General Purpose UK TV thread
Worth a download
DavPaz wrote:
Gillian McKeith is the same age as Nigella Lawson.

'You are what you eat', indeed.

No way! That's a very excellent, and cheering, fact.

What would you be if you ate Nigella, then?
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Gillian McKeith is the same age as Nigella Lawson.

'You are what you eat', indeed.

No way! That's a very excellent, and cheering, fact.

What would you be if you ate Nigella, then?

More comfortable than Flis
Yes, as long as you have headphones.
New viewer of Misfits here, it was strongly recommended to me by a chum at work and I ummed and ahhhed at him because I don't like to be overly enthusiastic about stuff, but fuck me on a tricycle it's absolutely fucking superb. (I humbly accepted he'd been massively right the next day at work.)

Only halfway through the first series but unless it reduces in superbness by about 5000% in the first 10 minutes of the next episode, I'd say it's a safe bet.

The whole lot is still on 4OD (no dodgy stuff required!) - seriously, if you haven't seen it before or don't know anything about it, do yourself a favour and watch it:

Mrs AE is loving it too and is already mapping out the best schedule for us to cram more episodes in over the weekend.
Robert's Web should have been terrible but made me laugh a few times. So, there's that.
Atrocity Exhibition wrote:
New viewer of Misfits here, it was strongly recommended to me by a chum at work and I ummed and ahhhed at him because I don't like to be overly enthusiastic about stuff, but fuck me on a tricycle it's absolutely fucking superb. (I humbly accepted he'd been massively right the next day at work.)

Only halfway through the first series but unless it reduces in superbness by about 5000% in the first 10 minutes of the next episode, I'd say it's a safe bet.

The whole lot is still on 4OD (no dodgy stuff required!) - seriously, if you haven't seen it before or don't know anything about it, do yourself a favour and watch it:

Mrs AE is loving it too and is already mapping out the best schedule for us to cram more episodes in over the weekend.


As a forty something parent having watched the middle class teenage fantasy wank[1] that was skins on numerous occasions with my teenage daughter, I came upon this wanting to hate it. None of the characters are particularly likeable, the scenario is silly, but the chutzpah works to make it entertaining.

[1] I'm not saying skins was rubbish, it isn't, it's enjoyable, but it's complete bullshit masquerading as real teen drama. I remember being a teen, know lots of teens now and lots of the demographics that would have been teens over the last 20 years and we're all in agreement that none of us had that much sex as this lot do. They're like emo pornstars
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Robert's Web should have been terrible but made me laugh a few times. So, there's that.

I'm not sure I'll bother watching it again, though.
OK, so the Trip is excellent, I need to go back and watch the first 3 episodes. Iplayer or torrent here I come.

It just makes me want to go up to the Lakes (eat a lovely meal, get pissed with friends and smoke a lovely joint).
Watched more Misfits a couple of nights ago, it continues to be awesome.

Also, I can't decide which of the girls I'd rather spend some special time with.
Atrocity Exhibition wrote:
Watched more Misfits a couple of nights ago, it continues to be awesome.

Also, I can't decide which of the girls I'd rather spend some special time with.

I watched it after your recommendation and have already reached series two. Great stuff and I wouldn't go near the Croydon facelift Chav so for me the choice is simple.
Accused is really good.
For some reason Mrs Squirt fancies Simon from Misfits.
is Mrs Squirt attracted to socially retarded psychopaths then? :D
Let me help you discover some of the best UK telly ever made,

CRACKER ... sku=841569

£18 for the whole lot from

I must confess I bought this boxset on one of my occasional 'let's do some online shopping whilst a bit too pissed and get whimsical/nostalgic about something and rashly purchase it' evenings - (the same session also yielded up a Complete 60 DVD X-Files boxset, which I haven't watched a single episode of yet, along with a Complete Blackadder boxset and a Complete Bottom boxset, also both unwatched).*

Cracker got on the list because I noticed it had been filmed in Manchester at the same time I was a student there, other than that, I basically knew nothing about it and had no real idea what its general vibe was, except that Robbie Coltrane is in it (I was 'aware' of it during its original run in the 90s, but never saw any of it).

Anyway, I put the first episode on a few weeks ago, not really expecting much, and quite frankly, was absolutely blown away. I've watched series 1 and 2 all the way through now so can properly recommend it, rather than jumping the gun and then discovering it gets shit later on. (It's possible that Series 3 goes to crap I suppose, but I very much doubt it.)

I won't bother paraphrasing information that's already out there, the Wikipedia page and this unofficial site do a reasonable job:

Overall it's the kind of show that I just can't imagine would get made these days, some of themes and issues it explores are incredibly dark and very 'un-PC', often quite uncompromisingly so, in particular, the line between Fitz (Coltrane's character) and the criminals he deals with is quite deliberately blurred (the police aren't exactly made to look like angels either).

