Beex, Yo.
YouTube - Highlights
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Put cool clips funny here maybe.

Like this:

Boyzones first TV appearance.
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Look Comical, they dance like you!
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Man fires big gun and the bullet rebounds off the target, hits the ground and then knocks his ear muffs off. The silly 'merkin.
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Does this work on this forum?


edit: no, apparently not.
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kalmar wrote:
Does this work on this forum?


You Will Not Just Post The Video. You Will Also Write A Short And Accurate Description.

User avatar - Next Week on Doctor Who... - And again. - I'll never tire of these.
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Zardoz wrote:
Look Comical, they dance like you!

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kalmar wrote:
Does this work on this forum?


edit: no, apparently not.

Thank God.
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Zardoz wrote:
Put cool clips funny here maybe.

Like this:

Boyzones first TV appearance.

I love how utterly 90's that is in every respect.
I also love how utterly irish that chat show is.
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kalmar wrote:
Does this work on this forum?

edit: no, apparently not.

It does now. MR SMUG FACE.
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I'd imagine he was probably expecting the video to pop up.
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What's wrong with embedded youtube videos Grim...?
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I guess nothing, as we're all sensible. But all I can think of is what they'd be like on a 'normal' forum - they'd be in signatures and everything.
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Grim... wrote:
I'd imagine he was probably expecting the video to pop up.

Ah. *bubble burst*

I'll have a look into that then.
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This is my favourite Youtube upload of all time. It is part nine of about 24, but it is my favourite chapter for so many reasons.
R. Kelly's Hip Hopera - Trapped in the Closet

The South Park scientology episode parodied this as well.
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Okay, embedded videos are now possible. Please please please please please don't go mad an use them everywhere.
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I assume they follow the same rules as embedded images? (IE, they become links, as I have them turned off).
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Grim... wrote:
I guess nothing, as we're all sensible. But all I can think of is what they'd be like on a 'normal' forum - they'd be in signatures and everything.

It's just a fear of Noseybonk isn't it?
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Mimi wrote:
This is my favourite Youtube upload of all time. It is part nine of about 24, but it is my favourite chapter for so many reasons.
R. Kelly's Hip Hopera - Trapped in the Closet

The South Park scientology episode parodied this as well.

This is absolutely fucking amazing! I just watched the whole thing. I'd seen the South Park episode, but this is the first time I'd seen what it's based no. It's A-fucking-mazing. It's absolutely hilarious!

Lemons: I feel the need to post about it!

1-5 as one
6 - 12 [indiv]:
12.5 (ignore the title) ... re=related
13-14,15 :
16, 17, 18 (with annoying commentry)

edit: Turns out this guy has them all: . Not sure on quality or whatever. So just go for that guy for a less complicated affair.
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Most of the vids I know on Youtube are of WoW theme :?
And a really fantastic guitar solo.
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Just remembered this painted on a wall animation thing:
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Shewolf wrote:
Most of the vids I know on Youtube are of WoW theme :?
And a really fantastic guitar solo.
Original JerryC version. But he doesn't have the sexy guitar sound that the funtwo guy had. Still; they're both lovely.

edit (Also, you link to a repost with only 900,000 hits. :( The funtwo cover here has 40,659,173. IMMENSE.)

edit2: I remember one of them, either JerryC or Funtwo got to play at some mega-important political meeting as well. RESEPCT to insane koreans.
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How to make grindcore. Annoyingly, it's pretty much spot on. And the bewildered shark is awesome.
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Davydd Grimm wrote:
How to make grindcore. Annoyingly, it's pretty much spot on. And the bewildered shark is awesome.

A friend of mine plays the game they used for the animation. It's horrendus. It's MMORPGS at its worst and it's full of 14 year olds.

Thats why he likes it >:/
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Pod wrote:
Mimi wrote:
This is my favourite Youtube upload of all time. It is part nine of about 24, but it is my favourite chapter for so many reasons.
R. Kelly's Hip Hopera - Trapped in the Closet

The South Park scientology episode parodied this as well.

This is absolutely fucking amazing! I just watched the whole thing. I'd seen the South Park episode, but this is the first time I'd seen what it's based no. It's A-fucking-mazing. It's absolutely hilarious!

Lemons: I feel the need to post about it!

I'm glad to have bought that little bit of extra joy to your life. I have watched it so many times but I am still amazed - I actually think it is a work of sheer genius. i sat and watched the whole series on YouTube via the Wii one day, then watched the first 12 episodes with Craig a week or so later - you just literally do not know what's going to happen in each next episode, the twists build up and make a hilarious whole, but the episodes are very enjoyable on their own and work by themselves.
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Mimi wrote:
Pod wrote:
Mimi wrote:
This is my favourite Youtube upload of all time. It is part nine of about 24, but it is my favourite chapter for so many reasons.
R. Kelly's Hip Hopera - Trapped in the Closet

The South Park scientology episode parodied this as well.

