Hapless old tosser B&B shocker
MaliA wrote:
When you code stuff, do you start with a blank sheet, or do you have a library of things that does certain stuff, that you can build a program from?

Are you considering going into programming, Mali?
Grim... wrote:
I've always found "agile" to mean "meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting, WORK, meeting, meeting".
The theory of it is great, but I've never seen it in practise.

My place generally gets called in when a few people, who have read a few books, have royally fucked everything up and are in the shit. Unfortunately that is most peoples experience of agile development, they read up on Scrum, or XP, or Crystal or DSDM etc... take the bits they like, throw away the bits they don't like and talk endlessly about the right way to do something.
Agile is all about doing the best thing to "get shit done" and get value out of what you are doing, whatever that may be, people lose sight of that too easily.

If you want to see it done properly, then i can probably arrange something if you fancy an afternoon off work and a visit to somewhere :)
DavPaz wrote:
Are you having problems Mali? A lot of double posts today.

Something doesn't seem right with my internets today. I upgraded Skype last night, it could be with that.

kalmar wrote:
Are you considering going into programming, Mali?

Heavens, no. I'm just interested as I know nothing about it, really.

Squirt wrote:
There are huge amounts of libraries about, to the extent that you could do a lot of everyday stuff just by stitching existing libraries together.

Much like writing wills, then.

Grim... wrote:
Depends, to be honest.
Some people like to go by hand, some people swear by frameworks. There's a graph somewhere showing the difference it can make, hang on...

If it isn't too much trouble. I'm quite interested.
MaliA wrote:
When you code stuff, do you start with a blank sheet, or do you have a library of things that does certain stuff, that you can build a program from?

Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v...
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
When you code stuff, do you start with a blank sheet, or do you have a library of things that does certain stuff, that you can build a program from?

Depends, to be honest.
Some people like to go by hand, some people swear by frameworks. There's a graph somewhere showing the difference it can make, hang on...


So the brown line is with a framework - you get loads done and then hit a wall because the framework is stopping you from doing something, so you have to rewrite it.
The red line is without - you start off slow but get faster and faster because everything you've done works for you.
As you can see, they both end up in about the same place, and the blue line is the truth of it all anyway.
So they both give each other a Hi5 and head off into the sunset.
Did someone say it was JCs birthday? If so happy birthday JC. Did someone else also say he was away? If so, where and why?
Also I note it is Sista Flapjacks birthday. Best birthday wishes to her too, i hope Gaywood is feeling a bit better as well x
He had a bit of a tourettes episode at Wullie.

Happy Birthdays JC and Danielle!
I've mentioned this before I know, but dear God do I hate my job.

I went out with some of my pals from my previous job on Sunday and they were telling me about a big contract in the pipeline with a customer not too far from where I live, so naturally I've been making enquiries as they'll undoubtedly be recruiting onsite support people for it - although I can't see the Service Delivery Director re-employing me. Possibly it wouldn't be the correct career move for me anyway, but I loved doing the onsite support role their before. It was changing job roles that fucked it a bit for me in that place, since I moved from a varied and interesting job into one that was essentially mind-numbing data entry.
Happy Birthdays JC and Danielle!
May your LEDs and flapjacks be fantastic.
DavPaz wrote:

The quality of the tuesday games has decreased of late.
It's a fucking long two minutes!

Edit*: Fucking NoScript!!! >:(
*A fake one.
Seriously. Has anyone heard from Kissyfur?
Zardoz wrote:
Seriously. Has anyone heard from Kissyfur?

He's ascended. As a Arch Over-solicitor, he is now free from the shackles of this material realm, and has no interest in the doings for us mere mortals.
Zardoz wrote:
Seriously. Has anyone heard from Kissyfur?

Yeah. He's fine. Settling in.
Dle office people really do love me. Had a chat for 10 minutes about the optimum number of times to draft a letter and the correct use of commas. They then complimented me on my massive achievements this week and am going back to every fortnight soon.

Even when I'm out of work, I'm still awesome.
MaliA wrote:
Even when I'm out of work, I'm still awesome.

You should make a t-shirt

edit: No-one could buy it though, as they'd all be on the dole.
DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Even when I'm out of work, I'm still awesome.

You should make a t-shirt

edit: No-one could buy it though, as they'd all be on the dole.

I could sell one to Andy Gray
I find this dog fort meme highly amusing.

