Hapless old tosser B&B shocker
Congrats, has it bumped up the hit rate much?
Well, I've successfully booked April 26th, 27th and 28th off work without anyone questioning it - thanks for pointing that one out Craster!

Eleven sweet days of sitting on my arse, lovely.
Zio wrote:
Well, I've successfully booked April 26th, 27th and 28th off work without anyone questioning it - thanks for pointing that one out Craster!

Eleven sweet days of sitting on my arse, lovely.

Same here! The only other person who had done it so far is my boss, so he can hardly complain.
Trooper wrote:
Congrats, has it bumped up the hit rate much?

About 230 hits so far, which is great - better news is that it's getting different people with different ideas (like - I *really* need a tutorial map).

Come and play them - ;)
When one of my Flash games made it into the B3ta newsletter (issue 106 I believe) my hitcount went from about 10 per day to 500 per day.
That's your game, Grim...? Congratulations on the exposure :)

I seem to be having some display issues, though (screenshot below)
We, fuck knows. Looks like the encoding has gone insane.
The mass of new games has made the next page go nuts, too.
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
devilman wrote:
If you PM me your address before the weekend, I'll pop down and pretend to clean your windows pop one in the post. KK Slider too?

Yea! Thankyou so very much. Um, I don't know which one - surprise me!

Let me know how much postage etc is if and when you manage to find one and I will paypal you the money.

My address is:


It's the one with the filthy windows :P Yea! Thankyou so much. I'll keep my fingers crossed they still have one :D

Damn, no, it isn't a PM.

I thought I sent a PM :belm:

It's ok, people here won't send you inappropriate items....

Oh, wait.
Out with New Girl on sunday! I am greatest. Probably not soberest, but greatest!
sinister agent wrote:
Out with New Girl on sunday! I am greatest. Probably not soberest, but greatest!

I really need a proper unlimited 3G data plan. I've used my 'free' 500meg, my bolt-on 500meg with 12 days left to go in the month.

Does anyone do this?
Christ - what have you been doing?
Yea! I think Animal Crossing figure may be here... though when say 'here' I mean at the sorting office, lazy postman.

Oh, but the card says there are three items to be delivered, and I am only expecting one... haven't ordered anything.

Mr Dave wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
devilman wrote:
If you PM me your address before the weekend, I'll pop down and pretend to clean your windows pop one in the post. KK Slider too?

Yea! Thankyou so very much. Um, I don't know which one - surprise me!

Let me know how much postage etc is if and when you manage to find one and I will paypal you the money.

My address is:


It's the one with the filthy windows :P Yea! Thankyou so much. I'll keep my fingers crossed they still have one :D

Damn, no, it isn't a PM.

I thought I sent a PM :belm:

It's ok, people here won't send you inappropriate items....

Oh, wait.

Oh dear.
Mr Russell wrote:
I really need a proper unlimited 3G data plan. I've used my 'free' 500meg, my bolt-on 500meg with 12 days left to go in the month.

Does anyone do this?

Nope. I was warned I had 'almost' used up my 1 gig allowance, so I rushed off to the My3 Usage page to see... I had 300Mb of it left.
Grim... wrote:
Christ - what have you been doing?

Twitter, facebook, email, Google Reader and here. And whatever bits of data connections any games use to update high scores.

I'm on my phone a fair bit.
Mimi wrote:
Yea! I think Animal Crossing figure may be here... though when say 'here' I mean at the sorting office, lazy postman.

Oh, but the card says there are three items to be delivered, and I am only expecting one... haven't ordered anything.

My last postal card said 4 items. I think it must have been a poorly-written '1', as the latter is all I found when I took myself, all excited, to the parcel place.
Anyone know if it's possible using Google Reader to subscribe to a feed, but only for certain categories within that feed? Alternatively, does RSS support a direct URL to a feed filtered by categories?
So the missus is watching Sex And The City and I just don't get it. Could MaliA please explain?
Zio wrote:
So the missus is watching Sex And The City and I just don't get it. Could MaliA please explain?

