Bits and Bobs
Other than pie.

Delicious pie that Comicalgnomes can't have.
Mimi wrote:
I complained about this to Metroline, but after three letters (the first two they didn't respond to) I just got a fob-off letter sayig that they would 'look into the matter'. I said I wanted to know what happened as it caused me personal distress, and they just said that it was company policy not to tell the public of any decisions reached, which was basically 'go away' even though he had of course subjected ME to racial abuse.

Fucking hell. I'm normally dead against suing people/organisations and trying to get compensation and suchlike, but I'd have taken the buggers to court and would have encouraged the old woman in the original incident to do the same.
Oh yes, tut - I accidentally deleted that whole story and as a result forgot to call them a bunch of fucking cunts as well.

It's not a particularly excellent approach to life, I admit, but it's mine.

I did a manual system restore, and had to re-activate windows by phone (it wouldn't even let me into windows to activate online, the bastard device). Then when I got into windows, it told me the system restore failed.

Didn't tell me FUCKING WHY, of course, so I've little choice but to leave my computer on 24/7 to get any work done, which given that it's at the foot of my bed will mean that I'll basically have to start sleeping downstairs.

Also, I seem to have lost 6Gb of hard disk space somehow. Has my computer become self aware and downloaded a small cache of porn? Hmm.

Still, on the plus side, cheesecake tomorrow! :D
Good to hear it's not just me who's had a crap computer day. In trying to get the BIOS to recognise a new drive, I appear to have lost video output. I went to the pub instead.
Can you not put your computer downstairs rather than you sleep downstairs?
Didn't tell me FUCKING WHY, of course, so I've little choice but to leave my computer on 24/7 to get any work done, which given that it's at the foot of my bed will mean that I'll basically have to start sleeping downstairs.

I have the opposite problem, I can't sleep with the computer off, it's too creepily quiet...
sinister agent wrote:

I did a manual system restore, and had to re-activate windows by phone (it wouldn't even let me into windows to activate online, the bastard device). Then when I got into windows, it told me the system restore failed.

Didn't tell me FUCKING WHY, of course, so I've little choice but to leave my computer on 24/7 to get any work done, which given that it's at the foot of my bed will mean that I'll basically have to start sleeping downstairs. :smug:
Mimi wrote:
Can you not put your computer downstairs rather than you sleep downstairs?

He'd have to turn it off and unplug it to do that though.
My car has been leaking a small amount of water from under the battery area for the past year. Despite repeated attempts from my mechanic, it's never been fixed. He was supposed to have looked at it again the other week when he serviced it but didn't. He said he would pop back, he didn't. He now doesn't answer his phone. Grrrrrr.

However yesterday I purchased some magic liquid* from my local car parts shop and so far no water has leaked out. The true test will be the morning as the leak only starts about 5 hours after the engine has stopped.

Dunno what the magic liquid does, but you pour it into the coolant tank and apparently it seals holes. So far it has.

* May not be actual brand.
GazChap wrote:

Yeah, something like that. It was in a blue bottle and the liquid itself was brown.


This - Image
Southland Tales

The second movie from the bloke behind Donny Darko. Made in 2006, delayed for ages, finally sneaked out straight-to-rental. You won't ever want to watch it. Unless you're certain that you do - you don't ever want to watch it. Trust me. I bet you wouldn't get more than about five minute before throwing the disc out the window. I've been watching it for... oh, god, it feels like forever. Fuck knows.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It's the end of the world. 'Neo-Marxists' kidnap Stifler the policeman so that his doppleganger can call The Rock a ni('ce guy'), in a movie which happens to fortell the end of the world, which takes place simultaneously with the events of the movie that is being filmed. The Rock being married to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, who is some kind of sulky starlet (I had the volume down too low when she said anything much) - a porn star I think.

The Rock knows that he's in a movie but I think that he doesn't know what is going to happen in it. Or something. Erm. Him and Sean William Scott have none of the chemistry they had in The Rundown/Welcome To The Jungle.

