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Chick Flick = Aimed at laydees

Examples? Fried Green Tomatoes. Ya Ya Sisterhood. Sex and The City. The Expendables.
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The Guard is brilliant, made me laugh a lot and cry a bit, perfect.
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Grim... wrote:
Well, they can be both.

Aye, that's what I meant by overlap. I just mean they're not by definition the same thing.

Like how a horror film can be a comedy, but horror is not in itself comedy.
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T' Girl with T'Dragon Tattoo. It suffers from the same flaws as the book - i.e. it's far too long (2hrs 40m), suffers from a fairly pointless subplot (Wennerstrom) and has a tedious epilogue.

It is slickly made however and the acting is pretty good (apart from Daniel Craig's attempt at a Swedish accent which is basically just his normal voice. This is jarring when people refer to him as "Mikael").

I kinda wish I hadn't read the book before watching it since the whole fun with these whodunnits is trying to guess the bad guy. Still, these sections of the film are well done and it is utterly brutal in parts.

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The rape scene is horrific, along with the torture stuff at the end. What made it a little more horrific for me was some doofus sat near me who kept on laughing in a gurgling manner at these scenes. I hope that the girl he was with did a swift runner afterwards

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Have you seen the original, Rixo? It's very good.
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Goodness, those books were just awful, though. :o/
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I mean, rubbish. Not shocking, just rubbish.
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Is there actually any reason for the American version of the film to exist? There's a very lengthy trailer available online that makes it look like a shot-for-shot remake of the original with exactly the same feel to it. It's getting accolades left and right but it just looks like an (admittedly decent) cover version of the original film. Anyone seen both and care to comment?
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Well it's English language, so that'll broaden its appeal hugely. The dubbing on the non-subtitled version of the original is pretty fucking bad.
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I done watched Sherlock Holmes (Guy Ritchie) the other day. It was good fun. I also got the Expendables, but the disk was knackered so I'm waiting on a replacement to arrive from LoveFilm. Also on the way is Eagle vs Shark, which is good so I'm told.
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Being Elmo is a pretty great documentary about the puppeteer who does Elmo. Nice story, although there's one bit that had me welling up.
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Craster wrote:
Have you seen the original, Rixo? It's very good.

I haven't. I may pick up the expanded versions on dvd tho. I think it was a tv series in Sweden which was edited down to films for the rest of the world. In fact, a quick look on amazon sees the whole set for £12.99.

As for the books, I thought they were decent enough page turners but they took a long time to get going. Good for holidays.
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Bamba wrote:
Is there actually any reason for the American version of the film to exist?
The Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross soundtrack is apparently magnificent.

We saw Sherlock 'Olmes last night. Shit cinema with squeaky seats, squeaky people and very close overhead emergency lighting mean I couldn't settle into it properly, but I liked it enough to want a BluRay.
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BikNorton wrote:
The Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross soundtrack is apparently magnificent.

Which just serves to distract them from finally knocking out the full How To Destroy Angels album they've been promising for ages; so another point against the film's existence!
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I thought the HTDA sampler was crap.
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BikNorton wrote:
I thought the HTDA sampler was crap.

It was patchy, a couple of crackers and some filler, but still better than having no new proper Trent Reznor music (movie soundtracks don't count). I'm mostly worried he'll get so into soundtracks that he'll never resurrect NIN and tour ever again so I'm comforted when I know he's still actually doing proper songs in some form.
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Who is Atticus Ross? Judging by The Social Network, he seems to be a consultant on how to make Reznor a bit less good.
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I've no idea, but he's a third of HTDA too. I'd agree with your judgment, except you said "a bit."
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He did production/programming duties on the last four NIN albums as well (basically all the comeback stuff).
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BikNorton wrote:
I've no idea, but he's a third of HTDA too. I'd agree with your judgment, except you said "a bit."

Well, NIN isn't what it once was. The Slip was hardly The Downward Spiral in terms of quality.

(Bamba's info explains a lot.)
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BikNorton wrote:
The Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross soundtrack is apparently magnificent.

