Beex, Yo.
Bits and Bobs 33
The highest degree in Masonry
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Sounds like an awesome trip
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Another 3 and a half hour exam done. Three more this week then done. Ahhh.
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BikNorton wrote:
Z - three weeks in June. Just after the last blossoms drop in the very north, and as I say, June is rainy season. Lovely before, lovely after, wet and up to 90% humidity during. Neither of us are particularly bothered by that though. And as a bonus we'll be out of the country for that Queen thingy.

flis - I was planning to talk to the GP in a couple of weeks about coming off the pills, but that'd drop me off right before we leave. So I'm staying on them til we get back. I'm a whole heap better than I was, but not that good!

We've been very fortunate with this - at Christmas Hel's mum gave us a wedge of the profits from selling Hel's nan's house, which covers the flights and a pair of 7 day unlimited-travel Shinkansen tickets so we can blast from Kyoto to Tokyo for a couple of days then right the way down to Hiroshima for a few more, before back to Kyoto. Hel's decided her half-year bonus is going on (it looks like about 10 nights-worth of) the accommodations, too.

I'm of the opinion that as we're primarily staying in Kyoto where the parent company is headquartered, and therefore can't avoid visiting our Japanese overlords, while we're at it we should try and blag a night out or two on them.

Sounds fantastic...*looks jealously*
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kalmar wrote:

We all know what that means...
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

*Sharpens axe*
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kalmar wrote:

Hilariously misheard on the radio feex.
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Fucking wireless. The USB dongle won't work, and the card can see the network but won't connect to it. I could ask the people next door, as the spend most of their time playing MW3 and have a car with scissor doors but nstead I'm going to spend a tenner on a new USB dongle, chuck out the PCI card and complain a lot. The router is a SKY netgear one, and it says 'WPA2" in windows, so I've tried that, +psk, aes and tkip and I don't know what to apart from homeplugs but they are expensive.
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MaliA wrote:
Fucking wireless. The USB dongle won't work, and the card can see the network but won't connect to it. I could ask the people next door, as the spend most of their time playing MW3 and have a car with scissor doors but nstead I'm going to spend a tenner on a new USB dongle, chuck out the PCI card and complain a lot. The router is a SKY netgear one, and it says 'WPA2" in windows, so I've tried that, +psk, aes and tkip and I don't know what to apart from homeplugs but they are expensive.

It can connect to the outside world now. I've given it an IP of 1982.168.0.50 and the next one is 255.255.255. I'm having DNS trouble now, though.

Oh, and what should my device use? I installed everything and it is being odd now. I've got TCP/IP, and some other stuff.
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MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Fucking wireless. The USB dongle won't work, and the card can see the network but won't connect to it. I could ask the people next door, as the spend most of their time playing MW3 and have a car with scissor doors but nstead I'm going to spend a tenner on a new USB dongle, chuck out the PCI card and complain a lot. The router is a SKY netgear one, and it says 'WPA2" in windows, so I've tried that, +psk, aes and tkip and I don't know what to apart from homeplugs but they are expensive.

It can connect to the outside world now. I've given it an IP of 1982.168.0.50 and the next one is 255.255.255. I'm having DNS trouble now, though.

Oh, and what should my device use? I installed everything and it is being odd now. I've got TCP/IP, and some other stuff.

That might be clashing with one of Chinny's IPs.
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Good work.

Coppers is on, one of my favourite shows, and... It's set in Pitlochry this week!
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I like Pitlochry.
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Happy Birthday, Mogwai!
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I am the proud owner of a G18c.

Stuff in the garage is severely dented. Not having to explain how many pennies I dropped on it to a Missus has cheered me reet up.
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Fuck knows what I've done. I need to Ctrl alt del and type in my name to get the computer to log in, as opposed to clicking on an icon, the computer attends itself to the network but the dns is not working and I can uninstall protocols or services from the TCP IP thing from device manager. I'm setting the magic smoke free it it doesn't up its fucking game tomorrow.
User avatar
Ian Fairies wrote:
I am the proud owner of a G18c.

Stuff in the garage is severely dented. Not having to explain how many pennies I dropped on it to a Missus has cheered me reet up.

