Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
MaliA wrote:
So far, I think this has been the weakest series. Some flashes of good writing, but most episodes do not hang together well at all.

I don't think I've ever disagreed with you as much as I do with you on this.
MaliA wrote:
So far, I think this has been the weakest series. Some flashes of good writing, but most episodes do not hang together well at all.

Season 24 disagrees.
Zio wrote:
MaliA wrote:
So far, I think this has been the weakest series. Some flashes of good writing, but most episodes do not hang together well at all.

The "but think of the story" argument of a massive arc doesn't wash with me, as it'll always be a three act play, just with irritatingly long thirds.


I think Mr. Chris is going to have to hand back that "King of Wrong" crown now.

The wrongitude is astounding, isn't it.
The Eleventh Hour - very, very good.
The Beast Below - Turning head monsters good, story not so much.
Victory of the Daleks was truly awful - "Let's have the Doctor meet Winston Churchill, and the Daleks! And spitfires in SPACE!".
Time of Angels - "Yeah, people liked Blink, so let's have MOAR BLINK" and the two parter was overly long.
Vampires and Venice - I really didn't enjoy this one very much. It felt clunky. "Let's make the Doctor show his harsh side by making him destroy another species!".
Amy's Choice - Budget cuts are really, really beginning to show. Also, zombie pensioners in Wales? Come on, really.
The Hungry Earth - Another two parter. didn't enjoy the first part as much, "Let's make the Doctor show his harsh side by making him XYZ another species!".

As I said, individual bits of writing are very, very good; the stories themselves are nigh on forgettable.

3/10 could do a lot better.
For me this has been the most satisfying series overall. I don't quite rate The Eleventh Hour as much as everyone else but it was very good. The Angels episodes were far more than just Blink again. They were action adventure as opposed to Blink's more confined horror. The Daleks one was a bit silly but it was a bit of a laugh right?

But just simply being rid of Tennant and having this wonderful Matt Smith chap makes it a lot better.
MaliA wrote:
3/10 could do a lot better.

MaliA is so wrong I'm not going to bother to berate him for using the wrong rating system as frankly that is the least of his worries. He might as well have posted "Wibble wibble wibble. I am a mushroom"
chinnyhill10 wrote:
MaliA wrote:
3/10 could do a lot better.

MaliA is so wrong I'm not going to bother to berate him for using the wrong rating system as frankly that is the least of his worries. He might as well have posted "Wibble wibble wibble. I am a mushroom"

My advice to him would be to stop watching. I mean, if you're not enjoying it then what's the point investing your time in it?

For me this has been the best series for many years.
I'm doggedly trying to enjoy it. I really, really want to.
Four_Candles wrote:
My advice to him would be to stop watching. I mean, if you're not enjoying it then what's the point investing your time in it?

For me this has been the best series for many years.

Quite. I had stopped watching it completely for this reason, but am back into it now.

MaliA needs to relax, it's really just a show. A kid's light-sci-fi show at that.
Saturday did kind of annoy me. Meera Syal, as already says, cannot play anyone other than herself. And the Amy and Rory waving on the hill thing needed a reference point, if not at the exact time, at some point during the episode. But,

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I'll speculate that at some point in the next few episodes, either Rory, or Amy, or both get to a situation where the only thing that keeps them going is the knowledge that they will still be here in 10 years time. Which coincidentally reminds me of Bill and Ted, which I happened to watch immediately afterwards on ITV Bill and Ted +1 . 'Say hi to the princesses for me'.

However, the show itself got +67 bananas for the line 'There'll be no battle here today'. In a low, gandalfesque voice. Class.
MaliA wrote:
I'm doggedly trying to enjoy it. I really, really want to.

That's exactly how I felt about Battlestar bloody Galactica.
The Eleventh Hour - ace
The Beast Below - ace but with dodgy concept and rubbish queen woman.
Victory of the Daleks - dire. As bad as the worst of the 'epic' RTD penned ones.
Time of Angels - ace
Vampires and Venice - ace with shit ending, which may or may not have been a joke.
Amy's Choice - very ace
The Hungry Earth - mediocre, although we're yet to see the second part, to be fair.

That's a very high hit rate - Dr Who has always been inconsistent. Even the very best seasons had clunkers, Pertwee's first being the exception off the top of my head.

Difference is, I've never been much of a Pertwee fan, whereas at the moment Matt Smith seems to me to be as good as Tom Baker, Pat Troughton and Paul McGann. Time will tell, of course. I'm utterly sick of the sight of Tennant, and thought he was ace to start with.

