Beex, Yo.
Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
and other sundry models
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Do you play tabletop wargames?
No, of course not. Tabletop wargamers are so nerdy they make PC fanboys look cool and studly. 34%  34%  [ 25 ]
Yes. I love my little painted figures. I give them all names and stroke them every night. I live for weapons damage charts. 5%  5%  [ 4 ]
I used to, but discovered girls. 52%  52%  [ 38 ]
What are you talking about? 6%  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 72
User avatar
Quick survey time - does anyone else on here play any sort of tabletop wargaming: be it WW2, Napoleonic, Warhammer, Starship Troopers, Battletech or whatever? If so, what?

I appreciate I'm opening myself up for some pisstaking here, of course.
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I used to, but there's no option for that.

[edit]40k, when I was younger (12-15/16)
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*fixes poll*
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That's exactly what happened, to be honest. Having sex became more important then knowing the Adeptus Mechanicus.
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Can't you do both? Damn.
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I used to play the hexagonal avalon hill games with cardboard pieces a fair bit with my Father. (Like this one :

I never won.
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I used to - Warhammer, Battletech, some hex-based nerdery - but I was never as big a wargamer than I was a roleplayer.

It's just struck me I've been actively playing one roleplaying campaign or another for 20 years. Christ, I'm old. And such a nerd.
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RPG players are the biggest nerds of all.

[hides copy of D20 Modern]
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Used to play, now I just paint.
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Painting for me too, never really played them. In fact, Pundy and I were nerding it up on the old nerdmeister scale during CoD4 drooling over 40k scale Forgeworld Titans.
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I was rubbish at painting them (Space Marines). I had a fairly well-painted Dreadnought, though.
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I'm not sure how I avoided this during my youth - I was friends with plenty of people who did it, and I always fancied a go, I just never quite got started.
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For those who are interested, Megamek is an entertaining little online version of the full Battletech tabletop game. 's free too.
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Mr Chris wrote:
RPG players are the biggest nerds of all.

[hides copy of D20 Modern]

I... [rolls 2d10 behind screen, checks reaction table] ...object strenuously to that remark.
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I have never tried this. I once went into a games workshop near the telly shop I happened to be working in at the time to ask something or another and felt utterly bewildered, and to be honest, a little bit scared :S
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Gah, you sods. Now you've got me looking at the games workshop website. Why don't they support Tzeentch and Slaanesh anymore :(
User avatar
Mr Chris wrote:
For those who are interested, Megamek is an entertaining little online version of the full Battletech tabletop game. 's free too.

While we're at it Titans of Steel which was heavily influenced by Battleforce on the Amiga, itself a version of Battletech is available for free download as well.

Turn based goodness of all! :hat: The choice of Gentlemen.
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Played a bit of Spacehulk but loved painting the figures the most. Nurgle ftw!
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Not as much as I used to but still on the odd Saturday night with friends, beer and pizza.

Napoleonic (Archduke Charles FTW)
Warhammer Epic
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Warhammer 40K

.......god help me. I'm 34 years old.

And also, 'hello' to the forum. Room for one more refugee from WoS? ;)
User avatar
Does Space Hulk count? I've always put that in the 'board game' catagory.

Also - hello, and yes. Although there should be a test.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
Gah, you sods. Now you've got me looking at the games workshop website. Why don't they support Tzeentch and Slaanesh anymore :(

They don't? That's a bit shocking. Tzeentch were far more interesting that tedious old Khorne and as for Sla oh no *dies*

I used to play epic, W40K and finally Necromunda. I think I enjoyed Necromunda the most, because the battles were quicker and you could come up with ongoing leagues involving unlikely storylines with members of your little twelve man army getting knocked out. And it was cheaper. I gave up though because we all started watching John Woo films instead after about an hour of setting up and getting bored. Sold my sets for beer money to my younger cousin in the end. Don't miss it, but I had fun, and I was fairly good at painting those little figures.
User avatar
Hello and welcome, SM!

Epic 40k was brilliant. Until they fucked about with the rules fo rthe umpteenth time. GW had a harrible habit of updating the rules so that you had to replace all of your models. They also progressively made their paint smaller, more expensive, and with shitter caps so that it was more likely to dry out. They're a bunch of cunts, frankly.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
Gah, you sods. Now you've got me looking at the games workshop website. Why don't they support Tzeentch and Slaanesh anymore :(

Because the latter has tits and stuff, and no bugger can pronounce the former?

My friends gave up trying to work out how to say "Tzeentch" and just referred to him as "Carrot".
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Grim... wrote:
Does Space Hulk count? I've always put that in the 'board game' catagory.

Yes. It is also one of the best games ever. Kissyfur Trufax.
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Rodafowa wrote:
Because the latter has tits and stuff, and no bugger can pronounce the former?

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Sinister Minister wrote:
Not as much as I used to but still on the odd Saturday night with friends, beer and pizza.

Napoleonic (Archduke Charles FTW)
Warhammer Epic
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Warhammer 40K

.......god help me. I'm 34 years old.

And also, 'hello' to the forum. Room for one more refugee from WoS? ;)

Always room! Welcome and what not, Sinister Minister!

