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A Knight's Tale - awesome. I like that at its core its the most historically accurate jousting movie ever. Then they said 'this movie is kinda boring... bring on Queen and pop-culture references'

Watched Zombieland over the weekend, after its sat on my SKY+ for months. AWESOME!
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I watched Gamer last night and found it a complete waste of time.
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Pundabaya wrote:
A Knight's Tale - awesome. I like that at its core its the most historically accurate jousting movie ever. Then they said 'this movie is kinda boring... bring on Queen and pop-culture references'

The movie would never, ever have been boring. It is one of the greatest movies ever. Paul Bettany as Geoffrey Chaucer is 'specially wonderful, and Heath Ledger is just perfect. The story is funny and engaging but also has very touching moments which relate to the character's past (without wishing to create any spoilers for all those that are obviously out there buying the DVD online RIGHT NOW because of my ringing endorsement).

The pop culture references are just a fun extra on top of an already wonderful movie, but they do bring a broad smile to the face when you spot them.
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I must admit that the one deeply painful bit in that film is when they start throwing mad shapes on the dance floor at the banquet.
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Craster wrote:
I must admit that the one deeply painful bit in that film is when they start throwing mad shapes on the dance floor at the banquet.

Except it is to one if the sexiest songs ever. Actually it's one of my favourite bits. Shhhh.

EDIT: no, actually, it's not the song that is sexy but his voice. I'm not saying who's voice for spoiler-y purposes, but I always want to dance to that song.
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Is it Dimrill?
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Craster wrote:
I must admit that the one deeply painful bit in that film is when they start throwing mad shapes on the dance floor at the banquet.

Whereas that is one of my favourite bits :D Mainly due to the unexpectedness of it the first time I watched.
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I done ordered it, so cease all spoilers please.
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I personally promise you'll enjoy watching it.
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Mimi wrote:
I personally promise you'll enjoy watching it.

I never buy films normally either. I normally prefer boxsets of TV things, so if it is not enjoyed TO THE MAX I shall hunt you down.
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As I am off from tomorrow with the children, I want to take them to the pictures....My choices are as follows:

Captain America
Super 8
HP:DH2 (eldest boy has seen this)
Zoo Keeper
Cars 2
Horrid Henry

Captain America is looking like the favourite, followed by Super 8. Purely because these seem to be the kind of movies that would benefit more from being viewed on 'the big screen'*. They're 12 and 9 so any action movie will be a hit, I think.

*I generally object to paying £8 to watch a film I can watch on Sky without losing anything from the experience.
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I take it Zoo Keeper is based on the game.
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Longines Symphonette wrote:
I take it Zoo Keeper is based on the game.
From the advertising, it appears to be based on the idea that what the world needed was Night at the Museum but even worse.
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Longines Symphonette wrote:
I take it Zoo Keeper is based on the game.

I have no idea. I've written that off as something I really, really don't want to pay to see. It has that guy who played Paul Blart:Mall Cop in and that's about all I know.

I have totally judged it and I don't care.

Edit: What the good Dr. said....
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I like that guy from Mall cop, but the film will be generic pup.
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Hanna was pretty good, and I'd probably recommend it. But Cate Blanchett's character looked far, far too much like the pornstar Ginger Blaze.
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Pundabaya wrote:
Watched Zombieland over the weekend,

Same here!

after its sat on my SKY+ for months.

After it sat on my hard drive for months.



Also saw Enter the Void, which is one of the most fucked up films ever.
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You seen Gaspar Noé's other films?

Irréversible is a bit good, and has a soundtrack by Thomas Bangalter (one of the guys from Daft Punk) that sounds like a proto Tron Legacy soundtrack in parts. Also, pretty horrific.
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LewieP wrote:
Irréversible is a bit good, and has a soundtrack by Thomas Bangalter (one of the guys from Daft Punk) that sounds like a proto Tron Legacy soundtrack in parts. Also, pretty horrific.

Fire extinguisher, anyone?
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LewieP wrote:
You seen Gaspar Noé's other films?

Irréversible is a bit good, and has a soundtrack by Thomas Bangalter (one of the guys from Daft Punk) that sounds like a proto Tron Legacy soundtrack in parts. Also, pretty horrific.