This is absolutely fucking amazing! I just watched the whole thing. I'd seen the South Park episode, but this is the first time I'd seen what it's based no. It's A-fucking-mazing. It's absolutely hilarious!

Lemons: I feel the need to post about it!

I'm glad to have bought that little bit of extra joy to your life. I have watched it so many times but I am still amazed - I actually think it is a work of sheer genius. i sat and watched the whole series on YouTube via the Wii one day, then watched the first 12 episodes with Craig a week or so later - you just literally do not know what's going to happen in each next episode, the twists build up and make a hilarious whole, but the episodes are very enjoyable on their own and work by themselves.

You can guess a bit. Basically; Everyone cheats on everyone else. They go a bit rubbish after 18 or so; they stop being musical :(
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Yes, but you have no idea who's going to turn up at the end of episode nine.

It's just great.

I've not seen any non-musical ones - maybe I have not seen them all? I thought I had, but if they are rubbish I shall not seek them out.
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They're not rubbish, and they're not entirely non-musical. The last episode (22) has lots of "circles" in it; you'll know it if you've seen it. Follow the link I gave ^^^ to see them.
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The Jimmy Jangle. Pictures are SFW, but the sound most definitely isn't.

I think I hurt something laughing.
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Mimi wrote:
This is my favourite Youtube upload of all time. It is part nine of about 24, but it is my favourite chapter for so many reasons.
R. Kelly's Hip Hopera - Trapped in the Closet

The South Park scientology episode parodied this as well.

Omar! Nooooooooo..... :o :cry:
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markg wrote:
Just remembered this painted on a wall animation thing:

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A touching video montage of Boris Yeltsin being drunk and disorderly while on state visits etc.
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Five shots in a row from the other end of the court.

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Think once, think twice, think dyke, er I mean bike:

Chin chin!
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Seminal 1970's world ending drama Survivors:

Episode 1 -

Episode 2 -

Yeah, it's slow by modern standards but splendidly dark, depressing and grim. Quality of these episodes is abit naff though but you should be able to get complete runs from (your local video store - Ed). Some of the episodes are still some of the most dark TV I've ever seen.
Intrepid bloke / lunatic with a video-camera traverses the now-closed (due to several deaths) "King's Pathway", that runs along a gorge in Spain, without any safety aids.

Strangely hypnotic & scary at the same time.

NOT one to watch if you suffer from vertigo.... ... us_Pathway
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I haven't watched ER for years, but acting on a friends tip-off I remembered to look for this.

Hilarious death! Gawp as the unluckiest Doctor in the world suffers from not one but two helicopter accidents, in the space of a mere few weeks! "Oh nooooooooo!"



And here's Tom Baker's Doctor Who swearing in a most excellent manner. It comes at the end of the 45 second blooper reel and it always makes me laugh. ... re=related
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nervouspete wrote:

Ah, the 1978 BBC Christmas tape. Class. - Pertwee gets sweary.

And here's an excerpt from the start of one of the infamous BBC Xmas tapes
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Grim... wrote:
Five shots in a row from the other end of the court.

This one I can't figure if it's all real and took ages or if there's some CGI trickery going on:
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I vote trickery.
User avatar - You can't beat a bit of fucking bully. Yes, it's sweary Bullseye.
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markg wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Five shots in a row from the other end of the court.

This one I can't figure if it's all real and took ages or if there's some CGI trickery going on:

I vote ages. However, I've seen the original - without the warning or the tacked-on advertising.
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For Dimrill, Blue Man Group goodness - Time to Start - Drumbone - I Feel Love (and others)
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Grim... there's one where the ball doesn't go through the hoop (Just hits the net under it) at 0:21
Similary at 0:31, it's hard to be sure due to the lens (Which I suspect is responsible for a few tricks) but I don't think that goes through either.
And the one at 0:40 clearly rebounds of the hoop.

(Or atleast this is what it looks like on the youtube crappy footage)

That they obviously do fail to get it perfect really hints that it's not CGI. and to be able to get it that close is pretty impressive in itself.
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That Drumbone is amazing Pund.
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Every Youtube thread needs this:

Pachelbel Rant
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UGZ Speed Trials 2008

Worth watching for Noisear, the bit where the drummer from Thousandswilldie sets his kit on fire and throws it at the crowd, and the fucking amazing Pretty Little Flower.

Oh, and Despise You. They're shit, but apear to be fronted by Bruce Willis.
"Mo' The Travelling Bear"

Kinda wrong but very amusing....

Home-made Nintendo DS running Mario.... ... me_Made_DS
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