As mentioned in B&B, mince pies have started to arrive in the shops.
I'm sure you all agree, a dedicated mince pie thread is needed so we can share our reviews of the current crop and make sure everyone gets to enjoy the best mince pies possible this year.
Reviews here please, I want to know about size, flavour, consistency, filling density and appearance. Plus anything else you think appropriate.
Hot or cold is fine, but if you eat them cold then Santa will be mad and you'll get no presents, and I will ignore your reviews.
Please state what you had with them, as the accompaniment is important and will affect your eating pleasure. We need to know if the pie was eaten with double cream, ice cream, brand butter, whipped cream, custard, ketchup, mustard, your mum's breast milk, etc...
First sighting of mince pies in the wild this year, taken from my evil facebook feed, in what looks like a M&S.