The Apple Thread
was 23rd oct event thread
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
That's been around since iOS 5, but it only works if the person you are messaging has turned it on, and most people don't (it defaults to off).

Indeed. I'm not on 6, and I have it. Didn't realise I'd activated it, though.
throughsilver wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
That's been around since iOS 5, but it only works if the person you are messaging has turned it on, and most people don't (it defaults to off).

Indeed. I'm not on 6, and I have it. Didn't realise I'd activated it, though.

No -- it only works if the person you are messaging has turned it on. So if you see "delivered" turn into "read" in your iMessage thread with someone else, that means the other person has it on, not you. You don't see anything change your end when you turn it on. So you don't have it on, the person you are messaging does.

It's a really useful feature (at the very least, it means you never need to send any "OK" style "I got that" replies) that I encourage people to enable.
It's a horrible feature if you can't be arsed to reply to someone's messages, though. Which is me all of the time.
Apple covered this too - by making iMessage less reliable than a pension fund invested in Dublin real estate.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
That's been around since iOS 5, but it only works if the person you are messaging has turned it on, and most people don't (it defaults to off).

Indeed. I'm not on 6, and I have it. Didn't realise I'd activated it, though.

No -- it only works if the person you are messaging has turned it on. So if you see "delivered" turn into "read" in your iMessage thread with someone else, that means the other person has it on, not you. You don't see anything change your end when you turn it on. So you don't have it on, the person you are messaging does.

It's a really useful feature (at the very least, it means you never need to send any "OK" style "I got that" replies) that I encourage people to enable.

Clearly I'm not reading one sentence.

I haven't activated it, then. Yay, the 'sometimes it says "read"' mystery is solved!
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Apple covered this too - by making iMessage less reliable than a pension fund invested in Dublin real estate.

Heh, good point! I simply don't use it for this reason. I get unlimited free texts anyway so I have absolutely no reason to use iMessage.
WTB wrote:
I get unlimited free texts anyway so I have absolutely no reason to use iMessage.

Free international messaging, free picture messaging, picture messaging that doesn't downsize images to crappy resolutions, group messaging that actually works, true read receipts, integration between OS X and multiple iOS devices, ... Lots of advantages of iMessage over SMS.
Given the amount of picture messages I send and receive, iMessage is awesomes.
GovernmentYard wrote:
I am pretty much going to stop using this for anything but music as soon as I can afford a google tablet, mind you. I have have little but bad progress from apple since buying this otherwise very capable device. Apple have fucked their chance to make a good impression on me.

So you're going to ditch Apple, because it updated a tablet after six months rather than a year, and move to a platform that updates sporadically, erratically, and often without providing access to OS upgrades (and in many cases, not even shipping with the current OS)? Sorry, but all sounds a wee bit cut off nose/spite face. It's not like your iPad's suddenly rubbish.

As for the App Store, since iOS 6 I get cannot connect errors, with no explanation, nine attempts to get something out of ten. Really. I can often check back later and it works, but this is a near-constant problem. It was fine before iOS 6 and so I repeat: iOS 6 is shit.

That on the other hand I can't explain. I've had no such problems here.
I've seen those App Store problems GY describes. It was quote common just after iOS 6 shipped, but hasn't happened for a little while now.
CraigGrannell wrote:
Plissken wrote:
This isn't an Android type arms race.

Except it is. Apple's now going to be competing against tablets closer to the new iPad in the Android and Windows 8 space, and so MOAR POWER is a clear requirement. It's also pretty clear Apple wants everything shifted over to the new connector as soon as possible.

TBH, I think it is more the latter than the former. Apple, to my memory, have never competed on specs. The iPhone has - again, IIRC - never been the most powerful phone and I couldn't tell you how much memory or what the CPU is in my iPad.

The iPad mini really strikes me as following the pack rather than leading it as well as pandering to analysts and commentators rather than users. Both of which are unusual for Apple.
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
New iPad Mini - Mildly interested for using on the commute, but if I was to get one i'd get the retina version which will no doubt be released in 6 months. Non-retina is a bit crap really, and it is pricey.

After peering at specs, I can't see why anyone would get one of these over the Nexus 7 - with perhaps the exception of some serious app tie-in or for some reason desperately desiring mobile Internet but without a phone they can turn into a hotspot. It's £110 more!

Went and had a play with an ipad mini today. Cor... it's lovely, it's definitely more than the sum of its parts. However I have problems with hitting the right bits of webpages on the current bigger version, so i'm not sure just having everything smaller will be a good idea. Plus it is still fucking expensive, especially for the 32gb 3G version, which is the one I would need.
How many Apple users does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, you have to replace the whole house.
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
New iPad Mini - Mildly interested for using on the commute, but if I was to get one i'd get the retina version which will no doubt be released in 6 months. Non-retina is a bit crap really, and it is pricey.

After peering at specs, I can't see why anyone would get one of these over the Nexus 7 - with perhaps the exception of some serious app tie-in or for some reason desperately desiring mobile Internet but without a phone they can turn into a hotspot. It's £110 more!