All of this is narrated in a deeply irritatingly 'Hey, yeah, I'm so fucking cool yeah!' smug drawl by someone. And interlinked by rubbishy 'computer' screen links - if you've ever seen the Transformers repeat/redressing that had that weird 'cube' thing interlinking scenes, imagine that between almost every scene, at least early on. Gnggh.

I'm not sure that I'll be able to make it to the end.

It's... 'challenging' like Yoko Ono is. Sigh.
KSeal is basically Radweld with another name. If that has worked, you have a small hole in a hose or in your radiator. Dropping an egg white into your water reservior would achieve the same thing. It won't last ofrever: Take it to a different mechanic.
Southland Tales again - fucking hell. I have absolutely no idea what's going on. There's just been a big mime-along to that "I've got soul but I'm not a soldier" song in a kind of military base-cum-games arcade, by Justin fuckin' Timberlake, backed by a bunch of stylized 50's 'perfect' nurses. I really don't remember why. Earlier a supposed 'paedophile racist cop' (as described) shot dead some actors (I think) before a horrified Rock and Stifler, who then ran away in slow motion whispering inaudibly whilst the acoustic version of 'Wave of Mutilation' played out almost in full.

edit: wait! If... if maybe The Rock is schizophrenic (in a total personality disorder sense) and Sean William Scott is just another personality... then this sort of makes sense a little bit.

edit: Right, I think The Rock is a film-maker who films his other personality, of whom he is entirely unaware, in his 'performances'. This duality is represented by Sean William Scott. No. Maybe. :'(

edit: no! It's about how reality TV shows will eventually lead to reality blurring so much that world war erupts out of confusion! Possibly!

edit: The Rock "But the soul of a monkey wouldn't survive a dimensional jump through space-time!" "I'm a pimp - and pimps don't commit suicide" - these lines follow very shortly after each other. Don't worry, they don't make any more sense even in context.

edit: whenever Sean William Scott gets near Christopher Lambert and that man's ice cream van, his hand glows. I swear I'm making none of this up.

edit: now a strings section is playing the pounding 'bam bam BAM bam bam bam-bam-bam' drum rhythm from Eraser by Nine Inch Nails (I'm SO glad that I've managed to identify it, it was infuriating me) whilst some scary goth-ish lady sings something foreign n' threatenin' sounding, in front of a a giant American flag. The Rock is watching this, looking distinctly unimpressed. Now they're simply performing The Star Spangled Banner. Okay.

edit: The Rock: "The fourth dimension will collapse! You stupid bitch." *walks into another room* "The ocean's in control :)" *looks at group of people nearby* "And this is the tower of fire!" Some bloke: "What in god's name are you talking about?"


edit: The Rock: "Evacuate the atrium! Make your way to the rear, of the mega-zeppelin."

edit: now Sean William Scott is sitting in a wooden box in front of a swirling vortex,holding hands with his doppleganger, who has a bullet wound instead of an eye. I think I'm right about The Rock and Sean William Scott somehow being the same person! Although The Rock hasn't lost an eye.

edit: Never mind because his mate who looks exactly like X-Pac from WWF is standing on the side of Christopher Lambert's ice cream van, which is now lazily flying through the air after a mega-zepplin. X-Pac is attempting to shoot down the mega-zeppelin with a bazooka because he has been drafted. And now he has committed suicide by jumping off the ice cream truck.

edit: All of which may well be a metaphor for Sean William Scott's guilt for accidentally shooting Justin Timberlake during the Gulf War.

edit: film over, 'Tender' by Blur is playing over the credits. Fucking hell.
Grim... wrote:
KSeal is basically Radweld with another name. If that has worked, you have a small hole in a hose or in your radiator. Dropping an egg white into your water reservior would achieve the same thing. It won't last ofrever: Take it to a different mechanic.

