OOO OOO OOO OOO The Olympics
throughsilver wrote:
MaliA wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
MaliA wrote:
The Olympic Torch came through Bradford today. As I was bored, I thought I'd go check it out. The train takes 15 minutes, and I needn't have bothered buying a ticket there and back, as there wasn't a conductor. i arrived in plenty of time, which was a good thing, the place was teeming with epople wanting to see this once in a lifetime spectacle.

There's a fantastic curry place in that neighbourhood. Westgate.

I'ev been to the Karachi Cafe, which was awesome

Karachi's great. Had a meat 'Rick Stein' there this weekend. But yeah, Westgate is similar in that it's very unassuming, but brings the curry quality. It's full of muslims and taxi drivers: sign of a good curry house!

I'll be sure to check it out. Much appreciated, thank you.
throughsilver wrote:
MaliA wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
MaliA wrote:
The Olympic Torch came through Bradford today. As I was bored, I thought I'd go check it out. The train takes 15 minutes, and I needn't have bothered buying a ticket there and back, as there wasn't a conductor. i arrived in plenty of time, which was a good thing, the place was teeming with epople wanting to see this once in a lifetime spectacle.

There's a fantastic curry place in that neighbourhood. Westgate.

I'ev been to the Karachi Cafe, which was awesome

Karachi's great. Had a meat 'Rick Stein' there this weekend. But yeah, Westgate is similar in that it's very unassuming, but brings the curry quality. It's full of muslims and taxi drivers: sign of a good curry house!

I used to work in Bradford during the week. When I took Mrs Metal there so she could visit the Bronte Parsonage house, we absolutely had to go to Nawaab. It was almost worth the trip in itself.

My rather obese boss was a fan of Omar's (near the Sir Titus Salt, on Great Horton Street) and not just because it proudly offers the largest naans in Yorkshire.
Wayne Rooney loves it
metalangel wrote:
My rather obese boss was a fan of Omar's (near the Sir Titus Salt, on Great Horton Street) and not just because it proudly offers the largest naans in Yorkshire.

As I recall, Omar's was nice, but served tiny portions. International, just up the road, is far preferable to me. They'll even serve up a large madras for fatties like me.
throughsilver wrote:
fatties like me.

throughsilver wrote:
metalangel wrote:
My rather obese boss was a fan of Omar's (near the Sir Titus Salt, on Great Horton Street) and not just because it proudly offers the largest naans in Yorkshire.

As I recall, Omar's was nice, but served tiny portions. International, just up the road, is far preferable to me. They'll even serve up a large madras for fatties like me.

Boss guy loved Omar's because they served the stuff up in huge metal wok-style things. He ordered two. The waiter asked him if he was sure.
metalangel wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
metalangel wrote:
My rather obese boss was a fan of Omar's (near the Sir Titus Salt, on Great Horton Street) and not just because it proudly offers the largest naans in Yorkshire.

As I recall, Omar's was nice, but served tiny portions. International, just up the road, is far preferable to me. They'll even serve up a large madras for fatties like me.

Boss guy loved Omar's because they served the stuff up in huge metal wok-style things. He ordered two. The waiter asked him if he was sure.

Yeah, the plates were cool, but only served to make the portions look even smaller!
Ginger man with has his collar felt after terror canoe reconaissance plot.
Fuck, the gingers are rising up.
markg wrote:
Fuck, the gingers are rising up.

They are revolting.
The Olympic torch is being run down the main road by my house on Saturday. In a strange coincidence, a street cleaning van has just been down my street.

What's the chances of that?
Meanwhile, there's confetti all over the place on Salford Quays, because once the torch has been through it's back to pov-spec services.
And the queen thinks the world smells of fresh paint.
TheVision wrote:
The Olympic torch is being run down the main road by my house on Saturday. In a strange coincidence, a street cleaning van has just been down my street.