Each 'episode' would I assume have run for several weeks on telly, as they can be as long as two and a half hours, so loads of time to properly explore the characters and their motivations and what's generally going on, none of that stupid 'run for the finish' feel that, for example, House often has.

I won't bang on about it too much, you'll probably already know if it's the 'kind of thing you might like' or not, but I would emphasise just how fucking well written and acted it is - at it's best I'd honestly say it's as good as anything I've ever watched, be it telly or film. (The episode with Robert Carlyle playing the 'baddie' reaches amazing heights of brilliance.)

It does have an extra element of interest to me and MrsAE 'cause we can play the 'spotting Manchester landmarks of the early 90s' game, but that's entirely optional. MrsAE remembers that on one of the shoots across from her halls of residence, one of the students from her halls shouted 'YOU FAT BASTARD' at Coltrane, to which he responded, 'Ahhhh, an art student I presume.'

* (The absolute nadir of this habit was a few years ago now, when I ordered the entire Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne back catalogue, because I had some vaguely good memories of playing air guitar to Mr Crowley as a teenager with my mates whilst pissed up on spritzers stolen from M&S, before one of us did a dramatic jump against his bedroom wall, only to go straight through it 'cause it was made of plasterboard as tends to be the case in modern houses. Fortunately when I woke in the morning the order was still at the 'processing' stage, so I cancelled all £220 worth of it :belm: )
I loved Cracker at the time , and your missing some of the bits I'd expect you to pick up , like the fact he's playing a MPU4 fruit machine (Road Hog?) while the sound effects and music are for an MPU3 (Razzle Dazzle) :-)

I think that he's got these problems and addictions but cant deal with them despite everything else is another thing endears him as a character (I also vividly remember the scene in gamblers anon where he starts getting people betting on something so they can feel the rush again - but cant remember what he was actually betting on)
zaphod79 wrote:
I loved Cracker at the time , and your missing some of the bits I'd expect you to pick up , like the fact he's playing a MPU4 fruit machine (Road Hog?) while the sound effects and music are for an MPU3 (Razzle Dazzle) :-)

I think that he's got these problems and addictions but cant deal with them despite everything else is another thing endears him as a character (I also vividly remember the scene in gamblers anon where he starts getting people betting on something so they can feel the rush again - but cant remember what he was actually betting on)

Heh, I did have a sentence in my post specifically about the fruit machines but I didn't want to make the recommendation too 'personal' (i.e. it's great if you lived in Manchester in 1993 and were a deranged alcoholic fruit machine addict and used to drink in the Flea 'N Firkin, but otherwise it might not click), so I took it out before I posted.

But yes, the fruit machines do add an extra dimension to the programme for me, the tragic thing is that I can recognise EVERY SINGLE MACHINE even if it's only onscreen for about 0.5 seconds, out of focus at the back of the shot, and panning quickly so it's blurred. Literally a few frames onscreen is enough, and I get every single one right first time. This even applies to the club machines, which I never played for real and only know through the emulators. (Although I do need a slightly better look at the clubbers, but the AWPs of that era are fucking burned into my brain.)

The sound effects are hilarious, and I love the way they start blooping and bleeping just by virtue of the fact that someone is walking past them :D

The scene in Gamblers Anonymous was inspired, he's just such a massively flawed, broken character, and yet so brilliant and occasionally capable of moments of inspiring humanity:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Where he goes round to speak to Bilborough's (Christopher Ecclestone) widow, after he's been killed by Albie (Robert Carlyle), and they have the conversation about whether or not Bilborough had previously knowingly put away an innocent man - (which he did, and Fitz absolutely fucking crucified him for it and effectively ended his relationship with Bilborough in the process). It's made clear that Bilborough's widow can't believe it, and if it were true, it might just tip her over the edge, because in her grief at being left alone with the child she needs to know that her husband wasn't corrupt. It was such a massive moment on the screen, and we know how cruel Fitz can be, but instead he reassured her that Bilborough hadn't done that, and that he (Fitz) had made a mistake, which knowing his character must have been damn near impossible for him to say, but the way it was written and acted out was both believable and genuinely seemed to represent the difference between Bilborough's widow being able to find the strength to carry on with her baby or not.

And in other news, do you hail from the world of FME then Zaphod?
If you're recommending people watch it, you may wish to spoiler that last part.
Craster wrote:
If you're recommending people watch it, you may wish to spoiler that last part.

It is spoilered, man.

EDIT TO ADD - Needless to say the Wiki page is spoiler-tastic, so don't read it too far if you think you might actually fancy watching this, I spoiled something pretty significant for myself by reading too much of it before I got to the episode :belm:
Duh, sorry. Apparently new forum-viewing-app-in-testing ignores the tags completely. Ignore me.
MaliA wrote:
Accused is really good.

Coincidence ahoy!

Written by Jimmy McGovern, same guy who did Cracker.

Haven't seen Accused yet though, may have to take a look :)

EDIT - Had a look at the Wiki page for Accused, and some of the linked citations, seems to be very highly regarded, and also very dark and bleak, which is good. Ooohhhh. First episode still on the iPlayer, gonna watch that now I think.

