Lush Spanish Omelette first!
3 minutes to cook the beans? What are you, some kind of poncy chef or something? I bet you even did them in a saucepan, rather than nuking them in a microwave for a minute.
I made Tiger bread.

Needs work.
It's called Giraffe bread now for uncynical marketing related reasons.
Mr Russell wrote:
It's called Giraffe bread now for uncynical marketing related reasons.

Wind your neck in.
I made a tomato ketchup sandwich. Halfway through, I noticed the bread is going mouldy.

I finished it.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
It's called Giraffe bread now for uncynical marketing related reasons.

Wind your neck in.

Mr Russell wrote:
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
It's called Giraffe bread now for uncynical marketing related reasons.

Wind your neck in.


Oh, come on...
Giraffes have long necks! Haha!
Pun get level: fail.
I decided that this weekend I wanted to make something I'd never eaten before. Hence: falafel. I really wasn't sure what to expect but since it was a) cheap, b) easy and c) relatively healthy I decided: what the fuck?

It was this nice: really quite nice. I threw it in a pitta pocket with garlic sauce, tomato salsa, some onions and salad. Stodgy and heavy, but not unpleasantly so especially with the nice crispy fried outsides. Would make again.
Fresh glazed doughnuts.
Take a while to make, but bloody nice.
Wow, good work. How did you cook them - in a big fryer? Or only a few at a time?

I am currently making Mrs Grim... a birthday cake.
Craster wrote:
Pulled Pork Rolls

Anyone who has a slow cooker, you owe it to yourself to make this.


1 medium onion, chopped
2 tbsp ketchup
2 tbsps cider or white wine vinegar
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp tomato paste
2 tbsps paprika
2 tablespoon(s) Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon(s) yellow mustard
2 cloves garlic
200ml white wine
500ml chicken stock
1Kg or so pork leg or shoulder joint
BBQ/meat spice rub - most supermarkets do one or make your own.

Cut the fat off the meat joint and discard, then cut the pork into 3 chunks or so. Rub the spice mix into the meat then chill for a couple of hours or overnight.

When ready:
Dice the onion and garlic and fry in a little oil. Add all the other ingredients, mix well, and bring to a boil. Put the pork in the slow cooker, pour over the sauce (add water if it doesn't cover the meat), and put on low for 8 hours or so.

When done, take the meat out onto a chopping board. Transfer the cooking juices to a saucepan and bring rapidly to a boil to reduce. Using two forks, shred the meat (it should pull apart easily). When the sauce is thickened, add the meat and toss to coat.

Serve on soft rolls with coleslaw.

I'm making this tomorrow, but without the rolls (or "cobs" as correct people call them. Am thinking of serving the pork with salad (yeah I know, sorry) and maybe some rice? That sounds wrong. What other carbohydrates could be served with it?
Sweet potato fries!
Grim... wrote:
Wow, good work. How did you cook them - in a big fryer? Or only a few at a time?

I am currently making Mrs Grim... a birthday cake.

Three at a time, in a fairly big saucepan with a couple of inches of vegetable oil in it.
Now that I've got yeast doughnuts fairly downpat I'll have to try tackling cake doughnuts next.

What kind of cake are you baking?
Ange wrote:

I'm making this tomorrow, but without the rolls (or "cobs" as correct people call them. Am thinking of serving the pork with salad (yeah I know, sorry) and maybe some rice? That sounds wrong. What other carbohydrates could be served with it?

I'd say maybe some spicy potato wedges. Or, If you're into "meat and sweet" do a stack of pancakes with the pulled pork in between each and then drizzle it in maple syrup.
Craster wrote:

Oh, I've never done it myself - never in a million years. Pulled pork is for rolls and nothing else - but I've seen it on a few cooking programmes over here and it seems to go over quite well for some utterly unfathomable reason.
Malc74 wrote:
Craster wrote:

Oh, I've never done it myself - never in a million years. Pulled pork is for rolls and nothing else - but I've seen it on a few cooking programmes over here and it seems to go over quite well for some utterly unfathomable reason.

I am fairly sure he meant that he now has to do this.
I get the feeling Craster didn't disapprove.

I am baking "ultimate chocolate cake". I let the Grimlet lick the spoon for a whole before remembering that the stuff he was licking had a tablespoon of coffee in it :S
Ah. What have I done?
He's making the pancakes right now, isn't he?
Curiosity wrote:
I am fairly sure he meant that he now has to do this.

Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I am fairly sure he meant that he now has to do this.


Also :this:

Diet? What diet?
Pepperoni and chorizo pizza next.
Which I'm then going to sandwich between crepes and cover in agave nec(That's enough of that. Ed.)
BBQing in the rain. Like a bowse.
So Tesco's delivery service seems to think that rump is an adequate "substitution" for sirloin.

I plan to use it in a Thai red curry. What do you guys think?
Yeah, it'll be fine. To be honest, it's probably a better choice than sirloin for quick, hot frying. I'd probably make up the curry separately then fry the beef off and add it in, because I don't think rump will take terribly kindly to sitting at a simmer while the curry cooks.
Cheers Craster! I think the reason they could only sub rump in is because if ordered their "finest organic" stuff and any other sirloin they had was probably the "inhumane" stuff.
Yeah it's a bad substitution, why give you a better cut when you ordered the worst one ;)
This appears to be the wettest day of the last four months. I've rebuilt my tarp shelter four times.
Craster wrote:
This appears to be the wettest day of the last four months. I've rebuilt my tarp shelter four times.

The jacket I assumed was waterproof because I didn't get wet in numerous rain showers was proved to not be waterproof today.

I am bloody soaked.

In food news, the food quality at Strada has gone markedly up of late. Had some really good food there today.
Despite the rain being what I can only refer to as biblical, I'm going to call that a success.

Lamb and ribs hot off the grill
Smoked Lamb (1 of 3).jpg

Check out the smoke ring!
Smoked Lamb (2 of 3).jpg

Yeah. A success.
Smoked Lamb (3 of 3).jpg
That looks bloody great! How did you set up the grill?
Pretty much as you did. Coals on either side, water pots on top. Started with a full chimney, topped up twice with just fresh coals on top. Wet mesquite on top of the coals three times.

6 hours for the lamb, two for the ribs. Took the lamb off at 88C.
Ah, 88! How was the texture at the higher temp? How big was the joint?
Yeah, it was excellent. But then I'd want to get lamb higher than pork anyway, because it has more collagen. It was probably about half the size of the pork joint you did.
I drank this tonight. It was really nice! It tasted like Southern Comfort.

And it's served in a jam jar!
Oh, here's the cake.
That Jeremiah Weed is good shit, isn't it?
That cake is awesome Grim... :D I'm making a 30th birthday cake this week for my best mate. I'm being adventurous (stupid) and making two tiers (there'll be more than two tears when it enviably collapses though!)

Unexpected fun & games yesterday meant I didn't cook the pulled pork, however I did put the spice rub on the meat on Saturday night. Should be nicely infused by now. Will put it in the slow cooker today so hopefully we should use a tasty Monday teatime treat :)
Grim... wrote:
And it's served in a jam jar!

It's the Southern way. Discomforting at first, but I soon got used to it.
Craster wrote:
That Jeremiah Weed is good shit, isn't it?

I haven't tried the sour mash variety, so cannot comment on that, but the root brew one is disgusting.
MrsA had some of that at the BBQ. I didn't like it.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Craster wrote:
That Jeremiah Weed is good shit, isn't it?

I haven't tried the sour mash variety, so cannot comment on that, but the root brew one is disgusting.

I liked both, but liked the sour mash one more.
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