Beex, Yo.
Bits and Bobs 30
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Precisely that.

Very nearly the same voice too. Still going on.
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My sister often talks at me for 15 solid minutes. It is excruciating.
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GRARGAHSGRHAGGHG! I got a mixing bit today and was planning on finishing the kitchen tonight but the stupid bloody thing won't fit my drill despite it apparently being 10mm and my drill having a 10mm chuck.
*kills self*
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Phew. He's finished. He keeps asking me seemingly research-logical things with long winded explanations as to how he wants to check if female writers are operating under male non-de-plumes, but I know what he really wants to find out - it's the same thing he tries asking me every other day. "What manuscripts from your treasured vaults have you sold to other authorities and private collections?" And the answer is we haven't sold any. But he refuses to believe this and keeps on trying to catch us in what he sees as a lie.

User avatar
Have you tried sneezing in his face?

I did that by accident once, and discovered that it's a wonderful and socially acceptable repellant. They can't prove you had time to look away, see. And if they don't believe you, they'll back off because you're obviously weird, and if they do, they'll back off because ew, sneeze mist.
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Happy Birthday, Pundy.
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sinister agent wrote:
My sister often talks at me for 15 solid minutes. It is excruciating.

A pal of mine was talking to his (then) girlfriend while he was on the commuter train into London. She got cut off as he approached St. Pancras, and he tried to call back when he get above ground again at Blackfriars (10 minutes or so) but he couldn't get through because she was still talking.
User avatar
Right, I guess this is goodbye from MaliTowers. It's been a blast and all, and I suppose I'll be back in contact when I find somewhere up north with an internet connection. Kern came over and helped load up the van, then we sat inside on deckchairs and watched TV. I think this is good training.

Y'all take care now.
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Good luck mate.
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Good luck Mali and Mrs A!
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A new chapter. All the best with the move.
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Look out: You are now living closer to Zardoz. I'd suggest some kind of chastity belt to repel him.
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Good luck guys! See you at the cottage.
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Mr Dave wrote:
Look out: You are now living closer to Zardoz. I'd suggest some kind of chastity belt to repel him.

I'd be hoping for something more along the lines of Hadrian's Wall.
User avatar
The North becomes more excellent by the day.

Good luck to you and your fine lady
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Grim... wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
My sister often talks at me for 15 solid minutes. It is excruciating.

A pal of mine was talking to his (then) girlfriend while he was on the commuter train into London. She got cut off as he approached St. Pancras, and he tried to call back when he get above ground again at Blackfriars (10 minutes or so) but he couldn't get through because she was still talking.

:'( :DD
User avatar
MaliA wrote:
Right, I guess this is goodbye from MaliTowers. It's been a blast and all, and I suppose I'll be back in contact when I find somewhere up north with an internet connection. Kern came over and helped load up the van, then we sat inside on deckchairs and watched TV. I think this is good training.

Y'all take care now.

Good luck, not that you will see this message! :D
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Good luck Malis!
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Hope they know exactly where the kettle is in the boxes.

Welcum t narf :flatcap:
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Decca wrote:
Hope they know exactly where the kettle is in the boxes.

They assured me it would be the last thing they loaded, and the first thing they unpack.
User avatar
Kern wrote:
Decca wrote:
Hope they know exactly where the kettle is in the boxes.

They assured me it would be the last thing they loaded, and the first thing they unpack.

Yes, but that also assumes that Mali didn't get bored packing and start to draw pictures on the boxes, rather than labelling them with the contents...
User avatar
The yoof training company my mum works for changed from a non-profit to a for-profit outfit a couple of months ago.

They didn't tell the staff. Mum just found out by accident yesterday.

I've got a fiver on 12 months, reduced to 8 if mum leaves before January.
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Ah well , given we are over a week into September and there is still another 15 weeks to go its not surprising the supermarkets have started

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Good luck to the malias.

It is bloody September, and Christmas stuff.. wtf!
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We've just seen advent calendars.
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Roger Federer just did some epic choking in his game against Djokovic. Again.
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Trooper wrote:
Kern wrote:
Decca wrote:
Hope they know exactly where the kettle is in the boxes.

They assured me it would be the last thing they loaded, and the first thing they unpack.

Yes, but that also assumes that Mali didn't get bored packing and start to draw pictures on the boxes, rather than labelling them with the contents...

