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Four_Candles wrote:
Craster wrote:
I really enjoyed Unstoppable, I have to say.

Same here - predictable, but still very enjoyable. Just bought it on Blu-ray (which also has oodles of great extras and a commentary track by Tony Scott). :)

I know Tony Scott gets a lot of stick but I do like some of his films.

'Man On Fire' in particular is absolutely bloody brilliant, and for the first hour of the running time very little happens apart from good old fashioned character development, so the accusations of him being an incoherent 'kinetic' director don't hold up. (Although when Man On Fire kicks off, by fuck does it kick off.)

I may have to evaluate Unstoppable this evening, and if it's any good I'll grab it from HMV tomorrow.
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Agreed about Man on Fire - another Scott film which I find thoroughly enjoyable. :)
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Four_Candles wrote:
Agreed about Man on Fire - another Scott film which I find thoroughly enjoyable. :)

What I loved so much about that film is it really made me care about the protagonists, it helps of course that Denzel Washington is such a toweringly accomplished actor, Dakota Fanning managed to be an entirely un-annoying child actor, with a wonderful support cast too. Christopher Walken, seriously, the man's a walking god.

You could condense the first hour of the film down to a 2 minute montage, but the film needed that hour, it needed that build-up, it needed that time, and Scott let it play out with absolute sincerity and conviction.

So when the inevitable happens, and it's time for retribution, you believe it, you understand it, you want it. But at the same time it doesn't lionise the violence, you're never in any doubt that Creasy (Denzel) is exacting a terrible vengeance, albeit one borne of necessity and love, but terrible nonetheless.

All that said though,
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Creasy had to die at the end, it was the only honest way for the film to finish, and handled with absolute aplomb.

This film would probably make my all time top 25 I think.
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I did enjoy Unstoppable.. it was just a little predictable, but I'm certainly more likely to watch it again.. unlike Eden Lake.

Watched The Fighter today though and I really enjoyed that... had the right mix of ups and downs and a good ending.
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I haven't yet seen The Fighter - I suppose that I should one day. :)
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AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Four_Candles wrote:
Agreed about Man on Fire - another Scott film which I find thoroughly enjoyable. :)

What I loved so much about that film is it really made me care about the protagonists, it helps of course that Denzel Washington is such a toweringly accomplished actor, Dakota Fanning managed to be an entirely un-annoying child actor

Which is amazing, because she did the exact opposite in, for example, War of the Worlds. Man, I wanted her to get stepped on by a tripod.
That said, very much agreed on Washington and Walken and:
This film would probably make my all time top 25 I think.

Very much agreed.

I also liked Unstoppable, but I have soft spot for Bruce Willis.
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The third Transformers film is...actually quite good. It has huge amounts of giant robot smashy smashy, a plot that is only a little bit ridiculous, and some brilliant comic turns from some of the supporting cast. John Turturro and Wash in particular are superb, but even Shia TheBeef has an occasional entertaining moment.
The Megan Fox replacement is appalling, she even manages to do an unconvincing job of an English accent. Even though she's English.

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Craster wrote:
The Megan Fox replacement is appalling, she even manages to do an unconvincing job of an English accent. Even though she's English.

Is it Keira Kneightly?
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No. Rosie Huntington-Whitely, apparently.
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If in 'Unstoppable' they actually do stop it, I would demand my money back.
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Australia - An Terrible Film.
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Curiosity wrote:
If in 'Unstoppable' they actually do stop it, I would demand my money back.

I couldn't possibly divulge that - rent it (or buy it) and see. :)

It is in fact based on real events, which are of course 'adjusted' slightly in some cases for dramatic effect. Nevertheless, it's well worth a watch.
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The Taking Of Pelham 123 this evening, the new Tony Scott one not the original one (I got a rip of Unstoppable but it was in fucking French).

Anyway, Pelham 123 was alright, I gave it 5/10, Mrs AE was feeling more generous than me and gave it 6/10.

Denzel and Travolta carried it to an extent, but there was just too much silliness in it, especially with the subway trains running about 300 yards away from the hold-up and daft crap like that.

Overall I'd say this is bad Tony Scott, Man On Fire is good Tony Scott.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I also liked Unstoppable, but I have soft spot for Bruce Willis.

Hahahah - I was thinking of "Unbreakable".

What would happen if those two films collided, eh?
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Four_Candles wrote:
I haven't yet seen The Fighter - I suppose that I should one day. :)

You should, it really is extremely good.

Watched Harry Potter last night... It was good! Time flew by, easily the best out of all the films, but I had a few problems with it.

It's too dark. Yes I know it has a dark tone, so everything is dimly lit and happens at night in an "ooooh spooky" kinda way. But for half the film you can't see wtf is going on. It didn't help that the shitty MK Cineworld thinks it's a good idea to point a ceiling light at the screen and leave it on all through the film, but irregardless of that this film and the previous one are just too dark to watch properly.

Daniel Radcliffe is an awful actor, simply awful. At the start of the film he is comprehensivley out-acted by a part CGI Goblin!

