Buffy The Vampire Slayer
ElegantBaubleGnome wrote:
Weird face, big boobs.

That's not a very kind way to describe poor Craster.
But it's right.
I wonder what Craster looks like now? He grows a new head every few years doesn't he?
So, I'm just watched the penultimate episode of Buffy, and am determined to watch the last one on my TV at home, so I made up the spare time by going back and rewatching S01E01.
Things I've noticed:
Everyone looks really young. Obviously. But especially Angel. Who shouldn't age.
The music is rubbish! Incidental music sounds like it comes from the eighties and the theme tune is really different.
Cordilea is super-hot! She's gone rather minging in the later series' of Angel, so that's a nice change.
Darla is pretty much the first character on screen.
Xander looks clearly older than everyone else even now.
The stakes look rubbish.
Buffy's skirt is awesomely short.
Cordilea is "allowed" to look a lot taller than Buffy. I'm sure that was toned down as the show went on.
Giles has "cool" hair, and is a bumbling idiot. He expressly says "watchers don't kill vampires". And he has a computer.
Willow's hair isn't red.

I'll probably add more when I watch the other half on the way home.
[edit] Here they are:
Angel talks like he's from Noo Yoik.
They shoe-horn in a lot of "cool" words in this episode, before they settle down and develop a language that's very individual to the show.
Buffy is much more of a brawler than a martial artist, but that makes good sense.
The Bronze is a big warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure that changes.
The Bronze Band of the Week is really, really bad at lip-syncing.
They display "To be continued" on the screen, which I'm sure they never do again.
Grim... wrote:
Cordelia is super-hot! She's gone rather minging in the later series' of Angel

Gosh, that was a rather good ending.
More thoughts tomorrow, but what are we going to do now?
Grim... wrote:
but what are we going to do now?

The rest of us have had most of a decade to get over it.
Grim... wrote:
More thoughts tomorrow, but what are we going to do now?

Where do we go from here?
Why is the path unclear?
Understand we'll go hand in hand but we walk alone in fear...
So tell me
Where do we go from here?

(To the season 8 comics. After S5 of Angel.)

Also Grim..., you now know why
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I said it's a spoiler that you know the Spike goes to Angel. I hinted at this once, but obviously couldn't elaborate.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Understand we'll go hand in hand but we walk alone in fear...

Mmph, bugger this.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
(To the season 8 comics. After S5 of Angel.)

Or just Angel, which is where I and Mrs G would have preferred we'd left it. I've not read the IDG Angel comics, but the Buffy S8 ones started out OK and pretty rapidly degenerated into dreadful fan-fiction level dross. (To be fair, I've since heard it improves a bit after #25, which is where we gave up, but I thought the series ended well, so am quite happy to pretend the comics don't exist. See also: Scrubs season 9.)
Craster said about Spike ages ago. Quite how he'll come back from the dead (er, deader) is yet to be explained.
Craster wrote:
Grim... wrote:
but what are we going to do now?

The rest of us have had most of a decade to get over it.

Point missed (although it was a fair while ago, I grant you)!
Here is a list of my ten eleven favorite episodes, in rough order. After I've finished watching Angel S5 I'm going to watch them all again and decide what order they go into.

Normal Again
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It makes the entire thing completely possible in our world, which I loved. I was hoping that the last episode of Buffy would involve a reference or flashback to this somehow, and it did.

Series 8 "Normal Again" comic book spoiler:
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The comic book reveals that the asylum parts of Normal Again are what actually happened, and Sunnydale was all in her imagination.

The Body
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Conversations With Dead People
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Easily the scariest Buffy episode due to Dawn's experiences. I loved the psychiatrist vampire and the whole disconnected feel of the episode (which, it turns out, was because four people each wrote a part for a specific character without seeing any of the others).

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One of my earliest "best episodes", I pretty much only remember the changed credits for this now. But they were great :)

Two To Go
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ZOMG Dark Willow ZOMG. She's fucking awesome, and I so wanted her to be the big bad in S7. Sadly, after kicking everyone else in the head, Xander only had to splutter "I love you" at her a few times and she gave up. Rubbish (that's not in this episode, by the way). I love part at the end where Giles rocks up and says "I'd like to test that theory."