Or, indeed, MaliA didn't get bored packing and started cutting out bits of the boxes and supergluing them to a really smashing summer dress he'd just bought...
User avatar
Went to a friend's annual 'Last Night of the Proms' party. The party was good fun, the Prom itself less so.

Britten's 'Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra' was a really poor choice - it went on and on for ages and the specially-commissioned 'new revised commentary', even if intended as a parody, was execrable. Dull as hell.

And they didn't do the hornpipe either. Shame. Not the best one I've seen over the years.
I thought this. According to wiki they dropped the hornpipe for one year in 2007, and it never came back.
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One of my kittens (the one who is clearly a vessel for Satan, it also tries to break into my room when I am sleeping, get under the covers and then piss on me) decided it would be utterly hilarious to leap out at my dog and beat the hell out of her for no reason. On paper it sounds rather funny but the kitten is nearly her size and has claws. Tiny dog would not fight back as she sees them as her puppies so I had to rescue her. Luckily I have not shaved her face for a while so most of the yelping was because her hair was being pulled. She is now on my knee feeling very sorry for herself.

Little fuckers start going outside on monday all day, I can't wait.
User avatar
Any mince pies you bought now would be hopelessly gone off by Christmas.

On the other hand, I really like mince pies, and would merrily buy them all year round if they were available.
User avatar
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:

On the other hand, I really like mince pies, and would merrily buy them all year round if they were available.

:this: but I'm thinking I wouldn't like them as much if I allowed myself to feast on them all year round.
User avatar
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Any mince pies you bought now would be hopelessly gone off by Christmas.

On the other hand, I really like mince pies, and would merrily buy them all year round if they were available.

I bought mince pies the other day. They were hopelessly eaten well before Christmas, and I'd do it again given half a chance.

Morrison's shortcrust ones are delicious.
User avatar
Malc wrote:
Mimi wrote:
How big can feet get?



The golf cart full of bag lady's possessions is somewhat out of place.
User avatar
For any Londoners out and about today, the Thames festival is worth a visit.
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Mince pies are amazing, I <3 them. Christmas pud, too!

Also, chocolate covered bacon FTW!
Craster wrote:
For any Londoners out and about today, the Thames festival is worth a visit.

Bit much hassle. I'm gasping for a pint though, maybe going to hit blackheath.
User avatar
found a job description, but it has the following in it:
Provide expert advice and analyses to shape the development of systems/equipment at the concept phase for optimal LCC.·

Anyone have any idea what LCC might mean? Zardoz? :)
Life cycle ??
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Life Cycle Cost?

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Lunging Craster Catastrophe.
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I think that must be it malabelm malc.
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Labia circumcision councillor.
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Malc wrote:
Life Cycle Cost?


Having googled I suspect this is the correct answer.
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A thing that exists:


User avatar
sinister agent wrote:
A thing that exists:



September 6th is actually Zardoz.
User avatar
Go Karting is awesome.

My arms still ache a bit, I think my whole body was tense for the duration :D

Also: :hat:
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It was delivered at 10:05am

More of this please.
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The weather here is a bit mental today! Visibility was pretty poor driving to Glasgow this morning from the west coast of Scotland and apaprently it's only going to get worse as the day goes on, which should make driving home fun :S
Rumours are ging round we are getting sent home early because of the high winds (We're at +30mph just now with gust of 51mph) but I think that's more hopeful than anything else :) They didn't send us home on the day the snow was so bad I was stuck on the motorway for seven hours so I doubt a wee bit of wind will do anything!
Just realised I still have the summer garden furniture sitting out the back door...uh oh.
User avatar
Gilly wrote:
The weather here is a bit mental today! Visibility was pretty poor driving to Glasgow this morning from the west coast of Scotland and apaprently it's only going to get worse as the day goes on, which should make driving home fun :S
Rumours are ging round we are getting sent home early because of the high winds (We're at +30mph just now with gust of 51mph) but I think that's more hopeful than anything else :) They didn't send us home on the day the snow was so bad I was stuck on the motorway for seven hours so I doubt a wee bit of wind will do anything!
Just realised I still have the summer garden furniture sitting out the back door...uh oh.

You probably don't. tbf.
User avatar
Ecclefechan has almost replaced the mince pie in my affections (it is sometimes - only sometimes - too rich). We still have loads in the freezer after Sainsburys started punting the leftovers out at 59p a box in January.

I like the excellently precise delivery stuff DPD do (as in DavPaz's screenshot), too.
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