The epilogue at the end is hilarious. If you have seen it, you'll know why, but I don't want to spoil it if you haven't :D
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Trooper wrote:
Four_Candles wrote:
I haven't yet seen The Fighter - I suppose that I should one day. :)
You should, it really is extremely good.
He is correct. It is.

It's too dark. Yes I know it has a dark tone, so everything is dimly lit and happens at night in an "ooooh spooky" kinda way. But for half the film you can't see wtf is going on.
This is almost certainly down the cinema rather than the film. I find many modern chain cinemas unwatchable these days.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Trooper wrote:
It's too dark. Yes I know it has a dark tone, so everything is dimly lit and happens at night in an "ooooh spooky" kinda way. But for half the film you can't see wtf is going on.
This is almost certainly down the cinema rather than the film. I find many modern chain cinemas unwatchable these days.

Ordinarily I would agree, but the previous HP film is too dark on my copy I have at home, which is played through a calibrated screen, so while the cinema isn't helping, they aren't the only reason.
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Oddly, Wolverine is better second time around. Partly because I've seen whatisface with the swords in countless girl films now, and it's funny watching the dappy but sarcastic tit with a sealed up mouth and magic powers.

It's also a very good film.
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Craster wrote:

The third Transformers film is...actually quite good. It has huge amounts of giant robot smashy smashy, a plot that is only a little bit ridiculous, and some brilliant comic turns from some of the supporting cast. John Turturro and Wash in particular are superb, but even Shia TheBeef has an occasional entertaining moment.
The Megan Fox replacement is appalling, she even manages to do an unconvincing job of an English accent. Even though she's English.


I have the same certainty that Transformers 3 would also be terrible as I do that World War III would in fact be terrible. So despite not having watched it, I know you are wrong.
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Just watched a film called "Hanna".

Pretty great, but I don't want to go into it too much, it's probably best to go into it blind.

It's vaguely bourne-esque, so if you liked those films, I reckon it's worth a watch.

It's got some fantastic action sequences.
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Will be watching Super 8 next week.

I've been warned off Captain America - any Beexers have firsthand experience of it? I want an opinion from someone who didn't like Transformers 3, FAOD.
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I hate Transformers and thought Captain America was sort of alright I think. I saw it on Tuesday but haven't thought about it since.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Will be watching Super 8 next week.

I've been warned off Captain America - any Beexers have firsthand experience of it? I want an opinion from someone who didn't like Transformers 3, FAOD.

Well, I thought Captain America was very enjoyable (best superhero film i've seen this year, and much better than Thor, Green Lantern, X-Men, etc) - don't take any notice of any nay-sayers, go and see for yourself. After all, we're all different. :)
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Thanks both.

FC - the cinema's quite expensive, so, notwithstanding that I can happily afford it, I prefer to avoid turkeys if I can! More due to the waste of my time than anything else. I actually fell asleep during Battlefield LA, which is the last one we went to see.
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I saw Juno on Sunday night. it was ace.
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Captain America was good fun. Not intelligent, not new, just a good bish bash bosh comic book action film.

That trailer for The Thing made me upset... not a remake, you say, NOT A FUCKING REMAKE MY ARSE!!! WWWWHHHHHYYYYYYY!!!!!.....
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Thanks both.

FC - the cinema's quite expensive, so, notwithstanding that I can happily afford it, I prefer to avoid turkeys if I can! More due to the waste of my time than anything else. I actually fell asleep during Battlefield LA, which is the last one we went to see.

Battle: LA was pretty crap though, so it's no wonder that you fell asleep. Captain America is much better than that load of tosh. :)
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Mali - I loved that film when I saw it.

Unrelatedly, I've realised that in the last two or three weeks I've watched a volume of girly films that would be likely to make even you blush. Mrs K is having a bad influence.
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MaliA wrote:
I saw Juno on Sunday night. it was ace.

Aye, quite liked that. Preferred the sequel, Juno Joins The Roller Derby.

Prefer Jennifer's Body for a Diablo Cody screenplay, too.

devilman wrote:
Eden Lake. I'd not heard of this one before - Group of chavs torment a couple out for a remote holiday. Pretty grim watching and wasn't much for the way it ended.

Heh. Utterly nasty film. You really end up feeling for the annoying couple. Ever seen Ils (Them)? Even better/worse (delete as applicable).
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Just got round to watching the dark knight, good god is it good.
Took me so long because Heath Ledger's death fucking cuts me up inside. I don't think many deaths effected me the way his did, we are/were the same age and 10 things I hate about you and a knight's tale were real bright points in a very dark point in my life and I haven't been able to watch anything of his since his death - one day I will make myself watch brokeback mountain, but not today.
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A Knight's Tale is an all round brilliant film. Paul Bettany is superb.
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Craster wrote:
A Knight's Tale is an all round brilliant film. Paul Bettany is superb.