What's the chances of that?

it's coming past here tomorrow, too :) Only hoping it doesn't interfere with our departure to the barbiewoo!
The new 'lympics 50p pieces are pretty cool :)

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Hooray, I have a letter so I can get to work during the football that's occurring at Old Trafford football ground in London.

I can't stand football and don't give a crap about the Olympics (ignoring the massive cost) but it pisses me off that it's all "London Olympics" this and "London Olympics" that when most of it's not happening in fucking London.
Manchester tried to get the Olympics and failed. This is the 'best' you're going to get.
Craster wrote:
Most of it?
I don't know, but there's football in Manchester and something else in Essex and I expect there's more.
There's also football or rugby or something in the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

I know someone trying to sell tickets to a rowing event in bucks.
All the sailing stuff is down on Bournemouth, although you'd be hard pressed to get that working in London. Some cycling is in deepest, wildest Surrey too.
I think most tickets are outside London. That's not equal to most events though, as that ratio is driven by football
Squirt wrote:
All the sailing stuff is down on Bournemouth, although you'd be hard pressed to get that working in London. Some cycling is in deepest, wildest Surrey too.

Speaking of which: MrsA's fatherfinally got tickets to go see his nephew cycling in the Velodrome. Family passes or somesuch. He's really pleased. Probably less so, when he has to go from Ealing to Stratford, at rush hour.
There are a metric fuckton of tickets available today. Just picked up the Modern Pentathlon (not that interested, but its in Greenwich Park and hence, home) for £35 each plus £1 for the child.
Bolt is slightly injured!
Genuinely had two tickets for the Opening Ceremony. In the shopping basket, all I needed to do was click Pay.

Oh, and find the £3,200 to pay for them.
Plissken wrote:
Genuinely had two tickets for the Opening Ceremony. In the shopping basket, all I needed to do was click Pay.

Oh, and find the £3,200 to pay for them.

Yeah, but the olympics are for everyone remember.. Not just the rich. Maybe we should all chip in?
The torch has just passed my house, that was fun. We walked the 10 seconds need to get close-by, not sure we'll bother when it comes back past in 30 minutes (it's circling Bletchley Park then heading back out again)
Short, middle aged, dumpy woman carrying the torch up to Bletchley Park, gets handed over to a pretty 16yr old girl for the run into Bletchley Mansion and all the official photos, that was lucky, eh?
The torch came past my office today, work did a free barbecue and the event was very good natured.

The resource being spent\wasted is huge, there were loads of Police on bikes and in cars, most of them doing fuck all more that drive in a convoy waving at people.

When the main convoy finally arrived I was comforted to see 3 brand new 5 series BMW cars branded with Olympic slogans but otherwise empty aside from a driver at the front.

Then came the “sponsors” first up was Samsung in a big blue bus, I wasn’t sure of the relevance but there was an excitable guy on the top speaking into a microphone about the once in a life time opportunity, I’m guessing he was probably going back onto Job Seekers allowance after the parade so for him it was.

Next was Coca Cola, purveyors of a health time bomb in their corn syrup laden drink. Just what a sporting event should be associated with.

Final sponsor was Lloyds bank, who maybe should be focusing on lending money and paying back the government. They were actually heckled by the crowed about paying back their debts and lending people money. The mic girl looked nervous and didn’t say anything.

The torch looked good and it was a nice distraction from work, just have to leave early so I don’t bump into the later stages on my way home.
There were no later stages. That was it.
Its going all over the place for the rest of today

Most of the later places are on my route home
asfish wrote:
Next was Coca Cola, purveyors of a health time bomb in their corn syrup laden drink. Just what a sporting event should be associated with.
I believe they still don't use corn syrup in the UK. Not that it affects me either way as I use their other health-timebomb-in-a-bottle product for my fizzy-caffeine needs.

asfish wrote:
Final sponsor was Lloyds bank, who maybe should be focusing on lending money and paying back the government. They were actually heckled by the crowed about paying back their debts and lending people money. The mic girl looked nervous and didn’t say anything.
They've been vocal about that; they signed the contract before it all went wrong, and the government/olympics committee haven't let them off for good bad behaviour.
Sorry, I thought you meant any more floats ands hit like that after the person runs past and you all shout "Hooray!".