Maybe tomorrow, after I rebuild the gearbox on the motorbike. I am currently watching MOTD whilst eating a beef burger whilst MrsA is tidying the kitchen after making me a chicken curry. Might get her to bring me a beer through in a few, my glass is getting low.
MaliA wrote:
Zio wrote:
So the missus is watching Sex And The City and I just don't get it. Could MaliA please explain?

Maybe tomorrow, after I rebuild the gearbox on the motorbike. I am currently watching MOTD whilst eating a beef burger whilst MrsA is tidying the kitchen after making me a chicken curry. Might get her to bring me a beer through in a few, my glass is getting low.

You're my hero.
Zio wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Zio wrote:
So the missus is watching Sex And The City and I just don't get it. Could MaliA please explain?

Maybe tomorrow, after I rebuild the gearbox on the motorbike. I am currently watching MOTD whilst eating a beef burger whilst MrsA is tidying the kitchen after making me a chicken curry. Might get her to bring me a beer through in a few, my glass is getting low.

You're my hero.

I'll make you a suitable costume and you can be my sidekick.
The carpet cleaner us mist awesome. The South Room Level One is looking really bright now.
Zio wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Zio wrote:
Pointless really I suppose, but after some tinkering I've got Mac OS X Snow Leopard running in a VM on my Windows 7 PC.

What instructions did you follow?

Works a treat, really simple. Took a few reboots following the initial install to get it to the desktop, but now it works fine every time. It will kernel panic every time on shutdown, but I assume that's because the OS is telling the hardware to power down, but the VM just stays running.

Also, follow the link there to get your monitor's graphics resolution and the sound working - they're also really easy to do.

Getting there!

Trying to track down the fifth device on the wireless network. So far, I've found the iPod, iPhone, this PC, MrsA's laptop but there is one other thing attached and I don't know what it is. Can you ban specific MAC addresses?
Starting again!
(Missed the step to remove printer drivers and additional languages :facepalm: )
MaliA wrote:
Trying to track down the fifth device on the wireless network. So far, I've found the iPod, iPhone, this PC, MrsA's laptop but there is one other thing attached and I don't know what it is. Can you ban specific MAC addresses?

You can usually, yes. It'll BA somewhere in the router config.
Craster wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Trying to track down the fifth device on the wireless network. So far, I've found the iPod, iPhone, this PC, MrsA's laptop but there is one other thing attached and I don't know what it is. Can you ban specific MAC addresses?

You can usually, yes. It'll BA somewhere in the router config.

Oops. I seem to have managed to ban everything, so I've stuck a pin in the back of the router. Will try the better idea of turning things off and seeing what it is.
Zio wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Zio wrote:
Pointless really I suppose, but after some tinkering I've got Mac OS X Snow Leopard running in a VM on my Windows 7 PC.

What instructions did you follow?

Works a treat, really simple. Took a few reboots following the initial install to get it to the desktop, but now it works fine every time. It will kernel panic every time on shutdown, but I assume that's because the OS is telling the hardware to power down, but the VM just stays running.

Also, follow the link there to get your monitor's graphics resolution and the sound working - they're also really easy to do.

I had to restart the PC to get rid of a VMWare error, and restart the VM a few times to get past the loading screen, but now it's merrily updating. I've had a copy of OSX for ages, but my Macbook refused to install it (it is about 1,000 years old), and it never occurred to me to use a VM.

If I can use iTunes on the Mac for Mrs Grim...'s iPad and iPhone I will be most pleased.
Grim... wrote:
I had to restart the PC to get rid of a VMWare error, and restart the VM a few times to get past the loading screen, but now it's merrily updating. I've had a copy of OSX for ages, but my Macbook refused to install it (it is about 1,000 years old), and it never occurred to me to use a VM.

Typically, Apple, being the control freaks we all know and love/hate(Delete as applicable, disallow use of OSX on non apple branded products in the license.

So the chance of mac compatibility in anything I write remains at 0.
Mr Dave wrote:
Typically, Apple, being the control freaks we all know and love/hate(Delete as applicable, disallow use of OSX on non apple branded products in the license.
Apple are a hardware company who use custom software layers as a differentiator, not a product. When they dabbled at being a pure software company, it damned near bankrupted them. I'm unclear how that makes them "control freaks".

