Google Android
iPhone can't have all the fun
It can be a bit fickle, but you can swype to the space bar after punctuation to put one in though.
Have you tried the new version (1.56something I think), it seems to be a lot more responsive.
I only got it yesterday, so I assume I have the new version. Why doesn't it put the space in for me? Grr.
Depends where you got it from I suppose.
Not sure about the spacing, that's what I tend to have the most problems with, although I have just found out that if you want a question mark, you can swype m to space without holding m until the question mark appears (this also seems to work for ! and ", but that's it).
I was just trying to cause a bit of upset in the Android camp.
Nah, we're happy watching your Apple camp rushing to keep up with the latest Android features and pissing customers off in the process ;)
Grim... wrote:
Nah, we're happy watching your Apple camp rushing to keep up with the latest Android features and pissing customers off in the process ;)

How's your G1 doing for updates?
Craster wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Nah, we're happy watching your Apple camp rushing to keep up with the latest Android features and pissing customers off in the process ;)

How's your G1 doing for updates?

Fine, ta - because of the open architecture there's not much that's V2.0 or higher only. Also, it's about to become a HTC Desire ;)
Them's the words of a man who accepts his fate and knows when an upgrade is required. Instead of crying like a little bitch. :)
Adobe releases flash for Android - link
Trauma and disaster!
T-Mobile have said 'Invalid parameter' to carphone warehouse & so my order has not been processed yet :(
CW have no idea what parameter was invalid in my direct debit instructions, so the investigation continues...
Dude, middlemen!

Get it from T'Mobile and they check that shit immediately when you order.
I would.. If T-Mobile offered the same deal, or even one within the same ballpark...
They want £400 + £25 a month minimum for a Desire :(
Mr Dom wrote:
They want £400 + £25 a month minimum for a Desire :(
And CW are offering the same as that top one (300 minutes/300 texts) + the 'booster' (= unlimited interwebs) for £220 + £15 a month...

Well, I SAY they are offering, I have yet to see any evidence of a phone...
Wouldn't you be much better off paying an extra fiver a month?
30*24 = £720

340 + £25*24 = £940

220 + 15*24 = £580 <- this is the smallest
I'm buying an unlocked iPhone tomorrow. I'm the last person to ask for advice on spending money.
Online order failed, so toddled off to the shop and got one from there instead :)
It is now charging.. Woo!
Mr Dom wrote:
Online order failed, so toddled off to the shop and got one from there instead :)
It is now charging.. Woo!

Was this an upgrade or a new contract? When I try and search for upgrade deals on the CW website they don't have any T-Mobile deals available.
I paid 95 quid for my Desire, with an 18 month £25 a month contract with 3gig data, 300 texts and 300 mins in April. Ordered online from T'Mobile. I suppose the moral is get a phone from the network that has it first, when their exclusivity offers are good prior to competing networks getting the device. Main thing is you;ve got a Desire, and it's a fucking magnificent phone. I'll app you happy when you come over on the third. Gaywood, you coming as well or what?
I iz posting from my new phone!
I have begun counting down the days until I can upgrade to a desire. FIRST OF AUGUST, FFS!
Can I just add that today I've been using my HTC Desire in my left and right hands with no ill effects.
I should be upgrading to the HTC Desire on Sunday.

A friend of mine works at Orange and this is the first possible day I can upgrade. He reckons that sometimes the till system needs 24 hours to update though so I'm scared.

I hope I get it although, I have had problems in his shop before.

A couple of years ago I got my N95 and whilst I was in the shop, I managed to lose the SIM card somewhere. I didn't notice till I got home so lord knows where that went. We both searched high and low and never found it!

Anyway.. I digress. Looking forward to getting it! I've got high hopes for this phone!
It's a very nice phone. I can get an upgrade in the middle of next month.
I've heard that there's an animated Outrun wallpaper you can download onto it...

HTC Desire GET!

