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Are there any dinosaurs in it?
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Watched a couple of films this week that were a small departure from my usual fare -

The Bucket List. From looking at the DVD case, you rather know what to expect, story-wise, but still a very enjoyable film, with good performances from Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman (although, to be honest, I could watch the latter in anything). I had something in my eye towards the end of the film but it didn't detract from my enjoyment. Ahem.

Dorian Gray. Pretty good too. I'm not familiar with the book so after watching the film, I went nosing on Wikipedia and there seem to be a few differences, but nothing too drastic I guess. However, the film actually seemed to be as much about Colin Firth's character, Henry, than about Dorian himself.

At least I'm getting through my unwatched DVDs now - only about 25-30 to go now. Interesting to see that the recent DVDs I've watched haven't had the piracy warnings at the start, but trailers instead. Although I'd still rather they went to the DVD menu by default and just had the trailers as an option. Dorian Gray had a bloody ad for Malteasers among the trailers.. bugger off.
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Watched Inception for the 2nd time last night.

Much better.
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It's even better the third time.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
That was when I saw it on IMAX.
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New War Horse trailer out, looks incredible. This one deserves to be seen in HD. I can already tell it's going to make me cry.
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Zio wrote:
I saw Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy last night in an absolutely packed cinema. As the end credits rolled, a young lady in front of me stood up and pronounced to her boyfriend "I didn't get any of that. None of it. I've got no clue what happened whatsoever."

Alas, I feel most of the people in that cinema may have left feeling the same way. Personally I really enjoyed it, but I figure it needs a second viewing.

I watched the 1979 BBC adaptation of this when it was original screened. It was in 7 parts and each episode was repeated a couple of days after it was first shown. I watched all 7 episodes twice to try to keep up with the plot and still wasn't 100% sure I understood it all at the end. Still, it was compelling viewing even though nothing really seemed to happen, but very slowly. I've just read the plot in Wikipedia and I think I've finally nailed it, but this won't stop me from watching the new version.

Anyone see Page 8 recently? Similar sort of thing, in some ways. I enjoyed it immensely, even though nothing much happend in that one either.
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I watched The Princess Bride on the train yesterday.
It was all right.

Andre the Giant was good.
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Grim... wrote:
I watched The Princess Bride on the train yesterday.
It was all right.

Andre the Giant was good.

I think it's overrated.
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You're dead to me.
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I'm not even sure if I've seen all of Princess Bride - I remember the swordfight bit and nothing else. I do have the DVD at home though, so I've no excuse for not watching it again. (If only to escape Mimi's wrath* ;) )

* not that Mimi strikes me as a wrath-filled gal.
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Yeah, I only thought it was OK. Everyone I know that watched it as a kid utterly loves it though.
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MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I watched The Princess Bride on the train yesterday.
It was all right.

Andre the Giant was good.

I think it's overrated.

It's certainly that around here. I can see that what Lewie says is true, though.
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In fairness, The Princess Bride is the best movie ever.
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NervousPete wrote:
New War Horse trailer out, looks incredible. This one deserves to be seen in HD. I can already tell it's going to make me cry.

Richard Curtis co-wrote the screenplay though, I fear for his usual heavy handed saccharin coated sentimental overload.
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I think watching it 20+ years ago is probably fairly key to appreciating its charm.
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Craster wrote:
I think watching it 20+ years ago is probably fairly key to appreciating its charm.

I didn't see it as a kid, other than the sword fight scene.

It has the sharpest dialogue I can recall in a film, and is lovely.
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Curiosity wrote:
It has the sharpest dialogue I can recall in a film, and is lovely.

But I hated (hnnnng) Buttercup. Didn't everybody hate Buttercup?
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Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
It has the sharpest dialogue I can recall in a film, and is lovely.

But I hated (hnnnng) Buttercup. Didn't everybody hate Buttercup?