The soundtrack is good, not magnificent. Then again, I really don't like NIN. I saw them live once, at a festival in Belgium. They were utter shit, especially compared to the mighty Rammstein who followed them.
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Every time I've seen them live they've been fucking magnificent, but I do love me some Nine I nch Nails so I'm hardly the most objective of judges.
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I remember the day when the NiN boat sailed past my little island. Everyone on it was going "come on! come aboard!" and I was all "nah."
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I like anything from The Fragile backwards. Not been fussed with anything since.
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myp wrote:
I like anything from The Fragile backwards. Not been fussed with anything since.

Yeah same. Year Zero had its moments, but for the main it was partly 'it's been too long', and partly 'not very good'. I tried to love that one album I downloaded in something mad like 6080kbps bitrate. But that was mainly because it was absurdly high def.

Mods: wanna split this stuff off into a new NIN/existing metal thread?
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edit: I'm on my phone.
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I keep thinking myp is Zardoz.

It's like when Kovacs and the slight lad had similar avatars (in this case, vaguely bald).
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I'm looking forward to when the NiN movie comes out.
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I really like With Teeth. And Things Falling Apart. They both came after The Fragile didn't they? I like ghosts as well actually. The Slip has its moments too, particularly Discipline, but there was definitely a lot of ground retreading going on.
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LewieP wrote:
Being Elmo is a pretty great documentary about the puppeteer who does Elmo. Nice story, although there's one bit that had me welling up.

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GazChap wrote:
Also, a plot hole:
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When Moriarty blows up the meeting room at the Hotel du Triomphe to hide the assassination of the arms magnate, it's said that no-one looks for a bullet-hole in an explosion. Fair enough, but wouldn't the bodies be examined at autopsy and thus end up revealing the assassination? Or was that kind of thing not common back in the 1890s?

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I haven't seen the film, but I'd assume some sort of explosion would rip the bodies apart too? It may also be that they just wouldn't think to look for it, back then things were pretty much taken at face value.
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I kind of wondered why the one was necessary with the other at all.
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Goddess Jasmine wrote:
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I haven't seen the film, but I'd assume some sort of explosion would rip the bodies apart too?

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You may assume that; Craster might beg to differ.
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BikNorton wrote:
I really like With Teeth. And Things Falling Apart. They both came after The Fragile didn't they?

With Teeth was the one for which too much water had passed under the bridge. My excitement had passed into boredom and it was more I couldn't be bothered with it than it wasn't good. Things Falling Apart was indeed after The Fragile; it was The Fragile remixes. :)

And don't get me wrong, The Slip wasn't bad (4800kbps?), but whereas the three initial albums were all something new and big, everything after - to my ears - was Reznor settling into a groove. And good for him, but it's just not something I wanted to listen to.
Uh-with-a Teeth-a!

So help me....

I was at a pre-release playback of the album after, which was a partial return to form but still jolly disappointing in terms of hooks and memorable noises, though I could listen to his latter stuff for hours in terms of sound design and production. Trent was there too, mercifully he didn't stick around for the full thing because I doubt I'd have been able to keep a straight face. It was one of the longest hours of my life, looking at the disappointed faces of the kids who were obviously fan-club members wheeled in having won a competition.

Listening to NIN is something I'd regularly do to have a good time.Only Ghosts has done that for me since, maybe Perfect Drug.
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Cowboys and Aliens. How on earth could they make a film featuring Cowboys fighting Aliens so bloody dull.

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The film went from point A (Craig appears), to point B (alients attack town) to Point C (big fight against Aliens) except it actually went A -> B -> oh fuck got to Point C already need to loop around a bit doing stuff for a while to pad the running time out can we get to point C yet?

How come the aliens were super speedy when bouncing around in the big fight at the end despite being unable to see well in the light? And then very slow when chasing after the girl with the bomb down a tunnel?

"You were the son I always wanted." Well, weird fucking way to treat him for 90% of the film. Can't work out if it was the flat character, but Harrison Ford is really phoning them in these days.

Moral lesson: You aren't a man until you kill something.

Blimey, they had good photography and reproductive technology in the 1800s. That Wanted poster with Craigs face on was super high res.