Season 24 disagrees.

Oh so very :this: 24 (and 23 for that matter) are the seasons of fail. oddly, 22 and 25 are pretty good.
My opinions for what it's worth:

The Eleventh Hour - very good, but a bit too long.
The Beast Below - Good. Something slightly missing somewhere. Queen woman crap.
Victory of the Daleks - poor but like with some of RTD's silly episodes it can be quite amusing. Spitfires in space was a bit of a laugh.
Time of Angels - Wonderful. Nothing in the slightest wrong here.
Vampires and Venice - Good but Rory's crap. Didn't really make much sense.
Amy's Choice - Very good. Interesting idea. Quite scary. Toby Jones = ace.
The Hungry Earth - Poor. Dullfest. If we're waiting for part 2 then why not condense it all into one episode. Far too much nothing happening.

I'm sure this works out better than most of the RTD era which for the most part was poor to good.
Would it upset a lot of folks if I said: "It's a children's program, people" ?
ltia wrote:
Oh so very :this: 24 (and 23 for that matter) are the seasons of fail. oddly, 22 and 25 are pretty good.

Although 23 does have some nice bits. Namely the opening space station sequence, certain bits of Mindwarp and the sequence on Camber Sands where the hands come out of the ground and pull the Doctor down.

And the bit with Peri after the mind transfer in Mindwarp.
last series, I thought:

"Partners in Crime" - Was OK
"The Fires of Pompeii" - Didn't like this one very much
"Planet of the Ood" Really good this one.
"The Sontaran Stratagem" I liked this one
"The Poison Sky" And this one
"The Doctor's Daughter" Really, really liked this one
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" DIdn't like this one too much
"Silence in the Library" Brilliant
"Midnight" Very, very good
"Turn Left" Also, very good
"Journey's End" Decent ending.
Out of that lot, the only one that has been worthy of a re-watch is the Silence in the Library two parter. Other than that they were all pretty pants (even Turn Left which some seem to rave about). :)
Four_Candles wrote:
Out of that lot, the only one that has been worthy of a re-watch is the Silence in the Library two parter. Other than that they were all pretty pants (even Turn Left which some seem to rave about). :)

'Midnight' was easily the best episode of the last series. Only 'Silence in the Library' came anywhere near.
End of an Era wrote:
Would it upset a lot of folks if I said: "It's a children's program, people" ?
No, but what does it matter? Does it being suitable for children mean adults aren't allowed to enjoy it?
The same way Pixar films are for children, innit.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
End of an Era wrote:
Would it upset a lot of folks if I said: "It's a children's program, people" ?
No, but what does it matter? Does it being suitable for children mean adults aren't allowed to enjoy it?

Not in the slightest, but if people are going to complain about Spitfires in space equipped with laser beams they might just as well complain about X-Wings, Tie-Fighters, the Vipers from the original Battlestar Galactica and just about any other vehicle from any other Sci-Fi/Space Opera series or film. When I was 6 I thought they were cool and I expect I'd have thought Spitfires in space with freaking laser beams attached to them were cool too.
If you're not allowed to criticise stuff just because it's for kids, then Shrek and Ice Age are logically just as good as Monsters Inc. or The Incredibles. I don't agree with that. We're not criticising the idea of Spitfires in space with laser beams (at least, I'm not); what annoyed me was the massive gaping plothole where they built them in less than a minute.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
We're not criticising the idea of Spitfires in space with laser beams (at least, I'm not); what annoyed me was the massive gaping plothole where they built them in less than a minute.

Well fair enough and it was a sizeable hole. Still, I don't think too many children would have been as annoyed about it (or even noticed it).
End of an Era wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
We're not criticising the idea of Spitfires in space with laser beams (at least, I'm not); what annoyed me was the massive gaping plothole where they built them in less than a minute.

Well fair enough and it was a sizeable hole. Still, I don't think too many children would have been as annoyed about it (or even noticed it).

An UNFORGIVABLE hole if you ask me, as it would merely take two lines of dialogue to feex.

Early on: "We're even fitting the robot's lasers to our Spitfires!"
Doctor scowls.
Later on: "Time to fight fire with fire, tell Biggin Hill to scramble our Lightning Laser Squadron!"

Honestly, does Gattis go beyond first draft?
End of an Era wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
We're not criticising the idea of Spitfires in space with laser beams (at least, I'm not); what annoyed me was the massive gaping plothole where they built them in less than a minute.

