Alien and Aliens
I know people like this here.
Craster wrote:
O2 Sky screen > Imax.

:this: (although not literally)
The Imax is a lot of fun and all, but it's filed under "tourist attraction" for me now.

When, then? I'm not overly fussed about seeing it the second it comes out.
Ooh, Amazon have sent me two Technical Manuals by mistake.
Grim... wrote:
Craster wrote:
O2 Sky screen > Imax.

:this: (although not literally)
The Imax is a lot of fun and all, but it's filed under "tourist attraction" for me now.

When, then? I'm not overly fussed about seeing it the second it comes out.

I'll be up for this, even though I'm going to see it on Sunday evening. That's assuming it's as good as I hope, naturally.
GazChap wrote:
Ooh, Amazon have sent me two Technical Manuals by mistake.

Is the content the same? If not, I'll have one of them off you at the BB2.
Haven't checked against my original, but it looks like it's the same with the exception of the front and back covers. ... FID=137119

3* from Empire. Some spoilers, although probably less than the overly detailed trailers.

Buffeted by a lack of suspense, threadbare characters, and a very poor script, the stunning visuals, gloopy madness, and sterling Fassbenderiness can’t prevent Prometheus feeling like Alien’s poor relation.
Quick review : Opportunity missed, too short run time for the ideas presented, some awful acting, sorely underdeveloped characters.
On the plus it looks incredible.

bah! I was going to see this today...not sure if i will bother now, may wait for a few weeks and see it when it is quiet in the cinema...or even wait for *cough* DVD
Surely it can't be worse than Alien: Resurrection can it?

I'll go and see it anyway and make an effort to try to just enjoy it on its own merits.
Shame to hear that. I guess I'll wait for the DVD too.
I'm going to see this on Tuesday, so will report back.
I'm going tomorrow night, so I'll report back sooner ;)
LaceSensor wrote:
Quick review : Opportunity missed, too short run time for the ideas presented, some awful acting, sorely underdeveloped characters.
On the plus it looks incredible.

<insincere dave>THAT BODES WELL FOR BLADE RUNNER 2!!!</insincere dave>
Zardoz wrote:
Shame to hear that. I guess I'll wait for the DVD too.

Are you always so easily swayed by other people's opinions?

I'm assuming that you like Alien - take a look at some of these reviews for it: ... e=3&id=387

If you had read them first, would you have waited for the VHS release, or maybe avoided it completely?
Off to see Prometheus at 16:40. Hope it's in widescreen...

Actually, is it in widescreen? It's also in 3D, right? *crosses fingers*
WTB wrote:
Off to see Prometheus at 16:40. Hope it's in widescreen...

Actually, is it in widescreen? It's also in 3D, right? *crosses fingers*

You purposefully want to watch it in 3D? Weirdo. I chose the 2D showing.

Depends what you mean by widescreen. 16:9 or 2.35:1?
No, I definitely don't want to watch in 3D. And I want 2.35:1. I ask because The Avengers was in shitty 16:9 because it was filmed in 3D.

(16:9 is great on your telly, but shite in the cinema.)

edit: 2.35:1 apparently. Phew. I suppose it'd have to be wide if it's IMAX. But wasn't The Avengers IMAX as well? I don't understand anything. And I realise IMAX has a different aspect ratio again, but at least it's very wide and therefore presumably conducive to a 2.35:1 edit, right? Right?

edit edit: No wait, the other way around. Is 2.35:1 wider than IMAX? I don't fucking know. Someone help me out here, I'm drowning.
Hi. Back in civilisation.

Have I missed the O2 planning?
WTB wrote:
I suppose it'd have to be wide if it's IMAX.

Pretty sure IMAX is near as damnit 4:3.

Christ! I don't know anything about aspect ratios.
WTB wrote:
The Avengers was in shitty 16:9 because it was filmed in 3D.

Err, what? I've seen 3D films in 2.35:1 before. I'm pretty sure it was a conscious decision made by Whedon et al.
Yeah, IMAX is 70mm film, which is why the IMAX bits of The Dark Knight and Tron Legacy fill a 16:9 screen, instead of the 2.35:1 the rest of those films are at.

Ok, it's not really why that, but still.

Also what's shitty about 16:9? Though I did think "Something's odd, what's odd, oh 16:9" as Avengers started, before getting over it, so I suppose I can see how some people wouldn't get over it (like I don't get over shitty 3D, or shitty noisy phone-using cunts). Also also, 16:9 is widescreen, because the term came about with widescreen TVs.
I don't like watching films in 3D, which is a shame, because unless I'm on my own I always have to! I can't even see the effects very well. Everybody was oohing and ahhing at these huge aircraft in John Carter, which must have been stretching out over the audience, but I wasn't seeing it. :(
I saw crappy 3D effects, and everything I wanted to look at was blurry, and OW FUCK MY EYES HURT, before walking out of Tron Legacy, getting a refund, and vowing never to watch a film in 3D again.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
WTB wrote:
The Avengers was in shitty 16:9 because it was filmed in 3D.

Err, what? I've seen 3D films in 2.35:1 before. I'm pretty sure it was a conscious decision made by Whedon et al.