I've seen Irreversible, yeah. Just not the first one about the butcher. Yet. He's such a stylish director, it's insane. But yeah, two scenes in Irreversible were pretty rough.

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Not just what happened, but how long they each went on for.
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Watched Adventureland yesterday and came away a bit disappointed. None of the main characters were likeable and neither were any secondary characters (apart from the theme park owner and his wife). I just got bored.

flis wrote:
As I am off from tomorrow with the children, I want to take them to the pictures....My choices are as follows:

Captain America
Super 8
HP:DH2 (eldest boy has seen this)
Zoo Keeper
Cars 2
Horrid Henry

I would say Captain America as well. I think it's the best adventure film of the summer with right proper bad guys, right proper good guys and humour that's fits the story rather than trying to hit a target audience. Although I think Super 8 would be better on the big screen (there are some big explosions), I couldn't say it would be fun for the kids.

Cars 2 was just a mess with a convoluted ending that even now doesn't make much sense. I went in hoping for more but sadly it was just a toy/theme park commercial.
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I've only heard good things about Captain America and it has 79% on rottentomatoes which is 9/10 anywhere else.
I really enjoyed Captain America. Notable wrongaloid and forum n00b TK thinks it's better than the first Iron Man. I wouldn't go that far, but I did properly enjoy it.
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I thought Captain America was okay but I would have preferred him to have faced some kind of threat from an enemy at some point. I felt it was a little too campy comic booky for my liking and could have done with a little grit in there and characters with a bit more depth. Iron Man is still miles ahead of the competition for me.
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Lewie, Four Candles and Pete are so wrong about Super 8. It was all kinds of brilliant. A great homage to 80s kids action adventure films like Goonies and Explorers.
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Likewise, those of us who disliked Super 8 could just say that those who liked it are 'wrong'.

It's all a matter of opinion - don't sweat it. :)
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DerekFME wrote:
Lewie, Four Candles and Pete are so wrong about Super 8. It was all kinds of brilliant. A great homage to 80s kids action adventure films like Goonies and Explorers.

Come nine o'clock tomorrow evenin' ah'm gonna show yer wrong boy! Gonna show yer reaaaaal wrong, now.
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Zio wrote:
I really enjoyed Captain America. Notable wrongaloid and forum n00b TK thinks it's better than the first Iron Man. I wouldn't go that far, but I did properly enjoy it.

It is better. Not by much, but it is.

Maybe it's because I'm a bigger fan of Cap, than I am Iron Man.

Also, I'm in the Super 8 is fucking wonderful, group.
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Four_Candles wrote:
Likewise, those of us who disliked Super 8 could just say that those who liked it are 'wrong'.

It's all a matter of opinion - don't sweat it. :)

Oh come on it's not like I'm universally regarded as being wrong about everything!

No hang on.
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DerekFME wrote:
Four_Candles wrote:
Likewise, those of us who disliked Super 8 could just say that those who liked it are 'wrong'.

It's all a matter of opinion - don't sweat it. :)

Oh come on it's not like I'm universally regarded as being wrong about everything!

No hang on.

No, that was that Nigel-hinges fella
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"I'll come round some time and get that squeak out ya door."

I'm having a Johnny Depp Night.

Just watched the tourist, I'm not sure if it's any good because when it boils down to it the only real reason for this movie to exist is to give people 1:43 to work out who they would rather sleep with; Depp or Jolie, and I doubt anyone ever has paid any attention to the actual plot.

I am still undecided.

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Went to see The Inbetweeners Movie last night and thought it was actually pretty fantastic. Obviously it's only going to appeal if you're a fan of the TV show and it does follow that tried and tested formula of "make movie where characters from TV sitcom go on holiday", but it really was very, very funny. Also the brunette girl who goes after Simon would totally get it.
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Zio wrote:
Went to see The Inbetweeners Movie last night and thought it was actually pretty fantastic. Obviously it's only going to appeal if you're a fan of the TV show and it does follow that tried and tested formula of "make movie where characters from TV sitcom go on holiday", but it really was very, very funny. Also the brunette girl who goes after Simon would totally get it.

