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NervousPete wrote:
Anyone seen 'The Ice Storm' by Ang Lee? Is it good? I've rented it from the library and am curious.

Have seen this, but years ago. Isn't Sigourney Weaver in it? Anyhow, very good as I recall.
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Gilly wrote:
Bitch slap is brilliant. Especially the bit in the caravan :)

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Grim... wrote:
Gilly wrote:
Bitch slap is brilliant. Especially the bit in the caravan :)


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Agent Starling wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
Anyone seen 'The Ice Storm' by Ang Lee? Is it good? I've rented it from the library and am curious.

Have seen this, but years ago. Isn't Sigourney Weaver in it? Anyhow, very good as I recall.

Hmm. Half way through. Great performances. Great direction. Great acting. Great scenery.

Completely fucking punchable characters (apart from Tobey MacGuire) and completely implausible actions committed by characters again and again for no apparent reason. ARGH. At the bit with the Nixon mask and Christina Ricci. I shouted out, "Aw, c'mon!" in disbelief and half expected Graham Chapman in a military uniform to walk on shouting about how things had gotten too silly.


And as of yet still no extreme weather phenomena. You lied to me Tom Sawyer.
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What the fuck? Message boarding half way through a film? Get watching!
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As I say it's years since I watched this, but from memory, I think that most of the characters were hateful was part of the point. Or something like that.
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NervousPete wrote:
Completely fucking punchable characters (apart from Tobey MacGuire) and completely implausible actions committed by characters again and again for no apparent reason. ARGH.

I thought you liked shit like that, you silly David Lynch fanboy.
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NervousPete wrote:
Completely fucking punchable characters (apart from Tobey MacGuire) and completely implausible actions committed by characters again and again for no apparent reason. ARGH.

Sounds like real life to me (apart from Tobey MacGuire)
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DavPaz wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
Completely fucking punchable characters (apart from Tobey MacGuire) and completely implausible actions committed by characters again and again for no apparent reason. ARGH.

Sounds like real life to me (apart from Tobey MacGuire)

Sounds like this forum. Wait we've had that joke this page, haven't we?
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throughsilver wrote:
What the fuck? Message boarding half way through a film? Get watching!

Agent Starling wrote:
As I say it's years since I watched this, but from memory, I think that most of the characters were hateful was part of the point. Or something like that.

Too hateful, I fear. But I could handle it if there was a source of their twattishness, but there isn't one I can easily define. Apart from Joan Allen's character and Tobey MacGuire, they all seem pretty appalling. Sigourney Weaver's charisma even when playing an emotionally withdrawn bitch sort of saves her as well, but I just found myself getting cross watching it. So I stopped. I don't post half way through films, I just gave up on it, rather annoyed.

Lord Rixondale wrote:
I thought you liked shit like that, you silly David Lynch fanboy.

Pfft, there's usually a reason behind it in Lynch films. True, it's usually either - A: They're evil. Or B: Things ain't natural in this town / headspace. This film is set in normal-land and yet rrrgh.
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Runcle wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
Completely fucking punchable characters (apart from Tobey MacGuire) and completely implausible actions committed by characters again and again for no apparent reason. ARGH.

Sounds like real life to me (apart from Tobey MacGuire)

Sounds like this forum. Wait we've had that joke this page, haven't we?

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I watched Bronson on the weekend, the biopic of the loony prisoner with the awesome moustache. I've heard it to be compared to Clockwork Orange and I can see why, what with plenty of ultraviolence and electric classical music.

It's a pretty good film in it's own right, if rather structureless. Tom Hardy's performance as Bronson is extraordinary - he's simultaneously funny and terrifying. Also, he gets his cock out all the time.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
There's one scene reminiscent of the Smeagol/Gollum conversation in the Two Towers that is truly spectacular.

All in all, it's worth watching, especially if you want to see Bane's willy.
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A review of The Human Centipede 2. Sounds pretty good! ... ew/116504/
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Just got back from watching Jurassic Park 1 in the cinema. That film has aged so much better than the majority of stuff produced since then. Cracking stuff.