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Obviously. I suspect it's going to get marked down because of FUCKING RILEY. And he's in Superstar too. FUCKING RILEY.

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Angel becomes Angelus, and verbally tears Buffy a new one. Fuck, he was devestating.

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Yay Evil Willow!

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So this girl, right, is fighting the man she loves because he's gone all evil, right, and then her witch friend makes her man not evil any more, right, but then she has to kill him anyway! Fuck yeah.

The Wish
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Yay Evil Willow!

Lovers Walk
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Why doesn't that have an apostrophe? Anyway, this is here purely for the scene where Spike is taunting Angel behind Joyce's back. Superb.
Oh, and take a look at this to see who you recognise:

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That's Andrew with the parrot on his shoulder.
On the comic book, which issue was that in?
I got the first comic book and it didn't grab me enough to continue with. Where the show ended was good enough, I thought.

Dammit, want to re-watch the whole lot now :S
CraigGrannell wrote:
On the comic book, which issue was that in?

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Aren't the stories in the books meant to be written by Buffy after she got better?
Grim... wrote:
Two To Go
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I love part at the end where Giles rocks up and says "I'd like to test that theory."

Darn tooting. I believe that occurs right at the break between the double episode. Serious hair-on-end stuff as I never saw it coming. I was like FUCK YEAH, at the time, obv.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Two To Go
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I love part at the end where Giles rocks up and says "I'd like to test that theory."

Darn tooting. I believe that occurs right at the break between the double episode. Serious hair-on-end stuff as I never saw it coming. I was like FUCK YEAH, at the time, obv.

It does.

I might have to add Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered to the rewatch list, too.
Grim... wrote:
CraigGrannell wrote:
On the comic book, which issue was that in?

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Aren't the stories in the books meant to be written by Buffy after she got better?

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I've no idea. I certainly didn't get that impression on reading them. They look like a direct continuation, and there is nothing in the first 25 or so books to suggest that's the case—unless I missed something. I know there's a theory on Wiki that this is the 'better' Buffy's dreams or something, but I don't recall anything official about that.
When i'm next in the loft I will post photos of some buffy merchandise I have
I gave up watching Angel, by the way. I couldn't get on with the whole Wolfram and Hart thing of S5.

I will make my Buffy top ten, though.
Did you see Smile Time!?
BikNorton wrote:
Did you see Smile Time!?

He clearly did not. Best Angel Ever.
Grim... wrote:
I gave up watching Angel, by the way. I couldn't get on with the whole Wolfram and Hart thing of S5.

B-but that's the season where Spike is hilarious,
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Fred dies
and Connor isn't annoying; it's the best one! The last episode in particular is a million different kinds of awesome, but there's some other real crackers in there. Please God tell me you at least got as far as "The Girl in Question" and pissed yourself laughing at the entire thing?

ETA: Fuck yeah, Smile Time!

Bamba wrote:
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Fred dies

Bamba wrote:
Connor isn't annoying
He's not in it?

Bamba wrote:

I may skip to that one.
Wasn't Wolfram and Hart filling S4 with poo and there was no Conor, but then Wolfram and Hart filled S5 with not poo, also lots of awesome happened?

It's a long time since I watched it. We're watching Dollhouse at the mo, but then Buffy and Angel are our 'early bed with a cup of tea' watching materials.
BikNorton wrote:
Wasn't Wolfram and Hart filling S4 with poo and there was no Conor, but then Wolfram and Hart filled S5 with not poo, also lots of awesome happened?

Not really. Connor was in S4 (humping Cordelia) and Spike appeared in S5. No awesome has happened in the first, er, "number" episodes (ten, maybe). Except Spike (which Craster enspoilered for me over a year before I watched it).
Grim... wrote:

If you're not watching it then you can hardly complain about spoilers...

Bamba wrote:
He's not in it?

Nowhere near as much, and his personality's totally different (i.e. he's not a fucking dick) due to Angel's deal with W&H at the end of the last season.

Bamba wrote:

I may skip to that one.