You know I have a overwhelming urge to put Jonty in fancy dress after seeing that, he will do just about anything for a biscuit and I bet you I could get him in a suit with top hat and monocle.

Hey Jon.J btw o/
MaliA wrote:
I find this dog fort meme highly amusing.
Not funny, some of those veterans are still suffering from PTS.
(That link's potentially NSFW due to war pics)
I've been advised that I should take a "European computer driving licence", the rationale being that whilst My IT skills are objectively better than average (so, I'm utterly useless compared to everyone else here ;) ), I have no certificates or anything to prove it. So... worth doing, or should I save time and an administration fee?
ECDL is very basic. Who would you be looking to prove your skills to, an employer?
MaliA wrote:
I could sell one to Andy Gray

I disagree with this.
Yes, it was a dick thing to say. But no, I don't think he should have been fired for it.

[edit]Oh wait, that was about something else. You can't see Charlotte's reaction, but unless he's constantly doing stuff like that, that's just banter :S
In other "giz a job" news, I went for an interview today after one of those recruitment places phoned me on Friday. As it was literally across the road from my current work I thought.. why not. Think it went OK too.
Craster wrote:
ECDL is very basic. Who would you be looking to prove your skills to, an employer?

Yes, in essence. Not for IT-based jobs (I don't have the high-end skills for those), but jobs that might involve computers along the way, if that makes sense.

How basic is basic, BTW, from an objective point of view? I'm a bit imbalanced. Have enough computer usage skills to have been a regular Internet user since 1995 (on an Amiga), but some specific skills are crap, and I realise how most employers want some ability with MS Office.
I don't like Andy Gray and am glad to see the back of him and his misogynistic comments.


Where exactly did these recordings come from? And how did they keep on managing to surface?

Either someone in the production team really hates Gray and Keynes, or this is quite a convenient way to push the phone tapping stuff to one side.

It's not hard to imagine that management knew they had Sid The Sexist working for them and just chose to bury him at a time of their choosing. Even working at the distance to proper tele I was, I knew the rumours about certain people. Word gets around.

Whatever their motives, the Sky management chose to bury Gray. And good riddance.
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I could sell one to Andy Gray

I disagree with this.
Yes, it was a dick thing to say. But no, I don't think he should have been fired for it.

[edit]Oh wait, that was about something else. You can't see Charlotte's reaction, but unless he's constantly doing stuff like that, that's just banter :S

It's clearly not a news. I neither know nor care anything about this, but it's also clearly a witch-hunt by Sky due to him trying to sue the Murdoch Empire over phone hacking.
If it's not for an IT job, it's probably worth doing.

It's pretty much "here is a word doc, today we'll learn how to print it" though.
kalmar wrote:
him trying to sue the Murdoch Empire over phone hacking.

Didn't know that.

That bit with the pitch side presenter wouldn't have been recorded usually so it's clearly a stitch up.
kalmar wrote:
In other "giz a job" news, I went for an interview today after one of those recruitment places phoned me on Friday. As it was literally across the road from my current work I thought.. why not. Think it went OK too.

There can't be many places that need a techno-wizard-electro-hippie can there?
Yes, but similarly, there can't be many places that don't need one.
Craster wrote:
If it's not for an IT job, it's probably worth doing.

It's pretty much "here is a word doc, today we'll learn how to print it" though.

Ah, suspected so. Certainly within and below my abilities (which I underestimate TBH). Would like a 'proper' IT jobs somehow, somewhen, but qualifications are way out of my price range, unfort'.
MaliA wrote:
So, yesterday afternoon there was a card dropped through my letterbox. It was one of those "We've sold a house in the area and want others like it!" ones, with the property details of a house down the road that was for sale. Anyways, I looked at it, and then realised that I had spoken to the owner a few days ago about his selling of the house whislt in Chavpub, and the problems he'd been having. So, yesterday, I cheerfully greeted him and said "So, you sold your house then?" and he was amazed that I knew. I explained about the card and then he was very angry with the estate agents for doing this. Is this normal practice?