AEP or gas powered? I had a KSC G18C gas pistol and it was so powerful it blew the selector switch out after a while :(
User avatar
Gas blow back. Full auto is freaking insanely powerful - I can't wait to head shot someone with it. Lordy I feel sorry for them already. It's got it's arse hanging out with this badass extended mag an' all which lasts about a second before the whole clip is dumped out.

You should take it back up Gaz!
User avatar
Ian Fairies wrote:
I can't wait to head shot someone with it. Lordy I feel sorry for them already.

User avatar
MaliA wrote:
Fuck knows what I've done. I need to Ctrl alt del and type in my name to get the computer to log in, as opposed to clicking on an icon, the computer attends itself to the network but the dns is not working and I can uninstall protocols or services from the TCP IP thing from device manager. I'm setting the magic smoke free it it doesn't up its fucking game tomorrow.

For the first bit (in XP at least) -

Control Panel>User Accounts>Change the way users log on or off>Tick 'Use the Welcome Screen'
User avatar
Ian Fairies wrote:
You should take it back up Gaz!

Cannae be bothered dude, all the hoops you've got to jump through nowadays just to buy a gun or sell a gun. I was mainly a collector and the VCRA screwed me right over, lost all taste for it :(
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Which is correct:

1) How cute are you?
2) how cute are you!

Also, there's a sign in the co-op saying "At co-op we repect the rights of our customers and will not tolerate violent or abusive behaviour towards our staff". Shouldn't that be a 'but'?

yes, I'm bored.
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devilman wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Fuck knows what I've done. I need to Ctrl alt del and type in my name to get the computer to log in, as opposed to clicking on an icon, the computer attends itself to the network but the dns is not working and I can uninstall protocols or services from the TCP IP thing from device manager. I'm setting the magic smoke free it it doesn't up its fucking game tomorrow.

For the first bit (in XP at least) -

Control Panel>User Accounts>Change the way users log on or off>Tick 'Use the Welcome Screen'

Thanks, I'll try that later.
User avatar
MaliA wrote:
there's a sign in the co-op saying "At co-op we repect the rights of our customers and will not tolerate violent or abusive behaviour towards our staff". Shouldn't that be a 'but'?

I don't know, but they've spelled 'respect' incorrectly.
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Oops. heh.
User avatar
MaliA wrote:
Which is correct:

1) How cute are you?
2) how cute are you!

You need an interrobang (great word, that).

You can just write ?!, but real men use the actual symbol, which is ‽
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Grim... wrote:
but real men use the actual symbol, which is Image
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Which is correct:

1) How cute are you?
2) how cute are you!

You need an interrobang (great word, that).

You can just write ?!, but real men use the actual symbol, which is ‽
You square
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No, I'm not sponsering you to walk around a lake for three hours. Dressing it up as nine and a half miles doesn't work. If you were to run it in an hour and a half, then, maybe. But not walk it.
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I feel the same way about people that refer to these 26 mile 'moonwalks' as marathons. A marathon is something you run. Anything else is a long walk. Walking is easy.
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User avatar
Grim... wrote:
You need an interrobang

Brilliant. That bit of knowledge I've now stolen from you has made my day.
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ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
I feel the same way about people that refer to these 26 mile 'moonwalks' as marathons. A marathon is something you run. Anything else is a long walk. Walking is easy.

As I've said before, if you're doing something for 'charity' it should be something that at least requires some form of training or practice prior to the event itself, and one that you don't commonly do (such as you say, or rowing some distance), and must have some level of hardship involved for it to be of any merit. Ambling around a flat lake in an afternoon doesn't count, as you'll spend more time on foot shopping in London. Had my friend stuck a time limit on it, say "I'll go around this lake in an hour and a half" or "How many times can I walk around this lake in 6 hours" then I'd consider it. See also "going on holiday for charity", "jumping out of an aeroplane for charity", "not talking for charity", "giving up booze for lent/a week in January", "abseiling for charity", "bungee jumping for charity", "firewalking for charity", "playing computer games all day for charity". I'd consider "listening to the entirity of the Ring cycle for charity" as that fulfills my criteria. Trouble is, once these things get announced on social media with a comments section, it becomes hard to not do this, so I blame the justgiving websites and things for devaluing human achievement and immolation.
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MaliA wrote:
No, I'm not sponsering you to walk around a lake for three hours. Dressing it up as nine and a half miles doesn't work. If you were to run it in an hour and a half, then, maybe. But not walk it.

