I know this is a week old, but I've only just read it (the thread not the books)I know this is three months old, but I've only just read this thread and didn't realise that 'mar' said 'mar' and not 'may'
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am currently reading Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth' series. They are bollocks, don't read them. They are appallingly written, the characters are hateful and idiotic and the entire thing is riddled with plot devices and series extending bullshit. That said, I want to know what happens so am 5 books in (of 13
). it is kind of like Lost, in that you can anly hope there is a solution that is good because otherwise you have wasted so much time.
I read book 2, though "this is ok", so read books 1 and 3. Overall they're ok. Book 1 is bsically Star Wars: Fantaasy edition. Don't go past book 4, they're shit. The first half of Book 5 and all subsequent books onwards is LITERALLY nothing but a recap of the previous books. I was skipping enitre chapters out near the end, just to get to "new" stuff. Those books are nothing but filler.
The books are full of dues ex machinas where Richard and his Righteous Raging Sword of Truth manage to always just-about save the day by smiting thousands of people, his girlfriend is continually getting captured/nearly raped, even through she had the world's most powerful magic or whatever. Richard, who is the most peaceful man on the planet and is some kind of embodyment of love, kills hundreds and hundreds of people just to protect his girlfriend per books.
The 'Empire' thingy that springs up around book 3 is the most ridiculous strawman for communism I've ever seen. Which ever book is the book about the statue is the worst in this regards as it's nothing but drivel telling the reader why communism is bad. The plot is pretty hilarious: Richard gets imprisioned by commies, breaks out, makes a statue named 'freedom' or some shit from marble which causes everyone who sees it to start shed tears of joy and immediately revolt against the communist overloads.
From what I remember of that books, the reasons communism is bad is because in a capitalist society the bread makers can make x loaves of bread a day and charge y amounts of money, but under the communist regime they're suddenly only capable of making x/10000 loaves of bread a day and can't charge anything for it, and so everyone starves.
If you're wondering WHY I kept on reading, I have literally no idea. I think it's because I bought 6 onwards all at once in some mega sale and felt justified in reading them all.
dimrill wrote:
the nuns were all evil and he had to kill them. Was it Temple of the Windy Bottoms? Can't remember. I gave up on Goodkind at around book 5 or 6. Hell's Bells has read them all though.
That's the second one.