That's the reasoning I was given by people on here...
BikNorton wrote:
Yeah, IMAX is 70mm film, which is why the IMAX bits of The Dark Knight and Tron Legacy fill a 16:9 screen, instead of the 2.35:1 the rest of those films are at.

Ok, it's not really why that, but still.

Also what's shitty about 16:9? Though I did think "Something's odd, what's odd, oh 16:9" as Avengers started, before getting over it, so I suppose I can see how some people wouldn't get over it (like I don't get over shitty 3D, or shitty noisy phone-using cunts). Also also, 16:9 is widescreen, because the term came about with widescreen TVs.

Oh yeah, I agree with all that, I just like to see the whole cinema screen in use if I've gone to the cinema. That's part of the experience, surely? I'm sat 6' away from a 40" TV in my living room. With a good Blu Ray I can readily replicate a 16:9 cinema experience right there. So 16:9 in the cinema doesn't seem as special somehow.
If it's only the shape that matters then why do they have Imax screens? People could just sit nearer to their tellies and have some black bars.
Or sit at the front in cinemas, like what I like to do.
That just hurts your neck! Especially if you're tall and handsome like me.
I'm six foot four. I must have a double-awesome neck.
Yeah whatever.

(Six foot four, really? I'm only Six foot two. I feel silly now.)
Handily, I'm have a similar circumference.

Come to the BB2 and you'd see, wouldn't you?
I'm intimidated now, though.

But seriously, I might well make it - my exams will be over by then, but I'm just not sure on the money side of things, and whether or not I'll be busy looking for a job/getting interviews/etc.
WTB wrote:
I'm intimidated now, though.

But seriously, I might well make it - my exams will be over by then, but I'm just not sure on the money side of things, and whether or not I'll be busy looking for a job/getting interviews/etc.

I'm not charging an entry fee ;)
I know, I know!
Just got back. Hmmm, definitely worth going although it seems a bit rushed and confused, it wants to talk about 'big questions' but the script cannot adequately articulate them. On the whole it felt like a two hour trailer for a 'definitive cut' that will inevitably come out in a couple of years.



Really, you have to watch it so you can face palm yourself for the whole of the second hour.

Interesting trailer on before the flick though, they're re-releasing Jaws this summer and in the trailer the print looks fantastic (yes I know it'll be a digital print).
Grim... wrote:
WTB wrote:
I'm intimidated now, though.

But seriously, I might well make it - my exams will be over by then, but I'm just not sure on the money side of things, and whether or not I'll be busy looking for a job/getting interviews/etc.

I'm not charging an entry fee ;)

You're missing a trick.
Setting off now...
WTB wrote:
Setting off now...

Bit early - it's not until July.
BikNorton wrote:
I saw crappy 3D effects, and everything I wanted to look at was blurry, and OW FUCK MY EYES HURT, before walking out of Tron Legacy, getting a refund, and vowing never to watch a film in 3D again.

That's because you're trying to look at bits of the screen that aren't where the focus is. The trick is to let the film guide where you focus, and stop trying to look at background bits.
Craster wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I saw crappy 3D effects, and everything I wanted to look at was blurry, and OW FUCK MY EYES HURT, before walking out of Tron Legacy, getting a refund, and vowing never to watch a film in 3D again.

That's because you're trying to look at bits of the screen that aren't where the focus is. The trick is to let the film guide where you focus, and stop trying to look at background bits.

That's shit though. Sometimes it's fun checking out what's happening in the background. I don't want a film telling me where I should be looking - that's for me to decide!
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Craster wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I saw crappy 3D effects, and everything I wanted to look at was blurry, and OW FUCK MY EYES HURT, before walking out of Tron Legacy, getting a refund, and vowing never to watch a film in 3D again.

That's because you're trying to look at bits of the screen that aren't where the focus is. The trick is to let the film guide where you focus, and stop trying to look at background bits.

That's shit though. Sometimes it's fun checking out what's happening in the background. I don't want a film telling me where I should be looking - that's for me to decide!

Er, no, no it isn't. Unless you've got magic eyes that can see somewhere the camera isn't pointing.
Grim... wrote:
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Craster wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I saw crappy 3D effects, and everything I wanted to look at was blurry, and OW FUCK MY EYES HURT, before walking out of Tron Legacy, getting a refund, and vowing never to watch a film in 3D again.

That's because you're trying to look at bits of the screen that aren't where the focus is. The trick is to let the film guide where you focus, and stop trying to look at background bits.

That's shit though. Sometimes it's fun checking out what's happening in the background. I don't want a film telling me where I should be looking - that's for me to decide!

Er, no, no it isn't. Unless you've got magic eyes that can see somewhere the camera isn't pointing.


For example, during exposition scenes on Nick Fury's ship thing in Avengers, I was checking out some cool details in the background - I wouldn't be able to do that in 3D as it'd all be blurry and I'd be forced to look at the focal point only.
Four_Candles wrote:

A perfectly fair review there from the lad Kermode.
Films have been focusing on stuff for ages. 3d cinema is awesome, you broken eyed eejits.
DavPaz wrote:
Films have been focusing on stuff for ages.

Well, yeah.

I'd be gutted if they were completely blurred.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
That's shit though. Sometimes it's fun checking out what's happening in the background. I don't want a film telling me where I should be looking - that's for me to decide!

Didn't say it was great, just said it was how to avoid getting a headache and eyestrain.
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