GPOYW thread
GPOYW stands for Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself Wednesday. The idea is that once a week you upload some sort of pic of yourself, preferably funny, for no real good reason. It's something of a tradition on tumblr, but I've seen it in other places too.

Should we have a GPOYW thread?

Here's me and my bobblehead:
Where did you get the bobblehead? I need one. /obvious first question
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Here's me and my bobblehead

You need to be standing in the distance. You could then caption it with the Father Ted quote of 'OK, one last time. These are small... but the ones out there are far away. Small... far away... ah forget it!'
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Where did you get the bobblehead? I need one. /obvious first question
devilman wrote:
You need to be standing in the distance.
Heh, yes. I might still try and do that but I'll need to be reaaaaly far away, and I'll need a teeny tiny aperture to get both my and it in focus.
does fannystupid prefer you or the bobblehead? She appears to have bought a replacement Gaywood.
I just see two bobbleheads.

I'll dig something out of the archives to join in, so people that look at my tweets and shit won't have seen it before.
I like this idea, so here's a photo of me mincing in a large hat.
Good idea for a thread.. and a good chance for me to show off!

Here's me with Bret "The Hitman" Hart.
Is there no theme, Gaywood?
So far we (kind of) have 'dressing up'.

[edit] Or we did.
Okay, I need two for mine, as it's kind of a story.

Step One: Get into a dead arm contest with your girlfriend:

Step Two: Lose.
Another good reason to post this:
I was expecting Bret to be bigger.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I was expecting Bret to be bigger.

How do you know I'm not really big thus making him look average sized?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I'm not..
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I was expecting Bret to be bigger.

His carny height was 6'1", so that'd make him about 5'11" in real life, at a guess.

Maybe The Vision is massive, though.
I'm 5' 10" I think so that sounds about right.... I'll tell you who is massive though! The Monster Abyss from TNA. He was just a massive human being. Not muscular or fat, just all around massive!

Anyway... back to the photo's!
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I was expecting Bret to be bigger.
He's just very far away.
Brett's the one on the right, right?
Hats! You like hats, right?

From a few years ago:
How's Craigs picture been viewed 174 times and Zardoz's 84?!? Is it really that slow a day?
198 views on the thread so far probably answers that question. You don't have to click a picture to 'view' it.
Me dressed up as a zombie a couple of years ago.

Obviously I failed the audition.
TheVision wrote:
How's Craigs picture been viewed 174 times and Zardoz's 84?!? Is it really that slow a day?

Not sure, but Craig's picture is really freaky...
superdupergill wrote:
Me dressed up as a zombie a couple of years ago.

Yeah but how quickly did you move ?
Me looking like I just shit myself.
Are you holding the magazine so we can work out what scale your head is? You're definitely bigger than a Gaywood.
Nice hat, JC.
Nah it's my attempt at humour. On the cover it says "FASTEST PC IN THE WORLD"
Nik wrote:
Nice hat, JC.

It's fab. It's testament to my photoz skillorz how it's completely invisible in the first pic.
Continuing the silly hat theme...

Are you wee Jimmy Cranky?
Didn't we just have a similar thread? I seem to recall posting stuff like this recently.
Nothing really interesting about this pic, just to show willing:

I'm the king of disturbing pics.
GovernmentYard wrote:
Didn't we just have a similar thread? I seem to recall posting stuff like this recently.
We had a generic "picture of yourself" thread but the aim of this one is to be a weekly thing.
A burger ain't a burger unless it requires its own scaffolding.
Wow. Get an eye patch, grow a beard and some more hair (unless it is tied back) and you could pass for Snake Plissken.

Edit: Also, look less surprised.

A recreation of an earlier pose. No stick this time
IFeelAsleep wrote:
Wow. Get an eye patch, grow a beard and some more hair (unless it is tied back) and you could pass for Snake Plissken.

My father in law thinks that this avatar (which I use on Facebook) is a picture of me.

The hair is tied back. Also, I have the same sized hands as Kurt Russell. I'll have to find the picture which has INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF.
Would you filth Goldie Hawn?
Up to about Bird on a Wire era, darn tootin' I would.
I still would. Maybe. Nah, i would.
You're both horribly, sickeningly, wrong.
Me in the Peaks last year, thrilled at having my picture taken.
Mr Kissyfur.

What is your bottom level then, woman wise?
IFeelAsleep wrote:
Mr Kissyfur.

What is your bottom level then, woman wise?

Dunno. How far up the Royal family tree is she related, how much do I get on with her mum and how much have I been drinking?

18th cousin twice removed.
You've never met her and you are two pints of Red Stripe in.
I'm sure Goldie is casting the same eye over this thread that we are.

And thinking to herself

"Wouldn't, wouldn't,. would, wouldn't..... have."
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