Well fair enough and it was a sizeable hole. Still, I don't think too many children would have been as annoyed about it (or even noticed it).
NervousPete wrote:
Honestly, does Gattis go beyond first draft?

Perhaps he doesn't really care as it's a kids' show :)

Moff all the way.
last series my opinions were

"Partners in Crime" - Was not bad
"The Fires of Pompeii" - Didn't like this one very much
"Planet of the Ood" Really good this one.
"The Sontaran Stratagem" Hated this one
"The Poison Sky" Hated this one
"The Doctor's Daughter" Really liked this one just because of Georgia Moffet
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" Was ok
"Silence in the Library" Was good
"Midnight" Very good
"Turn Left" Also, very good
"Journey's End" Decent ending.

But I was still finding Tennant a bit annoying.
Surprised at the strong showing for The Doctor's Daughter. I thought that despite some good effects and creature design it was the weakest of the series by quite a long shot.

Well, maybe not as bad as the autopilot that was 'Partners In Crime'.
Nirejhenge wrote:
last series my opinions were

"The Fires of Pompeii" - Didn't like this one very much

Was this the one with the daughter from Howard's Way in it?

Perhaps there is some massive plot arc where the Doctor travels through time meeting cast members from Howard's Way?
NervousPete wrote:
Surprised at the strong showing for The Doctor's Daughter. I thought that despite some good effects and creature design it was the weakest of the series by quite a long shot.

Lack of money is starting to show. They need to take a leaf out of the final 2 years of the McCoy era where the production team finally realised they should stick to stuff the Beeb could do well on no money. Hence why Ghostlight looks so bloody superb because if there's one thing the BBC can do it's period drama. Nothing needed to be built, everything was from stock.

+ in HD alot of the effects look shit. I saw the Venice episode a few days back and the transformation to the bug eyed monsters looked shocking. If it's going to look shit, why not try for a smaller scale but higher quality effect?
Things that were good about The Doctor's Daughter:

Georgia Moffet
Nice story idea - the war having only lasted a few days.
The fish aliens were quite an interesting design
Peter Davison's daughter
It looked fairly nice
Sandra Dickinson's daughter

Jenny's comeback
David Tennant
Jesus christ!

Bit dull and silly/generic for the most part, but the last 10 minutes or so were acebest.
I genuinely appreciate the twist at the end there (genuinely didn't see that coming), but it was all executed a bit too cheesily for my liking, and the rest of the episode was crappy dullness.
Yeah? Well you're shit!
Generally a bit dull this week but the final 10 minutes or so were pretty ace. Definitely. It had occasional moments of brilliance during the rest though.
David Icke called - he wants his "Reptilian Agenda" back!

I quite enjoyed it, but it's another example of a story that could have easily occupied 3-4 episodes and explored a lot more of the underground city. I like the "rift" story arc thing what with Amy forgetting things and the Doctor finding you-know-what it could be an exciting series finale.

Matt Smith is definitely the best Doctor of the common era though, and I thought Tennant did a 1UP! job.
Matt Smith is owning it. I don't think we could or would want to look beyond his performance for some time to come. And his companion is a good fit, they both need to be kept on.

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Fucking hell though - Rory :'(
GovernmentYard wrote:
Matt Smith is owning it. I don't think we could or would want to look beyond his performance for some time to come. And his companion is a good fit, they both need to be kept on.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Fucking hell though - Rory :'(

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Look into the rift. See that, Rory's gone!

What's that? You don't remember Rory? Good.
That was shockingly boring. Looks like they kept that bit of ongoing plot for this episode because it was so dull. It reminded me a bit of that Satan two parter, except without Satan or the Ood.

I'm starting to worry that Amy isn't going to be kept on - there's too much plot going on. She's probably my favourite assistant ever right now. Please, Mr Moff, please keep Amy so all us pervs keep watching. It's because she's a really good character too!

Would it upset a lot of folks if I said: "It's a children's program, people" ?

It's a family show. That's not the same thing. The only people who have a problem with it being suitable for kids are *teenagers*- the greatest judges of quality programming the world has ever seen.

It's just like with games - a 15 year old will think that they are being more 'adult' playing 50 Cent games rather than Mario Galaxy. We know it just means that they are an idiot. Anyone over 20 or under 12 will choose Mario.
ltia wrote:
It's a family show. That's not the same thing. The only people who have a problem with it being suitable for kids are *teenagers*- the greatest judges of quality programming the world has ever seen.

