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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I only visit cracked if I have a few hours to spare. It sucks you in with the power of a dozen snopes.

See also: TVTropes. Or don't, because it'll eat your whole day and sit there laughing.

I end up there after every film I watch. It has me in its evil thrall
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Zardoz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I watched Twilight on the train today.

I thought it was good.

Fucking Hell Grim...

Even when he does his fucking glitter shit in the sun and not burn to a shrieking fucking crisp? Even the lead totty is a dull looking, boring twat who couldn't smile if she shat winning scratch cards.

It's like you didn't read one post ;)
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I've just had an amusing image of Grim..., looking like he does, sitting on the train with his iPad on his lap watching Twilight. I reckon at least one guy looked over your shoulder at what you were watching and thought "Is that guy gay?" and then rapidly went about their business elsewhere.
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Grim... wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I watched Twilight on the train today.

I thought it was good.

Fucking Hell Grim...

Even when he does his fucking glitter shit in the sun and not burn to a shrieking fucking crisp? Even the lead totty is a dull looking, boring twat who couldn't smile if she shat winning scratch cards.

It's like you didn't read one post ;)

I had to react immediately due to the nature of your statement.
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DavPaz wrote:
I've just had an amusing image of Grim..., looking like he does, sitting on the train with his iPad on his lap watching Twilight. I reckon at least one guy looked over your shoulder at what you were watching and thought "Is that guy gay?" and then rapidly went about their business elsewhere.

I watch it on my phone, but that sort of thing's never bothered me.

When I used to go to work on the tube and be a proper skinhead, I'm sure I had some people confused.
"Cor, look at that fat thug. What's he getting out of the inside pocket of his floor-length leather jacket? Is it a gun? It is a bat? Oh no, it's a Jilly Cooper novel".

I like to people guessing ;)
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
"Cor, look at that fat thug. What's he getting out of the inside pocket of his floor-length leather jacket? Is it a gun? It is a bat? Oh no, it's a Jilly Cooper novel".

:DD I bet you made those yuppie girls moist, you handsome man!
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I might have done if I'd have read them some of the book.
I love early Jilly Cooper, but her latest books are rubbish :(
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
When I used to go to work on the tube and be a proper skinhead, I'm sure I had some people confused.
"Cor, look at that fat thug. What's he getting out of the inside pocket of his floor-length leather jacket? Is it a gun? It is a bat? Oh no, it's a jelly dong! ".

I always made sure I had something to sit on ;)
User avatar
pupil wrote:
I watched 30 Days of Night last week, the film was ok but the vampires in that were fucking badass!! That's how I want my vampires please!

Yeah, they did Vampires pretty well in that film.
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You all owe it to yourselves to watch The Room

It's...astonishingly terrible. It's possibly even a worse film than Southland Tales.
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I'm perversely looking forward to W.E, Madonna's film about Wallis Simpson. It's been getting such a kicking from most critics I think it stands a chance of being so bad it's actually good.
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Grim... wrote:
myp wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Good lord. The female thing in Black Eyed Peas voiced Patty in Peanuts. That blows my freaking mind.

Same here. I'm astonished.

Far more astonished about Uncle Phil being Shredder, personally.

I could hear that when I was a kid, actually Same with Panthro and Mr Huxtable.

Now, Kevin Nash as Super-Shredder. That surprised me.
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Just watched The Guard. Brendan Gleeson plays Sgt Gerry Boyle, one of the cops out in the middle of Galway. Has a penchant for hookers, Russian literature and swearing. Into his cosy little world comes a new cop from Dublin and an FBI agent (Don Cheadle), the latter on the trail of a half billion dollar shipment of cocaine that is heading for the west of Ireland.

So you have the straight laced FBI agent being run rings round by a not as dumb as he seems Galway copper. And it is blisteringly funny. Especially if you have an evil sense of humour - the opening scene is absolutely hilarious and sets up Boyle as a character brilliantly. Throw in some hilarious dialogue, some touching moments between Boyle and his ill mother and the bad guys quoting Nietzsche at each other and you have a daft, yet massively enjoyable film which neatly subverts a number of cliches.

Unfortunately the trailer is a bit shit - the Western theme is developed over the film and not completely in your face. But it does have some good examples of the dialogue.

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I watched Limitless the other night... Quite enjoyed it too.
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Just watched Con Air for the first time. Review in the spoilers..

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
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Aye, The Guard was ace.
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Just saw War Horse.

Eagerly awaiting sequel, Peace Cow.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It's hugely mediocre by the way, review tomorrow. Probably.
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The Guard is next up on my Lovefilm queue, so I'm glad to hear the high praise! (My last one was Porco Rosso, which I enjoyed a lot, in spite of its frankly embarrassing treatment of women.)
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NervousPete wrote:
Just saw War Horse.

Eagerly awaiting sequel, Peace Cow.

Have you seen the play, Mr Pete? how does it compare, and which should I spend my ill-gotten gains upon?
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Hall Pass is better than I thought it would be.
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Goon is as dumb as you expect. If you like films that glorify being stupid and hitting people then you might like it. I don't and didn't.

