Dreams and nightmares
a depository
Zardoz wrote:

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Real life feex.

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I had a dream that Dimrill came to visit us and he brought with him a cuttlefish in a tank. He took it out of the tank to show us the ink gland, at which time it grew a really strong pair of back legs - a sudden mutation!

This half cuttlefish/half wallaby thing then proceeded to walk around the room. I went into the kitchen to make us all a nice cup of tea when Russell called me back to the living room. It could walk up walls using only these two legs which were covered in micro suckers.

I went to fetch some yea and biscuits and by the time I returned it had climbed up onto the ceiling and was hanging there upside down, squirting ink everywhere. Nobody could reach it to get it down, and Russell was kind of panicking, but Dimrill looked calm and relaxed enough, was smiling broadly and reported that the ink tasted rather sweet yet salty, a little bit like strong liquorice.
I dreamt I was in a spy thriller. Not yer actual spy, but in very consciously a spy TV show. I was sat in a car, outside where I currently work, commenting that there was going to be a Tesco built. Then some other people got in the car and we headed into town and got stuck in traffic.

Then it switched to a restaurant where me and three others were having food. I was wearing a tuxedo. We realised we were about to be killed. Then one of us stood up and shouted at an assassin on the balcony. He was called Vukon. I know this, because at that point there was subtitles.

I don't consciously dream often. Maybe that is a good thing.
I dreamt a redneck sheriff was trying to kill some six-ish-year-old sisters because they found his dead baby composting pool. He kicked the head clean off one of the sisters (ketchup came out of the neck end). Then I had two or three 'sequel' dreams in rapid succession, spread over the next few hundred years, increasingly actiony and fantastical but thankfully less disturbing.
I had a number of awesome dreams, concerning people in pursuit of a mysterious man called "Orlando Nose". I also believe (and I swear I am not making this up) that he had a sidekick called "Diarrhoea Johnson".

I also had a dream that mashed Deus Ex and Half-Life together. In a world where the resonance cascade never happened, Black Mesa goes on to develop numerous, nasty technologies and weapons. The Gluon Gun, for example, was adapted to fit into a modified handgun casing, pulling the slide let you calibrate the strength of the charge from 'stun' to 'pain' to 'cook from the inside out'. Gordon Freeman had gone renegade and was now an Adam Jensen-style agent, creeping around the facility trying to stop bad things.

Where an evil administrator (who looked just like one of the managers from one - ironically not the one who is genuinely evil and hated) was preparing to give a sales demonstration of said Gluon Handgun to a group of evil Fallout raider-style mercenaries, I managed to get into his office first. He didn't think Gordon (me) was a threat, until I crushed his head between two bookcases and then tore his body off.

I then gave the presentation and 'demonstrated' the gun by killing the mercenaries. I kept reloading my last save because I knew any who escaped would make boss battles trickier later in the 'dream'.
I stabbed my dad to death with a Biro last night. It had the lid on, but I'd chewed it (as I always do), so it was raggedy and sharp. He was going to kill me, though. For murdering someone else. Quite a mess. It was one of those ones where you're aware that you're dreaming, and I was able to force myself to wake up.

Strangely, the most traumatic part of the dream was the feeling of having to go to prison.
Last night I dreampedt that Simon Munnery ran a nerdshop in Stafford that sold second hand Warhammer models. He kept closing down and opening it up in increasingly odd places. Like in Debenhams. Nowhere odder than that.
Well, it would've made my childhood slightly more interesting.
I dreamt I was on a field trip to the Louvre when I spotted art thieves stealing paintings. They stabbed me in the back with a knife as I ran back to the tour group. I pulled the knife out and stabbed the ringleader in the neck just as he did likewise to me. I felt get despair and pain as I began to die.

I also dreamt Mrs Metal and I were 15, growing up in a wintry and more mountainous Llandudno. She was fine with me when we were alone but when any of her stupid friends were around she practically ignored me. Confused me still tried to hang around, barely tolerated, unhappy with this two-faced behaviour. I wonder if it's some kind of weird remastering of teenage memories? It ended as I went into a candy store to buy myself a chipwich and a pack of chocolate cookies to try and win her favour.
metalangel wrote:
I went into a candy store to buy myself a chipwich and a pack of chocolate cookies to try and win her favour.