Surely the point is the 'giving to charity' bit, rather than what the activity is?
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Yes but I think Mali's point is that this should apply to the person doing the thing too. Wheareas it often just seems like someone doing something they quite fancy doing anyway and dressing it up as a selfless act of charity. If someone wants to do a parachute jump for charity then they should cover the cost of the jump out of their own pocket.
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Darn tootin'. People that want to do things like the New York marathon or walk up Kilimanjaro, but spend the first £1000 of donation money on flights need to be punched in the face repeatedly. I also won't sponsor any of this Race for Life bollocks, because I want you to do something more than jog around a park for 30 minutes, or as is actually the case, amble around a park at pretty much walking pace for 45 minutes.

I did do a charity abseil once, but I sponsored myself the £70 minimum it costs to do that with whatever other donations on top. If the point is 'giving to charity', give to a charity anyway. If you want me to cough up for a charity I'd never normally support, do something to make it worth it.
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That's not a PM!
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Mimi wrote:
That's not a PM!

It was a cool photo though. :D
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ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Darn tootin'. People that want to do things like the New York marathon or walk up Kilimanjaro, but spend the first £1000 of donation money on flights need to be punched in the face repeatedly. I also won't sponsor any of this Race for Life bollocks, because I want you to do something more than jog around a park for 30 minutes, or as is actually the case, amble around a park at pretty much walking pace for 45 minutes.

I did do a charity abseil once, but I sponsored myself the £70 minimum it costs to do that with whatever other donations on top. If the point is 'giving to charity', give to a charity anyway. If you want me to cough up for a charity I'd never normally support, do something to make it worth it.

I think part of the point is that you need to be doing something vaguely impressive in order to persuade people to stump up the cash. So maybe you have someone raising £3000 to go up Kilimanjaro, and spending £1000 on flights - that's £2000 going to the charity. If you wouldn't raise that much by saying "Let's give money to charity! Hand it over", then it's a net win for the charity, no?
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Craster wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Darn tootin'. People that want to do things like the New York marathon or walk up Kilimanjaro, but spend the first £1000 of donation money on flights need to be punched in the face repeatedly. I also won't sponsor any of this Race for Life bollocks, because I want you to do something more than jog around a park for 30 minutes, or as is actually the case, amble around a park at pretty much walking pace for 45 minutes.

I did do a charity abseil once, but I sponsored myself the £70 minimum it costs to do that with whatever other donations on top. If the point is 'giving to charity', give to a charity anyway. If you want me to cough up for a charity I'd never normally support, do something to make it worth it.

I think part of the point is that you need to be doing something vaguely impressive in order to persuade people to stump up the cash. So maybe you have someone raising £3000 to go up Kilimanjaro, and spending £1000 on flights - that's £2000 going to the charity. If you wouldn't raise that much by saying "Let's give money to charity! Hand it over", then it's a net win for the charity, no?

That's "Other people paid for me to go on holiday and I paid the balance to charity"
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If you get upset by people getting to do stuff because they've went out their way to do something for charities you'd be better off handing the money directly to the starving gay cats with AIDS or whatever you felt sorry for. Have you seen how much the folk in charge of charities skim off the top? ;)
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MaliA wrote:
That's "Other people paid for me to go on holiday and I paid the balance to charity"

Yes, it is.

However, if the alternative is "The charity got nothing", then is that necessarily a bad thing?
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What should I do to get a free holiday then?
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Zardoz wrote:
What should I do to get a free holiday then?

Drug Mule
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Craster wrote:
is that necessarily a bad thing?

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From the President of the Students' Union

Could we also have the microphine set up too please?
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I eat far, far too much, here. Today, I've had three Rocky bars and a packet of fruit pastilles. And two bananas. And my sandwiches. I should start eating breakfast I think.
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Craster wrote:
MaliA wrote:
That's "Other people paid for me to go on holiday and I paid the balance to charity"

Yes, it is.

However, if the alternative is "The charity got nothing", then is that necessarily a bad thing?

I think people should do charitable things out of the goodness of their hearts, not beacuse they want a free holiday or stuff like that.
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