EXCEPT... the designated love interest is a boring, unattractive non-entity. The blacksmith lady was better
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Decca wrote:
Just got round to watching the dark knight, good god is it good.
Took me so long because Heath Ledger's death fucking cuts me up inside. I don't think many deaths effected me the way his did, we are/were the same age and 10 things I hate about you and a knight's tale were real bright points in a very dark point in my life and I haven't been able to watch anything of his since his death - one day I will make myself watch brokeback mountain, but not today.

Brokeback is beautiful too. But will tear you up as well. Man, beauty ain't easy sometimes.

I approached Knight's Tale expecting to hate, I was utterly charmed by it. I only hope Bettany starts getting good roles again. C'mon agent!
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There was a fantastic review in total film/empire (I forget which) at the time with a graph going sucks -> awesome/ time, you can picture how it went.
There needs to be a fan cut of that movie with the girl not in it.

His death was just so fucking pointless and the fact that he died alone that way is just horrific. (I cry at anyone dying alone, no one deserves that)
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I'm sorry, are people slagging off Shannyn Sossamon in this thread?! :o
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Gilly wrote:
I'm sorry, are people slagging off Shannyn Sossamon in this thread?! :o

Indeed, she may be wooden, but I would, often.
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Gilly wrote:
I'm sorry, are people slagging off Shannyn Sossamon in this thread?! :o


Yep. Absolutely. Urg.
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A Knight's Tale is fantastic and Heath Ledger is, in that film (in my opinion) the absolute pinnacle of male beauty. Just amazing. AND it's funny, clever, wonderful to look at... I've been trying to find a copy in HMV for a while.

Brokeback Mountain is heartbreaking. I haven't been able to stand watching it since the first time. Goodness, I want to cry just thinking of it.

You know, I think Heath Ledger would have been 'the' actor of our generation. I just think the catalogue of roles he took on were building into something very special.
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Anyone rubbishing Captain America deserves a kick in the minge as it's fecking awesome.
DavPaz wrote:
Gilly wrote:
I'm sorry, are people slagging off Shannyn Sossamon in this thread?! :o


Yep. Absolutely. Urg.

As would I, but Laura Fraser absolutely FTW.
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Make it Happen - Generic dancing movie with little to its credit other than Ramona Flowers in the lead role.

When in Rome - Shockingly bad rom com (with considerable attempt to have emphasis on the com) starring the delectable Kristen Bell. Girl takes coins out of a fountain which makes the people who put them in fall madly in love with her, with (un)hillarious consequences! Terribly directed,poorly acted and horribly infantile with its humour most of the time. The humour so badly timed that all jokes fall completely flat or are carried on too long. Vaguely amusing scene with Kristen Schall in a restaurant which is completely dark (as its gimmick).

The Lincoln Lawyer - Tense, well acted, cleverly plotted and thoroughly gripping. Not a classic but a really solid movie.
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DerekFME wrote:
Make it Happen - Generic dancing movie with little to its credit other than Ramona Flowers in the lead role.

And that's why it's brilliant. Well, that and the bitter veteran who plays the Gina Gershon to her Elizabeth Berkley.
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DerekFME wrote:
The Lincoln Lawyer - Tense, well acted, cleverly plotted and thoroughly gripping. Not a classic but a really solid movie.

Really enjoyed that...bit of a Grishamesque legal potboiler (not that there's anything wrong with that) and it was really well executed. Oh and I can't remember MM baring his chest once in the whole film, which must be something of a first.
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Tried to watch brokeback got about 20 mins in got sad had to turn off. Found out yesterday that he died without actually seeing The Dark Knight, had I known that then I wouldn't have got through it.

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Decca wrote:
Found out yesterday that he died without actually seeing The Dark Knight

Yeah, didn't he die before they'd finished, Gladiator/Queen of the Damned style?
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No that was Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, he had filmed what should have been 50% of the movie, rest was behind the mirror (not a spoiler it's the first thing in the movie you see) they "fixed" it by having people's faces change when in there and using depp, farrell and law in his stead and making those bits a lot shorter than they should have been.
Problem is Ledger's performance was A+ and he out acted all three (no really, first time I've seen Depp look sub par in anything ever) and the major plot change was horribly jarring and fucked up the movie which left you thinking "shit, he would have been great in this bit". Another big sticking point was that Ledger ad libbed 50% of his lines, meaning the brilliance of the performance was all him and not the script. Depp did ok but Law and farrell sure as hell didn't and it just broke immersion. (especially Law, it was rather clear in this that he can't act for shit)

It's worth watching for Ledger, Lily Cole and Andrew Garfield who are all outstanding but it's a "what could have been" movie, one of the worst parts is it was a great outlet for Terry Gilliam as it was a simple enough concept and the main set cost fuck all so the bugger couldn't screw himself over with his rubbish concept of money or working to a budget.

Watch it if you want to see great actors really going for it and some of Gilliam's best ideas but as a movie it's not complete so I'm not going to rate it because that wouildn't be fair.

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Watched Horrible Bosses last night, parts of it were laugh out loud funny.

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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus was pointless and ruined. A half baked mess that should've been scrapped after Ledger died. The face changing nonsense was a hideous compromise and I reckon changing to animation would've worked better.

Lily Cole was mesmerising though.
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