Is it on the whole funnier than series 3, as I didn't find that very funny (though it had its moments)?
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I watched Super. I was ready for it to be a cheap ironic bit of fun. It started, and I thought I should have rented, rather than bought, it. As it went on, though, I got really into it. The premise is really good, and it's brutal. And touching and funny. It even did the previously impossible, and make me fancy Juno. Plus, Steve Agee is in it as a complete Beexer. And it has Kevin Bacon in it! And the ex wife of a kid that went to my primary school. And it's better than Kick Ass.
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Finally got round to watching La Horde's reasonably diverting, shame they went for zoombies rather playing it old school. Not sure you'd get anything out of it if you're not a fan of the zombie genre as it is filming by numbers.
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throughsilver wrote:
And it's better than Kick Ass.

It can't be any worse, to be honest. Watched Cowboys And Aliens last night, it was pretty good. Also;

Dear Indiana Jones,

That is how you make a movie about aliens.

You tit!


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TK-421 wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
And it's better than Kick Ass.

It can't be any worse, to be honest.

It really could. Any film that makes me not hate Nic Cage is pretty good.
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Erm, Blade Runner 2 anyone?
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I'm sure it will be as good as the Thing prequel.

Still at least I can see potentially more material in the Blade Runner universe. Though having said that, the first one said all there needed to be said on the subject so to speak.
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75% of the way through Scream 4 (paused whilst MrsPaz feeds the baby) and starting to wonder why they bothered.

This film has gone so far up its own arse that it's reemerged through its mouth and is now making its way back towards it's now quite crowded arse.
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Alarm wrote:
Zio wrote:
Went to see The Inbetweeners Movie last night and thought it was actually pretty fantastic. Obviously it's only going to appeal if you're a fan of the TV show and it does follow that tried and tested formula of "make movie where characters from TV sitcom go on holiday", but it really was very, very funny. Also the brunette girl who goes after Simon would totally get it.

Is it on the whole funnier than series 3, as I didn't find that very funny (though it had its moments)?

Just got back from the cinema. I would say it is up there with the best episodes of series 1. Very very funny indeed. :)
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Trooper wrote:
Alarm wrote:
Zio wrote:
Went to see The Inbetweeners Movie last night and thought it was actually pretty fantastic. Obviously it's only going to appeal if you're a fan of the TV show and it does follow that tried and tested formula of "make movie where characters from TV sitcom go on holiday", but it really was very, very funny. Also the brunette girl who goes after Simon would totally get it.

Is it on the whole funnier than series 3, as I didn't find that very funny (though it had its moments)?

Just got back from the cinema. I would say it is up there with the best episodes of series 1. Very very funny indeed. :)

Excellent. I'll go and watch it next week. :)
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That's great to hear. Loved the tv show.
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Malabelm wrote:
Source Code was alright.

It was good, almost really good, but not quite brilliant.

TBH I expected a bit more after Moon, but then again Moon was absolutely fucking awesome.

Can't quite put my finger on it yet, seemed to bin it off with the ending is my first instinct:

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Should have just stayed true to the story and let him die after the 'freeze frame' shot, rather than tack on that extra three minutes of bollocks with the stupid exposition about source code being 'even better than they'd imagined'.

In fact, I'm sure of it, the film should have ended five minutes earlier at his perfect freeze frame moment and then he gets turned off.

Stupid Hollywood ending. Duncan Jones has been fucked by the money machine, Moon was a more honest film.

Still a good 7 or maybe 8/10, but would have been a solid 9/10 without the daft ending.
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Watched "Hanna" last night. Not impressed.

Slow, random, and stylish = boring.
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Trooper wrote:
Watched "Hanna" last night. Not impressed.

Slow, random, and stylish = boring.

I enjoyed it.
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Trooper wrote:
Watched "Hanna" last night. Not impressed.

Slow, random, and stylish = boring.

I kind of agree with this. Thus you are wrong.
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I watched half of Your Highness on a plane back from America.

Maybe it was my surroundings that influenced me, but I thought it was crap. I couldn't put up with the rubbish jokes and obvious one liners so I turned it off.
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Re. Source Code, quite a good interview with Duncan Jones here.

He comes over as a very nice chap, but I still the ending of the film blew chunks.

Quite a lot of debate about it here too: ... rpretation
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AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Re. Source Code, quite a good interview with Duncan Jones here.

He comes over as a very nice chap, but I still the ending of the film blew chunks.

YouTube Link

Quite a lot of debate about it here too: ... rpretation

I think I'd probably agree with you about the ending.
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