I wandered into the t-mobile shop on my lunchbreak yesterday and asked about the Desire. My contract doesn't run out until 1st September, but I'm an impatient bugger so I asked if there were any options to get an upgrade early. The guy (Wesley, permatanned and very Scouse) said I would need to take out an additional line for the remainder of my contract, then cancel my old one in september. I did the maths and it means I'm basically paying double for one month to get the Desire early. He then told me there was a 2 week waiting list for the phone. Dejected, I wandered away, leaving my details for when stock came in.

At 10:30 this morning, my phone rang. It was Wes (as I like to call him). He'd had 2 Desires delivered this morning and did I want one? Yup.

So I snuck out of work and trotted into town. NEW PHONE!

Also, Mazuma will give me £70 for my old phone, so I'm actually £35 up. Excellent.
Yay! Welcome to the desire club davpaz :D
nickachu wrote:
Yay! Welcome to the desire club davpaz :D

That sounds really dirty.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I like it. :hat:
Posting from my new, fully charged Desire. It's ace! After using the Nokia 5800 for so long, it's a delight, the most responsive phone I've ever used
I still adore my HTC Magic, but that Desire is something else. Keep trying to justify one while I am here in Ireland. Never mind, another six months and I can start seriously looking at the Android kit that is out.
I've got a Nokia 5800 at the moment!!

And I'm getting a Desire this weekend (hopefully)

Are you me? Just... a previous version of?
I am going from a 5800 to a Desire on the 18th.
Hi5's all round!
Just under 8 weeks to go :(
FroYo release of CyanogenMod out at the weekend though (maybe).
Froyo Sense in Q3 by all accounts. That's tomorrow! (or late September).

3 months into my ownership - it's still a fucking incredible phone. One thing though, Desire owners:


It is pointlessly tech porn presently on such a device as the smallish onboard storage almost maxes out as soon as you install it. Make do with Google Maps and your excellent free satnav for now, when 2.2 drops with Sense in the next 3 months, stick it on your microsdhc card for great justice.
I had a good play on an iPhone4 tonight. I don;t know what I was expecting, but it;s just an iPhone with a slightly better screen.

Desire for me, then - the advantages of the iP4 just don't outweigh what it can't do. I'm off to the T-mobile shop tomorrow.
I am mostly set on the Desire, but I could be swayed by a similar phone with a physical qwerty.

Is there one?
I'm in the same boat as you - I'm going to miss my physical keyboard from my G1 desperately.

There's one coming, but it's not out yet. It's called the Galaxy Pro.
I played with a friends Samsung dumbphone with a slider the other day, and the keyboard was really nice.
If it's any help, the touch keyboard on the desire is very good. It'll be even better when I've overcome the muscle memory from my old phone. Weirdly, the apostrophe is on the 'c' key
Grim... wrote:
I had a good play on an iPhone4 tonight. I don;t know what I was expecting, but it;s just an iPhone with a slightly better screen.

Those are some interesting apostrophes.
Grim... wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I had a good play on an iPhone4 tonight. I don;t know what I was expecting, but it;s just an iPhone with a slightly better screen.
Those are some interesting apostrophes.
iPhone typing for great justice! "Slightly" better screen? You should go to Specsavers.

Anyway, back to Android. 3.0 is apparently going to see Google putting a stop to or at least discouraging (no-one seems to know which) Sense, MotoBlur, and the other custom UIs. It introduces a minimum spec level (1GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 3.5in display at 800 x whatsit) and support for 1280 x 760 resolution on screens over 4in. Android 2.x will live on in parallel alongside 3.x, for lower end devices.

Interesting times for Android, then. Platform fragmentation could be a problem in the future -- I'd argue it already is.

Oh, and I had a go of Swype this morning. That's some good shit.
Grr, iphone chat.
You tell em DavPaz! That'll teach them... bringing their "multi pixel" chat in here.. rubbish!
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