Dreams and nightmares
a depository
Part of a vivid dream last night involved me walking through a derelict part of a town with two familiar people (they kind of changed as we went along). Turned out we should all have been in school and were rounded up by some kind of police/truancy force. We kicked off when they took us to a lab to correct our behaviour, as we were expecting them to give us the 'Clockwork Orange' treatment. I managed to shrug off the orderlies for some time but eventually they got the better of me and got me on an old hospital bed, much to the alarm of my friends. They hooked up an IV and pumped a sedative into me... weirdly I remember going unconscious in my dream, a really heavy feeling but very calming, before waking suddenly in real life.
Last night's dream involved me borrowing Dawn French's 4x4 to nip to the shops. Sadly, I pressed the wrong button on the key fob and instead of opening the doors, I let the handbrake off. Imagine my horror as I watch Dawn French's 4x4 roll into the oncoming traffic.

When I woke up I was so relieved that I didn't have to tell Dawn French that I'd totalled her 4x4.
On Sunday night (well, Monday morning really) I had a dream that I had got up very early and driven to Stretford and parked in an empty car park next to some sort of shopping precinct. I got out of the car, leaving the engine running, and went into the precinct, which was totally empty. Then I thought I'd better switch off my car engine and lock the door, so went back out to the car park.

Then a crowd of kids appeared, all carrying one inflatable clapper stick, which they hit on the ground until they burst to reveal teddy bears and other soft toys.

Then a couple of people I knew from work walked past and I asked them if they needed a lift. One of them said she needed to go to the library to return some books as she was paying over £100 per day in overdue fines. I asked her how many books she had, and she said her house was full of them, so it'd take several trips to get them all back. At this point I wished I hadn't offered them a lift, but felt I couldn't really refuse.

Then I woke up.
Zardoz wrote:
Part of a vivid dream last night involved me walking through a derelict part of a town with two familiar people (they kind of changed as we went along). Turned out we should all have been in school and were rounded up by some kind of police/truancy force. We kicked off when they took us to a lab to correct our behaviour, as we were expecting them to give us the 'Clockwork Orange' treatment. I managed to shrug off the orderlies for some time but eventually they got the better of me and got me on an old hospital bed, much to the alarm of my friends. They hooked up an IV and pumped a sedative into me... weirdly I remember going unconscious in my dream, a really heavy feeling but very calming, before waking suddenly in real life.

You do know that you are currently in the dream and that was your real day yesterday, don't you?
DavPaz wrote:
Last night's dream involved me borrowing Dawn French's 4x4 to nip to the shops. Sadly, I pressed the wrong button on the key fob and instead of opening the doors, I let the handbrake off. Imagine my horror as I watch Dawn French's 4x4 roll into the oncoming traffic.

When I woke up I was so relieved that I didn't have to tell Dawn French that I'd totalled her 4x4.

I often dream of forgiveness and redemption, and when I wake up I feel quite good about it. That said, I don't like to dream.
Mr Dom wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Part of a vivid dream last night involved me walking through a derelict part of a town with two familiar people (they kind of changed as we went along). Turned out we should all have been in school and were rounded up by some kind of police/truancy force. We kicked off when they took us to a lab to correct our behaviour, as we were expecting them to give us the 'Clockwork Orange' treatment. I managed to shrug off the orderlies for some time but eventually they got the better of me and got me on an old hospital bed, much to the alarm of my friends. They hooked up an IV and pumped a sedative into me... weirdly I remember going unconscious in my dream, a really heavy feeling but very calming, before waking suddenly in real life.

You do know that you are currently in the dream and that was your real day yesterday, don't you?

Oh. My. Goodness.

Only Russell will know why I am now headdesking so hard :S
This is one shit dream then.
Mimi wrote:
Mr Dom wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Part of a vivid dream last night involved me walking through a derelict part of a town with two familiar people (they kind of changed as we went along). Turned out we should all have been in school and were rounded up by some kind of police/truancy force. We kicked off when they took us to a lab to correct our behaviour, as we were expecting them to give us the 'Clockwork Orange' treatment. I managed to shrug off the orderlies for some time but eventually they got the better of me and got me on an old hospital bed, much to the alarm of my friends. They hooked up an IV and pumped a sedative into me... weirdly I remember going unconscious in my dream, a really heavy feeling but very calming, before waking suddenly in real life.

You do know that you are currently in the dream and that was your real day yesterday, don't you?

Oh. My. Goodness.