It's just like with games - a 15 year old will think that they are being more 'adult' playing 50 Cent games rather than Mario Galaxy. We know it just means that they are an idiot. Anyone over 20 or under 12 will choose Mario.

:this: That's the truest thing ever.

Anyway, the episode. It seemed like it was influenced by any latex-faced-alien-of-the-week episode from the crappier Star Trek series (Voyager and Enterprise), but even more plodding and predictable with crappier sets. The shock ending helped make up for it though.
Things I liked:

Just two average people being 'ambassadors for humans'
The idea of making peace through communication is always nice, even if overdone.
There was a reasonable amount of tension with the mother being a bit of a bitch.
Some good lines from Amy
Matt Smith being completely wonderful in every way and outclassing Tennant by a million miles.
The final 10 minutes or so
Meera Syall slightly improving her acting in the 'talks'

Things I didn't like
It didn't do much for its entire length that couldn't have easily been condensed into one episode.
The manic idiot in charge of the military
The manic idiot in charge of the military managing to crawl out to attack and be a problem at the end
Meera Syall throughout the rest of the episode
The marching of the Silurian soldiers as if they were robots
A bit much sonic screwdrivering
ltia wrote:
End Of An Era wrote:
Would it upset a lot of folks if I said: "It's a children's program, people" ?

It's a family show. That's not the same thing. The only people who have a problem with it being suitable for kids are *teenagers*- the greatest judges of quality programming the world has ever seen.

It's worth noting that EoaE never said "it's a kid's show, so it's crap". The point was rather that it's a kid's show, so they don't have people examining the script for continuity and logical consistency - because their target audience, in the main, couldn't give a shit.
*wiping a tear of mirth*

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Farewell then, useless Tardis companion, a.k.a. Rory. A man so pointless that even his own scrawny bint of a so-called girlfriend had completely forgotten him within one minute of his death.

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No doubt he will come alive again or something, in a future episode, but for now - HA HA HA!

:D :D

Wasn't even sure whether to spoil that, since I would assume most people reading this thread would be keeping up to date with watching it, but anyway.

Rubbish second episode there, though I didn't mind the first one.
Craster wrote:

It's worth noting that EoaE never said "it's a kid's show, so it's crap". The point was rather that it's a kid's show, so they don't have people examining the script for continuity and logical consistency - because their target audience, in the main, couldn't give a shit.

I watched it with my nephew who immediatly said that he didn't think Rory was gone because the crack is supposed to remove every bit of you from the universe and the engagement ring was in the tardis which was a Rory bit of universe. So I think that kids really do pay a lot of attention and get annoyed if things don't make sense. I thought it was alright. Fairly enjoyed it.

superdupergill wrote:
Are we going to have to put up with Rory the whole time we have Amy? The last few episodes have tried very hard to show us that they are going to stay together and so short of one of them dying I can't see how it is going to explain Amy suddenly deciding to head off on solo adventures with The Doctor again. I lurrrve Amy.
It's worth noting that EoaE never said "it's a kid's show, so it's crap". The point was rather that it's a kid's show, so they don't have people examining the script for continuity and logical consistency - because their target audience, in the main, couldn't give a shit.

I watched it with my nephew who immediatly said that he didn't think Rory was gone because the crack is supposed to remove every bit of you from the universe and the engagement ring was in the tardis which was a Rory bit of universe. So I think that kids really do pay a lot of attention and get annoyed if things don't make sense. I thought it was alright. Fairly enjoyed it.


My 6 year old daughter is the same. If it doesn't make sense, she'll ask me why. Which is well annoying when I'm trying to watch Dr Who. That's why I lock my kids in the cupboard when my favourite shows are on. :hat:

I think the point is that kids aren't thick - they will watch anything kid related, but get bored quickly and certainly not ask to watch it again. My kids were a bit naughty during Astro boy, but perfectly well behaved during Ponyo. It's not their fault - Astroboy was rubbish, Ponyo was fantastic.

Also, it's not a kids show, anyway. If Dr Who is a kids show, so is Dancing on Ice or some shit.
Quite awesome. And I thought that might happen.
Am I the only one who actually likes Rory?

I find that quite sad, really.
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I felt a bit guilty/sad when he was being erased, I must admit.

Anyway let's face it, he'll be back.
Mr Dave wrote:
Am I the only one who actually likes Rory?

I find that quite sad, really.

I like Rory.
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