Tucker and Dale Vs Evil - An unexpected delight. Very clever and well done.
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DerekFME wrote:
Tucker and Dale Vs Evil - An unexpected delight. Very clever and well done.
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I watched that YouTube film last night, is it called life in A day? World in a day? something like that. I thought it was brilliantly, really lovely and made you feel a million different things. Editing was brilliant as well.
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DerekFME wrote:
Goon is as dumb as you expect. If you like films that glorify being stupid and hitting people then you might like it. I don't and didn't.

I quite want to see this. Mainly to punish MrsA for Valentine's Day.
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Has anyone seen The Iron Lady? It wasn't a bad film, but as some reviewers have said, they taken someone with a really interesting life, and concentrated on the most boring bit of it. You could have easily made a whole, interesting film on her actions during the Falklands, or the poll tax riots or the leadership contest, but the flashbacks are so choppy you don't really learn anything about her political career. People love her! Hooray! Now people hate her! Booo! She's torpedoed the Belgrano ( not personally, obviously)! Hooray / Boo! She and Dennis survived the Brighton Bomb! Hooray! Now she's mean to Giles from Buffy! Boo!

I was expecting a lot more of a political thriller, but it was much more of a "woman getting old" film.
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The AWakening - Subtle and effective English spookiness film. Rebecca Hall and Dominic West are both excellent in it.

Haywire - Generally quite poor apart from Gina Carano. It seriously lacks decent pacing, structure and an ending.
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Squirt wrote:
I was expecting a lot more of a political thriller, but it was much more of a "woman getting old" film.

Just wait for the porno parody version.
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MaliA wrote:
DerekFME wrote:
Goon is as dumb as you expect. If you like films that glorify being stupid and hitting people then you might like it. I don't and didn't.

I quite want to see this. Mainly to punish MrsA for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's day! Fuck.

Right, need to think of a suitably grim horror film I can watch as I sit, separated from society.
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I'm watching "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" at the moment. It isn't very good.

I've also watched Salt (surprisingly good), RED (very good, although it was a little confused about what it wanted to be. The female lead in it is lovely, though, although the end is a bit creepy), Hall Pass (better than you'd think), and something else.
Fuck! What else did I watch? Couldn't have been that good :(

Tomorrow I get to watch them on my new Fire, which will be nice. Phones are too small for action movies.

There's a new American Pie out this year, with the original cast in. The first one is thirteen years old :o :'(
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Kung Fu Panda 2 is awesome. Perhaps not as awesome as the first, but still awesome. Also, it is an absolute visual delight from start to finish. Truly beautiful.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
See also: TVTropes.

Hnnnngh. Make it stop!
User avatar
Craster wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
See also: TVTropes.

Hnnnngh. Make it stop!

Lol. It never, ever does!
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Grim... wrote:
RED (very good, although it was a little confused about what it wanted to be. The female lead in it is lovely, though

Helen Mirren's all right, I suppose...
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
The female lead in it is lovely

Mmmmmm, Mary-Louise Parker. You should really watch this. Although not at work or anything as it's very, very rude.
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Ooh, yay!
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Also: ten points if you recognise the guy in the scene.
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Although you lose 20 points for looking at the guy in the scene.
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Darkest Hour - Perhaps a case of diminished expectations but this wasn't all that bad. Sure the characters were incredibly bland and what little CGI monsters there were happened to be quite poor. But y'know it is what it is. Not meant to be anything special. And I kind of enjoyed it. It provided a reasonable end of world experience. Even though the ending was utterly utterly stupid and hilarious.
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Underworld Awakening - About as good as Underworld 1+2.
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Just saw a trailer for a film called 'Man On A Ledge' no prizes for guessing what that's about!
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Is it an upper class ballet dancer meets cool urban street dancer to bust the system using fusion dance moves type movie?
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Mimi wrote:
Is it an upper class ballet dancer meets cool urban street dancer to bust the system using fusion dance moves type movie?

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krazywookie wrote:
Just saw a trailer for a film called 'Man On A Ledge' no prizes for guessing what that's about!

A girl wants to go to Dallas to try out for the Texas Cowgirl's cheerleading squad, and gets her cheerleader friends to help her fund the trip by performing sex acts for money?

Or is it about a girl who slays vampires? They should probably come up with a more descriptive name if it is.
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Mimi wrote:
Is it an upper class ballet dancer meets cool urban street dancer to bust the system using fusion dance moves type movie?

Hey, I liked Center Stage 2: Turn it Up!
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Mimi wrote:
Is it an upper class ballet dancer meets cool urban street dancer to bust the system using fusion dance moves type movie?

Have you been watching Breakin'?
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krazywookie wrote:
Just saw a trailer for a film called 'Man On A Ledge' no prizes for guessing what that's about!

Is it about snakes on a plane?
User avatar
You read it wrong, it's Man on A Hedge.

A Titchmarsh biopic.
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DavPaz wrote:
You read it wrong, it's Man on A Hedge.

A Titchmarsh biopic.

Nono that's Man In A Hedge.
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Perhaps it was that film about rural car thieves, Van in A Hedge?
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It's the Christmas classic, Old Man on A Sledge
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