But it buys me time until I can (a) give the mechanic a kicking or (b) find a new mechanic. If it lasts a year until the next service then I'll be a happy bunny.

Not checked it this morning yet mind.
I've just moved house! Just across the city, to Monthermer Rd, Cathays.

And my body feels like a big sack of gravel. Why did I come into work today? Rarrgh. Gumpf.

The only downside is that I won't have internet at home for another week, so slightly less wibble from me I'm afraid, and no Dawn of War fun either. Bah. Still, it's a nice place. I just need to get some shelves or a big bookcase for the four boxes of books I have now.
Man, that film sounds awesome. I could actually hear the director disappearing up his own butt as CUS described that.
nervouspete wrote:
The only downside is that I won't have internet at home for another week, so slightly less wibble from me I'm afraid, and no Dawn of War fun either. .

Gives me a chance to practice, then!
Bah. Still, it's a nice place. I just need to get some shelves or a big bookcase for the four boxes of books I have now

There are few pleasure greater than unpacking books and putting them into nice new big bookshelves in some semblance of order. I love books, me.
nervouspete wrote:
I've just moved house! Just across the city, to Monthermer Rd, Cathays.

And my body feels like a big sack of gravel. Why did I come into work today? Rarrgh. Gumpf.

The only downside is that I won't have internet at home for another week, so slightly less wibble from me I'm afraid, and no Dawn of War fun either. Bah. Still, it's a nice place. I just need to get some shelves or a big bookcase for the four boxes of books I have now.

*After quick google map search*
I knew that rang a bell, a friend of mine used to live there. In a flat above a shop on a corner.
I used to live just around the corner (well, a few corners) on Cathays Terrace in one of my dumpier student houses.
Squirt wrote:
Man, that film sounds awesome. I could actually hear the director disappearing up his own butt as CUS described that.

Hehe :D

Sounds terrifically bad.
Plus you get to rediscover books you'd forgotten you had.
Loved the review of Southland Tales.

It sounds like the director thought he was channeling David Lynch, but just turned out to be lazily daydreaming about crap.
Kern wrote:
Plus you get to rediscover books you'd forgotten you had.


I love discovering a book that I forgot I had, and that I haven't read for so long that I can't remember the plot twists.

I reread books so much it's silly, really.
CUS wrote:
edit: film over, 'Tender' by Blur is playing over the credits. Fucking hell.[/size]
So, good, then?

nervouspete wrote:
I've just moved house! Just across the city, to Monthermer Rd, Cathays.
You are less than a mile from me RIGHT NOW. BE SCARED.
Kern wrote:
Plus you get to rediscover books you'd forgotten you had.

True! So far its the popping CD's back into my funky cool red locker that has yielded the most in forgotten glories though. Mainly some ace compilations friends made me that I'd forgotten, and finding out that I did have a copy of the excellent Sleepy Jackson's 'Lovers' after all - hurrah!

Can't wait for the satisfying arranging of books in book holding receptacle. :D

Never lived in that side of Cardiff before Joans, hope you have pleasant memories of it!
richardgaywood wrote:
CUS wrote:
edit: film over, 'Tender' by Blur is playing over the credits. Fucking hell.[/size]
So, good, then?

nervouspete wrote:
I've just moved house! Just across the city, to Monthermer Rd, Cathays.
You are less than a mile from me RIGHT NOW. BE SCARED.

I FEAR. :o
CUS wrote:
Southland Tales

The second movie from the bloke behind Donny Darko. Made in 2006, delayed for ages, finally sneaked out straight-to-rental. You won't ever want to watch it. Unless you're certain that you do - you don't ever want to watch it. Trust me. I bet you wouldn't get more than about five minute before throwing the disc out the window. I've been watching it for... oh, god, it feels like forever. Fuck knows.

