OnLive streaming PC games: Crysis on any PC?
was AMD's Cloud system thing
myps pies wrote:
Trooper wrote:
myps pies wrote:
Trooper wrote:

Well, gosh. That certainly makes things interesting...

The day Microsoft develops a way of me being able to play my 360/720 games through my iPad at work with a controller will be the day my productivity falls off a cliff.

Does it have to be microsoft? This is pretty much what Onlive are doing now.

No cheevos, no deal. :)

You know about brag clips, right? They're not Cheevo's, obv, but they're a much better way of waving your e-peen :)
Out of interest, the first big public demo they did was the newly-released Borderlands on an iPad, quite a while ago. I wonder what took them so long?

Probably the control system, now I think about it.
Grim... wrote:
You know about brag clips, right? They're not Cheevo's, obv, but they're a much better way of waving your e-peen :)

On the basis I get my Live account back as I fucking left it, I'm too invested in it now to start again on another platform.
I'd be all over playing onLive on an iPad if there were such a thing as an iPad dongle for a 360 controller.
I'm not sure there would be too many scenarios where I'd have with me a broadband connection, an ipad and a 360 controller and not just play on my 360 instead.
In bed would be the main one.
In a hotel would be the main one for me. Much easier to pack a controller than a console. I'd already have my ipad with me anyway.
How would it work in a hotel over wifi...?
Well, there is this thing called the internet...

Or is you are asking how well it would work, in some hotels it'll be shit, in others ok. On a 3g dongle it should be fine though.
Trooper wrote:
Well, there is this thing called the internet...

Or is you are asking how well it would work, in some hotels it'll be shit, in others ok. On a 3g dongle it should be fine though.

Given its fairly unusable over wifi (and it warns you about this quite readily) I'm dubious about that particular claim.
Trooper wrote:
Well, there is this thing called the internet...

Or is you are asking how well it would work, in some hotels it'll be shit, in others ok. On a 3g dongle it should be fine though.

yes mr sarcy pants......

Just a lot of hotels I stop in, arn't putting cables in because of cost and are putting wifi in....
Mr Dave wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Well, there is this thing called the internet...

Or is you are asking how well it would work, in some hotels it'll be shit, in others ok. On a 3g dongle it should be fine though.

Given its fairly unusable over wifi (and it warns you about this quite readily) I'm dubious about that particular claim.

3g might be pushing it, but it depends on your connection speed. How fast does onlive actually need? HSPDA can go up to 7.2mbps on some networks now, can't it? Which is faster than my home broadband and onlive worked on that when I tried it :D

Why would it not work over wifi? You're wifi is highly unlikely to be the bottleneck on any internet connection.
KovacsC wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Well, there is this thing called the internet...

Or is you are asking how well it would work, in some hotels it'll be shit, in others ok. On a 3g dongle it should be fine though.

yes mr sarcy pants......

Just a lot of hotels I stop in, arn't putting cables in because of cost and are putting wifi in....


The place i'm in tonight is fucking woeful in terms of internet speed. I've stayed in places where it has been totally fine though.
I'm not reading 11 pages. Has anyone made any overclocking or blue LED funnies yet?
Aye. It's already out for Android phones / tabs.
I stumbled across an OnLive-like service recently called Gaikai that seems to only offer demos of a handful of games for some reason. My net connection didn't work all that well with OnLive (it's fast for downloading stuff but I think it's pretty jittery) but Gaikai worked amazingly well. I played the demo for The Darkness II and Tin-Tin and the latency was very small, plus Mrs B was streaming some iPlayer stuff at the some time which moves this from 'technically impressive' to 'outright fucking voodoo'. When playing Tin-Tin especially I forgot for a few minutes that it was streaming because it was so responsive. It's actually not a bad idea as a demo only service; depending on speed and bandwidth some people can't afford to download GBs a month of games they might not even enjoy playing so this gives an easier, and instant, way of trying them out. Despite lots of chat on their Wiki page though they don't seem to offer much aside from the handful of demos you see at that link. I wonder why they're not pushing themselves harder?
Pretty good article comparing Onlive and Gaikai at Eurogamer today. ... -vs-onlive

If you want a brief synopsis, 'Neither of them work that well' would probably be about right.
I played with this at Grim...'s on Sunday. It's so incredibly good that it appears to be voodoo. Graphically superb, and absolutely no discernable input lag whatsoever. It may not be quite so good on a connection that isn't stupidly fast like Grim...'s, but I'm convinced enough to try it out, certainly.
You should see it with my torrents turned off ;)
Craster wrote:
I played with this at Grim...'s on Sunday. It's so incredibly good that it appears to be voodoo. Graphically superb, and absolutely no discernable input lag whatsoever. It may not be quite so good on a connection that isn't stupidly fast like Grim...'s, but I'm convinced enough to try it out, certainly.

All the videos and screenshots I've seen look blurry and compressed, and the input lag is routinely over 200ms according to the Eurogamer write-up - unless it really does scale that well with connection speed (what is Grim... on?).

I suppose I should actually try the bastard thing before I cuss it up any more :D

I'll get it up and running on the media centre PC on the big telly, see how it fares. (It's a nicely specced PC apart from the laughably bad passively cooled Radeon 6450 graphics card, so no use for proper gaming, so will be a good test of the experience.)
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
... the input lag is routinely over 200ms according to the Eurogamer write-up - unless it really does scale that well with connection speed (what is Grim... on?).