Group of teenagers on the way out: “I thought that was supposed to be the new one?” :facepalm:
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Bobbyaro wrote:
A review of The Human Centipede 2. Sounds pretty good! ... ew/116504/

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LewieP wrote:
Rubber is ace.

LEWIE SPEAKS THE TRUTH. Rubber is fucking amazing.
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Malabelm wrote:
Just got back from watching Jurassic Park 1 in the cinema. That film has aged so much better than the majority of stuff produced since then. Cracking stuff.

Group of teenagers on the way out: “I thought that was supposed to be the new one?” :facepalm:

Why is it back at the cinema again?
User avatar
Bobbyaro wrote:
A review of The Human Centipede 2. Sounds pretty good! ... ew/116504/

The BBFc don't seem to impressed:

June 6th, 2011
The BBFC has rejected the sexually violent, and potentially obscene DVD, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) This means that it cannot be legally supplied anywhere in the UK. The decision was taken by the Director, David Cooke and the Presidential Team of Sir Quentin Thomas, Alison Hastings and Gerard Lemos.

The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is a sequel to the film The Human Centipede (First Sequence), which was classified ‘18’ uncut for cinema and DVD release by the BBFC in 2010. The first film dealt with a mad doctor who sews together three kidnapped people in order to produce the ‘human centipede’of the title. Although the concept of the film was undoubtedly tasteless and disgusting it was a relatively traditional and conventional horror film and the Board concluded that it was not in breach of our Guidelines at ‘18’. This new work, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), tells the story of a man who becomes sexually obsessed with a DVD recording of the first film and who imagines putting the ‘centipede’ idea into practice. Unlike the first film, the sequel presents graphic images of sexual violence, forced defecation, and mutilation, and the viewer is invited to witness events from the perspective of the protagonist. Whereas in the first film the ‘centipede’ idea is presented as a revolting medical experiment, with the focus on whether the victims will be able to escape, this sequel presents the ‘centipede’ idea as the object of the protagonist’s depraved sexual fantasy.

The principal focus of The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is the sexual arousal of the central character at both the idea and the spectacle of the total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture, and murder of his naked victims. Examples of this include a scene early in the film in which he masturbates whilst he watches a DVD of the original Human Centipede film, with sandpaper wrapped around his penis, and a sequence later in the film in which he becomes aroused at the sight of the members of the ‘centipede’ being forced to defecate into one another’s mouths, culminating in sight of the man wrapping barbed wire around his penis and raping the woman at the rear of the ‘centipede’. There is little attempt to portray any of the victims in the film as anything other than objects to be brutalised, degraded and mutilated for the amusement and arousal of the central character, as well as for the pleasure of the audience. There is a strong focus throughout on the link between sexual arousal and sexual violence and a clear association between pain, perversity and sexual pleasure. It is the Board’s conclusion that the explicit presentation of the central character’s obsessive sexually violent fantasies is in breach of its Classification Guidelines and poses a real, as opposed to a fanciful, risk that harm is likely to be caused to potential viewers.

David Cooke, Director of the BBFC said:

“It is the Board’s carefully considered view that to issue a certificate to this work, even if confined to adults, would be inconsistent with the Board’s Guidelines, would risk potential harm within the terms of the VRA, and would be unacceptable to the public.

“The Board also seeks to avoid classifying material that may be in breach of the Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964 (OPA) or any other relevant legislation. The OPA prohibits the publication of works that have a tendency to deprave or corrupt a significant proportion of those likely to see them. In order to avoid classifying potentially obscene material, the Board engages in regular discussions with the relevant enforcement agencies, including the CPS, the police, and the Ministry of Justice. It is the Board’s view that there is a genuine risk that this video work, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), may be considered obscene within the terms of the OPA, for the reasons given above.

“The Board considered whether its concerns could be dealt with through cuts. However, given that the unacceptable content runs throughout the work, cuts are not a viable option in this case and the work is therefore refused a classification.”

Note to Editors

1. Under the terms of the Video Recordings Act, the distributor has the right to appeal to the Video Appeals Committee against this decision within six weeks.
2. The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) has not been submitted for cinema release.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Why is it back at the cinema again?

