*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
Let me get this right, your plan was to sneak into a lone females house, into the room where your she was sleeping, and get into bed with her, on a night where she thought her husband was hundreds of miles away!

Good job the dog woke her up is all I can say :D
Trooper wrote:
Let me get this right, your plan was to sneak into a lone females house, into the room where your she was sleeping, and get into bed with her, on a night where she thought her husband was hundreds of miles away!

Good job the dog woke her up is all I can say :D

My original plan was to just leave a box of Milk Tray on the dresser and return to Warrington.
Decca wrote:
I'm having the two tabbys
You're worse than Noah! :DD
I give you Tabitha and Twitchet....



Trousers wrote:

Then when I walked in he was that excited he pissed on me.

I've had better plans.

It's usually the wife that does that, I take it. :hat:
Decca wrote:

He's a bit DERP.
She's the one who hid from me for an hour and a half then had the nerve to hiss at me once found.
May I have him for my avatar?
Sure thing :D (she a she btw) I decided on Tabitha and Twitchit (one with the patch on her eye)
He's saying in a Roland rat style voice "eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh, Cat-fans!"
Who ordered a box of cuteness?

Nothing in the world is as important as this piece of string

I can haz majesty?

Aw! That last pic is so lovely.
Good stuff emoose. I like the 3rd one down the most. Great photography btw.
How totally and utterly adorable, :DD echoing the opinion that those are really phenomenal shots.

How old is she?
Thanks, Libby is 8 weeks old, spent most of yesterday under the sofa but this morning she was full of braveness!
terribad photo, they have been aloud to roam freely about the house for the first time so not in the mood.

Here is a size comparison using something we will all have to hand.

Twitchet at 6 weeks.



My second attempt at a comparison did not go well owing to the soppy sod running away from the kitten after this was taken.

The dog knows he been out-cute'd,

"Seriously mate, you need to get with the times, this stuff is sooo last decade"

"No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
Human. Stop looking at pictures of kittens. I am what's important, OK?
Oooh, I wanted a pure black cat, but we got lumbered with Topher instead. :P
File comment: "This is going on the internet isn't it?"

Happy doggy! :)
Not my kitten (woman I know breeds Maine coons) but I believe this may belong in here.

Orion by indycoon, on Flickr


Tomorrow I'm going to go choose a puppy for BFFs son. He can't make it himself so I get to pick. Clearly one of the black and whites will be the one.
Carpet shampooing in The Den = unhappy exiled gippynigs
It is a box of fluff and eyes! :D Aww, little fuzzballs :hug:
What's the plural noun for G-pigs?
I am after some advice.. The youngest wants G-pigs for the Birthday..

What should we do? Inside or outside hutch... Food, toys etc?

Help me G-Pig hive mind..
This is Joey, he's 1.5 old and we moved house like a month ago. When will he shut the hell up and settle down?
sorry that pic was crap, here's one from the early days...
Aw, he's gorgeous.
Dimrill wrote:
Carpet shampooing in The Den = unhappy exiled gippynigs

So many similars :o

Mine both look like mops, in different ways. First time I've ever had to give them hair cuts, and I certainly wouldn't make a living out of it :(
krazywookie wrote:
sorry that pic was crap, here's one from the early days...

High quality kitty, that!

Good to see the g-pigs again Dimrill :)
This thread is awwwwww-some. :)
Lazy dog is lazy:
monorail cat is monorail cat
Aww! I LOVE pure black cats. :luv:
Our little guy Twitch has today decided he quite likes cuddly toys all of a sudden.
"You touch my toy and I cut you, bitch."
Most evil looking bunny I've ever seen.
Back when he was a kit.
Less evil there.
And my most popular Flickr picture of him.

So we have an evil bunny, a dead bunny and a sad bunny.

Where's happy bunny?
Is that mr.Kissyfur in the first pic?
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