Predictably, some huge number. But that won't make a blind bit of difference to input lag, of course.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Predictably, some huge number. But that won't make a blind bit of difference to input lag, of course.

If you're sat on top of the data centre that provides the service with a high-speed fibre connection, I guess it'd help a bit.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
All the videos and screenshots I've seen look blurry and compressed, and the input lag is routinely over 200ms according to the Eurogamer write-up - unless it really does scale that well with connection speed (what is Grim... on?).

120down, 20up. Ish (57 down and 8 up right now, apparently).
I'm a little warey of the EG write-up, especially when you consider their close ties with Gayku (or whatever it is called). But then they have 'OnLive' as a review platform, so who knows?

You'll hate it, because it's not is a resolution that should be measured in kilopixels. But it looks fine it you're sat away from the PC, and it's still fucking voodoo. Brag clips are acebest, too.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Predictably, some huge number. But that won't make a blind bit of difference to input lag, of course.

If you're sat on top of the data centre that provides the service with a high-speed fibre connection, I guess it'd help a bit.

Yeah, but that's latency, not bandwidth. You could have a 10Gbit pipe and be 10 miles from the exchange, and have worse input lag than having a 10Mbit pipe and being 100m from the exchange.
Craster wrote:
Yeah, but that's latency, not bandwidth. You could have a 10Gbit pipe and be 10 miles from the exchange, and have worse input lag than having a 10Mbit pipe and being 100m from the exchange.

I was working on a 'brilliant bandwidth paired with super low latency' proposition, I realise the fatness of the pipe doesn't influence that as such, I was simply running on the assumption that Grim... had a best case scenario connection to OnLive's servers.
Dunno. I doubt they have one in Bedford.
So, I hear this is closing down?
I just heard that too. It did well then?
They say "no we're not".
That sucks. Because it's voodoo.
I've just heard this too.
That would suck, because the Google TV things they are baked into are rolling out today. ... -business/

So their first comment was no comment, then they said they are not "going out of business". But they didn't comment on the people who work there all saying they are losing their jobs.
Grim... wrote:
That would suck, because the Google TV things they are baked into are rolling out today.

I thought that was Gaiku?
Craster wrote:
That sucks. Because it's voodoo.

It's all your fault. You said it would be viable if they put it in TVs. They've put it in TVs, and now they're going bankrupt. All your fault.
Anyone who bases their business model on a suggestion from beex deserves to go bust.
Craster wrote:
It's all your fault. You said it would be viable if they put it in TVs. They've put it in TVs, and now they're going bankrupt. All your fault.

They needed to do the TV bit before they started.

The technology is stunning, no two ways about it, but it's an answer to a question no one was asking - not when you can get a perfectly serviceable second hand XBox360 under the telly for less than £100, and then load up on pre-owned games for a few quid a pop.

Plus of course mobile gaming has come on massively in the last two years as well. Smartphones and tablets, innit.
You can get the Voodoo on phones, too.
I'll be sad if it's dead, because I honestly think it's the future of gaming.
I thought AMD or Intel or someone bought it, or something.

"Oh no, we're dead"
"OHAI we're now SOMETHING!" ... ff/0101505

Reports are still fragmented. MVC say that they sacked everyone, shuttered the business, sold all assets and IP to an undisclosed third party (someone big, I think; Gaikai sold to Sony for $370m and it wasn't as big as OnLive) and re-opened immediately under the new owners. Customers shouldn't notice but the staff were screwed out of their equity and the company walked away from some other debts in the process.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:

Reports are still fragmented. MVC say that they sacked everyone, shuttered the business, sold all assets and IP to an undisclosed third party (someone big, I think; Gaikai sold to Sony for $370m and it wasn't as big as OnLive) and re-opened immediately under the new owners. Customers shouldn't notice but the staff were screwed out of their equity and the company walked away from some other debts in the process.

Well even if they carry on in business no one should give the fuckers any money on a moral basis from here on in.

Typical twat trick, and legal, somehow.

Clearly a sign of a business in extreme financial distress, too.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Clearly a sign of a business in extreme financial distress, too.
Indeed, the fact someone just bought them out suggests they are definitely doomed. I'd hazard a guess that it was for more than $380m, too, as that's what Sony paid for the much punier Gaikai. We'll know more soon enough.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Clearly a sign of a business in extreme financial distress, too.
Indeed, the fact someone just bought them out suggests they are definitely doomed. I'd hazard a guess that it was for more than $380m, too, as that's what Sony paid for the much punier Gaikai. We'll know more soon enough.

Well we already know they've acted like intolerable cunts towards their staff, however much money is or isn't involved.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Well we already know they've acted like intolerable cunts towards their staff, however much money is or isn't involved.
That is orthogonal to the viability (or otherwise) of its business model and technology.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Well even if they carry on in business no one should give the fuckers any money on a moral basis from here on in.

Must be quite dull with no games by EA, Activision, Sony, Nintendo, Square, Konami, THQ, Namco or Capcom to play. And how's that linux OS working out for you?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Well we already know they've acted like intolerable cunts towards their staff, however much money is or isn't involved.
That is orthogonal to the viability (or otherwise) of its business model and technology.

Well at least I've learned a new word today, if nothing else. And it's not even noon yet.
They should have moved operations to the isle of man
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