What 1st world problems are afflicting you at the moment?
Personally, I have two.
1) the new hard disks I bought for my Readynas are nice enough, however the Readynas has shit SATA drivers and it can't manage to spin them down properly, resulting in an annoying click every few minutes from the thing. However! Drobo have released new firmware that allows 3TB drive in their units, so I thought I would just swap a couple of disks over, a few hours of resyncing each and no problem. 12 hours later and the Drobo is still showing 72 hours left to go on the rebuild, which i'll have to do all over again once I try and move the next disk, then i'll need to resync the Readynas after all that, which'll take another day. Bloody things.
2) my quidco cashback hasn't tracked for my recent Sky install. I've put in a claim but i'm not hopeful. That was £100 that was...
I know neither of those things matter in the great scheme of things, but i'm still a bit put out regardless.