Alien and Aliens
I know people like this here.
This thread needs to say "Promethus" in the title, mods.

Anyway, NYT review: ... &seid=auto

But the virtuosity on display makes the weakness of the story — the screenplay is by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof — all the more frustrating. I’ll avoid spoilers here, but “Prometheus” kind of spoils itself with twists and reversals that pull the movie away from its lofty, mind-blowing potential. Geeks and dreamers will hold onto scraps of splendor and wish for more. There are no revelations, only what are called, in the cynical jargon of commercial storytelling, “reveals,” bits of momentarily surprising information bereft of meaning or resonance. For example: A sequel is coming.

On the other hand, Roger Ebert gave it 4*:

staggering visuals, expert horror, mind-challenging ideas and enough unanswered questions to prime the inevitable sequel.

Seems to be divisive, this one. I'm thinking it's become a rent-from-iTunes-for-$5 movie for me, though, rather than a £20-endure-other-humans-cinema-trip one. There's plenty more coming out this year to go to the cinema for.
I wouldn't have missed it at the cinema. It looks really, really good.
markg wrote:
I wouldn't have missed it at the cinema. It looks really, really good.

A year from now, people will be saying "I wouldn't have missed the director's cut, which fixed all those problems the theatrical cut had".

Plus, I've got a great TV, a great sound system, and a BluRay player. It's not like movies look bad at home. Unlike my local multiplexes, which all seem to be plagued by shaky screen stabilisation, lipsync issues, and focus problems. And other customers with BO.
I hate cinemas.
Zardoz wrote:
I hate cinemas.

I'm surprised, I often found sitting in a dark room not speaking was an A1 stratagy when on dates.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
I wouldn't have missed it at the cinema. It looks really, really good.

A year from now, people will be saying "I wouldn't have missed the director's cut, which fixed all those problems the theatrical cut had".

Plus, I've got a great TV, a great sound system, and a BluRay player. It's not like movies look bad at home. Unlike my local multiplexes, which all seem to be plagued by shaky screen stabilisation, lipsync issues, and focus problems. And other customers with BO.

It was pretty quiet when we went and that was on a Saturday afternoon so I doubt that the director's cut, if there is one any time soon, will even play round here. Avengers was filled with stinking, noisy plebs, though.
Any director's cut (didn't Scott at least strongly hint it was coming?) will be a home release, I'm sure. I'm fine with that. I'm really not romantic about the cinema experience.
I'm not romantic about it either. It's just a bit more of a spectacle seeing massive spaceships on a big screen with the noise from the engines rattling your rib cage. Sucks if all your local cinemas are shite, though.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Any director's cut (didn't Scott at least strongly hint it was coming?) will be a home release, I'm sure. I'm fine with that. I'm really not romantic about the cinema experience.

Yup, pretty much exactly what I felt he said. He was flat out asked by Kermode if he felt this was the definitive cut and if he was happy with it as it was and he replied in the negative about this being the definitive cut insofar as he said he was never going to rule out a recut in the future.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
I wouldn't have missed it at the cinema. It looks really, really good.

A year from now, people will be saying "I wouldn't have missed the director's cut, which fixed all those problems the theatrical cut had".

Plus, I've got a great TV, a great sound system, and a BluRay player. It's not like movies look bad at home. Unlike my local multiplexes, which all seem to be plagued by shaky screen stabilisation, lipsync issues, and focus problems. And other customers with BO.

I watched it in Cwmbran vue and the credits were too blurry to read.
markg wrote:
I'm not romantic about it either. It's just a bit more of a spectacle seeing massive spaceships on a big screen with the noise from the engines rattling your rib cage.

This. Most people have massive tellies. I have a better hi-fi than most people. But cot damn was this ever a spectacular experience at the cinema. WIsh I'd seen it at IMAX, as the opening scenery would have fucking killed me.


I enjoyed the film a lot. Sure there were quibbles, like nobody wondering why Ripley had staples in her, and why the droid poisoned blokey (I had just assumed he was indeed taking orders from Pearce). But I didn't really give a shit, as the brilliant stuff outweighed the bad.


