General Purpose UK TV thread
Worth a download
Wizzardoz wrote:
He can't control it as much as the others though. And good, because otherwise the show would be a VERY drawn out. :)

They shouldn't have gone down that route, as it either leaves his power rarely used or completely breaks the show. The former makes him a boring character.

I'm not a fan of shows using time travel, as I don't think I've seen any one of them pull it off properly.
Malaboob wrote:
I don't think I've seen any one of them pull it off properly.

I think he's going to learn to control it more
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After all, someone has to send Future Simon back.
Doctor Nadolig wrote:
I think he's going to learn to control it more
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
After all, someone has to send Future Simon back.

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Everything is different in the future, apparently. Simon can also touch whats-her-face, i'm not sure how that comes about, but Curtis is the obvious reason for the time travel in some way.
The Search for Life: The Drake Equation - tonight at 8pm.

Looks like it could be good.
Shit, why didn't someone tell me this was on at something like quarter past one this afternoon or something!


Watched most of season 1 of Misfits today. Loved it. Currently watching the last episode in the season, exciting stuff. Really enjoyed it.

As annoying as the chatty Irish guy is, he has had some quality lines.
Grim... wrote:
The Search for Life: The Drake Equation - tonight at 8pm.

Looks like it could be good.

I thought so, until I saw that tit off 'Bang Goes The Theory' was the presenter.
The Egg wrote:
As annoying as the chatty Irish guy is, he has had some quality lines.

Yeah, he get's better too.
Remember everyone, Dirk Gently is on BBC 4 at 9 this evening!

I'm properly, properly looking forward to this. I always preferred the two Dirk Gently novels to the Hitchhikers Guide series, and I adored that.
Hmph, that's not showing up in sick beard :(
Well, did everyone here watch it? I thought it was bloody excellent myself! Not an adaptation of either novel, save for a couple of ideas, more of a pilot for a potential TV show about the Dirk Gently character. I enjoyed it enough to hope the Beeb actually do give it a go as a series.
I thought it was ok, Mangan wasn't quite as punchable as usual. I'd definitely watch it again though I'm not convinced it has any legs.
I was less keen. It didn't click for me. And Mangan is a little too young, and little too clean, and a little too normal to be Dirk. Dirk's supposed to be almost as alien as Dr Who.
Doctor Nadolig wrote:
I was less keen. It didn't click for me. And Mangan is a little too young, and little too clean, and a little too normal to be Dirk. Dirk's supposed to be almost as alien as Dr Who.

I dunno about that, I always thought he was simply supposed to be eccentric and skint.

But then, I haven't read either Hollistic Detective Agency or Long Dark Tea-time Of The Soul for a very long time. I've actually got the first one lined up in iBooks to read again at some point.

On a brief tangent, anyone read Salmon of Doubt? The three or four chapters that exist of Dirk Gently 3 saddened me greatly, as it seemed Adams had some decent enough ideas going on before he died.
Just watched the first couple of episodes of Misfits. Yeah, it's pretty good isn't it!
Season finale of Misfits was a bit of a disappointment. Shame.

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They need to stop doing episodes where loads of cool stuff happens then deleting the whole lot with some time-travel. It's cheap and leaves you right back at square one.

Interesting villain, though.
Malaboob wrote:
Season finale of Misfits was a bit of a disappointment. Shame.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
They need to stop doing episodes where loads of cool stuff happens then deleting the whole lot with some time-travel. It's cheap and leaves you right back at square one.

Interesting villain, though.

Christmas special on Sunday though!
Re: Dirk Gently

I watched it last night. Whilst it was ok, I think it's come out too late and is overshadowed by Dr Who and Sherlock. If there are future episodes, I'll probably catch them but it didn't really feel as enjoyable a romp as it could have been.

Also, I own the same shirt as McDuff.
Is this the right thread to discuss up-and-coming Chrimbo telly stuff?

Anyway, me, I love the ghost stories which the BBC (this is from 2007) often show, and this year there is a new version, starring John Hurt, of Whistle And I'll Come To You, the classic M R James story.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas, without ghost stories. :)
kalmyrrh wrote:
Just watched the first couple of episodes of Misfits. Yeah, it's pretty good isn't it!

I thought there was a sequence in Episode 2 that managed to go from sexy, to outrageous humour, to wonderfully done tragedy in the space of 5 minutes.

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Where your man picks up the well-sexy lass at the Community Centre, they go back to hers to shag, he comes in 10 seconds, then they get it on again, there's BOOBIES and everything, and then the reveal comes that she has a power that can make her look young and he's actually knobbing an OAP - 'If you think my come face is funny you should see yours!' - he's repulsed and runs away. (Clues were given, 'I live her with my gran, she's out at the moment', them taking the stairlift upstairs, and the whole place being 'old' with nothing to suggest a young person lives there.)