We got a letter through last week referring to a property that had completed the previous week, that was still on the agents website. Of course, that information is publically available at the land registry in any event, so no bad.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
MaliA wrote:
So, yesterday afternoon there was a card dropped through my letterbox. It was one of those "We've sold a house in the area and want others like it!" ones, with the property details of a house down the road that was for sale. Anyways, I looked at it, and then realised that I had spoken to the owner a few days ago about his selling of the house whislt in Chavpub, and the problems he'd been having. So, yesterday, I cheerfully greeted him and said "So, you sold your house then?" and he was amazed that I knew. I explained about the card and then he was very angry with the estate agents for doing this. Is this normal practice?


We got a letter through last week referring to a property that had completed the previous week, that was still on the agents website. Of course, that information is publically available at the land registry in any event, so no bad.

As he was clearly angry about it yesterday, when I nipped out for a beer earlier, I took it with me to give to him...
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I could sell one to Andy Gray

I disagree with this.
Yes, it was a dick thing to say. But no, I don't think he should have been fired for it.

[edit]Oh wait, that was about something else. You can't see Charlotte's reaction, but unless he's constantly doing stuff like that, that's just banter :S

You also can't see whether he actually had his cock out.
When did it become 7 o'clock? I swear I got home 5 minutes ago...
Jon.J wrote:
When did it become 7 o'clock? I swear I got home 5 minutes ago...

Going by all available information, round about the time you got home.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
kalmar wrote:
him trying to sue the Murdoch Empire over phone hacking.

Didn't know that.

That bit with the pitch side presenter wouldn't have been recorded usually so it's clearly a stitch up.

I didn't know that either.

However, I'm properly convinced there's nothing wrong with saying "she's quite a looker". She is!
When MrsA comes in from work, turns out, showing her Scotty 2 Hotty's The Worm is not the best idea.
Grim... wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
kalmar wrote:
him trying to sue the Murdoch Empire over phone hacking.

Didn't know that.

That bit with the pitch side presenter wouldn't have been recorded usually so it's clearly a stitch up.

I didn't know that either.

However, I'm properly convinced there's nothing wrong with saying "she's quite a looker". She is!

I think the problem lies in Sky's need to be clean as clean can be due to the OFCOM thing.

What I find interesting is that they did the only thing they could do under the circumstances, and it is quite interesting that the comment seems to be how football ain't an old boys club anymore.
If that's the case, why isn't the other commentator involved fired?
MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
kalmar wrote:
him trying to sue the Murdoch Empire over phone hacking.

Didn't know that.

That bit with the pitch side presenter wouldn't have been recorded usually so it's clearly a stitch up.

I didn't know that either.

However, I'm properly convinced there's nothing wrong with saying "she's quite a looker". She is!

I think the problem lies in Sky's need to be clean as clean can be due to the OFCOM thing.

What I find interesting is that they did the only thing they could do under the circumstances, and it is quite interesting that the comment seems to be how football ain't an old boys club anymore.

That was my first reaction, until I found out about the phone hacking - if that is the case then an 'over reaction' by Sky is arguably only going to make the ofcom position even more untenable
From reading what normal people have to say rather than the shitty "it's ok when a woman says stuff like this" crowd the issue that they have is that they were mocking her and questioning all her decisions because she was a woman and saying she was wrong every time she made a call because according to the "banter" women don't know about football. Problem is she was bang on every time and didn't put a foot wrong. If it had been a man they would still have been in trouble for blatantly calling it wrong and bullying.
Decca wrote:
Problem is she was bang on every time and didn't put a foot wrong.

This was a real problem.

If she had screwed up that offside call we might have stood a chance :(
Decca wrote:
Problem is she was bang on every time and didn't put a foot wrong. If it had been a man they would still have been in trouble for blatantly calling it wrong and bullying.

Do me a favour love!
Decca wrote:
From reading what normal people have to say rather than the shitty "it's ok when a woman says stuff like this" crowd the issue that they have is that they were mocking her and questioning all her decisions because she was a woman and saying she was wrong every time she made a call because according to the "banter" women don't know about football.
But he didn't get fired for that. And, actually, that's not in any way accurate - the discussion between Gray and Keys was off-air, before the game started, so she hadn't made any decisions.

Decca wrote:
If it had been a man they would still have been in trouble for blatantly calling it wrong and bullying.
I'm not sure what game you're watching, but commentators do this all the time. Until the replay proves them wrong, of course.
No doubt about it the guy's an arse, but... why did we need to know that he's been sacked for being a cock-end in "private"/off the air? We'd all have been quite happy if he'd left the station for "personal reasons".

EDIT: Aye, what Kalmar Grim... says.
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