Because the trilogy is coming out on Blu Ray or something :shrug:

Either way, it's been eighteen years since I first saw that at the cinema, and it was ace to re-live that bit.
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tossrStu wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Rubber is ace.

LEWIE SPEAKS THE TRUTH. Rubber is fucking amazing.

I thought Rubber was utter utter bollocks of the worst kind. Annoyingly knowing and deliberately trying to appeal to the b-movie crowd. It made me a bit angry.
User avatar
DerekFME wrote:
tossrStu wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Rubber is ace.

LEWIE SPEAKS THE TRUTH. Rubber is fucking amazing.

I thought Rubber was utter utter bollocks of the worst kind. Annoyingly knowing and deliberately trying to appeal to the b-movie crowd. It made me a bit angry.

This was my assumption.
User avatar
throughsilver wrote:
DerekFME wrote:
tossrStu wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Rubber is ace.

LEWIE SPEAKS THE TRUTH. Rubber is fucking amazing.

I thought Rubber was utter utter bollocks of the worst kind. Annoyingly knowing and deliberately trying to appeal to the b-movie crowd. It made me a bit angry.

This was my assumption.

It's hard to say why I loved Rubber so much without giving things away. It's not a deliberately dumb film though -- if anything, it's maybe a little bit too pretentious. Seriously, give it a go -- you'll know within about 10 minutes if it's for you or not.
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The first thing that aggravated me was the opening speech. Which was along the lines of "Why does stuff happen? Because it does!" while citing things such as (I can't remember the specific things) "why does the sea have a tide? BECAUSE IT DOES".

It felt like ICP with "MAGNETS MAN! HOW DO THEY WORK?"
User avatar do they work?
User avatar
Craster wrote: do they work?

Oh, or electron flow. One or the other :P
User avatar
Magnets are objects which exhibit magnetism. Magnetism is the quality exhibited by magnets. Simple.
User avatar
DerekFME wrote:
The first thing that aggravated me was the opening speech. Which was along the lines of "Why does stuff happen? Because it does!" while citing things such as (I can't remember the specific things) "why does the sea have a tide? BECAUSE IT DOES".

It felt like ICP with "MAGNETS MAN! HOW DO THEY WORK?"

It was making the point that stuff happens in films that we accept unquestioningly, but if we DID stop to ask the question, the answer would be "no reason". It's the director's way of saying "Don't worry about WHY there's a killer car tyre on the loose, just go with it."

User avatar
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Magnets are objects which exhibit magnetism. Magnetism is the quality exhibited by magnets. Simple.


You have been warned.

Anyway, last night I watched Watchmen again, and it's still very good. Today I watched the live-action Thunderbirds movie, and was pleasantly surprised - it was rather good. It was directed by Riker, which I didn't know.
User avatar
Just watched the new Karate Kid with the Fresh Princelet. That was also better than I expected, perhaps because my "DVD" didn't have any subtitles so I merrily made it all up in my head.
Although there wasn't any Karate in it, which was odd. Scary Chinese kid was good, even though all the twelve year-olds were hitting each other with more strength than a Kung Fu bulldozer.
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It was called "The Kung Fu Kid" in China I believe, which makes more sense.
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tossrStu wrote:
DerekFME wrote:
The first thing that aggravated me was the opening speech. Which was along the lines of "Why does stuff happen? Because it does!" while citing things such as (I can't remember the specific things) "why does the sea have a tide? BECAUSE IT DOES".

It felt like ICP with "MAGNETS MAN! HOW DO THEY WORK?"

It was making the point that stuff happens in films that we accept unquestioningly, but if we DID stop to ask the question, the answer would be "no reason". It's the director's way of saying "Don't worry about WHY there's a killer car tyre on the loose, just go with it."

It still pisses me off because there's loads of perfectly good reasons for the things he states have no reason.
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I greatly enjoyed Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. A proper piece of old-fashioned filmmaking, by which I mean the 70s look extends from the wardrobe and sets into the cinematography, it doesn't spell much stuff out for you, and it moves at a stately pace. Tremendous cast too, all of whom do great things. Oldman is fantastic, conveying volumes with tiny motions.
User avatar
I've heard the Radio 4 dramatisation, read the book, which is ace, and last week downloaded an audio book or something of it which was a guardian offer - not listened to that yet.