Had a bugger of a dream on Thursday night. I often dream about gambling and fruit machines in particular, but this one was so vivid and prolonged, that I spent all of yesterday craving a flutter. So close to breaking my non-gambling run.

On a lighter note, the night before, I dreamed I was decorating a room and was carrying out the logical first step of applying a layer of tuna to a wall.
I dreamt I was a private detective with motorized shoes so I could race along. I was pursuing a lead through a shopping centre which had a special 'bike lane' for people on bicycles, kids on scooters and roller skates, etc... to use.

I stopped and asked a security guard if I was allowed to use the shoes on in the mall, he said yes I was. As soon as I entered the next door, an angry manager confronted me and demanded I stop. I argued back I had just asked permission from security and it had been granted. He refused to believe this and as we argued I woke up.
Had the hottest curry in the world yesterday. This morning I dreamed the following:

Was at a posh restaurant with other beexers, Dr Glyndwr and Mrs were there, Danielle had a strong Welsh accent. They had brought takeaway curry with them from Wales. It was supposed to be gourmet but I wasn't too sure about it, there was green watery grease leaking from the containers. Suddenly I was reset back to a computer lab at my old university. Feeling it was rude to leave like that, I decided to go back to the restaurant as it wasn't far. The streets were empty, apart from a long black limo parked across a junction, the black driver looking at a map while the football players in the back harangued him. I crossed the road, the streetlights were out and it was barely possible to see ahead. But there was something running down the middle of the road- a bloody huge black dog, 5 foot tall. I stood still and hoped it would run past but obviously it wanted to bite me. Then I woke up!

I had a weird dream last night. It was long and complicated but the only bit worth mentioning is when a group of us (basically the people who went on Bobby's Stag Do) were in a French town and were getting weirded out because it was exactly like one of the towns we went to on his actual Stag Do (in Belgium).

Anyway, we couldn't find Craster, so I decided that I could locate him by throwing a Krispy Kreme donut and he would surely fetch it. It went into a shop, and when I went in there, sure enough I found Craster. Bobby followed me in. Craster then pointed at a small baby and I realised that this was, in fact, Jesus, and Craster, Bobby and I were the Three Wise Men!

Much celebrating was had, and we went to a restaurant where Baby Jesus turned water into wine and we all got drunk. Then we went to a bar and there were lap dancers.

It was tres awesome.
Curiosity wrote:
Anyway, we couldn't find Craster, so I decided that I could locate him by throwing a Krispy Kreme donut and he would surely fetch it.
Curiosity wrote:
It went into a shop, and when I went in there, sure enough I found Craster. Bobby followed me in. Craster then pointed at a small baby and I realised that this was, in fact, Jesus, and Craster, Bobby and I were the Three Wise Men!

Curiosity wrote:
Much celebrating was had, and we went to a restaurant where Baby Jesus turned water into wine and we all got drunk. Then we went to a bar and there were lap dancers.
That wasn't a dream.
I've come home from work and I hadn't slept well last night, so I went straight upstairs for a nap. "Aha," said my brain, "I'll make you regret that!"

It was a Fallout-related dream. Don't stop reading yet.

The first bit was fairly silly stuff. I had a lot of knowledge of both regions that we've seen (East and West coast) and an AI was demonstrating to me a prototype flatbed truck that would scoop up garbage, compact it and use any nearby vegetation to make woven bags to hold it in. This was in Northern California, and I told the AI the east is more damaged and could really use technology like that.

There were also fishmen, yet another DNA splicing experiment. From the east coast, a different fishman had arrived... spliced further with lizard DNA to make a man-lizard-fish hybrid. He took off his glasses (losing his +2 perception bonus) and gave them to the leader of this fishman tribe. They lived in a sort of gully, in a dry riverbed between the testing area for that waste disposal company and an old rustic motel.

I found myself on the night of October 22, 2077, the day before the bombs fell. A family with two small children staying in the motel, they'd figured out what was about to happen and were trying to get to the husband's tribal reservation in Oregon, away from the cities and where they could wait it out. They had two daughters. One was barely out of 'baby' stage, shuffling around in huge (for her) hand-me down shoes. The other was about four. As their parents tried to pack up and not panic, "Kate" (it wasn't really her) and I were watching the kids play in the hallway. I wasn't really me either... I was alive and could interact with people and be seen, but I felt strangely detached from the goings-on around me, as I sort of had up until this point.