Curiosity is correct. That said Buttercup is lush, but a bit of a vacuous sexist stereotype, to be fair.
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Not seen it.
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kalmar wrote:
Not seen it.

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Try this then: Never will see it.
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kalmar wrote:
Try this then: Never will see it.

Dead to me.
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Was Columbo Westley?
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Somebody bring this to the cottage so we can duct tape kalmar into a chair in front of the TV, k?
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Craster wrote:
Somebody bring this to the cottage so we can duct tape kalmar into a chair in front of the TV, k?

Well, I got it.
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Grim... wrote:
Was Columbo Westley?


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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was Columbo Westley?



What's was Columbo's last line?
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Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was Columbo Westley?



What's was Columbo's last line?

Yeeeees, and?
User avatar
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was Columbo Westley?



What's was Columbo's last line?

Yeeeees, and?

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Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Was Columbo Westley?



What's was Columbo's last line?

Yeeeees, and?


It was because he liked the story.

It would make no sense for him to be Westley. None at all.

"A story my father read to me... " remember?
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kalmar wrote:
Not seen it.


It sounds too MaliA. Princess and Bride in the title FFS.
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Says the diehard Ghibli fan.
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Sorry, have I upset you?
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Craster wrote:
Says the diehard Ghibli fan.

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Zardoz wrote:
Sorry, have I upset you?

Your face upsets me.
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Sorry, I told your mum not to put my picture on the mantle piece.
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I think I've only seen a few minutes of the Princess Bride. It's like Labyrinth in that it's an 80s kids' film I never got into. Andre is good, but he always was. I recall some scene between he and a normal sized man whose delivery annoyed me.
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In a fit of Mali-ism, we're back on the girly films. This evening's is PS I Love You. I can't make my mind up about Hilary Swank. She reminds me of Jamie Lee Curtis.

I'll be able to watch Monsters or Robotech after Mrs K has gone to bed.

EDIT - bloody hell, Spike from Buffy's in it. How the not very mighty are a little bit further down than they were.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:


Then how do you explain Jar Jar?
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Malabelm wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:


Then how do you explain Jar Jar?

I... what?

Princess Bride, right?
User avatar
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I... what?

Princess Bride, right?

No, I just fancied a cheeky dig from the side at Star Wars obsessives.
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What is wrong with this place at the moment!

Princess Bride = great
Babylon 5 = shit
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
In a fit of Mali-ism, we're back on the girly films. This evening's is PS I Love You. I can't make my mind up about Hilary Swank. She reminds me of Jamie Lee Curtis.

Good lord, I hated that film. I was kind of hoping that Gerad Butlers's character would actually have been alive all along, and was just playing some insane emotional game, but it was not to be.
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I hate miserable films, and that was a miserable film. The back of the DVD case described it as a romantic comedy.

I too was expecting Gerrard Butler to turn out to still be alive and hiding in the cupboard or something, and jump out with a cheeky fake Irish "ar, begorrah! Gotcha!"

And poor Harry Connick Jnr! The bitch.
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Oh hey, FILM! Everyone* here will like this.

"Red State", on at the moment. It's by Kevin Smith, I've not seen his other films (Clerks?) but this kept me guessing all the way through, and it contains John Goodman, in a role which was clearly written for him. Revolves around a sort of Waco type scenario but really messes about with it, good fun.
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Just saw Drive. What a beautiful Hollywood action film. I want to see it again right now. There were loads of university students there, so a fair bit of muttering, and a lot of murmuring and shock at the violent bits. They are idiots. I was well primed going into this, having seen Valhalla Rising. I was ready for massive slow passages where not much needs to be said, punctuated by brutality. Shock and whimpers at a dude getting his head kicked in. Well, I live in Leeds; it happens. And it nearly happened to some students. By me. This evening. Cast was great. The chase/driving sequences were great. The story was great. Best film I have seen at the cinema since Black Swan, which was similarly misunderstood by divvies. Can't wait for his next film, as Drive annihilated the very good recent Herzog crime films.
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