Never played Napoleonic, which is odd as it'd be the sort of thing just up my street. I was okay with the orcs in the epic, and utterly terrible as the Space Wolves in 40k, though I painted them very nicely. I think that's the reason why I gave up actually, I kept getting my arse handed to me by my mate Hardy, who was the Zhukov of the tabletop gaming world. I wouldn't have minded, but he didn't seem to care that much about winning. Gngh.
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"tseentch", for the love of god.
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Played WH/40K about 5 times I reckon, but it was always the backstory, artwork and painting the miniatures that really interested me. One day, when I'm bored and the flatmates are all elsewhere I'm going to order some whacking great big dragon or something and spend a weekend painting it up :nerd:
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I agree with Mr Chris.

(I had completely forgotten all about warhammery things, this is all quite scarily familiar when you talk about it though)
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Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Does Space Hulk count? I've always put that in the 'board game' catagory.

Yes. It is also one of the best games ever. Kissyfur Trufax.

/puts foot down

No way can Space Hulk be described as "Tabletop wargaming" rather than "board game".

It's that's on the list, so are Hero Quest and Space Crusade.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Does Space Hulk count? I've always put that in the 'board game' catagory.

Yes. It is also one of the best games ever. Kissyfur Trufax.

/puts foot down

No way can Space Hulk be described as "Tabletop wargaming" rather than "board game".

It's that's on the list, so are Hero Quest and Space Crusade.

Don't be soft. The SH corridor system is infinitely variable, and is basically a 2D version of tabletop terrain - I've seen people make up quite excellent 3D versions of it, too.

HQ and SC were just one board each. And had really stupidly simple rules.
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Still (very nearly) infinitely variable, though. Hero Quest rules were on par with Space Hulk, IMO (more complicated, in fact, as there were more monsters, treasure, traps, etc.).
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It's a printed floorplan on one board - no variation at all in "terrain".
A few years ago I got essentially tricked into playing tabletop D&D with one of my uber-nerd friends and can honestly say it was the most tedious night of my life. And yet the swine has the gall to call me a geek for loving my shooty shooty video games!
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Mr Chris wrote:
HQ and SC were just one board each. And had really stupidly simple rules.

What about AHQ? (I'd say roleplaying over wargaming for HQ anyway, regardless)
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Mr Chris wrote:
It's a printed floorplan on one board - no variation at all in "terrain".

Not so - you could use rock falls and door positions to modify the map, and make it all twisty turny. And a quick peek online shows that the HeroQuest rules are far more complicated than Space Hulk rules.
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Look - the main difference between SH on the one hand and SC/HQ on the other is that HQ/SC were wank, okay? Shush.
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Mr Chris wrote:
It's a printed floorplan on one board - no variation at all in "terrain".

Advanced HeroQuest had room and corridor tiles that could be arranged in yer average infinitely-variable fashion.

So did Advanced Space Crusade actually, but that's largely academic because it took so long to play a game of Advanced Space Crusade that by the time you'd finished the sun had burned out making it too dark to see who'd won.
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Nah, HQ was better than SH. Even the acronym is better. I wasn't that familiar with SC (but it's still the more complicated game).
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Also: I can't believe we're arguing about it :D
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EDIT - heh, indeed.
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So what is your stance on Blood bowl then (the bestest of all GW's games for minis)? Answer me that! :nerd:
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I never really liked Blood Bowl, but then I only played it once, against a cock that I'm sure changed the rules.
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I lurve the Chaos chapters. Big pointy fuck daemons rot and bile for the FUCKING win. My local book emporium is selling the Warhammer novels for 2spond fiddy each, bostin.
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I had a great Blood Bowl ogre, that was possibly the finest piece that I painted. Couldn't stand the game though.

Tabletop rather than board game, mind.
User avatar
Mr Chris wrote:
Hello and welcome, SM!

Epic 40k was brilliant. Until they fucked about with the rules fo rthe umpteenth time. GW had a harrible habit of updating the rules so that you had to replace all of your models. They also progressively made their paint smaller, more expensive, and with shitter caps so that it was more likely to dry out. They're a bunch of cunts, frankly.

You're not wrong. We binned the official rules after the 3rd (4th?) revision and stick to the 'Net Epic' rules which are very much in the spirit of the original.

They went far too kiddy friendly for my tastes.
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Ooh! Since I last looked at the GW site (6 years ago!) they now do include Slaaaaaanesh and Carrot.
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Morte wrote:
So what is your stance on Blood bowl then (the bestest of all GW's games for minis)? Answer me that! :nerd:

Which version of Blood Bowl are we talking about? The Warhammer-with-a-ball first edition, the second edition with the polystyrene pitch that always ended up in just one massive ruck in the middle, or the much-closer-to-American-Football third edition?

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
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I had a mate who played, though. The whole thing baffled me. I think he actually used to play against himself and award himself experience points, or something. I did play Hero Quest the board game, but it's not quite the same.

Didn't it have some kind of rival called Necromunda or something? Who knows, you nerdy, nerd nerds.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
I lurve the Chaos chapters. Big pointy fuck daemons rot and bile for the FUCKING win. My local book emporium is selling the Warhammer novels for 2spond fiddy each, bostin.

We (as in, my wife and I) have still got both of the Realm Of Chaos sourcebooks. They're excellently grundy, especially the Nurgle-Carrot one.
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