Then the next day at the Community Centre he sees the 'old' her coming towards him, probably just wanting to talk, and I was thinking 'Awww he'll give her a cuddle or something' but no, he just can't face her and runs away again, and there's the look of total and absolute devastation on her face. And then of course later on in the episode she dies and there's a stunning moment of genuine sentimentality that never threatens for a split-second to be mawkish.

The pathos of the whole little sub-plot was absolutely pitch-perfect, which is no mean feat (witness how most telly/films completely fuck it up).

I love the way it manages to be amazingly funny, dark, sexy, challenging, tragic, uplifting, thrilling and exciting (add other superlatives as you see fit) - pretty much every episode.

We really should be thankful for British telly, when we're at our best no one in the world can come close.
NativityTradition wrote:
Where your man picks up the well-sexy lass at the Community Centre

She was stunning.
Alright, ALRIGHT, I'll watch it.

NativityTradition wrote:
We really should be thankful for British telly, when we're at our best no one in the world can come close.

"You best take that back, son!"

Malaboob wrote:
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They need to stop doing episodes where loads of cool stuff happens then deleting the whole lot with some time-travel. It's cheap and leaves you right back at square one.

Interesting villain, though.

Or at least to stop blatantly telegraphing how the storyline is going to be resolved.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
"I'm lactose intolerant."

It's all about Kelly, though. Much as I like the rest of the cast, she's the only character who convincingly displays any depth at all. She's sweet and sad and bolshy and fucking hilarious - sometimes all the same time.
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"I finally find a guy I really like, and it turns out he's a fucking monkey."
I also felt the finale was a touch of a let-down (for the same reasons Malaboob has stated), but last night's Christmas episode was a return to form. Particularly the intriguing end -- roll on season 3!
I felt a tiny bit meh about the xmas episode, I think because it concentrated too much of the ancillaries to the story and the setup for season 3, so the main story of the episode felt like the side plot.
Rodafowa wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Or at least to stop blatantly telegraphing how the storyline is going to be resolved.
[spoiler]"I'm lactose intolerant."

Yes. That bit stuck out like an incredibly sore thumb. Worst bit of writing from them I've seen, I reckon.

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The rest of the episode was enjoyable, but it quickly became apparent that the whole thing was of absolutely no consequence. Oh well.

I'm yet to see the Christmas special episode. I'll watch it tonight if it's on 4oD.
If for nothing else, the entire show so far has been worth it for just one moment from last night:
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...and the blood all over everyone's face after that.

Danielle says this would never have been shown on American TV.
Has anyone been watching any of the Sky 1 'Little Crackers' at all?

The ones I have seen have been surprisingly good.

Each is just an actor/actress/comedian retelling a story from their youth. 15 minutes long.
An ok..ish doctor who episode nothing special
So, I got the first season of 'Misfits' on DVD for the wife for Xmas, as you'd all been blathering on and on about it being good.

I suggested putting it on tonight to catch a couple of episodes to see if we like it.

Aaaaand, it's 1.30am and we just finished watching the whole series in one sitting.

Fun times!

Good series. Very funny.

"Save me, Barry!"


Unfortunately, the only option for legitimate viewing of the second series seems to be buying the episodes off iTunes, which is a pain. 4od has the second half of the series, but not the first half, which is kinda annoying. They're not repeating the series or anything, are they? Would like to see if the second series is as good as the first.
Curiositree wrote:
Unfortunately, the only option for legitimate viewing of the second series seems to be buying the episodes off iTunes, which is a pain. 4od has the second half of the series, but not the first half, which is kinda annoying. They're not repeating the series or anything, are they? Would like to see if the second series is as good as the first.

The second series (plus special) is available on DVD. :)
There was a charlie brooker screenwipe end of year special on the other day.
I haven't watched it, just saw it on iplayer.
It is almost amazing just how bad that Frankie Boyle series is.
Alarm wrote:
Curiositree wrote:
Unfortunately, the only option for legitimate viewing of the second series seems to be buying the episodes off iTunes, which is a pain. 4od has the second half of the series, but not the first half, which is kinda annoying. They're not repeating the series or anything, are they? Would like to see if the second series is as good as the first.

The second series (plus special) is available on DVD. :)

Huzzah! Bought!
You probably saw this anyway if you are a Father Ted fan, but they showed a couple of episodes and also two rather good documentaries with the writers and crew this evening, which are well worth watching.
Alarm wrote:
It is almost amazing just how bad that Frankie Boyle series is.


