Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
and other sundry models

Do you play tabletop wargames?
No, of course not. Tabletop wargamers are so nerdy they make PC fanboys look cool and studly.  34%  [ 25 ]
Yes. I love my little painted figures. I give them all names and stroke them every night. I live for weapons damage charts.  5%  [ 4 ]
I used to, but discovered girls.  52%  [ 38 ]
What are you talking about?  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 72
Oooh, shiny. I like.

Urge... to.. buy... dice... rising...
Last time I painted a miniature (about 10 years ago) I used undercoat spray and it was shit. Gave a horrible textured surface effect and smothered the really fine details.
Tmuk wrote:
Last time I painted a miniature (about 10 years ago) I used undercoat spray and it was shit. Gave a horrible textured surface effect and smothered the really fine details.

Oh, it used to be awful. Now it's superb.
What are the W40k PC games like?
Zardoz wrote:
What are the W40k PC games like?

Dawn of War is brilliant.

What I'd really like is a game that let you pick armies properly, and then set to against the AI, but they won't release a game like that because it would cut into their tabletop sales (which are massively more expensive profitable).
That sucks.

I thought that's how they would be. I can understand their thinking why they chose to do this but I think if the game reflected the table top version it would attract more sales for them, no?
Is there not a fan-based online solution?
Many years ago they released Final Liberation which was based on the Titan scale rules but which was limited to Ork vs Imperials (but it was still fu with the Ork Titans).
Grim... wrote:
Is there not a fan-based online solution?

No, because GW are massively litigious.

Morte wrote:
Many years ago they released Final Liberation which was based on the Titan scale rules but which was limited to Ork vs Imperials (but it was still fu with the Ork Titans).

And it was a brilliant, brilliant game. Unfortunately it was buggy as shit (the fliers used to crash the game 9 times out of 10), and quite limited in scope. Particularly as if you fought against the computer, the AI would choose exactly the same shit army every single time.
There was also Chaos Gate, the turn based strategy / tactics one which myself and a friend played to death but everyone else hated.

It was actually quite playable two player if you took one or more squads each (overlapping fire, support weapons and so on).

I suspect though that I may have donned the rose-tinted nostalgia goggles.
Wahay! Found my plague marines!

Squirt wrote:
Oooh, shiny. I like.

Urge... to.. buy... dice... rising...

Quick! Roll 1D20 against willpower to resist!
Jesus, That was a bit of a rude awakening. 'Yeah lets paint a Space Marine' says Pundy. 'Oh no, he's forgotten how to paint! FORGOTTEN HOW TO PAINT!!!!' shouts the crowd.
Well, it has been ten years, and I did choose a horribly ambitious colour scheme, but I didn't expect it to be that bad. Took me fucking HOURS to do, too (mostly fixing up mistakes). He's not bad, really... just not that great.

I think I'll try something simpler on my next marine.

As to undercoat sprays... they work, but are overkill for a ten man experimental squad type thing. I'd rather save the money till I'm sure I'm getting back into it proper, loike.
Games Workshop eBay store is quite a bit cheaper than their mailorder business :S

All of you SHUT UP NOW
richardgaywood wrote:

All of you SHUT UP NOW

Theres only one thing I can say to that....

mmmm, Terminators
Did I hear super-heavy tanks mentioned? No??? Are you sure?

Cos here comes the Baneblade!
Dimrill wrote:
mmmm, ... Deathguard Terminators

ooh... they are nice!
they look cool too, but I don't particularly like World Eaters deathguard plague marines.... £20... can I afford 20 quid? HhrhrmrmrmmrmrmrrmrGHNGNGNNHGHH!

Man, I'd forgotten how freaking cool WH4K is. Why are Games Workshop such money grabbing profiteering cunts?
A quick search for "sprue" on eBay reveals a whole new world of cheapy goodness. The only difference is that you don't get the cardboard boxes they're normally packaged in.
Those DeathGuards look a cunt to paint.

Ork Deff Dread!
Hmm, after flicking through the website and a quick gander at wikis, I reckon that if I were to play this now I'd be The Tau, as I like their Iain M Banks vibe. If I were to play that is. Which I shall resist. Phew.