Actual odd stuff, though: the geologist. What a tosser. I didn't think the main woman looked like Sigourney. I spent the whole film marvelling at how hot (and ripped) the Ross' English wife from Friends had got. And I didn't get the opening bit at all. Was it an engineer who realised it was all going to end in tears, so offed himself? Was a bit like a big(ger) budget Tool video, actually. I liked it even if it made no sense.

The gear looked good, but I actually... didn't like... Idris. *dies*
I have a home sound system capable of bowel rattling. The airplane crash in Fight Club and the scaffold collapse in Ninth Gate are my favourites.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
I wouldn't have missed it at the cinema. It looks really, really good.

A year from now, people will be saying "I wouldn't have missed the director's cut, which fixed all those problems the theatrical cut had".

Plus, I've got a great TV, a great sound system, and a BluRay player. It's not like movies look bad at home. Unlike my local multiplexes, which all seem to be plagued by shaky screen stabilisation, lipsync issues, and focus problems. And other customers with BO.

I must admit, the Vue Cinema where we watched Prometheus (with awesome VIP seats), has a frigging fire exit at the bottom right of the auditorium, all lit up and stuff, which cast a very distracting beam of light on the bottom right of the screen.

Cinemas are shit. I wish I lived in London. They have loads of poncey nice cinemas. Like those ones with sofas and stuff. Or am I making that up?

All that being said, I'm still very glad I saw it at the cinema. It was quite the spectacle. Plus, it makes the Director's Cut more interesting if you've seen the cinema edit.

edit: Actually, the City Screen Picturehouse in York centre is pretty poncey I believe. Gonna have to check it out soon.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
devilman wrote:
I'm only really a fan of the first Alien film

It's much more like Alien than any of the other films. More suspense horror than all-out action film.

Pleasantly surprised by it. Ok, the script was a bit weak but the visuals and scale of them was very impressive. I won't be in a rush to see it again, but it entertained me for the duration which is good enough for me.

Oh and ..
WTB wrote:
Oh, and I thought the acting was passable. The worst being that female Scottish doctor (she only has a few lines), but she's so fucking bad it's almost difficult to tell if she's taking the piss or not.

I enjoyed it but it definitely left me with more questions than answers. Felt more like an extended pilot episode for a series than a movie.
MrsA hadn't ever seen Aliens. This was rectified tonight. She liked it lots. Apparently, Burke is "a cunt", Hicks is "well fit" and Hudson is me when I have to parralell park a car. Evening well spent.
What I still don't get is

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why the geologist who got his face melted came back to the ship as a super-zombie thing and started punching people ten feet in the air. There was no precedent for it, and nothing like it afterwards or in the rest of the series.
Why the spoiler tags? The film is out, and there is a separate, no-spoiler, thread.

But anyway:

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Dunno. Guess they wanted to pay tribute to zombie films.
YOG wrote:
What I still don't get is

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why the geologist who got his face melted came back to the ship as a super-zombie thing and started punching people ten feet in the air. There was no precedent for it, and nothing like it afterwards or in the rest of the series.

Is it because he got a full dose of the black stuff? A droplet messed the other guy up. Plus the virus stuff wasn't in the other films.
Yeah, he got some black stuff, but it doesn't have that effect on anybody else! Maybe they weren't bothered about what it does, just that it does bad stuff.
Let's be fair, it did have an effect on the main guy but you never saw the advanced stages. No one else in the entire film had any contact with it. However, look at the worms that did come into contact with it - it turned a simple worm into a ginormous powrrful snake like thing. I'd say there was precedent there.
Yeah, true. Maybe the other guy would have hulked out as well if he hadn't asked to be barbecued.
throughsilver wrote:
Why the spoiler tags? The film is out, and there is a separate, no-spoiler, thread.

