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 Post subject: Disabling a car alarm when you have lost the plipper..
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 15:35 
Excellent Member

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 16
My friend from England who is doing his snowboard season with me in Italy lost the keys to his car, luckily a friend brought out his spare set. Alas it is the "master" key which does not have the alarm plipper built in so everytime he opens the door, the alarm goes off with no way of switching it off. The alarm switches off after a few minutes but it is not really an ideal situation and it needs to be sorted before he embarks on the drive home.

The car in question is a VW Golf Mark IV (X-reg), I am sure there is a simple solution and we don't want to go to the VW garage and have to pay... so does anybody have any ideas or know of a good website/forum which might? Googling gives me bugger all.


 Post subject: Re: Disabling a car alarm when you have lost the plipper..
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 15:44 
Excellent Member

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 16
Oooh it is ok I have found something..

must be less rubbish at the internet.

 Post subject: Re: Disabling a car alarm when you have lost the plipper..
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 16:09 
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BETEO voice of unreason

Joined: 27th Mar, 2008
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"Plipper" is an amazing word. That's not a helpful contribution to this thread, but there you go.

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