The Tau, eh? Like the Necrons and Dark Eldar, they weren't around in my day, oh no.
Man O War had just come out when I stopped the first time. Then I got into painting again about 6 or so years ago for about 6 months, and seemingly now again :S
I'll definitely be getting some Tau at some point. As I've said, I'm just going to paint stuff that appeals to me, rather than try to collect an army (Though I'm hoping for a Blood Bowl tabletop re-release off the back of this new game, so I can resurrect my Orc team)

After the (disappointing) attempt today, I'm going to do 4 more of my marines as random colour schemes, then put together a combat squad of the one I like the most. Next, I think it'll have to be... bright green! I also quite fancy trying to do a camo'd up marine, as used to exist way, way back in the mists of time.

Man O War was ace, but you can't even get the miniatures for it, because they wore out the moulds.
Oh Mr Chris. You've made the forum explode in one giant nerdgasm.

Man alive, my inner spod is creaming over the Nurgle stuff.
I like the imperial Guard. Can you still 'be' them?
Yeah, of course, you can 'be' whichever chapter you like.
I used to have Dark Angels, they we're piss easy to paint and highlight. So talking of Space Marines, which do you prefer - old school, Rogue Trader 'Beak-y' marines or the more modern varient?
Dimrill wrote:
Man O War had just come out when I stopped the first time.

"Fighting, fighting, fighting the world! I've been fighting the world [power chord * 6]."
Grim... wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Man O War had just come out when I stopped the first time.

"Fighting, fighting, fighting the world! I've been fighting the world [power chord * 6]."

Manowar rule! And are in no way gay or dumb.
Oh, I still have a soft spot for the Mark VI 'Corvus' Armour (or as it's affectionately known... Womble armour) and the new plastics still include this variant! (yay!).

Some of the new Imperial Guard stuff is excellent, if you like tanks. (See Baneblade)

Current list of armies in 40K:

Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Daemons
Tau (little dudes in anime-esque battlesuits)
Dark Eldar (evil Eldar, not as many troop types as Eldar, lots of spikes etc)
Necrons (ugh)
Sisters of Battle/ Witch-hunters (ultra religious types, with some BDSM undertones)
Imperial Guard (tanks n' cannon fodder)
Tyranids (icky biological weapons, with everyone's favourite close combat monsters, the Genestealers)

Squats got eaten by the Tyranids, and I'm not sure whether the Tyranid army lists allow you to field Genestealer cults. I haven't see any specific miniatures for them.
I just found some of my old lead wombles :) Also some pre-slotta fantasy battle orcs.
Pundabaya wrote:
Necrons (ugh)

I liked the Necrons. My own little Terminator army (as in the "hasta la vista, baby" Terminators).

Can this thread be locked please, it's far to dangerous. :nerd:
I really don't like the style of the Necron minis. Plus they're too 'special' stats wise. They're a bit of a gimmick army. But the main reason is that I don't like the aesthetics. I can't think of one miniature that I like from their range.
I agree, they are a gimmick but I wanted the army from those flash-forward bits in the Teminator movie's stomping over the barren wast ground. I stayed away from the Flayed Ones and C'Tan and kept with the rank and file warriors and destroyers.

I also had an ork army but I don't think I every won a single game with them.
Womble armour is nice, but the Mark VII Death's Head-y type is better.

I liked painting the Epic stuff because you could get really nice results with a tiny bit of technical know-how and, weirdly, a steady hand wasn't as important as it is with 25mm minatures.

I've got a Deathwing Terminator detachment in my cabinet at home, along with one of the old-style "flying church" dropships, a company of Imperial Guard Shadowswords and a couple of Warlord titans, one with a chainsaw head and funky fire-control tower fitted.
Roda, see those Forgeworld WH40K scale titans??!?! COR! PHWOARRR! 550 quid though :S

The Eldar ones are gorgeous. I always loved the Eldar titan design.
Please stop, I can't take much more.
Look at that beautiful bastard.

90 squid though *faints*
Pundabaya wrote:
Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Daemons
Tau (little dudes in anime-esque battlesuits)
Dark Eldar (evil Eldar, not as many troop types as Eldar, lots of spikes etc)
Necrons (ugh)
Sisters of Battle/ Witch-hunters (ultra religious types, with some BDSM undertones)
Imperial Guard (tanks n' cannon fodder)
Tyranids (icky biological weapons, with everyone's favourite close combat monsters, the Genestealers)

What happened to Orks?
Grim... wrote:
What happened to Orks?

Oh, for Fucks sake! *punches self in face*
Er, whoops? What did I say?

(Is it Orcs?)
That looks fit. I love the screenshot of Warlords that has just snuck in there.
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