You really should. Actually you should just watch them all. Really.
Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:

If you're not watching it then you can hardly complain about spoilers...

Other people may be watching it, though. Although hurrah!
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She's far more annoying than Connor.

Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:
He's not in it?

Nowhere near as much, and his personality's totally different (i.e. he's not a fucking dick) due to Angel's deal with W&H at the end of the last season.

No, I mean - he's not in it. At least not yet.
Grim... wrote:
Other people may be watching it, though.

Other people should stop being eight bloody years behind popular culture. I've spoilered my original post though.

Grim... wrote:
No, I mean - he's not in it. At least not yet.

He will be. A little bit, and not very annoying.
S5 of Angel is best series of Angel. Then again, Grim... likes the first Twilight film.
But "we have a law firm" and "smart Gunn" (pun!) are rubbish. It's like the last series of Roseanne.
Season four's "everyone wuvs Jasmine" was Angel's low point for me, bar the awful trip to Pylea. I enjoyed the final season—it was more episodic and had some of the best one-offs of the entire run. The show also ended well, which is something of a rarity in itself. Also: ig you managed to get through the dross that was quite a lot of the final season of Buffy, Grim…, surely you can manage a bit more Angel?
I loved all Buffy (series 4 did drag a bit though, because of FUCKING RILEY), and most of the previous Angel serieseses. I have a very high emo tolerance, though.
http://popwatch.ew.com/2012/05/10/joss- ... -marathon/

Joss Whedon's top ten. Makes me want to watch more Buffy. I might look out Hush and watch that again, it's certainly one of my favourites and the moment when Willow and Tara join hands gave my heart a little flutter that I didn't really understand the first time I saw it. I don't know if I could name a top ten episodes!
His top ten is quite similar to mine.


And, I suspect, everyone else's.
Well, we've signed up to Lovefilm and the Xbox bit now has all the Buffies! I've started rewatching it from the start. It's actually stood up surprisingly well. Joss Whedon is most excellent. And I'm only on episode 1, and most pilots are a bit poo.

Mrs K may get into this, as she loved Firefly and wants to watch more Wheedonry. That said, I think she mostly has a thing for Nathan Fillion, as she's now avidly watching Castle with a funny look on her face.
Tell her Fillion is in Buffy.
Square-o-vision is surprisingly hard work though (we're half way through season 1 on DVD), even on a big telly. I'd not realised how used to wide-o-view I'd become.
I know, isn't it? It's bizarre. All I'm missing is a couple of inches and suddenly it's like I'm trying to squint at a postage stamp.
Mrs B and I followed up on our 'The Wire' fandom by buying and watching all of 'Homicide: Life on the Streets' a while back and, while the show itself is excellent and very much to be recommended, the squareness of it is eternally off-putting.
Only eighteen months after I said I would, I've added my Buffy top ten twelve to my tablet to watch. TIME TO DECIDE.
Re: Lovers Walk and the apostrophe


The title of the episode has been cited on listings, books and DVD covers and menus variously as "Lovers Walk", "Lover's Walk" and "Lovers' Walk". However, the introduction to Rhonda Wilcox's Why Buffy Matters says, "the script apparently does not carry an apostrophe, by the way--making for a short, sad, declarative sentence for a title."
Lovers walk is my favorite.
Grim... wrote:
Series 8 "Normal Again" comic book spoiler:
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The comic book reveals that the asylum parts of Normal Again are what actually happened, and Sunnydale was all in her imagination.

Can someone explain this? It's been a long time since series 8 and I don't remember this reference. The Buffy wiki does mention the comics but doesn't confirm what Grim says above.
The comic book is season eight.
Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Series 8 "Normal Again" comic book spoiler:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The comic book reveals that the asylum parts of Normal Again are what actually happened, and Sunnydale was all in her imagination.

Can someone explain this? It's been a long time since series 8 and I don't remember this reference. The Buffy wiki does mention the comics but doesn't confirm what Grim says above.

And the way I read them
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they were being written by Buffy after she got better
SilentElk wrote:
The comic book is season eight.

I know, and it's been a long time since I read it.
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