Went and had a play with an ipad mini today. Cor... it's lovely, it's definitely more than the sum of its parts. However I have problems with hitting the right bits of webpages on the current bigger version, so i'm not sure just having everything smaller will be a good idea. Plus it is still fucking expensive, especially for the 32gb 3G version, which is the one I would need.

I went to the Birmingham Apple store yesterday to have a look at one and to buy an iPod Nano as a present, and agree that it is *very* nicely assembled, and had I never had a full size iPad I'd have been more tempted but as it is I wouldn't want to lose the screen size.

More annoyingly, the store was much quieter than normal because they had several staff outside asking people to queue despite it being empty, then they were asking you what you were there to look at before deciding how long to make you wait! One chap said he was there to buy a macbook and was let straight in.

Fuck that for a game of soldiers! I refused to answer and just asked if they were going to let me in or not, which threw them a bit. While they were thinking about it, I just walked past them, had a quick nose then fucked off to the Currys Black store nearby and bought something from them instead.
It's pretty bad when they have better service than Apple.
metalangel wrote:
How many Apple users does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, you have to replace the whole house.

Although if it's under a year old, you can pop into any Apple Store and they'll just give you a new house; two years old if you argue a lot.
Couldn't find a generic Apple thread, we seem to have a million of them all with slightly different focus, so i'll post this is here and rename the thread I think.

I've bitten the bullet and ordered an internal SSD caddy, an SSD drive and an external optical caddy for the iMac. Unfortunately mine is a late 2009 model so I can't add an extra SSD drive into it without removing the optical drive, but needs must. It's £150 to do all that, compared to the £1000+ it would cost for a new iMac, and should give me all the performance upgrade I need (plus let me keep the iMac as the display for my windows PC, can't do that with the new iMacs as I understand it!)

Doesn't seem too fiddly to do when you actually look at it, regardless of the instructions online.

Now, do I set the SSD and internal drive up as a Fusion drive or not? I'm saying no at this point, early days for that hack and i'm concerned what happens if one of the drives fail. Seems like doubling up the possibility of issues if you hard link the drives that way, at least if they are separate and I manage what I put on each drive myself, then if one goes it isn't a major hassle to get back up and running again.
Given Apple's erratic QA right now, I'd strongly recommend a wait-and-see approach to the Fusion Drive thing. I'd sooner control it myself until the quirks are more widely known, and until back-up software beyond Time Machine is confirmed fully working with it.
CraigGrannell wrote:
Given Apple's erratic QA right now, I'd strongly recommend a wait-and-see approach to the Fusion Drive thing. I'd sooner control it myself until the quirks are more widely known, and until back-up software beyond Time Machine is confirmed fully working with it.

Aye, that's my thought too at the moment :)
Dear Apple

Let me have a fucking 27" iMac now.

For fucks sake.
I'll sell you mine for a grand.
LOL the old one is SO THICK!!!!!111111111
I KNOW!!!! It constantly pisses me off when i'm looking at it from the front and can't see the sides...
I hear the new iMac uses its FaceTime camera to check your location and the computer's orientation. Unless you have the Mac at a 30-degree angle to you, a video of a sobbing Jony Ive and angry Phil Schiller ("LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!") fills the screen. ... tunes-look

For people like me who installed iTunes 11 yesterday and wondered what the fuck happened.
One of the most annoying things to do in older versions of iTunes was trimming down the apps downloaded on your computer.

Apart from the fact iTunes 10 not only had a list view but optionally enabled you to load icons into it, which made app trimming significantly easier than in iTunes 11. Still, good to see that website obviously got someone to write the article who was familiar with what they were talking about. *seethes*
metalangel wrote:

For people like me who installed iTunes 11 yesterday and wondered what the fuck happened.

Why would you wonder what happened? You downloaded a new version of a programme; it was new.
Walked past the local Apple retailer on the way home earlier, my goodness the new iMacs are so thin it's unbelievable.
Ooooh they're available to order on the site now.

And interest free for 10 months too.
throughsilver wrote:
Why would you wonder what happened? You downloaded a new version of a programme; it was new.

Because although my old settings were still possible, the new version changed away from them. >:|

So, I can't seem to find a way to display the album artwork in a 'now playing/currently selected' window in the sidebar.

The 'amazing new' feature to have it play the selected song after the current one finishes is only a decade and a half behind Winamp letting you do that. Maybe in 2027 they'll catch up again and add Winamp's 'stop playing after current song' option too.

The new search function is shit... before it would narrow your song list based on what you entered... now it appears in a separate search window and it just doesn't work as well. If you rightclick it and choose Play Next, it plays it next all right - and then stops without resuming the rest of your library or playlist. If you actually go into it and choose the song, it plays it but sometimes decides to turn the shuffle mode off.

It seems the nearest way to get it to work is to type in what you want and then click at the top to 'show in music' and then it kinda does what it did before.

metalangel wrote:
So, I can't seem to find a way to display the album artwork in a 'now playing/currently selected' window in the sidebar.