Oh, so the aliens want the gold for money. Yet rape planets and kill everything on them. Erm, don't you think the alien equivalent of Trading Standards would notice this sort of thing?

I think the fact that I took the time to find so many flaws in it is a measure of how missed an opportunity it was.
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I got the feeling that the writer started with title and worked hurriedly backwards from there.
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Watched "Real Steel" last night.

Sure it's Rocky meets A.I. but was actually pretty good, for a kids film.
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The Artist - This is kind of a difficult one. It's clearly something done for the love of it and yet at the same time its attempts to recreate something feel a little uncomfortable at times. The lead actor is fabulous but I'm still not fully convinced by the female lead. It's good and a refreshing break from what is considered the norm. But I'd rather watch an original silent I think. Even though this is more about them than specifically recreating a silent film now. It's clever and there's some lovely shots in in. A shot of a full staircase in motion about half way through the film is brilliant. I guess it just feels weird to a see a film in that style be such good quality visually. There's much to love about it and I want to do so but I don't want to get myself into the habit of saying it's brilliant just because everyone else does. So not sure here.

Moneyball - A very engaging and interesting story. But that seems pretty easy to do with a sports movie. I'd never want to watch it again and there's times where it feels a little flat but it's well worth watching once.
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I saw The Artist this evening. Very, very good. Not brilliant, but very, very good. Well worth seeing. I agree with DerekFME (probably for the first time regarding films) that the female lead wasn't quite right. She was good with the sad stuff and the dramatic stuff, but she lacked real charm for the laffs. The guy who played the main dude, George Valentin, was just perfect though. I was amused at one point when a character was just driving around urban 1920's Hollywood and it all looked so real and I didn't even think twice to be amazed at the astounding effort of all of it. The direction is pretty excellent, and admirably restrained. It does have lots of opportunities to really cut loose but sticks to what they could have achieved then, which is a remarkable amount. Anyway, funny, sweet, beautifully acted with a simple and engaging story. But not quite as funny as it could have been in parts. Go see.

For the sexiest female silent movie lead ever, Paulette Goddard. In fact, sexiest lead ever ever?

Chaplin's 'Modern Times'
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I've been meaning to get around to seeing 'The Thing' for years, and the brilliant Pingu version in the youtube thread reminded me, so I watched it last night. Totally excellent, up there with Alien.

It would be perfect for a game of Mafia, too. I might try to write it..

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Nah, it's much better than Alien because it didn't spawn a slew of shitty sequels each shittier than the last. And James Cameron wasn't involved at any point.

I love it because it was one of the last great body horrors. I love the old effects in them. If you've got an interest, track down From Beyond by Stuart Gordon. Also excellent and loosely based on a Lovecraft story. And of course the sublime Re-Animator.
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Watched Eagle Vs Shark and The Expendables this weekend. Thought the former was great, although the lead male was just a little bit too 'Napoleon Dynamite' for my tastes. Was really disappointed with the Expendables. I was led to believe it was 'so bad it's good', but I found it to be deeply dull and average. Genuinely almost switched it off about half way through. Boring. I do enjoy daft action flicks, by the way.
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kalmar wrote:

Knightmare's taken a turn for the epic based on this photo. I don't remember Treguard wielding a flamethrower in the classic series.
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GazChap wrote:
kalmar wrote:

Knightmare's taken a turn for the epic based on this photo. I don't remember Treguard wielding a flamethrower in the classic series.

It's all part of the show's reboot. One other change was to have the dungeoneer guided via phone votes. Unfortunately, this now means that no-one gets beyond the first room, thanks to the overall IQ level of folk that do phone in for these kind of things.
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Didn't we do a Thing-based MafiaScum? Or was it just something Grim... and I spent ages discussing?
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I thought we did, but I can't find it in the old games folder.
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Hard not to think of Goatse when watching the cave scene at the Goblins Mountain in 'Return to Oz'.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Didn't we do a Thing-based MafiaScum? Or was it just something Grim... and I spent ages discussing?

Considering I only watched it for the first time a few weeks ago I doubt it.
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Zardoz wrote:
Goblins Mountain

Hard not to think of Linda Lovelace when you say that.
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