Only Russell will know why I am now headdesking so hard :S

We watched Inception a couple of nights ago, which lead to me trying to convince Mimi the real world was a dream. Whilst I myself was asleep. Then we had a massive argument that lasted about 6 hours on and off.

Dreams are frankly shit.
Mr Russell wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Mr Dom wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Part of a vivid dream last night involved me walking through a derelict part of a town with two familiar people (they kind of changed as we went along). Turned out we should all have been in school and were rounded up by some kind of police/truancy force. We kicked off when they took us to a lab to correct our behaviour, as we were expecting them to give us the 'Clockwork Orange' treatment. I managed to shrug off the orderlies for some time but eventually they got the better of me and got me on an old hospital bed, much to the alarm of my friends. They hooked up an IV and pumped a sedative into me... weirdly I remember going unconscious in my dream, a really heavy feeling but very calming, before waking suddenly in real life.

You do know that you are currently in the dream and that was your real day yesterday, don't you?

Oh. My. Goodness.

Only Russell will know why I am now headdesking so hard :S

We watched Inception a couple of nights ago, which lead to me trying to convince Mimi the real world was a dream. Whilst I myself was asleep. Then we had a massive argument that lasted about 6 hours on and off.

Dreams are frankly shit.

The argument actually lasted about 20 second followed by 6 hours of one of us sleeping, and then one o us waking u in a huff (I probab;y would have woken in a huff also, if I had been able to get back to sleep...)

Dreams are fine, you are just weird.

Seriously, he was SO insistent that I was asleep, he kept laughing and saying 'haha! I can't believe you don't realise... This is all in your head, you are DREAMING, you are asleep!' Stupid movie. Stupid Russell. :kiss:
Mimi wrote:
Dreams are fine, you are just weird.

Seriously, he was SO insistent that I was asleep, he kept laughing and saying 'haha! I can't believe you don't realise... This is all in your head, you are DREAMING, you are asleep!' Stupid movie. Stupid Russell. :kiss:

Mimi wrote:
:DD You're a fool :luv:

You're ASLEEP.
I think I'm going to be sick.
Get a room :spew:

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Malc wrote:
On the bus today I nodded off listening to music, I must have heard a couple of Alice Cooper, because I had a dream that I was watching one of his concerts, only it was Myp doing it, and he started doing a whole of Gene Simmons stuff too!

Oh, and the "best" bit. During Myp singing Poison, the girl was a zombie and by the end of the song Myp was a zombie too, and he had "her poison running through his veins".

I was quite disturbed and woke up with a start!


You're weird.
Zardoz wrote:
Get a room :spew:

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Too noisy.
myp wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Get a room :spew:

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Too noisy.

Is he a screamer, Myps?
Wait, are there genuine romantic shenanigans going on here? I can't tell who is banging whom on this board. I'm not good at keeping up (fnarr).
Yes, myp and I have been courting for around two years now.
Mr Russell wrote:
Yes, myp and I have been courting for around two years now.

:spew: :kiss:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Wait, are there genuine romantic shenanigans going on here? I can't tell who is banging whom on this board. I'm not good at keeping up (fnarr).

You've got Joans and Jazzy, Curio and Mogwii (or whatever), Myp and Ange, Craster and Flis, and Throughsilver and everyone.
Have I missed any?
Grim... wrote:
Craster and Flis

You appear to have misspelt Malabelm.
Grim... wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Wait, are there genuine romantic shenanigans going on here? I can't tell who is banging whom on this board. I'm not good at keeping up (fnarr).

You've got Joans and Jazzy, Curio and Mogwii (or whatever), Myp and Ange, Craster and Flis, and Throughsilver and everyone.
Have I missed any?

Ok, now how many of those are genuine and how many are vague in-jokes?
I had a dream that involve catching a plane to Uruguay for a holiday, but after checking in bags and giving blood (!) it turned out that Myp had taken us to Nottingham Airport instead of Nottingham Regional Airport, because he's an idiot. So we (included Myp and Craster and one friend from Uni) had to get in an automatic car and be driven to the other airport, where we got lost.

Stupid Myp.
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Craster and Flis

You appear to have misspelt Malabelm.

Craster and Malabelm?

...interesting, I suppose.
Why am I the subject of so many Beex dreams? :-S
metalangel wrote:

Craster and Malabelm?

...interesting, I suppose.

He looks enough like a girl from the back.
It's the vagina that does it.
myp wrote:
Malc wrote:
On the bus today I nodded off listening to music, I must have heard a couple of Alice Cooper, because I had a dream that I was watching one of his concerts, only it was Myp doing it, and he started doing a whole of Gene Simmons stuff too!

