1st world problems
shit that dont matter but does
Today's problem.

The bouncy train occasionally makes my finger miss what I'm trying to select on my iPad, this coupled with patchy 3G makes my commute annoying.
Bobbyaro wrote:
you sure it isn't 'Back Lane'

Warhead wrote:
On joining the M61 at J4 today, from the south, my TomTom said, 'Take the third exit towards Backslash.' It did it yesterday, too. How the feck does the lady in the little box think there's a place called Backslash?

When I was in the US, the mystery voice on my satnav would read Mississippian highways such as MS-72 as 'Manuscript 72'.
I can't remember if I've preordered Halo 4.
Kern wrote:
Warhead wrote:
On joining the M61 at J4 today, from the south, my TomTom said, 'Take the third exit towards Backslash.' It did it yesterday, too. How the feck does the lady in the little box think there's a place called Backslash?

When I was in the US, the mystery voice on my satnav would read Mississippian highways such as MS-72 as 'Manuscript 72'.

Navfree (the free navigation software for the iPhone), when trying to misdirect me, will tell me to take the next exit onto the "M6 Tee Oh El El."
One of my colleagues at work was bemoaning how much rent he and his missus pay per month (£1400, so there's a FWP problem right there).

He then went on to complain that they'd had their house (which they own outright) up for rental since December and hadn't got a tenant yet.

I asked the obvious question, 'Why don't you stop spending £1400 per month on rent and live in the house you already own?'

His answer? 'It's too small.' (This is a couple who have no children and two cats, and we're talking about a perfectly nice mid-terraced house.)

Mind you, last week he was upset that his missus had the nice car (a brand new VW EOS convertible) and he was driving around in 'an old jalopy'. (Said jalopy is a 3.0TDi Audi A4 Allroad.)
After washing my car today, the part that was in direct sunlight now has water marks. #FML
Ran out of beer. Now on cider
TheVision wrote:
I can't remember if I've preordered Halo 4.

order another if two turn up send me one.
I looked up the antibiotic I'm on - booze doesn't interact with it. Yay, right?

Yeah, except my tonsils hurt so much I don't want to drink. Cock it.
The Co-Op didn't have any cheesy coleslaw in today, I had to get some sort of American Deli variant instead.

Obviously I could craft my own cheesy coleslaw by combining some grated cheddar with a normal coleslaw, but y'know, hassle.
Yesterday, when I went to pick up the tickets I'd booked for tonight's showing of Prometheus, I couldn't remember which card I'd used so I had two of the ticket sales girls checking my cards in order. I felt like such a ponce, handing over card after card (five in total.)

Turned out that it was the first one I'd given her but she tapped the number in wrong.
My mouse has broken and I'm having to use one with a lead.. Can you imagine that? A mouse with a lead?
TheVision wrote:
My mouse has broken and I'm having to use one with a lead.. Can you imagine that? A mouse with a lead?

Wireless mouses are for office ladies in wrist braces
Forgot to put the pork belly into marinade this afternoon. Looks like pies and potato waffles for tea.
I've run out of olive oil.

What a personal disaster.
I broke the yokes on my fried eggs :(
It's a bit chilly in the office at one end of the house but too warm in the living room with the gas fire on.
DavPaz wrote:
TheVision wrote:
My mouse has broken and I'm having to use one with a lead.. Can you imagine that? A mouse with a lead?

Wireless mouses are for office ladies in wrist braces

You've clearly never experienced a Logitech MX Performance Mouse.

It's lovely!
Trooper wrote:
1) the new hard disks I bought for my Readynas are nice enough, however the Readynas has shit SATA drivers and it can't manage to spin them down properly, resulting in an annoying click every few minutes from the thing. However! Drobo have released new firmware that allows 3TB drive in their units, so I thought I would just swap a couple of disks over, a few hours of resyncing each and no problem. 12 hours later and the Drobo is still showing 72 hours left to go on the rebuild, which i'll have to do all over again once I try and move the next disk, then i'll need to resync the Readynas after all that, which'll take another day. Bloody things.

So, after 3 days of resyncing, the disk clicks in the Drobo too! Turns out it is a disk problem and Seagate have just released a new firmware which should fisk it.
Firmware installed, resyncing yet again, then I get to swap out another disc, upgrade the firmware on that... and then resync again...
Now I've sold my Dell XPS on Amazon Marketplace (with a new HDD and clean install of Windows, natch), I've got to use the iPad as my main computer until my new MBP arrives. The horror!
It's raining in Kyoto so we're in the hotel room using the free internet to look up Kobe beef restaurants in Kobe.
My place stinks of burnt noodles. Boo.
How have you managed to burn noodles?
Mainly by entirely forgetting I was cooking them.
Mr Dave wrote:
My place stinks of burnt noodles. Boo.

I don't think that really counts, very poor people could easily burn noodles too.
Yeah, but they'd probably be complaining about more than the smell.
Grim... wrote:
So. Jealous.
Fuck yeah you should be. I thought I knew good steak. I think the 'better than kobe' ones need to remain a mystery to me. For now.
Oven broken, element went pop.

So no Sunday lunch today, means I get pizza for father's day!!! nay and yay!!!
How do you cook your pizza if not in the oven!
I let Dominoes cook them for me!
Ah! Good idea! Cold morning-after pizza from Dominoes is the best breakfast of all.
Left over pizza, not sure that I follow you?
The trick is to buy an extra one.
Just got a cheese and onion sandwich meal deal at the kids play area and there was no onion on it. I had to manually take pieces of onion from my side salad and put them in the sandwich myself.
Zardoz wrote:
Just got a cheese and onion sandwich meal deal at the kids play area and there was no onion on it. I had to manually take pieces of onion from my side salad and put them in the sandwich myself.

Oh my, what is the world coming too....
This is definitely a first world problem. Thankfully, a solution is available from Amazon


Also, the reviews
Zardoz wrote:
Just got a cheese and onion sandwich meal deal at the kids play area and there was no onion on it. I had to manually take pieces of onion from my side salad and put them in the sandwich myself.

A terrible dilemma for the onion-loving pedophile.
Is that someone who loves bikes?
Dimrill wrote:
Is that someone who loves bikes?

No, feet.
Zardoz wrote:
side salad

There's too much fat on my belly.
metalangel wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Is that someone who loves bikes?

No, feet.

Curse you, American autocorrect!
throughsilver wrote:
There's too much fat on my belly.

You should join a gym.
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