... knowing someone still in the game can read this, do I reveal my investigate?

I wouldnt (which is also why I didnt say) , although remember we do only have 4 basic townies so there are plenty of other roles out there (but given Curio's past i would think some are 'useless' like my cop in the last game who always saw everyone as a baddie)
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What I may do is reveal if that person looks set to cause good / bad events to happen regardless. Like the idea of being able to influence despite being. bloody. dead.

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BTW I did not know (until tonight) what my powers would be - I was told I was an amateur psychic but I thought i'd either get messages from the dead thread or someone else was a better psychic and I'd get some other type of info from them (where I wouldn't know if it was good or bad)
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Have I done something to piss off SG ?

Zaphod isn't a massive loss as I don't believe in Psychic's they are almost as bad as those cults, but the loss of our wundercop with the pigtails and rosy cheeks is a bit of a blow.

Reading the role its a power role for the town (even if i didnt know it from the start)

Yesterday :

In my mind Zaphod is now linked with KovacsC, just get the feeling they are on a team together, not sure if it is good or bad however. From the way Zaphod has writen his post he seems to be claiming not to be a Vanilla Townie....I may be reading too much into this :DD

(he then posted later that 'oops' I was voting for Kovacs)
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It is ok. I just worded it badly. Nevermind
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This game is going to be fun to watch
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Has someone replaced the town in this game with people that actually seem to know what they are doing ?

And for Alarm , was that a genuine mistake or were you trying to be subtle ?
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They seem switched on this time
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KovacsC wrote:
They seem switched on this time

The difference so far seems to be that if someone has spotted something which doesnt make sense and calls it out then the rest of the town follows it (I really expected today to timeout)
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Erm... I log on to find that I'm dead?

That wasn't a clue, just a phrase my character would say.

Thanks for letting me speak before I'm lynched, guys! :D
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They are gung ho, but they have not dithered
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Haha. Role claiming as the mafia don is a valid tactic alarm. Shame it didn't go your way :)
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This missing folks is interesting, as they are not in here!
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Whoop! Mafia Don and Cult Leader dead in two days. Sweeeet ;)
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But, yeah, what on earth is going on with the vanishing people...

OOOHH!!!! I think that they're Ghosts!!! *reads dead thread title*
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Pfffft!! :DD
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but they are nit in here...
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Oh, yes I am. I was murderised and shot by a man with a gun, but I sort of got better. Now I straddle the worlds like a cheap hooker on rent day. TFF, what was the result of your investigation?
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Why would it make a difference you knowing TFF's investigation , and how do we know which side your actually working for ?

(BTW right now there may be more than just you who can read this so by saying stuff in here you've made anyone else aware that you have that power)
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zaphod79 wrote:
Why would it make a difference you knowing TFF's investigation , and how do we know which side your actually working for ?

Beacuase I am in both worlds. And why would the town kill me and turn me into a smelly zombie, raised by a necromanceer?
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But in being a smelly Zombie you might be a bad Zombie , and since both TFF and myself were good we would not specifically want the bad side to win.
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Also i'm not sure just how useful TFF's investigation will have been since you can see the Don was immune to such investigations (and probably so were quite a few others).

BTW as a Zombie , dont suppose your feeling peckish at all ?

Wouldnt like a drink to wash down some Morte or Davpaz would you ?
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zaphod79 wrote:
But in being a smelly Zombie you might be a bad Zombie , and since both TFF and myself were good we would not specifically want the bad side to win.

No, I'm good. Win condition is town. Added bonus for me is finding the necromancer. I was a vanilla townie. .
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I was building up to a great roleclaim if my lover was going to be lynched.
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"The smell seems to be everywhere in town."

Haha! Brilliant Malia :)
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Well I think its up to TFF if she wants to give you the info she has found , however I will say that the person she investigated returned 'town'
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I'm keeping quiet - won't do the town any favours to reveal a good person unless they're going to get lynched!

And I'm not sure I trust the zombie boy, so for now, not a peep outa me!
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I'm also assuming that the same has happened to DavPaz, so he'll probably show up in here tomorrow once he's 'sort of revovered', too.

Makes sense that the people Curio was referring to in terms of reading this thread are these half-deadders! They'll be able to take info back, I'm guessing?
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Trooper wrote:
"The smell seems to be everywhere in town."

Haha! Brilliant Malia :)

Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
The smell seems to be everywhere in town.

Is it you?

Rumbled ;)
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TheFireFaerie wrote:
I'm also assuming that the same has happened to DavPaz, so he'll probably show up in here tomorrow once he's 'sort of revovered', too.

Morte was the person who vanished on day1 , and Davpaz on day2 - Malia has not been 'missing' but presumably turned on the first night ?

(although the cheerleading and his recent playing of Lollipop Chainsaw makes me think he knew this from the start which doesnt quite add up with his claims)
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Trooper wrote:
Trooper wrote:
"The smell seems to be everywhere in town."

Haha! Brilliant Malia :)

Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
The smell seems to be everywhere in town.

Is it you?

Rumbled ;)

Or Grim... has just outed himself as the Necromancer
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