Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
and other sundry models

Do you play tabletop wargames?
No, of course not. Tabletop wargamers are so nerdy they make PC fanboys look cool and studly.  34%  [ 25 ]
Yes. I love my little painted figures. I give them all names and stroke them every night. I live for weapons damage charts.  5%  [ 4 ]
I used to, but discovered girls.  52%  [ 38 ]
What are you talking about?  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 72
Eeek, that's scary/. You'd need a rolled up newspaper the size of an oil tanker to deal with that.
I am currently sitting here mixing olive oil and water into my old citadel paints to try to get some life into the six old bastards. I HATE YOU PUNDABAYA! *shakes fist*
I nearly bought Dawn of War but held off because I often get bored of FPSs quite quickly (even though I enjoy them loads for that brief period.. I'm just odd I guess). But that looks great!
Dawn of War is great!
richardgaywood wrote:
I nearly bought Dawn of War but held off because I often get bored of FPSs quite quickly

You're in luck then, it's an RTS.
CUS wrote:
richardgaywood wrote:
I nearly bought Dawn of War but held off because I often get bored of FPSs quite quickly
You're in luck then, it's an RTS.
But out of luck, because I'm AN IDIOT WITH FAT FINGERS.
I hate you too Dimmers!
richardgaywood wrote:

And an offensive, homophobic name, don't forget!
Right, after a 6 year hibernation period, out of 30 or so paints I've lost 7 pots to the ravages of time. Others had just separated and need a vigorous stir, others needed a bit of oil and water to bring them back to life. Now I have to brave the nerdlinger crowds at a Games Workshop store to stock back up on the paints I lost. :nerd:
TWO POND A POT?!! Fucking hell.
Better than mine. Most of them were half-knackered before the 10 year hiatus. Number of salvageable paints:nil
Dimrill wrote:
TWO POND A POT?!! Fucking hell.

Meh, they used to be £1.50 10 years ago.
I remember when they were 75p and they went up to £1, then £1.50 within the space of a year about ten years ago. I'm shocked they're only £2, to be honest.
You see, all this is why I'm a video gamer.
Yes yes, keep saying that to yourself and stop looking at that Great Unclean One.
Dimrill wrote:
TWO POND A POT?!! Fucking hell.
I've been waiting for this. As my OCD (gotta catch 'em all!) twitched every time I went past the paint section of GW, I had nearly 100 paints and inks at one point, and spent almost as much money on that as I did on models.

I'd suggest looking on ebay. GW may own all the rights to WH40K, but they don't hold any copyright on acrylic paints.
Dimrill wrote:
Yes yes, keep saying that to yourself and stop looking at that Great Unclean One.

:this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this: :this:
I am, ar. Most place want 1.50 a pot, with another quid delivery on top. Shitty pants.
Dimrill wrote:
Right, after a 6 year hibernation period, out of 30 or so paints I've lost 7 pots to the ravages of time. Others had just separated and need a vigorous stir, others needed a bit of oil and water to bring them back to life. Now I have to brave the nerdlinger crowds at a Games Workshop store to stock back up on the paints I lost. :nerd:

Or brave the nerdlinger crowds at more generic hobby/gaming stores and get some Vallejo paints.
I think distance nerdlinging is my thing. I've just found someone in the ebay stores who allows you to pick any 6 citadel paints or washes from the current or 2003 range for £10 with free delivery. Bostin.
The Vallejo paints come in "game" colors, such as "Bald Moon Yellow", and "Wolf Grey". They are £1.40 for seperate pots, cheaper in packs.
Dimrill wrote:
Now I have to brave the nerdlinger crowds at a Games Workshop store to stock back up on the paints I lost. :nerd:

Walk in there spraying air freshner as you go and for Christ's sake keep that finger held down until you're safely back in the street again.
OCD* forbids the use of non GW paint on miniatures.

*and the Emperor. Hail the Emperor!
Zardoz wrote:
OCD* forbids the use of non GW paint on miniatures.
Even as we speak, research chemists are working on ways to make GW minatures explode when combined with non-GW paint. You know it's true.
"...that's a little tune by the Blood Angel Boys. You're listening to Pappy O'Emperor's Power Hour. And remember, always use Pappy O'Emperor's official Games Workshop acrylic paint, and a pure, clean brush, to paint the best figures. Or else we'll come for you when you sleep, heretic."
You could also try Coat D'Arms paints, which are the original Citadel paints.

Hnnnngh! I think I'm a little bit wired from smelling the paints again after all these years.
Great. Now Dimrill will go into the kitchen, collapse, and vomit over his Rhino. I HOPE YOU'RE PLEASED WITH YOURSELF.
That Coat D'arms looks great. 95p for 18ml.
You're high off water based paint? 8) :nerd: :DD
No, just utterly fixated with the smell of them. They smell of nerd hours nerding over some little models.
New PC components smell of that, too :)
Yeah.. like opening a new console ... oooh tingly new tech smell.
Dimothy, we can paint miniatures while were waiting for punters in our burger van and have minor skirmishes on the bread board.
I'd rather wrestle under the counter.
Also: Fuck! Just spent 20 spond on a Great Unclean One on eBay. I hate Pundy even more now.
There used to be loads more Great Unclean one models. I used to have one with a belly mouth. Sold most of my stuff on carboots years ago and binned the rest.

Dimrill wrote:
No, just utterly fixated with the smell of them. They smell of nerd hours nerding over some little models.

Peeling the dried-up bits away from round the inner rim of the cap was one of my favourite bits about painting. It had that same feeling of satisfaction as picking a scab, only without the pain and permanent scarring.

Now shut up before you make me buy something.
Curse you Mr Chris!!!

Starting this thread then swaggering off with your new kid. Look what you've reduced us to!

My life was satisfactory, couldn't complain, had things reel cosy I must be honest. Now their are lead soldier shaped holes everywhere.

Rodafowa wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
No, just utterly fixated with the smell of them. They smell of nerd hours nerding over some little models.

Peeling the dried-up bits away from round the inner rim of the cap was one of my favourite bits about painting. It had that same feeling of satisfaction as picking a scab, only without the pain and permanent scarring.

Yes! With the old pots the dried paint came out all in one piece if you were lucky. The new paints (my friend and I were disgusted to see they were made in France) were crap for that though and didn't smell nearly as nice.
Tmuk wrote:
made in France

I use Vallejo paints.
Come on then Cras, share the love with nerd photos of your stuff.
Looks like it's time to introduce:
Dimrill wrote:
Come on then Cras, share the love with nerd photos of your stuff.

Nah, because I'm a serial non-completer, so I have about 15 models all half-painted right now and no finished ones.
I may have mentioned it earlier, but GW are swindling fucknuts.

Anyone pissed off about their dried out paints - please do have a read of this little explanatory rant.

EDIT - and, obviously - HAHAHAHHAH. You all fell into my nerdly trap. Noone can resist the lure of the gobsmackingly overpriced GW lead goodness. Or, for that matter, hundreds-of-pounds-per-vehicle Forgeworld goodness either.
Mr Chris wrote:
I may have mentioned it earlier, but GW are swindling fucknuts.

Anyone pissed off about their dried out paints - please do have a read of this little explanatory rant.

EDIT - and, obviously - HAHAHAHHAH. You all fell into my nerdly trap. Noone can resist the lure of the gobsmackingly overpriced GW lead goodness. Or, for that matter, hundreds-of-pounds-per-vehicle Forgeworld goodness either.

Pah, GW became a money hungry whore when White Dwarf became a GW In House magazine circa 1990, this is very old news.
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