Oh, and the "best" bit. During Myp singing Poison, the girl was a zombie and by the end of the song Myp was a zombie too, and he had "her poison running through his veins".

I was quite disturbed and woke up with a start!


You're weird.

It was a very weird dream!

ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Wait, are there genuine romantic shenanigans going on here? I can't tell who is banging whom on this board. I'm not good at keeping up (fnarr).
BikNorton wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Wait, are there genuine romantic shenanigans going on here? I can't tell who is banging whom on this board. I'm not good at keeping up (fnarr).

Girls who are boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls
Who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really love
Not exactly a dream, but last night trying to get to sleep I drove myself quite mad by getting the lyrics to "Livin on a Prayer" stuck in my head, but thinking it with an upward inflection at the end of each sentence. After 3 hours I was climbing the walls.
Now I'm doing the same thing, but because you posted it, it's also happening in a Lichfield accent. So thanks for that.
Dimrill wrote:
Not exactly a dream, but last night trying to get to sleep I drove myself quite mad by getting the lyrics to "Livin on a Prayer" stuck in my head, but thinking it with an upward inflection at the end of each sentence. After 3 hours I was climbing the walls.

Elton John.
Dimrill wrote:
Not exactly a dream, but last night trying to get to sleep I drove myself quite mad by getting the lyrics to "Livin on a Prayer" stuck in my head, but thinking it with an upward inflection at the end of each sentence. After 3 hours I was climbing the walls.

Then dancing on the ceiling?
Only remember the last part of my dream. I was tasting a pork pie that my friend Kev (Giggedy Giggedy - Mark) got me to taste as he thought it was below the usual standard. I commented that it looked like cake to me (it was a a huge tray of chocolate cake complete with icing all cut into squares) and he said they do that at the shop if they make a bad batch. They blend it all up and make it look like cake so it will sell.
Dimrill wrote:
Not exactly a dream, but last night trying to get to sleep I drove myself quite mad by getting the lyrics to "Livin on a Prayer" stuck in my head, but thinking it with an upward inflection at the end of each sentence. After 3 hours I was climbing the walls.

Standing over your mother's corpse
I knew that it was now or never
I had loads of mini dreams last night. I dreamed that loads of people were emailing me as there was a spelling error on my website, also that Zardoz was PMing me because I had drawn a troll but had coloured him grey and brown, but he said that they should be flesh coloured. I said perhaps they were, but every troll I'd ever seen was so filfthy after never having washed that they LOOKED grey. It was a disagreement, and I was anxious because though I trusted what my eyes had seen I trusted that Zardoz was a bigger nerd and would KNOW.

Then I dreamed that I went to the fridge and we had TOO MUCH MILK! I picked up two cartons and asked Russell what we were going to do with all the milk, and he said that we'd get through it all as it was only two 4-pinters, and we had company this weekend. I said yes, but there were nine cartons in total! I then woke up wondering what I could do with 36 pints of milk?
Mimi wrote:
Then I dreamed that I went to the fridge and we had TOO MUCH MILK! I picked up two cartons and asked Russell what we were going to do with all the milk, and he said that we'd get through it all as it was only two 4-pinters, and we had company this weekend. I said yes, but there were nine cartons in total! I then woke up wondering what I could do with 36 pints of milk?

Sounds as interesting as the bit I remember from last night's dream. I was on a night out and had enough so I'd wandered off from the rest of the people I was with to make my way home. Stumbled across an old arcade with a Super Sprint cabinet that had been modified to be 2p a credit. I'd just put my money in when my alarm went off so I didn't get a go. :(
Damn it. I feel as if the alarm had gone off just two minutes later I would have awoken having invented the MOST AMAZING RECIPE EVER. That's how genius begins.
Zardoz wrote:
MIlk surprise?


I just got this PM from Zardoz:

Hi Mimi

I've just seen the superb Troll you've drawn. Personally I think he'd look much better if he was coloured in a more natural Flesh colour, if you don't mind me saying. Yours looks quite dull in greys and browns, shame to let something so simple take away from the overall effect.



If Russell now tells me I am still asleep and this is all in my head whilst laughing at me I will smack him in the face with 36 pints of milk.
Actually, yeah. If Russell ever does that again I am going to do something very very painful to him, because it's just a dream, right?
I hope it's a dream, because my finger hurts.

Actually I had a very odd dream last night that involved va... erm, never mind.
I am going to hurt you.

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:kiss: I wont

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