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Heh, I didn't have the sound on for that one. Great vid though.
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Openly weeps at memory of entertaining and boundary stretching TV:

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Pumpkin Dance!
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How to fly an aeroplane:

8) 8)
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It's like dominoes!

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What if the classic British sci-fi series were given modern trailers to promote them?

Blakes 7 Hollywood stylee:

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An Close Call

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Weird Danish Nazi Tellytubbies parody.
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Double You Tee Eff?

That is terribly unsatisfying. Who was it?
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I dunno. It wasn't me.
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It's like Paranormal Activity only with more activity and it's not paranormal.
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DavPaz wrote:
Who was it?
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Dimvinterblot wrote:

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How many fish heads?

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That was awesome. Almost as good as P.I.S.S.
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Good King Memorex - The BBC VT department Christmas tape 1979. There's about 50 minutes worth and its not safe for work. The first C word comes in at 1 minute 45 seconds and Sue Lawley says "fuck" at about 2 minutes 10. :-)
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I just laughed myself silly at that Star Trek vid. Good job it's 8:30am and there's no-one else here.

"I have a sheep... doing roofing... over at my house"
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Chinny, I thought for a second we were going to get Attenborough uttering a 'fuck', but it didn't happen. Shame.
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DavPaz wrote:
Chinny, I thought for a second we were going to get Attenborough uttering a 'fuck', but it didn't happen. Shame.

Back in the day seeing "Uncle" Frank Bough swear would have been shocking enough. Now of course we know as soon as the jumper came off he was wearing bondage gear and snorting coke.
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Is that Johnny Morris at 7:00 cos he was (from what I remember) ace.
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While we're talking amusing STNG remixes:

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Bear or Bust wrote:
Is that Johnny Morris at 7:00 cos he was (from what I remember) ace.

The elephant segment? Yes it is.
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This one is also quite good:

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#I watched all of that christmas tape thingy, and was amazed at how much effort went into it..
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Pundabaya wrote:
#I watched all of that christmas tape thingy, and was amazed at how much effort went into it..

You have to remember what a large and well resourced organisation the BBC was at this time. For many genres the 70's was a peak they've never topped.

I used to know one of the guys who appears in the video at one stage (in the Jimmy Saville scene). He told me that much of it was done out of hours as it wasn't a 24 hour operation back then. Because VT was such a large department it only took so many people lending a hand for a small amount of time to get it made.\

That said management got wind and the Christmas tapes were curtailed severely from 1980 onwards. 1979 was the last of the big ones. 1978's is also worth a look.

Also its interesting to see what performers also leant a hand. You've even got Suzi Quattro performing one of her songs in rehearsal for Top Of The Pops with alternate words provided by the VT department.

Michael Crawford presents the 1978 tape.
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Nostalgia trip: Its Cockleshell bay.
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Apparently what happens when you ask Muse to mime. I don't know how real it is, beyond reading the blurb.

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Ignore the first seven seconds, which are a bit odd.
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This is a real film. Er... I... Er...
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Is that the train from the Bond Film with the Volcano? It looks delightfully insane!
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That Machotaildrop looks ace... I think?!?
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video shows the winner of 2009's " Ukraine 's Got Talent", Kseniya
Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand
table showing how ordinary people were affected
by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which
admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch.

The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to
tears and she won the top prize of about

She begins by creating a scene showing a couple sitting holding hands on a
bench under a starry sky, but then warplanes appear and the happy
scene is obliterated.

It is replaced by a woman's face
crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again. Once again
war returns and Miss Simonova throws the sand into chaos from which a
young woman's face appears.

She quickly becomes an old
widow, her face wrinkled and sad, before the image turns into a
monument to an Unknown Soldier.

This outdoor scene becomes framed by a window as if the viewer is looking out on the
monument from within a house.

In the final scene, a mother and child appear inside and a man standing
outside, with his hands pressed against the glass, saying

The Great Patriotic War, as it is called in Ukraine , resulted in one in
four of the population being killed with eight to 11 million deaths
out of a population of 42 million.

An art critic said:"I find it difficult enough to create art using paper and pencils or
paintbrushes, but using sand and fingers is beyond me. The art,
especially when the war is used as the subject
matter, even brings some audience members to tears. And there's surely
no bigger compliment."

Very unusual and very clever I thought.
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Aye, Maninabra posted it on page 7. Why the woman isn't woyld faymuz I don't know.
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Dimrill wrote:
Aye, Maninabra posted it on page 7.

Oops! Sorry.

But yeah, I think it's pretty amazing.
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I likes the look of Machotaildrop.

I predict that Lord Rixondale will eye it with suspicion, on account of surrealist whimsy.
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NervousPete wrote:
I likes the look of Machotaildrop.

I predict that Lord Rixondale will eye it with suspicion, on account of surrealist whimsy.

You predict correctly, Sir. Surrealism should be reserved for paintings and David Lynch shoud be shot for crimes against cinema.
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Lord Rixondale wrote:
You predict correctly, Sir. Surrealism should be reserved for paintings and David Lynch shoud be shot for crimes against cinema.

Tch. Your wrong.

Worst party ever.
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Ashens New Show

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Team Fishcake present #3 in their series "Popular Songs summarised in 10 seconds"

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I could be so good for you:

Dennis Waterman hits the karaoke.
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I dread to think what went on in the taxi home with that lot...
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Remember TV listings when you were a kid? You'd see the bit at the bottom of the ITV listing that listed the regional variations and "TSW: 5.25 - Gus Honeybun"

Who was Gus Honeybun? Was he perhaps the presenter of a 5 minute local interview show shown before Blockbusters?

No.... he was a stuffed rabbit that gave birthday hops to kids.

BTW: This is worth watching for the cameos of 80's snacks.

Yes it's shit but it does reflect a localness and a focus on the audience that ITV have certainly abandoned. Poor old Gus will be turning in his grave at the current tat.
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I grew up with Gus as a child, and he was at a show I went to once. Also, I attacked his ship in Eve, it ended a failure on my part as he had a shieldboosted Ferox, and I couldn't cap him out.
NervousPete wrote:
This one is also quite good:


I want to like these as they are pretty funny. But a) I recognise which episodes most of clips are taken from which is distracting, b) the edits jump seasons so there's no continuity on things like uniforms and c) I'm a sad, old Trekkie. d) Help me.
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Beardyman - Beatbox meets 2 x Kaoss Pads + Mixer :metul: :metul: :metul:

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Awesome, isn't he
I love this one:
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You should have been there.

I am gay for Faith SFX doing Stand By Me.
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