Oh, well that makes me feel slightly better. I watched three quarters of it a while back and eventually gave up, but shamefully decided I must somehow have not 'got it', rather that it actually being a rancid pile of ludicrous toss.
nervouspete wrote:
Never lived in that side of Cardiff before Joans, hope you have pleasant memories of it!

Well on my few visits back the whole place seems to have changed, so I can't say what it'll be like over there now.
You're probably deep in student territory, close enough to the hospital to get lots of medical students as well, but it's not like you're on a main road so you should be out the way (I'd be more worried about Gaywood living so close if I were you).
Town should be walkable (20 minutes?). Is that co-op still on Crwys road? That would be handy for any food shopping emergencies.
Sounds like a bit like any recent Tony Scott film.

By the same token, don't bother watching Inland Empire by David Lynch. Or actively avoid it in fact.

Mulholland Dr. is brilliant, Inland Empire sounded like it would be similar but was actually insane nonsense.

Bit variable.
Good news everyone, the leak has not leaked. So at least it's fixed for now.

Tea and muffins all round. Huzzah! :hat:
Would you like me to butter your crumpet?
Zardoz wrote:
Would you like me to butter your crumpet?

I said muffins! :attitude:
Joans wrote:
(I'd be more worried about Gaywood living so close if I were you).
Fortunately for him, I work here, don't live here. He can sleep safe at night knowing I am twenty miles away... BUT I'M BACK IN THE MORNING SO DON'T RELAX FOR TOO LONG.

Town should be walkable (20 minutes?)
Less than that, I reckon. 15min perhaps.
Has anyone here ever applied for a shotgun licence? There's a hypothetical question I'd like to run past someone I have never met prior to asking the police about it, but I'd rather not discuss it here so please PM me if you can help.
I have. PM away.
Similarly if anyone has a shotgun that they're not using and would like to give me, please PM me. There a several uses I can put it towards. Mostly killing.
You should never give a shotgun away. You'll only be kicking yourself come the zombie plague wars if you do.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Similarly if anyone has a shotgun that they're not using and would like to give me, please PM me. There a several uses I can put it towards. Mostly killing.
I can't think of anyone I know less qualified for a firearms licence than your angry self.
But I would only kill the ones that need to die.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
But I would only kill the ones that need to die.
Oh, that's OK then. There are at least five US states that would give you a gun based on that reasoning. You just need to move to Texas.
richardgaywood wrote:
You just need to move to Texas.

Or Homebase as it's now known.

[boom tish]
chinnyhill10 wrote:
This - Image

Tsk. You'd think they'd make the URL fit on the packaging. The shop's probably full of stray 'k's.
Kern wrote:
Has anyone here ever applied for a shotgun licence? There's a hypothetical question I'd like to run past someone I have never met prior to asking the police about it, but I'd rather not discuss it here so please PM me if you can help.

I'd just ask the police about it if I were you. Unless the question is "If I kill someone with it in self defence is that OK?".

The rules are very strict but not many people seem to understand them properly, so your local Firearms Officer is almost certainly the best person to speak to rather than anyone on here. No offence to Grim... or anything, as he'll shoot me ;)
I thought only farmers could have shotguns. I could easily believe Grim... bought a farm in order to qualify himself.
Well I'm feeling a bit more confident about the form now. Annoyingly, the firearms chaps only take calls during a very small window in the morning which happens to coincide with my busiest times in the office but as I'd rather get the form correct first time I will have to make time.

And I hate forms anyhow.

[EDIT: And sentence construction, it seems]
That movie CUS was watching sounds fantastic. Except for an apparent lack of dinosaurs with lasers.
CUS wrote:
edit: All of which may well be a metaphor for Sean William Scott's guilt for accidentally shooting Justin Timberlake during the Gulf War.

Justin Timberlake was in the Gulf War? I thought that was James Blunt?
I actually want to see Southland Tales now, as it sounds hilariously bad.

Plus, I've had "Tender" stuck in my head all morning.
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