The TdF's caravan is epic compared to this, which was rubbish.
BikNorton wrote:
I believe they still don't use corn syrup in the UK. Not that it affects me either way as I use their other health-timebomb-in-a-bottle product for my fizzy-caffeine needs..

Hey don't. Americans love out Coke for this reason. When in America, seek out imported Mexican Coke, which is also sugar-based rather than corn syrup. This is also true of a number of other foodstuffs, such as ketchup.
I couldn't drink more than half of a normal bottle of Coke when I was over in the US. The HFCS in it was so bloody sweet it was awful.
Great, now I want a diet coke!
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I believe they still don't use corn syrup in the UK. Not that it affects me either way as I use their other health-timebomb-in-a-bottle product for my fizzy-caffeine needs..

Hey don't. Americans love out Coke for this reason. When in America, seek out imported Mexican Coke, which is also sugar-based rather than corn syrup. This is also true of a number of other foodstuffs, such as ketchup.


In Barbados (and the rest of the Caribbean I suppose) all Coke tastes like rum and coke, because of the cane sugar used making it locally.
metalangel wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I believe they still don't use corn syrup in the UK. Not that it affects me either way as I use their other health-timebomb-in-a-bottle product for my fizzy-caffeine needs..

Hey don't. Americans love out Coke for this reason. When in America, seek out imported Mexican Coke, which is also sugar-based rather than corn syrup. This is also true of a number of other foodstuffs, such as ketchup.


In Barbados (and the rest of the Caribbean I suppose) all Coke tastes like rum and coke, because of the cane sugar used making it locally.

Not true. It's because they always add rum to it.

Curiosity wrote:
metalangel wrote:
In Barbados (and the rest of the Caribbean I suppose) all Coke tastes like rum and coke, because of the cane sugar used making it locally.

Not true. It's because they always add rum to it.


Must be a legal minefield not declaring the alcohol content of cans of Coke. But then they're all such laid back types down there, who cares? Chill out, have another 'Coke'.
A torch. It is in Reading tomorrow.
asfish wrote:
When the main convoy finally arrived I was comforted to see 3 brand new 5 series BMW cars branded with Olympic slogans but otherwise empty aside from a driver at the front.

BMW are donating 4000 cars for use during the Olympics.

Donating. 4000.
Plissken wrote:
asfish wrote:
When the main convoy finally arrived I was comforted to see 3 brand new 5 series BMW cars branded with Olympic slogans but otherwise empty aside from a driver at the front.

BMW are donating 4000 cars for use during the Olympics.

Donating. 4000.

I pointed this out to a fellow partner at work who is contemplating part-exing his 2 year old BMW in October.

With 4000 low mileage ones appearing on the market in the near future, he is bringing his plans forward
Given the recent spate of BMW thefts where the thief doesn't even need your fucking keys*, I'd stay well away from modern BMWs.

* Thief carries with him an OBD-II programmer thingie, smashes the passenger window (which doesn't set off the alarm if done right), reaches inside to the OBD port (in the passenger footwell, within easy reach and in an alarm blind spot, and plugs his device in. He then takes a blank key card and programs the car to accept that key card, and then simply unlocks the car and drives off with his new key.
Yeah, that's stunning, is that.
If true: ugh.
Fucking hell.

"Out of the 205 nations sending athletes, 195 are represented in the six Olympic boroughs and that means British food is world food," said Jan Matthews, head of catering at Locog. "We are trying to make it feel like a food festival and we have walked round Borough market [a London gastronomic market] several times to try and get that feel. There will be fruit barrows and stalls where you can buy different types of olives."

Coming up - LOCOG have also walked round Crystal Palace Athletics Track 'several times' and as a result think they're qualified to run the FUCKING OLYMPICS.
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