We were sitting on the floor with the two girls between us. The younger cheered and garbled with delighted baby talk to herself.

[You can teach babies sign language before they're able to talk, to understand them.] I signed to Kate.
[It takes work, but yes].

The youngest looked up at me and quizzical tried to copy one of my signs, as if to prove my point.

Their parents arrived and carried them up the outdoor stairs to the gravel parking lot, little more than a circular clearing in the pine forest. A long driveway lead out to the highway. It was starting to get dark.

"Where are you folks headed?," I asked.
"We're trying to get to his tribe's land," replied the woman.
"Whereabouts is that?"
"You'll be lucky to make it at this rate."

They stiffened a bit, still trying to conceal their feelings from their kids.

"Whoever is lending you their car, they're late. You might not make it now." I said.

At this point a car did appear on the driveway, but it wasn't the blue van they were expecting. It was a small gray family car, driven by a woman (who looked rather like someone from work). She parked, opened the trunk and hurried downstairs to collect her own child and begin loading things.

"See, this is awful. Another parent. She'll sense what's going on. But you can't all fit in there. You might not even be going the same way. Are you more entitled to that car than her?"

I wasn't trying to be cruel, these were the facts at a moment like this and I was merely voicing them. They knew full well how much they'd have loved to have that car. They decided to try and entertain their two daughters, and got out a tiny baseball bat and a large, dirty grey plastic ball. The older daughter was thrown a gentle underhand pitch and easily smacked the hollow plastic ball a great distance. It bounced off several trees and rolled around in the grass and fallen needles on the edge of the gravel area.

"You'd better find it," I said, "soon nobody will make them any more."

Again, the parents realized the significance, that even something as simple as a child's toy ball would be impossible to manufacture this time tomorrow. They ran to try and collect it before it rolled into the darkness of the trees. The other mother decided to stop and help. Wind blew gently, causing the branches above to rustle. The sun was setting. My last statement had stirred something in me too.

"Catch!" the parents called, from about 15 feet away, the mother crouched ready to throw another gentle underhand to the daughter. This was a crucial moment in her life, I thought. She might not remember it clearly in the future, or it might be something she uses to give her hope, to tell her own children about. I had to do it.

We were standing by the back of the parked car. The little girl was looking up at me, ignoring her parents. I crouched down next to her.

"Sweetheart, I want you to promise me something...," I said.


"Catch!," yelled her mother again, gently tossing the ball, it landing short and rolling up to the back of the girl's legs. She didn't notice. I picked the girl up.

"Promise me, this is important."


"Look at the sunset," I said, turning so we could both see it.

"Sunsets are so pretty." she said.

"Feel the grass blowing in the breeze," I said, pending so she could extend her hand and feel the tops of the long grass.

When we straightened back up, she looked at me, fear in her eyes, but also understanding that whatever this was, it was important and to listen.

I wanted her to remember the world when it was still beautiful. Sunsets, trees, grass, the cool autumn air in the evening. I want to make sure she would take that with her into the future that was about to arrive, when all this was going to be burned into ash.

The sheer tragedy and desperation and horribleness of the whole thing became overwhelmingly upsetting, and I woke up with a start, glad it was over.
Short film material, that.
I had a dream that Myp was having an affair with Mrs Grim....
They were sexing in the shower :s
I still dream of forgiveness and redemption.
Up until the night before last I had not a dream for 2 months or so.

Last night I dreamt I met up with a female childhood friend and then we started flirting, and kissing. Then my current girlfriend turned up and started saying that we were doing it wrong and that we should try harder. She was about to show me how it was done when I woke up!


This post brought to you with magic
Um, I mean the night before last, not last night. Thinking about it my girlfriend has gone to London for the weekend, where my childhood friend lives...


This post brought to you with magic
I was living in my childhood home, but this was the present day. I got up in the morning and went outside to find that someone had dug up and removed every living thing in my back garden. We were just left with huge holes in the bare earth. One or two trees that were too big to take away had been cut up and left lying around, presumably out of spite. ~ Woke up. Everything was as normal in my garden, but then this is not my childhood home.
This is how I normally sleep:

2012-05-22 07.27.34.png

And this is how I slept last night:

2012-05-22 07.25.40.png

I'm a bit tired :S
Stop dreaming about stalagmites.
Did I ever tell you about that time I dreamt that Rebecca Ferguson wanted my body. It was ace. That's basically it, but it was ace.
Does she use bodies like a hermit crab uses shells?
She tried but she could only slip a finger in.
Grim... wrote:
This is how I normally sleep

Is that measuring your erections?
That's Crasters job.
Calipers ready, sir!
metalangel wrote:
Grim... wrote:
This is how I normally sleep

Is that measuring your erections?