Can I run XNA games on my Mac or my Linux box? No? But you still write XNA stuff, despite Microsoft's "control freak" ways, right?
Probably because they disallow use of OSX on non apple branded products in the license.

[edit]If I stick the Apple sticker Zardoz sent me onto my PC case, does that count?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Typically, Apple, being the control freaks we all know and love/hate(Delete as applicable, disallow use of OSX on non apple branded products in the license.
Apple are a hardware company who use custom software layers as a differentiator, not a product. When they dabbled at being a pure software company, it damned near bankrupted them. I'm unclear how that makes them "control freaks".

Can I run XNA games on my Mac or my Linux box? No? But you still write XNA stuff, despite Microsoft's "control freak" ways, right?

There is little stopping me in legal terms - Just that the makers of Mono et al haven't created suitably mature libraries, and Wine support for .NET is poor in comparison to native code. (Or at least, this was the state of play I last looked, things could be better now)

Amusingly, the 3D Engine I'm using currently* already has an apple port, so the amount of work involved in getting the game to work on it at the current stage would be fairly minimal - I'm even using . I just can't test it, so there's little attraction in utilising the already existing code base.

* - My XNA project, very near a releasable state code wise, has been put on hold due to the upgrade to XNA 4 requiring VS2010, and C# VSExpress 2010 being utterly rank (and also me not knowing the details of my MSDN ultimate subscription to get a full version). So I'm building up the environment for the next project, so now would be the time to look at easy multi platform compatibility.
My wife just asked me if there is any wheat in potato.
Top Gear on at eight, people.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
My wife just asked me if there is any wheat in potato.

Craster wrote:
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
My wife just asked me if there is any wheat in potato.


For you, maybe. I am seeking legal advice.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Craster wrote:
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
My wife just asked me if there is any wheat in potato.


For you, maybe. I am seeking legal advice.

I'm fairly sure that, legally, potatos contain no wheat.
Lady friend is, at present, walking to my flat where I intend to wine and dine her with my awesome cooking skills.

I've already called A&E and prepped them for emergency admission.
YouTube just showed me a thiry-second video that I couldn't skip!
When did this start?
Ouch. Inevitable, I suppose, as advertising is where Google makes the money and all; but on some videos that would be 30 seconds of advert for the same amount again of content!
Also, nobody in the history of the world has ever actually sat and watched one of those adverts, and nobody ever will. Especially since tabbed browsing saved us all.
MaliA wrote:
Top Gear on at eight, people.

Pains me to say it but tonight's feels very laboured. The fact I've got the Ipod out is sad testament to this. It's like the Marx Brothers' 'A night in Casablaca': good to see the team again and with the odd good moment but somehow the magic's gone.
Lost at Zombies!!!! again. To win, it is either kill 25 or get to the chopper. I had 24, with one to fight at the beginning of my next go, and MrsA got to the chopper.


Top Gear does feel abut stilted right now, yes.

And I can't stand John Bishop. Probably more to do with him being a northern comedien than anything else.
In fairness, dropping the Beetle was quite fun, and Tiff Needell's cameo was amusing in a 'I remember the Top Gear rally reports that only ever used Paul Simon's 'Slip-sliding away' as backing music' kind of way, but the hour just dragged.

I'll probably keep watching, however.
Top Gear is shit, I can tell you that much and I didn't even watch it.

Just back from Wales:
Helloez to Alarm, Malabars. Zardozes, Markgs, davpazs and mimi-craigs whom I probably passed by on route.

Erm, and any other north west crew. MrD? Pundy, blucey?
I won't hear anyone knock Top Gear. It's the most amusing show on TV.

You need to go to 1 minute 46 for the full effect.
kalmar wrote:
Top Gear is shit, I can tell you that much and I didn't even watch it.

Just back from Wales:
Helloez to Alarm, Malabars. Zardozes, Markgs, davpazs and mimi-craigs whom I probably passed by on route.

Erm, and any other north west crew. MrD? Pundy, blucey?

We're in Stoke, so you would probably have had to sort of go past us.



The url on the browser in the second picture is , which is NSFW. Could just as well be or whatever, but I made that image in 2006 or something.
Every time you masturbate god kills a kitten.

Working on the 2nd one.
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