You can't. Apple killed that feature. As far as I can tell, the closest equivalent, bar the current art showing in the main bit at the top, is clicking said art to get a cover art window. Curious point about the search, too, which I'd not noticed. Live filtering was really useful, so getting rid of that for a sub-Spotlight 'here are a few things that might represent what you want' is a bit annoying.

I do like aspects of iTunes 11, and it's a hell of a lot faster and more responsive, but it does oddly feel a bit 1.0.
metalangel wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
Why would you wonder what happened? You downloaded a new version of a programme; it was new.

Because although my old settings were still possible, the new version changed away from them. >:|

So, I can't seem to find a way to display the album artwork in a 'now playing/currently selected' window in the sidebar.

The 'amazing new' feature to have it play the selected song after the current one finishes is only a decade and a half behind Winamp letting you do that. Maybe in 2027 they'll catch up again and add Winamp's 'stop playing after current song' option too.

I think the expand view is miles better than cover in sidebar, so I'm happy.

Was amused at the play next/cue feature. I used that in Windows Media Player in... 1999? So yeah, happy it fixed an omission rather than grateful at Apple's awesomeness.
In fairness, it is the first version of Itunes I've used that doesn't turn my 21st Century computer rig that's on paper 2700 times faster than my BBC Micro into an expensive ice cube simply because I tried to scroll down a list of songs.
Indeed. Scrolling on a Windows machine is now an official thing that happens.
CraigGrannell wrote:
You can't. Apple killed that feature. As far as I can tell, the closest equivalent, bar the current art showing in the main bit at the top, is clicking said art to get a cover art window. Curious point about the search, too, which I'd not noticed. Live filtering was really useful, so getting rid of that for a sub-Spotlight 'here are a few things that might represent what you want' is a bit annoying.

If you use it like I describe, you get most of the same functionality. So type 'dance' or 'prince' into the search box, click on "show 'prince' in Music" and you'll get the same result as if you'd typed it in in the old versions. It's an extra click, plus the initial confusion of not even realizing you could click on that option (as it looks completely different from all the others).

Play Next is really disappointing me. I like that it keeps track of which songs you play with a counter (not a new feature) but it only increases the play count when the song finishes and you move on to the next one. Because Play Next either doesn't resume the playlist or turns shuffle off or some other stupid shit, I'm still stuck doing my old 'wait with the one I want highlighted until the current one ends and then quickly hit enter, but not before hearing a second's worth of the next one in the shuffle' thang.
Don't forget to download the 12 days of christmas app, and get your free stuff. Starts on 26th December and is mostly shit, but with a couple of good things.

Can't get a white 16gig iPad Mini anywhere!

It would be a superb prezzie for Mrs Z.

FFS Apple, sort your stock out.
The mini's selling crazily well, and yet the iPad 4 is in stock everywhere. Many tech pundits of course were predicting the mini would bomb horribly, but Apple's selling the things as fast as it can make them. Zardoz: do you have an Apple Store nearby? If so, maybe ask a manager when the things are delivered and see if you can make it there for opening on one of those days.
Nearest one is 50 miles away...
CraigGrannell wrote:
Many tech pundits of course were predicting the mini would bomb horribly

Also: Steve Jobs.
They really are lovely little things when you see one in the flesh and get your grubby little mitts on them.
Still too pricey for me, mind. Ironically, too big as well, it won't fit in my inside jacket pocket.
Yeah, the form factor is perfect for Mrs Z.

Had a play about with both the iPad and the iPad mini on Saturday and she much prefered the Mini.
Bamba wrote:
Also: Steve Jobs.

Steve 'change my mind all the time' Jobs, you mean? I read something recently that suggested that was one of his best qualities. Given what's happening at some of the other large tech companies (and, indeed, the UK's economic policy), I'm rather inclined to agree. Of course, most tech pundits don't understand things change and evolve, hence them still taking the piss out of Gates for his comment about never needing 640k (which he never actually said anyway).

Zardoz wrote:
Had a play about with both the iPad and the iPad mini on Saturday and she much prefered the Mini.

It really does look like we're moving towards a two-iPad system: big iPad will almost certainly remain better for creating stuff, but small iPad (like other smaller tablets) will be good for consuming media. I have to say, if the mini had a better screen, I'd have ordered one immediately.
Is there a market for bigger iPad, do you think?
What, bigger than the current Retina one? I doubt it, unless the thing could be a hell of a lot lighter. By 'big', I meant the existing bigger one.
Yeah, I meant bigger bigger.
I think an A3 sort of size one would be amazing for round the house. Wouldn't want to carry it round outside anywhere though.
Just managed to order one from PC World. It's black rather than white but didn't want to risk not getting one at all. :)
Bamba wrote:

OOOh 50" versions would be awesome.
Bamba wrote:
How about a 22 inch tablet?

It'd have to be a suppository.
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