I didn't even know there was a film! If it's got Oldman in it, I'm in.
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Super is an odd film.
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Craster wrote:
Super is an odd film.

I'm just now writing about that. Will up when done.
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Watched three films this weekend -

Kiss the Girls. Good, but Along Came a Spider is better
Harry Brown. Very good. Although perhaps not a film to watch to cheer me up a little. The scene at the drug dealer's place was particularly bleak.
Cloverfield. Not bad. I hadn't realised the whole film was going to be from the one camcorder though - I had a headache by the end, with all the camera movement.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Just watched the new Karate Kid with the Fresh Princelet. That was also better than I expected, perhaps because my "DVD" didn't have any subtitles so I merrily made it all up in my head.
Although there wasn't any Karate in it, which was odd. Scary Chinese kid was good, even though all the twelve year-olds were hitting each other with more strength than a Kung Fu bulldozer.

It's better than the original, that's for sure.
User avatar
Not sure I can agree with that. If you stuck them side by side and watched them both right now, then sure. But the original was better amongst it's peers at the time than this new one, if you see what I mean. Hell, it's twenty-seven years old now.

Also, it led to this, which is fantastic:

[edit] Bah, no embedding:

It's called "Wax On, Fuck Off". So obviously you should watch it.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Also, it led to this, which is fantastic:


Hahaha. That was awesome.
User avatar
The best thing about Troll Hunter is the troll hunter. Which is possibly the point.
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Craster wrote:
Super is an odd film.

It is, isn't it? I loved it though.
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Finally watched Four Lions. It was better than I expected. Surprisingly affectionate in places.
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I watched Thelma and Louise for the first time the other day, quite liked it, but it is essentially the same film as "Falling down" (which I know came out later, but I watched that when it came out in 1993, and I only watched this a few days ago...

Does the film's ending have more impact when you don't know it's coming? I imagine it does, shame bloody French and Saunders ruined it for me! oh and Mike Myers, but mostly French and Saunders...

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I saw The Escapist a few days ago. It's a prison break film, starring Brian Cox as the titular prisoner given a motivation to get out from behind bars. It co-stars my second and third favourite male gingers in the world in Damian Lewis and the wrestler Sheamus.

It's not yer standard breakout film in that it has a wierd structure. The escape happens throughout the whole film, with flashbacks explaining why stuff is happening. The first ten minutes are messy but when the film focuses it becomes pretty enjoyable.

Massive spoiler here:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It's got a simple but clever twist reveal at the end which has been done before, but is pleasantly unexpected.

Lewis's lunatic is underused, but it's a film well worth watching. It's appropriately grimy and there's some terrific acting and innovative direction. Worth a good 7/10.
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The pieces of magnet on Earth are all trying to reform into the interstellar egg that impacted here and which the dinosaurs heroically tore apart to save us from the bionic embryo contained inside. The amount of priests killed by the Vatican trying to make this public is astounding.
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Goodness me. GI Joe is marginally less crap than I expected.

Also - Sienna Miller.
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It's pretty much exactly as crap as I expected.

However, Sienna Miller.
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Zardoz wrote:
The pieces of magnet on Earth are all trying to reform into the interstellar egg that impacted here and which the dinosaurs heroically tore apart to save us from the bionic embryo contained inside. The amount of priests killed by the Vatican trying to make this public is astounding.

Finally, a Zardoz post that makes sense.
I saw Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy last night in an absolutely packed cinema. As the end credits rolled, a young lady in front of me stood up and pronounced to her boyfriend "I didn't get any of that. None of it. I've got no clue what happened whatsoever."

Alas, I feel most of the people in that cinema may have left feeling the same way. Personally I really enjoyed it, but I figure it needs a second viewing.
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I just watched Tyrannosaur, the directorial début of Paddy Considine, and had a Q&A thing. It was very good. Not enjoyable but very good. See it.
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