Seems like McGovern and Eccleston must get on OK since Eccleston had a major part in Cracker and only left because he wanted to.

I can't remember much of the books but apart from quite liking them, however I find Stephen Mangan to be a strong contender for most irritating prick on TV. Hmm.
Finished Misfits season 1 last night. People upthread raving about it were spot-on.
Misfits last night was awesome as always :)
Doctor Nadolig wrote:
Finished Misfits season 1 last night. People upthread raving about it were spot-on.

I wasn't a massive fan. However! Season 2 is proving to be miles better.
Misfits does not appeal at all. It's the fucking hateful characters on the adverts. All chavs and emos, innit? I can get that on my twice daily bus journey, ta.
Have you watched it, or just the adverts?
Trooper wrote:
Have you watched it, or just the adverts?

Just the adverts. The characters, setting and atmosphere do not appeal in any way. I'm sure it's excellent, but I'm really not interested to even start watching.
I can understand why you feel that way then, as on the surface the characters appear as you say, but that is kinda the metaphor for the show, what you see on the surface isn't actually what is underneath. Hidden depths, blah blah blah...

Plus, it is seriously funny and incredibly well acted :D Nathan is just hilarious.
Trooper wrote:
Plus, it is seriously funny and incredibly well acted :D Nathan is just hilarious.

Save me, Barry!
Trooper wrote:
I can understand why you feel that way then, as on the surface the characters appear as you say, but that is kinda the metaphor for the show, what you see on the surface isn't actually what is underneath. Hidden depths, blah blah blah...

Plus, it is seriously funny and incredibly well acted :D Nathan is just hilarious.

What's the point of having a clever, funny show about metaphors and not taking things at surface value if you're going to advertise it like it was Skins? I may queue up the first episode and see if it appeals, but only if I find myself at a loss.
Because skins was massively successful and they would get more viewing figures if they advertised it the same way :)
Trooper wrote:
Because skins was massively successful and they would get more viewing figures if they advertised it the same way :)

Skins was awful. But had a lot of naked female in it. Swings and roundabouts.
Indeed, awful in content (although the first season was ok I thought) but massively successful in pure viewing figures.
DavPaz wrote:
Misfits does not appeal at all. It's the fucking hateful characters on the adverts. All chavs and emos, innit? I can get that on my twice daily bus journey, ta.

There's 1 chav. No emos.
So, you're saying that my bus journey is *better* than Misfits?
Could be worth watching:

Penn & Teller: Fool Us
ITV, Friday, 7 January 2011, 9:00PM - 10:30PM

ITV1 announces the prime-time commission of Penn & Teller: Fool Us. This brand new entertainment extravangza is an original and daring TV magic show – starring the world famous magic double act – Penn & Teller.

Hosted by Jonathan Ross, and produced by DCD-owned September Films/117 Production, this 90 minute spectacular throws down the gauntlet to every aspiring magician in the UK to perform their most mystifying trick to fool Penn & Teller. ... fault.html
Made it up to 2x03 of Misfits last night,
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
future Ninja Hoodie Badass Simon is badass! What on earth is going on though?! I love how psycho kid Current Day Simon hardly ever blinks, whilst Future Simon has normal blink times and hence looks 85% less creepy.
Anyway, totally addicted.
Really good isn't it?

Shame on you DavPaz.
Kern wrote:
Could be worth watching:

Penn & Teller: Fool Us
ITV, Friday, 7 January 2011, 9:00PM - 10:30PM ... fault.html
I half fancy it & half don't want to watch it. I like trying to figure out how stuff's done by myself without someone explaining how it was done, that spoils the magic :(

If someone succeeds though it'd be worth watching for that :)
markg wrote:

I can't remember much of the books but apart from quite liking them, however I find Stephen Mangan to be a strong contender for most irritating prick on TV. Hmm.

How did I miss this? Prolly because the Beeb haven't trailed it on Beeb 1 or 2. I LOVED the books and have read them several times. I just hope that Mangan doesn't fuck it up.
Doctor Nadolig wrote:
..spoiler stuff...

It's a pretty impressive bit of acting, I reckon. On another note, Curtis looks really daft when he's doing his power.
Squirt wrote:
It's a pretty impressive bit of acting, I reckon.
It put me in mind of (spoilers tangentially related to Misfits 2x03)
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Michael C Hall, moving from his role in Six Feet Under to Dexter. There's radically different body language there, conveyed very clearly with very little actual difference you can put your finger on.

On another note, Curtis looks really daft when he's doing his power.
Curtis is a crap actor, his character is bland, and his special power is barely used. He's my least favourite of the bunch.

And he looks like one of the kids from the McDonald's game.

Curtis doesn't wear a hat?

He has the best power, yet never uses it, the twat.
He can't control it as much as the others though. And good, because otherwise the show would be a VERY drawn out. :)
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