WTF was he thinking?
Just watched Zen. I really liked this quite a lot. I like the fact that they've take an Italian police procedurial, stuffed it to the rafters with Brit character actors with some local talent thrown in, but haven't tried to make it "italian". It's flavoured by the nuances of the national characteristics but it doesn't feel cliched and no-one is doing accents which I like. Beautiful scenery natch, quite nicely Macchiavellian with the politics but beautifully still, confident, laid back and gently humourous. Caterina Murino is very pleasing to the eye as Aurelio Zen's love interest, which helps for me, and Rufus Sewell is quite unfeasibly handsome which covers the galls!
I'll be back for more next week :)
Anyone watch 'The Sinking of the Laconia' last night? I only caught the last 20 minutes or so but it seemed pretty well done. Good to have German with subtitles too.

Not a patch on 'Das Boot', of course, but few things are.
Kern wrote:
Could be worth watching:

Penn & Teller: Fool Us
ITV, Friday, 7 January 2011, 9:00PM - 10:30PM

ITV1 announces the prime-time commission of Penn & Teller: Fool Us. This brand new entertainment extravangza is an original and daring TV magic show – starring the world famous magic double act – Penn & Teller. ... fault.html

Hmm. That was okay - shame they didn't go into more detail about how things were done. Penn and Teller's tricks were good though.
Also, I like to think that the guy with the envelopes just took a one in five chance :)
Grim... wrote:
... shame they didn't go into more detail about how things were done. Penn and Teller's tricks were good though.
So they didn't spoil the mystery by going into great detail about how the trick was done or anything then? I avoided it in case they did, may watch it if it's on the ITV player then :)
Not at all - except for their last trick, which is pretty obvious anyway.
Finished off Misfits Series 2 with Mrs AE this evening (the Christmas special, not the series 2 finale, so all currently available episodes).

Overall, I think Series 1 was a better experience, still can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it did funny better, it did pathos better, it had better music, it explored the powers better as a character device, and for me at least, it just 'felt' like better telly. (Mrs AE doesn't agree though, but then again she watches Supernatural.)

Also it seemed to lose it a bit with the time travel mechanic (which is always a risk), and it flat out just forgot about the powers as a whole except where they slotted into a very specific requirement of the story for a specific character.

Now don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Series 2 immensely, and it's excellent stuff overall, but on some level I'm still a bit 'meh' about it compared to Series 1.

There's a lot of potential for Series 3 though, and I'm really keen to see where they go with it.
Grim... wrote:
Kern wrote:
Could be worth watching:

Penn & Teller: Fool Us
ITV, Friday, 7 January 2011, 9:00PM - 10:30PM

ITV1 announces the prime-time commission of Penn & Teller: Fool Us. This brand new entertainment extravangza is an original and daring TV magic show – starring the world famous magic double act – Penn & Teller. ... fault.html

Hmm. That was okay - shame they didn't go into more detail about how things were done. Penn and Teller's tricks were good though.

I really enjoyed it. The two close-up card trick blokes were amazingly good. The 'menatalist' and the prancing tit not so much.
markg wrote:
I really enjoyed it. The two close-up card trick blokes were amazingly good.

I didn't like the first close-up card dude (the smarmy one from the magic circle) at all. He was so full of himself and what he was saying was so rehearsed. I was glad they caught him out (and I loved the fact that one of them was staring intently at his left hand, and one at his right :)).
markg wrote:
The 'menatalist' and the prancing tit not so much.

I must confess I have no idea who you mean. Is the mentalist the guy who blindfolded Ross?
Grim... wrote:
markg wrote:
I really enjoyed it. The two close-up card trick blokes were amazingly good.

I didn't like the first close-up card dude (the smarmy one from the magic circle) at all. He was so full of himself and what he was saying was so rehearsed. I was glad they caught him out (and I loved the fact that one of them was staring intently at his left hand, and one at his right :)).

I just thought he was quite old-fashioned in his patter, and seemed nervous as fuck rather than full of himself. It was obviously a script that he'd said word for word hundreds of times but his sleight of hand was superb, even Penn and Teller were very impressed.

Grim... wrote:
markg wrote:
The 'menatalist' and the prancing tit not so much.

I must confess I have no idea who you mean. Is the mentalist the guy who blindfolded Ross?

The guy who did the really obvious crappy trick with the 'blank' deck, and the other tedious arse who danced about a bit and then did an incredibly hackneyed lying down in a box trick (which just looked even sillier when Penn and Teller did their final trick).
The ex-policeman was entertaining and deserved a win, but I think they did figure it out, the thing he denied was just one specific part of it, but I'm sure they had the basic method.

I enjoyed the smarmy card guys act too I must admit!

Also the closing pen and teller bit was hilarious :D
Thanks, will look out for it on ITV Player when my 'net connection is restored...

I forgot it was on
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