No there isn't -and this isn't even a Prometheus thread! So, you know, spoiler tags.
Some of you are reading far too much into this 'Alien prequel' thing. It's how it started years ago, but since then they've pretty much come out and said it's not really. Just try to enjoy it for what it is, rather than what it isn't.
See, I generally agree with what you're saying there, but then they go and do things like:
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Have murals of what are clearly Aliens on the walls

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Have the Engineer at the end give birth to what was obviously supposed to be a variant of the Alien

I went in expecting it to not be that related to Alien, so I wasn't too disappointed (well, apart from all of the other problems the film has) but those points, along with the obvious
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setting-up-for-a-sequel makes me wonder if they're going to tie it into Alien more concretely in the future.

One theory going around is that
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Shaw and David jet off to the Engineer homeworld, with Shaw at the controls inside one of the Space Jockey suits. Something goes wrong, she gets infected, the ship crash lands on LV-426 and a "proper" Alien bursts out of her and goes off to make a hive, thus setting the scene for the beginning of Alien.

I'm not sure what I'd feel about that if it actually happened.
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BTW, did anyone else lol at the faux-pagan flight-deck-controlled-by-space-flute bollocks?
YOG wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
BTW, did anyone else lol at the faux-pagan flight-deck-controlled-by-space-flute bollocks?

Not as much as I LOLd at the
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Prometheus running on Windows 7:
Grim... wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
Why the spoiler tags? The film is out, and there is a separate, no-spoiler, thread.

No there isn't -and this isn't even a Prometheus thread! So, you know, spoiler tags.


Wasn't there a 'let's meet up and watch this' thread?

It's a Prometheus thread now. A mod should rename it 'Alien series' and all's good. ^_^
Spoiler tags aren't exactly hard work.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It was Kevin Spacey.
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They've already said if they get the chance to do a sequel, they're going to take it even further away from Alien, not tie it in at all.

Also, is it correct that the two AvP films are considered non-canon, considering they're set in the present day?
Yeah, up until Prometheus, the two AvP films were considered canon. Now Ridley's basically said they're definitely not, and as far as I know Fox agrees.

Which is a shame, because in one sense (making me feel bad for the characters when they are inevitably offed) AvP is better than Prometheus.
I think it's blindingly obvious what Fox thinks of the two Aliens Vs Predator flimums, as they're never included in the new ways they find to sell you the "quadrilogy" set for home consumption.
I have seen them included in other box sets though, there was one a few years back (before AvP:R came out I think) that had the first four Alien films, and AvP tacked on at the end.
Mm when they were new they pushed them, but now it's as if they don't want anything to do with them.
Are the AvP films actually any good? I've never bothered with them.
No. No they're not. Very not.
Ah good. I'll continue as normal.
I'm sure I've got a box set with all six in.

I quite liked the second AvP.
AvP:R is quite a good film, but is a terrible Alien/Predator film. It's more of a teen-slasher flick IMO.
Craster wrote:
Spoiler tags aren't exactly hard work.

[spoile]Yes they are.[/spoile]

See? :(
Grim... wrote:
I'm sure I've got a box set with all six in.

Me too. My brother bought it for my for Christmas one year, despite me owning the Quadrilogy.

Actually, while we're at it, is Resurrection worth watching? I've heard it's not much cop?
Resurrection is better than AlienCubed, IMO.
The theatrical release of Alien 3 is a good standalone film, but is a poor follow-up to Aliens.

The workprint release of Alien 3 (on the Quadrilogy) is far, far better and despite suffering the same issue (killing off most of the survivors of Aliens, thus rendering the entire film pointless) it somehow just... works.

Resurrection, on the other hand, is pap. When not even Ron Perlman can save your film from being utter dross, you know you're doing something wrong.
I liked Alien3, really liked the workprint, but loved the concept of the wooden monastery planet with an atmosphere only inches thick.
I also liked Alien3. Although as a student of CGI, the compositing of the DogAlien makes me sad. It's utter dross in places.

Mind you, have you seen the working footage of the poor doggy in the Alien costume? Bawww :)


Hahahaha! That's awesome.
DavPaz wrote:
Although as a student of CGI, the compositing of the DogAlien makes me sad.

There is no CGI on the Alien in Alien 3, with the exception of the Alien's head cracking at the end.

s'all practical effects.
Compositing, my friend.
Ah-ha, I see.

As you were ;)
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