Max 3.5". So yeah.
myp wrote:
metalangel wrote:
Grim... wrote:
This is how I normally sleep

Is that measuring your erections?

Max 3.5". So yeah.

Wait, I'm confused, I thought it was measuring Grim...s erection, not yours?

Unless that's girth.

Edit: Not girth, that's not what I mean at all :DD
Are we talking diameter or circumference here?
myp wrote:
Are we talking diameter or circumference here?

Diameter - I think my thumb probably has close to a 3.5" circumference!
flis wrote:
myp wrote:
Are we talking diameter or circumference here?

Diameter - I think my thumb probably has close to a 3.5" circumference!

This is Grim..., radius surely?
Myp's dick is practically a clit.

So Alberto tells me.

When we're bumming.
Zardoz wrote:
Myp's dick is practically a clit.

So Alberto tells me.

When we're bumming.

You always have to lower the tone, Zardoz, you dirty boy.

I only say what you're all thinking anyway.
Zardoz wrote:
I only say what you're all thinking anyway.

Sort of like tourettes...?
Psychic Tourette's.
So then, I had a dream last night that went thus:

The world was under attack by some kind of alien space craft. I was in some kind of bunker, looking at a holographic projection of the planet, showing the alien space ship in orbit. I was trying to destroy this space ship projection by shining some sort of magnifying glass at it, like a sadistic child trying to incinerate an ant. The ship kept buzzing around, so I kept chasing it with this magnifying glass thing.

Eventually, it escaped by transforming itself into a white mouse and scarpering out of the room. I chased it out into this dark, rain-soaked alley, where I saw the mouse in a fight with a scorpion. The scorpion kept lashing at it with it's tail.

I couldn't watch, because I am utterly petrified (proper phobia) of most small armoured creatures (although I like to think a fear that encompasses scorpions is not entirely unreasonable). Anyway, looking down the alley, I see my dad sitting there. I told him about what had happened and he told me to have another look, because it appeared, and I quote, "that mouse has totally fucked up that scorpion". So I take another look and, sure enough, the scorpion seems pretty dead and really messed up - bits hanging off all over the place. No sign of the mouse.

And then I woke up. So tell me Beex, what the fuck was that about?

Edit: interestingly, I was calm as anything in the dream, as I recall. It's like I couldn't watch because I'm 'supposed' to be scared of scorpions - but in reality, I didn't feel so bothered. Now I'm awake and typing this up, my whole phobia thing is properly flaring up at even the thought of it all. *shivers*
most small armoured creatures

Does this include woodlice? Crabs? Spider crabs? Tortoises?

I'd like a list, please.
MaliA wrote:
most small armoured creatures

Does this include woodlice? Crabs? Spider crabs? Tortoises?

I'd like a list, please.

It's mostly insects & arachnids, though I'd say I'm not even remotely keen on crabs, lobsters, crayfish and so on. Bizarrely, woodlice 'bother' me, but I'm not scared of them. Show me a beetle, an earwig or a centepede and I'll run a fucking mile.

I'm absolutely fine with tortoises and turtles. Snails don't bother me either, though I'm always reluctant to touch one in case I break the poor bugger's shell.

Edit: I know they're not armoured like a beetle, but cockroaches get included in that too. On my last proper holiday, we went to Tenerife. The missus saw 7 of the bastards in our room and did the best she could to get shot of them before I saw them after I totally lost my shit on seeing one scarper across the floor of our bedroom one morning. I literally went a week without sleeping on that holiday. Not very relaxing.

Spiders - not all that bothered by. I'm not keen, but then who is? I don't have arachnophobia.
If you break it's shell it becomes a slug.
I fucking hate centipedes. Especially those three foot long fuckers that catch bats by dangling from the roof of caves in Africa.
Dimrill wrote:
I fucking hate centipedes. Especially those three foot long fuckers that catch bats by dangling from the roof of caves in Africa.

I like them.

I wouldn't like to be caught by one in my bat form though.
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